tv [untitled] June 11, 2012 6:00am-6:30am PDT
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for more information, visit that out and play and get into the groove. rec and parks offers dance classes for seniors. first-time beginners or lifetime enthusiasts -- all are welcome. enjoy all types of music. latins also, country and western. it is a great way to exercise while having lots of fun. seniors learn basic moves and practice a variety of routines. improve your posture, balance, and flexibility. it is easy.
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get up on your feet and step to the beat. senior dance class is from sf rec and park. a great way to get out and play. >> for more information,supervi, and welcome to the transbay joint powers authority board of directors meeting on thursday, may 10. i apologize for my tardiness. roll call please. >> directors metcalf and sartipi are absent.
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madam chair, you do have a quorum. any communications today from any borders? seeing no new and old business, going to the executive director's business report. >> good morning, everyone. on april 263 received a letter acknowledging our status as the new member of the member program that caltrans has established to increase architecture in the bay area and public transportation. we were very honored to receive the award. we work very hard to facilitate small business entry into our projects, so receiving that award was really appreciated. we will hear an update in a moment on the construction progress, but i wanted to mention on the design, we are working to finalize construction
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documents by this fall. i wanted to give that the board of update on the bid we have issued. on april 3 we issued the grounding system did, and it will be due on may 17. we expect by may 14 to issue the grade structure as well. that is a large build. this would be do about july 7. i will have bought packages anbn that. >> thank you. just a little update on the packages we have on the street right now and the packages we are about to put out. maria mentioned we have put out two packages. one is geothermal piping, and the other is the grounding
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package. these are relatively small packages, but it is worth -- work we want to integrate with the work of the integration while they are on site. we have a layering of activity that is going on where the buck to shoring and excavatitress shn will be completed. the work of the grounding will go in, and the subcontractor will install a mud that slab, which is a new structural concrete slab at the bottom of the excavation. and that will be the structure that the subcontractor will come in and build the train box on top of. the geothermal package includes to being that will be part of the geothermal system.
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we are using the geothermal system to provide supplemental cooling and healing as a way to utilize the ground water or roundtable on top of the transit center as basically a large heat source so that we can run -- rather than having cooling centers, we can run at the warm water down below this lab. it will cool off in the moist earth underneath the mat slab and bring it back up. that is about $1.5 million. that is to install the tubing. also, the grounding package will be installed that will ultimately be tied into the electrical system beneath the mudslide, and then brought up along the shoring walls so they
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can be integrated into the exterior wall and come into the building. the larger package is the substructure package. this is the build out that the concrete portions of the train box. the mat slab at the bottom of the building, and then the concrete walls that come up the perimeter of the trained box, as well as the structural systems of the platform level and slab of concourse level. i have an image on the next slide that will illustrate all of that. the other key component of the substructure is the waterproofing system that will go between the walls of the transit center in the existing shoring wall and will be placed on top of the mud slab before the installation of of we areba. just graphically to illustrate
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the substructure package, two weeks ago we closed the last segment of the shore in wall, so that it is part of the bse contract, and that is what allows us to enclose our excavation site, because the water level is so close, the shoring wall, which has a waterproofing compound in it already, and then it goes down into the old clay layer of soils and gives us an enclosed envelope or bathtub we can then dewater. the same high water table has an effect on the completed structure at the end where rather than having piles to support our building, because we are going so deep below grade, we need to have tie downs to
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resist uplift from the water table, trying to make the entire transit center flow. the excavation contract will be installing 1800 tie downs to give us additional resistance from the water table. >> are the tie downs little? >> they are like piles, but rather than rejoicing los down words, the grip it to the earth and soil to act as friction against up left. >> what about earthquakes? >> they do not have as much of an earthquake function. they do not have a specific role in earthquake forces. >> it is then at this point that
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the geothermal and grounded work will be installed before the contractor installs the mud slide. -- slab. the sub structure package will begin at this point with the installation of the concrete slab. it will capture and integrate the tie downs into the structure of the building. the contractor will build a concrete grilles. the slab of concrete in the walls coming up the perimeter. that will be the completion of the substructure package. the columns on the real concourse level up to the ground level is transition from a
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concrete structure to a still structure. although we talk about the superstructure package, which will be the next major package next fall, it actually starts at the royal concourse level, because we are stretching from -- switching from concrete construction to the steel construction of the building. that will be the substructure package we will put out next week. >> a few questions. the work that is going out now, the 1.6 grounding and the geothermal -- is there reason that was not included in the contract that is literally surrounded by the bse work. >> part of it is the timing of the development of the design. we are moving through the design process. it could be integrated, but we
