tv [untitled] June 14, 2012 6:30am-7:00am PDT
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presented the award for excellence in alternative dispute resolution practices. in addition to the award, the supervisors, the president, david chiu, who was present at the luncheon, presented a certificate of honor, which i will hold up. this was signed by all 11 members of the board of supervisors, and then finally, a senator's office was represented in presented us with a senate certificate of recommendation from the senator. in presenting the award, the community board's executive director cited the important community-building work the mediation program does by providing a forum for citizens to learn about how the
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department works and four officers to speak directly with citizens and to understand their perceptions and concerns. president mazzucco and donna salazar and one of armenians, and who are out in the audience, where present at the event, and ms. salazar receive the award -- donna salazar and one of our mediators, who are out in the audience. ms. salazar, she nearly doubled our mediation to 46 in 2007. in 2011, the occ conducted 61 mediations. last year, we mediated the same cases.
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as a mediation program has been nationally recognized, and it is heartwarming that the senator on behalf of the state senate and president david chiu on behalf of the board of supervisors recognized the program. the success of this program is attributable to the investigators to identify the cases for mediation to ms. salazar, who is out in the audience, leaving -- leads the mediation program, and to the association, which encourages the members to participate. finally, are pro bono mediation program works through the assistance of the san francisco bar association as well as community boards. i would like to now give ms. salazar an opportunity to speak about the war and the program.
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-- about the award and the program. >> thank you, director hicks, deputy cashman, and i want to thank the department from the opposite is down, and i am glad that deputy chief cashman is here. he is mike doty. i want to thank the poa -- he is my go to. the trainers that do the training for them, the staff, the bar association, for helping me recruit great mediators. and finally the staff at the occ, good to find the cases for us, and we have an amazing panel of mediators, though are the
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boots on the ground. [applause] and i just want to say that we are so grateful for the recognition, and thank you so much. president mazzucco: i wanted to say that i was fortunate because director hicks was at her son's wedding, and i got to sit in, and i have to say, it was an experience. it was called conflict revolution, and i met some of our mediators, our volunteers, and it is incredible, that our officers are sitting down and complaining about the conduct and telling both sides have a feel about it, and they are explaining why they do something, and then why they feel bothered by that. it is an incredible, incredible
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experience, and donna salazar is just a special person, and the fact is, you talk about conflict resolution, the event was sponsored by the san francisco police officers association, one of the sponsors of the event, sponsoring the occ, and hearing from our mediators, it was just great, and the guest speaker is a well known conflict resolution expert. for example, the presidential debate. if we did not have a debate, when they sat down with a mediator to talk about what they had in common and what they need to do, it was an eye opener. and for you, director, doing this mediation and the work you have done, donna salazar, the work that you have done and the work that the police department has done, this was a huge, huge effort, and i want to thank all of you. anything further?
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commissioner kingsley? commissioner kingsley: this means a lot to me, and i would like to give my congratulations to them and everybody else who works to make this program so successful, and you very much deserve to be excellent and the recognition, and it is very heartening to see the collaborative effort of the various organizations and components of the city to make it happen, and so i am happy to hear all of that recognition that is occurring tonight. i am glad we had an opportunity at this commission meeting to make that public and talk more about this program, and just as a small footnote, hopefully, if there are a lot of press releases that have gone out on this, to as many places as
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possible, but also to the website. the recognition of this can be highlighted in some ways so that people continue to hear more about the recognition and the excellent program that the occ has in their mediation program, so congratulations. >> thank you very much, president mazzucco and commissioner kingsley. your suggestion of placing some things on the website, we will certainly do that. we are waiting for some of those press releases. so thank you, and thank you, ms. salazar, and again, to the pro bono mediators, i thank you from the bottom of my mark for all of the work that you do.
