tv [untitled] June 10, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT
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committee process and looking forward to working with the office of economic and workforce development to see how we can make this waterfront stadium a reality while respecting transit, public safety, and other needs of the neighborhood is in and this will create jobs for local san francisco residents. i also want to recognize my fellow supervisors who are co- sponsors of this resolution. i also wanted to recognize miguel marquez and congratulate him on his new appointment to judge. he is a remarkable attorney and individual human being and i'm excited to see not only someone of his level of caliber and understanding of the law and intelligence that someone who is compassionate about the
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community and i think that's a great addition for the state of california and i commend our governor for doing so. last, i want to mention that today is carlos garcia's official retirement party. after five years of working diligently to lead this district, i want to thank him for his time. while five years does not seem long, it's a long time for a superintendent and that's the commitment he made when i was sitting on the interviewing task force. not only has he fulfilled his commitment, but he worked hard to ensure leadership that will follow after him and to continue the work he is doing. the achievement gap is a the most pressing issue facing sfu sd. we have the widest achievement gap of any county in california.
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more importantly than just pointed out that fact, i appreciate this hearing will be about how the city can work to collaborate with the school district on closing the gap and i would like to be a co-sponsor for that hearing. one thing i will say about carloses that for the first time during his tenure, we actually narrowed the achievement gap for the first time in the school district's history and i think that's an important accomplishment. unfortunately, the gap is wide and a lot of work needs to be done. even with the limited resources, leadership has made an effort toward narrowing the gap would need to figure out how we can partner with the school district to close what is not just an achievement gap, but what is an opportunity gap. supervisor campos: there has
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been a proposal to transfer some of the human-rights responsibilities to the office of city administrator office of work-force development. i'm simply calling for a hearing on that matter without necessarily providing an opinion about that, just making sure the public is aware of what specifically is being proposed and what is going to happen. how we do contract in and how it impacts on local businesses and enterprises, it's really important. we want to make sure as any change happens that the public is aware of what that changes and we look the word to the opportunity of hearing from the folks who brought that proposal forward.
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i ask that that matter be referred to the rules committee. >> it that concludes will call for introductions. president chiu: thank you. why do we go to general public comment. >> the excite on the agenda is the opportunity for the public to address the board, generally for up to two minutes with in the subject matter jurisdiction, including items on the adoption without reference to the committee calendar. please note that public comment is not allowed on those items already subject to a board committee. speakers using translators assistance will be allowed twice the amount time to testify. if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please clearly state such and remove the document when you like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: let's hear from our first speaker. >> [speaking for language]
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egyptian guide, last saturday we have received bad news. the former president of egypt should be in jail the rest of his life. what life is going to be, this monkey man. he steal my money, he steal our money, and he killed 1000 innocent people in my country, men and women. i am not happy for what they did to him. i wish he can hang up or shooting him by gun to let him die and to go to the health. that i asked, and that i hope to see something like that. yes. we have a lot of people with courage like me, 2 million
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people t inahrir square ask to repeat his decision is not right. we need him to die and we need him also to be with his son to the hell. they steal billions of dollars for my country and my people for themself. that is the country -- no country in the world worry about him than israel. i wish he'd go to the health sooner or later. that is my opinion. thank you. president chiu: thank you, next speaker. >> don't give money to friends of the library, don't accept money from the friends of the library.
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part of the damage done to our democracy by privatization of our society is the lack of accountability is shocking. as you well know, the friends of the san francisco public library in a commitment that it would raise $16 million for the branch library improvement program. when it was pointed out the library's own reports showed the friends had only raised -- donated $870,000, the library administration started trying to find a way to pad the figures. the department of public works claims it can account for $3.6 million. the library itself claims there is another $5.1 million donated by the friends. the library admits it has no documentation to support that $5.1 million figure and is simply taking the french word for it. the problem is for the last 10 years we have had reports from the california state attorney
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general, we know the friends had income of $35.7 million in this time. can you imagine any other institution in the city or private organization is given a license to sell naming opportunities in 24 city-owned facilities and no one knows what happened to the money? not only that no one in the mayor's office or on the board of supervisors will ask them to account for that money because you know they don't have an answer. in fact, the board of supervisors is mounting a counterattack against sunshine laws and open government because you don't want citizens to know how badly they're being ripped off. it's not just the benefits in society foot to private interests, but the truth is that democracy has to be destroyed in order to do it. that's why the lies cost more than the money. [tone] president chiu: thank you. next speaker.