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wanted to spend more time on the development of the geothermal system, so it was issued as a separate package. it is a specialty scope. we would probably be dealing with the same relatively small pool contractors. >> the tie downs, is it likely the number and actual steps of each one could vary based on actual conditions, and how you manage that? >> the contractor is given the performance characteristics -- it is performance-based in terms of the uplift, and each tied down that is installed it is tested. each one is tested so that we
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will be determining, and that they need to modify the design based on early test results, they can do that. >> that risk is all borne by the contractor? >> yes. >> is there any level of recycled content? >> we are not on the concrete at this point. one of the concerns with the below grade structure is shrinking and packagcracking. this tends to be more absorptive, which can lead to more cracking, which at this point we're not using recycled concrete. >> the last question. what kind of outreach have you done or will he do to get solicited interest in the $77 million package? >> we have already pre-
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qualified. we have five contractors pre- qualified for the package at this point. we have been doing additional of reach for small and disadvantaged subcontractors package. >> thank you. >> think you. ank you. >> of those pre-qualified, are they from the area or outside? >> they are all relatively large contractors, so they have significant local preferences, but because of the scale of this, they are contractors that work throughout california and nationally even. >> in addition to sending out weekly e-mails to the public community residents and businesses and anyone who wants to be on the mailing list, we also have a number of community meetings to inform the public
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with what is happening. to report on that we have scott diehl. >> good morning, directors. we have two community are reached meetings. the first one will be on may 21 at 5:30 at tpja's offices. our program management team will present on the design of the facility and coordination efforts with caltrans. we are inviting all of the neighbors to solicit their input and feedback. that will be may 21 at 5:30 p.m. our second meeting this month is a regularly-scheduled community are reach meeting. also, we will provide an update on construction and the project. that means it is open to the
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public and an opportunity for members of the public to ask any questions they have on the project. the of a quick update, we did send out a quarterly newsletter. as we reported, we have initiated a quarterly newsletter that is going out to all of the supporters and everyone involved with the project. >> great. steve is out of town today, so bob will present the construction update. >> thank you. just to give you an update on the work that has occurred over the past month on the transit center project, we did have won it regrettable accident as last month -- one recordable accident this past month. an employee who was doing the shoring wall installation had a
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slip and fall and hit a piece of equipment as he fell, which resulted in him needing to get stitches, but not any lost time. that was an unfortunate incident, but fortunately a minor one. we did complete the work, which was the shoring wall construction. the weekend before that, fremont street was close to install the shoring wall, and that was the last section that went in, as i mentioned earlier. they have demobilized the equipment and more focused on the excavation process. now at over 280,000 craft hours completed today, with 20,000 over the past period. on tehe butress, we have
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completed 76 of the shafts, roughly one-third of the total. and we have been averaging 3 per week. the target when we started was 2.5. there was a learning curve at the beginning, but now the subcontractor is really hitting their stride on the progression. we are hopeful we may see an early completion, if we're able to maintain the level of productivity. in zone one, i will have images, but the contractor continues to install the bracing and wheeler system, as well as started construction of the trestle system that will be the working platform, not only for the excavation site contractor -- subcontractor, but the primary
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platform as direction of this do as we go forward. the utility side of things, the last of our utility contracts is working on a.w.s.s. work around the perimeter of the site, harvard and at mission streets. that work is ongoing now. -- howard and mission street. here is the timeline for the buttress shoring work. the buttress is about one-third of the way through production. i will talk to you about it in a little bit, but over memorial day weekend we will be installing the first of three traffic bridges. this one will be on first street, so that will be the roadway that carries traffic across the excavation site during the course of construction.
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those will continue through fremont street and labor day weekend and on veterans day weekend we will do feel streebee street. the excavation and racing is well under way on the west end of this site. supervisor kim: we have a question from a director. >> refresh my memory. it was supposed to be completed 2017? >> yes. >> when we start the actual construction of buildings? here you are still excavating them. and it bracibracing. >> the excavation will actually be complete at the west end of this site in zone 01 in 2013, roughly a year from now, a little less. that is when we will start
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constructing the substructure laup. the excavation at the east end of the site is what is going to extend as far asbecause we havet the budget before we excavate. when we bring in the bring in the it structure across the east end, and when we do that structural steel, we will start in the middle of the building and work in both directions so that as we bring the steel across we will be bringing the substructure up in the eastern zone and then be able to continue as they move across it. >> where is the bus terminal? is it in the east or west, zone 1, down two, or what? rex it covers the -- >> it covers the eastern side. the bus back level runs from the
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zone one of a way to the east end in zone four. >> you think sometime in 2014 we will start seeing little walls going up? >> by 2014 we should be completing the substructure in zone 1. made in 2014 we will start the steel erection. by the end of 2015, the superstructure should be topping out. the structural steel should be complete. >> thank you. >> and i can work with steve and we can incorporate -- you know, it has been awhile since we have shown the overall schedule. we can incorporate that into the future presentation as well. >> i appreciate that. >> this kind of just shows our overall site, the west end, and zones 1 and two.