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ok, moving on to the more mundane but very important, complains that the occ receive from may 1 through may 31, we received 54 cases, two less than we received during the same period last year, when we received 66 cases. in may, investigators closed more cases than they opened. they closed 84 cases, and this is just an example of what we can have happened when we are staffed up. the occ has 321 cases as of today, 317 pending cases or less, compared to 401 pending cases as of june 6 last year, and, again, as i said, on june 20, i will have the report in writing, so it will be more detail. mediating, something that ms. salazar has been shooting for ever since she has been our
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mediation coordinator in 2007, the occ immediate 10 cases in may, and that is 12% of the cases that we closed -- the occ mediated 10 cases. we received three complaints. moving to the comptroller said the post audit. as many of you know, the office of citizen complaint was audited by the audit division and released a report in early 2007, prior to my tenure with the occ. the report had 45 recommendations, 41 of which were the occ's responsibility to improve, and what the city's services on a division does, once they conduct an audit, they will wait a year or two and then come back and see what progress the department has made, and
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they did a post audit in 2009. we have accomplished many of the recommendations in 2009, but in 2011, when we heard from the city services auditor again, i reported to them that with the exception of two recommendations, which i believe we did not need to implement, we had in mind five years, or i should say four years of the rector, we had achieved all of them, except for two, which we felt were unnecessary, and i am happy to announce that the six items that the auditor focused on, they found that there was full compliance from the office of citizen complaints, said that means that maybe in another year or two, they will come back
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again and do another post audit, but for right now, everything is in place, and i want to thank my staff for all of their hard worked in achieving these accomplishments, and again, i will report in more detail on this with my first-quarter report that i will deliver on the 20th. now, moving to extremely happy news, about the occ budget, on may 31, the mayor released his proposed budget for consideration by the board of supervisors. in the proposed budget, the occ took no cuts, and our budget was enhanced by the addition of two investigators, who we can hire in september, and while i advocated for five additional positions, i am extremely appreciative in these tight budget times. we are working with staff to make sure we are closer in
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compliance with the best practices caseload, and while i am extremely appreciative, i will continue to stress in this order of priority the occ needs for additional positions, first another attorney, said an and information systems business analyst to support the one that we have, and then finally a supervising investigator. and i believe that concludes my report. president mazzucco: well, thank you, director hicks. that is good. but at that you can hire two investigators, the mary understands that a strong occ means a strong police department, so once again, thank you for that, and commissioners who lobbied for that, thank you. the numbers are great. the men and women that are getting the cases brought to a
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resolution, again, it is better than the officers have these cases dealt with sooner than not, some i thank you for that. commissioners? commissioner dejesus? commissioner dejesus: we did not approve your budget either, so i want to thank those who stood together. i want to commend the mayor and the board of supervisors and the community for recognizing that and for doing the right thing, and you go forward and continue to add more people, but the fact that they did what they did, and they increased the academy classes in your two new investigators, that is great, and i want to say that when i first started here, the occ did not have the recognition it has now. this is really wonderful. kudos to all of you, all of you in the program, and the poa and all of those participating, it
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is a wonderful program. >> thank you, and i again want to thank this commission for being the strongest advocate for the office of citizen complaints and also for recognizing our staffing needs and being very clear about what it takes to get the job done, so thank you. vice president marshall: it is great you got a couple more investigators. it is one thing to lobby, it is another thing -- i do not know if we yelled louder or what, but there are certain things that came together that allowed the board and the mayor to increase. everybody is happy about that. thank you. we will take it. i know you will take it. >> absolutely.
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president mazzucco: thank you, director hicks. inspector monroe, could you please call line item 2c. secretary monroe: item 2c, the commission reports. president mazzucco: as we said previously, pulte we could not have a meeting. we apologize to those who were affected by that, but notwithstanding that, we have been really, really busy. we started last week, we had a meeting which was essentially the medal of valor ceremony. for those of you watched it on sf gov tv, it was an unprecedented ceremony, not just
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because of attendance but because we gave out six medals of honor. i have never seen that before, and i heard from the chief that that was unheard of. we awarded nine bronze medals and others, so what we saw in the presentation was incredible heroism of the men and women of the san francisco police department. it was actually unbelievable what we heard about. we thank them, their families, and them and what they are. i just want to stay for the record tonight that it was an incredible, emotional ceremony, where some of the family members were hearing for the first time what their family members had done, and my quick speech, the funny thing is every officer asked when we do this review, and they are called in front of the command staff about what they did, the only thing you hear from them is, "i was just doing my job." they are risking their lives, so we appreciated.