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>> a good afternoon. my name is alan jones. sf49er fan revolt. common sense tells me not to give somebody a break on their $6 million lease when they took $8 billion project of the area. hypocrisy tells me that if this board is so upset with the way san francisco -- the 49ers left san francisco, you don't do to oakland what was done to you. i'm very appalled at the fact that city hall is becoming a sanctuary for hypocrisy.
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this is not france -- this is not san francisco. this is san francisco politics. as i said before, there will not be a host city role for san francisco. i cannot understand why i send messages and get no return phone calls when i'm making sense. you don't give somebody a break who turned their back on it. but you might as well to be saying to me shut up you crippled nigger faggot. >> next speaker please. >> let me address the point the previous speaker made. what he said he very clearly was he is a citizen of that this
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united states of america, a good constituent of san francisco and knows what he's talking about, but you so-called representative, when he reaches out to you, you do not reach out to him. i am saying that because you need to understand that here in san francisco, we have reached a point that politics is not the politics that was before, where there was some good representation and when constituents came to city hall they were respected. having said that, i saw something in the city hall a long time ago where a developer who harmed our children and our community presented some people jumping all over the place with a $7.3 million check.
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let me tell you something about hunters point. only partial a has been conveyed. it's the most contaminated area and still belongs to the navy. the navy needs to clean that. you supervisors if you understand something about quality of life issues, he must do everything in your power to see that the navy claimed that the shipyard according to proposition be. we just had the voting today about this, that, and the other thing. it's going to give us some clues as to what's going to happen in the future. but as the media is saying, but turnout has been very, very, very, very poor. because there is too much pitting one against the other. [tone] president chiu: thank you, next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, board of supervisors. a new movie coming out is really good. ♪ spider-man, spider-man does whatever a spider can ♪ ♪ spins a web, any size. ♪ go see the amazing spider-man. ♪ here comes spider-man. and it's graduation time. ♪ you think someone who has taken you from crayons to the stars. ♪ it isn't easy but i will try ♪ ♪ if you want the moon, i will
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ride across the sky in letters that will soar a thousand feet high ♪ ♪ down the road and i looked and the city looks pretty ♪ ♪ board of supervisors and i'm not kidding ♪ it's good to touch the green green grass of city home ♪ ♪ it's good to touch the green, green grass of home ♪ thank you. president chiu: thank you.
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next speaker. >> my name is eugene gordon jr.. this is to the announcer -- sometime journalist practitioners on television -- found on stations complement's of the u.s. of a social culture bound to monopoly, outspoken for capital currency and right to surround planet earth sovereign nations in defense of its interests and exasperation of understanding schooling languages and has a pronounced as intent then compare social culture language intent to
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actresses, actors, while impacting theatrical stage performance scripted to social cultural life and or fiction where to inflexion to language can stimulate chosen moments addressing revelation of content. to means of social cultural expression, one media daily news report they didn't calendar. to theatrical staging of social cultural events meant to entertain and language inflections. as constitutional written, we the people, scripted these long short tail [unintelligible] practicing circles of frauds and treats so the protest remains the processor for bertha wright issues, we the people witness federal $1 portrait george washington african negro slave owner, racist, chauvinist,
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some good things i heard today regarding banks and foreclosures. i am current on my home alone, however yesterday, i sent each of you an e-mail at about 5:00 at outlining more information about why i am here and it has the subject line -- public comment, personal, second tuesday, june 5, 2012. i have been denied three times mortgage assistance from bank of america since i lost my job in 2009. i'm currently unemployed and on state disability. i have followed all the steps outlined of the office of housing web page regarding for closures. currently, i'm appealing the last decision made by bank of america. keep your home california is a federally funded program designed for people like me. i would like to participate and work directly with the keep your home california team, however, bank of america has chosen to
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opt out. i live in district 5 and i don't want to be another casualty of foreclosure. the fact is only about 11% of the people who apply for mortgage assistance to help. i confirmed this with the bank officer last wednesday when i met her in person at her san mateo office. if i can't get my loan in that amount where i can manage, i will end up walking away and losing all the money i have invested. also, the city of san francisco will be out 105,000 as i purchased a condo with the help of the mayor's office of housing and city second loan program. bank of america was the only choice i was given when i applied for and received my loan to the mayor's office of housing. my first choice was my local bank. [tone] president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker.