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these -- the excavation is under way. the first cross level being is going in. we are now preparing for the second level of racing at the far end. the trestle system is -- the installation is beginning. and the purple portion is the buttress construction in progress. here in zone four, we have a couple of images. the current image, we have taken it from the opposite side. where the march image looks from the east end of the facility toward fremont street, the updated photograph is looking from the main center zone three of the transit center toward beale street. you do not necessarily see the progress it and activity there, but we are working on the buttress.
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the shafts are all constructed below grade and then as we excavate down, we will excavate three those. the other thing that we started last week, the contractor has started working three of the drilling rigs simultaneously. we had previously been working two, so that may take the production of further. but there is a limited duration on which they will be able to work three rigs simultaneously because of the congestion within the site. eventually, they will have to go back to working two rigs. but they're looking at getting additional incremental progress while they have that flexibility. this shows in green olive be buttressed shaft that have been completed to date. the three yellow ones are those that have are in progress. this week, we are working with three rigs. but you can see that a certain
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point in time, as the badgers can -- the back risk -- buttressed becomes completed, the three rigs will be able to work simultaneously. and some of our progress photos, the individual in the orange on the right hand image is one of our geode-technical engineers who is on site. he is certifying each shaft has reached bedrock and is completed. he is out there and as the contractor completes each shaft, whether it is evening, early mornings, whenever time of day so that they can begin the concrete floor. -- pur. the central and western zones, we refer to that sound as sometimes zone 3. at its fremont and first street. and then west of first-rate barzun's two and one.
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-- of fremont street are zones 2 and 1. all of those teams have gone into the shoring wall. the blue ridge, which is still in the image on the right has now been demobilized and moved off the project site. this area in zone 3, the contractor is now set up, prefabricating the steel structure of the bridge that is going to go in on first street. zones 1 and 2, use the that angle corner bracing and the beginnings of the trestle system coming in from howard street and then coming down to the access of the station. that is going to be topped with 12 by 12 would and timbers,
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which will be working platform for the cranes that will be operating on top of that system. and here, you see in zone 1, the contractor is actually now moving down below the first level of bracing to continue excavation and has progressed that to the point where they are starting to install some of the whalers, which are the horizontal steel beams that get well that the -- get well that directed -- directly to the shoring wall of steel. >> those are temporary? >> yes. the contractor has estimated that we have more temporary activation than we will have more -- then we will have permanent steel in the final structure, just to resist the forces. this is an image of the bridge piles going in on first street. this is to support the temporary
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traffic bridge. they're going down the concrete piles to support the temporary price -- traffic bridge. they also support the abutments at the excavation, the concrete abutment that to -- that tie into the shoring wall and will support that construction of the bridge. again, some slides of the cds wall project construction, as we just completed at two weeks ago. and the aws work going in on howard street. we will be button in this up next week, so that when data breakers comes through, we do not have any conflicts are hazards. all of the excavation will be back filled and paved. in terms of our budget and commitments to date, all you can
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see that we have about two hundred $50 million in current commitments, $85 million incurred to date. and with the packages that we described earlier, that is roughly $80 million more that we will be looking to commit between now and the end of the year with those bids. >> that's current budget mean camp -- mean projected budget at completion? >> yes. >> right now, we're running a little under? >> yes. >> -- >> yes. the phase one project status, this is perhaps more detail than we will try to bring back next month where we can't show you how the work is going to unfold over the course -- we can show you how the work is quite to unfold over the course of the construction. in terms of the bay area labor, we have now over two hundred
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80,000 kraft hours worked, 180,000 of that, or 64%, has been bay area local labor. and you have the regional bank -- breakdown by san francisco, east bay, north bay, and south bay. >> what is "other"? what is that from? other locations, the source of labor. >> that is the non-bay area. the first four lines account for the 180,000 in bay area labor. the other, the non-bay area, a lot of that comes from central valley or sacramento, or areas that we would be considering beyond
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