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and i would be remiss if i did not think the police association for lobbying for the classes, and i know another was present, along with the fire commission, so, again, this was a collaborative effort, and that was great. we had a conflict resolution meeting, and i was very proud of the occ. i was very proud of the commission, because we are doing something different. does not have to be my word versus your work. it was really rewarding. so those are the things that i have to report. so it has been busy despite not having a meeting. commissioners? anything to mad -- add? commissioner lufty? commissioner lufty: it was
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incredible to hear that. somebody not paying their muni fair, ending up with a very dangerous situation, so i would encourage anyone who did not watch it on sf gov tv to go back and watch them and their service. two of the officers who won the gold medal were actually recognized statewide for their service, and that was officer greg from -- officer griffin and another, so i want to give them particular recognition. i was also able to ride along in southern station. i took advantage of not having a wednesday night meeting, and i was able to see two things that i was able to report back on. one is the officers are implementing the new web-based police reporting system at the
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station, and the feedback i got was positive, and change is hard, and technology can sometimes be very frustrating, so there was positive feedback on that role of, so that was good to see. i was also able to catch a training that sergeant espinosa did on pursuit and department policy, and that was great to see, too, the fact that the trainee is ongoing. he did a really great job, and then finally, surprising to me, it should not have been, at an event last night for the domestic violence consortiums, there was an event for some groups that serve victims -- three of domestic violence in the city and works collaboratively, there was a small event for this group, and when i went to attend, there was a commander from the san francisco police department, a captain, a handful of sergeants, and lieutenants who worked juvenile cases now and do not work them anymore but have a
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real compassion for the victims and the war, so i just want to pass this on to chief suhr, they were particularly recognized by the at the seat -- advocacy community for been partners in these cases that were difficult to investigate, and that was a wonderful thing to see that community work. president mazzucco: thank you very much, commissioner loftus. commissioner chan? commissioner chan: there was a scam involving some elderly chinese women, and it looks like they may be wanted in other states for a similar thing, and i really appreciate them inviting me to the conference and giving me to speak. i got to speak in cantonese. sorry for any mistakes in cantonese, but i think it is important to get victims of crime to come forward and to reach out to them in their own
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language in a culturally appropriate way, and understand that it took a lot of work to get that to happen. congratulations to the department for that. president mazzucco: well, thank you. i can see we have been pretty busy. commissioners, any other items? a, let's call line item 2 >> inspector monroe? >> sir, next week on june 13, there will be no meeting. we'll be back here on june 20. and on june 27, will be in the tenderloin for community meeting at 2 01 church street, 6:00 p.m.. commissioner marshall: we have a disciplinary matter? i can't remember. >> yes, we do.
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>> the full commission. >> was there something else? they haven't heard it, yet. ok, by the full commission? >> and that is the night when the entire -- >> with reference to a future commission meeting items, we heard from the crime lab union representative today. it is a calendar item, so we can do it without violating the rules. i am glad that the chief is on top of it, but the issues that we heard about are quite alarming. >> some of the updates i got in
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the chronological record reflect there has been progress in the last few days, so if you schedule something 30 days out, we get a detailed update to hopefully resolve the issue. one of the union representatives slid to me a note prior to that asking for communication on the issue. we will have an ongoing dialogue and tomorrow morning. >> i appreciate that. as police commission, we liaison with the community but the other concerns are to help the well- being of officers and employees. when can we calendar this for review? >> [inaudible] >> that would be great. >> the 11 or 18 of july.
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>> is there anything else that you like to add for consideration? >> and this might be something that is already on the calendar, but i see that we have here report and a letter from the human rights commission on disproportion that are arrest rates of african-americans in several it is. there are disproportionately arrest rates and we also have a letter from the human rights commission asking us to potentially way in. it seems like this is something the police department would want to address, allegations of systemic racism and allegations. i don't know if there is already something in the works, but i wanted to ask. >> he may have been in attendance at the human rights commission hearing when it was presented.
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maybe the commander knows. >> nothing of late. >> since this matter has been hurt by the human rights commission, i think it is appropriate to get a report on what we know. >> that is a writer -- a rather large agenda item. let's do that on the third wednesday. if that is ok with all the commissioners. said that for july 18. >> was there something the third wednesday of july, too? a disciplinary matter? writing that one is buying. >> i don't think you want to take this one.
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>> i don't think we have a ton on july 11. is that heavy calendar? >> no. that works. th>> there are two disciplinary decisions. >> what about july 4? >> not gonna be here. [laughter] you heard it here first. >> we can come up with something that is acceptable to everyone. >> it is a pretty big report, i wonder if we should invite the institute that put together this report for a quick summary.
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>> in the week after the us, we will calendar this for a day for we can work on the parameters. is there any public comment related for these items? >> where are the copies of the other annual reports? are we in paper or out of money? >> we don't respond to that. >> just the simple question is all i have. there are electronic records in hard copy records as well.
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my question once again, where are the hard copies? what is the issue here? >> their request for the occ for hard copy is my advice. public comment is now closed. please call item no. 4. >> line item #5, vote to whether hold items 6 and closed session to go public comment on all matters related to items below encoding public comment on whether to hold item 6 in closed session. >> ladies and gentlemen, line- item 5 throughout his disciplinary matters, this is confidential and privileged. any public comment regarding this?
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