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>> hello, board of supervisors. i spoke with you a few weeks ago about digital city in san francisco. i want to share with you some of the project for people are integrating technology throughout the city. i am a member of the south of market area, district 6. i'm working there to do -- i lead a team doing a knurl project in between fifth and howard and mission. the purpose is to bring together the artists and people from the community and after-school programs and sustainable designers and technologists to do a community improvement project.
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what we plan to do is develop what will be known as an augmented reality mural. the artists will be collaborating with architecture for humanity, san francisco chapter and working with local artists and others in the area where they will paint the mural and using a free mobile app, they can access this and when the camera sees the mural, it will play a video that tells the story behind a project and we will update that with additional video and footage to share. it's something that i quickly wanted to share with you about how san francisco is starting to really integrate the digital with the real world. we're working with the building owners and others so i expect to have this soon and other augmented reality murals in the area as well. thank you. president chiu: next speaker.
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>> good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is thomas and i u.s. army veteran. -- i'm a u.s. army veteran. the medical cannabis committee crafted and passed the following letter to be voted on and supported by the task force. this is intended not only for relevance to the agency's but our own communities, medical cannabis businesses and collectives. san francisco prides itself on being a sanctuary city, however this about the case for one major population -- the medical cannabis community veterans. federal law supersedes state laws and veterans are caught in the middle. one major obstacle for veterans safe access is they cannot use or have cut their medicine in federal housing. locally, are sick and live law's
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targets are homeless veterans. nationally, on a given night, there are 107,000 veterans that are homeless. this is rising every day. our veterans who admit to be medical cannabis patients are being labeled addicts by our cities and by veterans' hospital. even worse, our committee heard testimony of veterans being denied their psychiatric madison's and coming forth about their medical cannabis use. the suicide rate for returning veterans is sky high. a discount price on the market rate medical cannabis has not been proven helpful to low- income veterans who cannot afford their medicine. therefore, they have resolved that veterans who can afford their medical cannabis should -- you cannot afford the medical cannabis should be permitted to receive compassion care, free medical campus, at least once a
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week. currently, only a handful of collectives -- [tone] president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is james ward and i'm also a veteran. today was election day and there are some people here i voted for, jane and david. i get a little frustrated because the campus task force doesn't help us but runs out. we have been put behind. every time we have something come up -- i've been applying to be a member of the veterans committee for three months and it keeps getting tabled. we want a voice. recently, the legislation became law on memorial day really hurt us. the federal government says we're going to enforce federal laws and as veterans are prone to the side.
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all my life, the va has called me an addict, and i'm not an addict. i'm a patient. i've never broken any other law in my life. i have been an upstanding citizen and i am getting a little tired of not being heard. that is what does the trends are looking for. we're looking for you board of supervisors to hear us and what we want to have some legislation that says let's go with the state laws that allow this and let the veterans in those states partaken of medical cannabis. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i'm a retired veteran as well as being -- my father was in the korean war and i have a son that participated in two wars at the age of 26 and 27. i am presently on the veterans committee meeting, i of voter,
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but it took me five months to be seated on the veterans committee and i was born and raised in san francisco. saddened by the national policy putting profits before the entrance. i'm looking forward to working with the board and the supervisors on getting the veterans the help we need, especially the females as well as male veterans. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> hello, ladies and gentlemen of the board. i'm probably the youngest veteran here. i have served this country for almost eight years before i got a dishonorable discharge. some of the stuff i did was probably not up to code. but some of these that do need medical cannabis to prevent them
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from doing anything stupid when they get here stateside, whether they suffer from pst or whatever the case may be, i hope this may help you settle this discrimination. thank you very much. president chiu: next speaker. >> a good afternoon, board of supervisors. i'm a member of the marijuana oversight committee as well as -- i have several members with military backgrounds, including one uncle that committed suicide because of posttraumatic stress. it distresses me that our own task force cannot support this it distresses me that our own task force cannot support this
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