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tv   [untitled]    June 14, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT

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captioned by the national captioning institute >> roll call. >> [calls roll] >> item number two, approval of previous meeting minutes. >> approved. >> item number three, public comment on executive session. [laughter] >>
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>> thank you. i move that we reconvene and open session and the approved settlement in the terms set forth for general release on file with commission secretary for the amended terms that do not materially increase city obligations or benefits. what all in favor? >> aye. >> ok. please be advised that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound producing devices are prohibited at this meeting. the chair can order the removal from the meeting room of any
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person responsible for the ringing or use of a southbound, pager, or similar electronic producing device. each member of the public has up to three minutes to make a comment, unless the board commission adopts a shorter period on any item. >> good afternoon, commissioners. staff, members of the public, thank you for coming in side on this gorgeous day. was hard for me, i am sure that it was hard for everyone else. i want to send along the regret that the president could not join us here today. she had a medical issue in her family, or would otherwise love to be here. as most of you know, the commissioner tendered his resignation at the end of the month, so thank you three for being with us today. my first announcement is something that is not written down, but we are hosting a
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community workshop on the pier 70 park on june 20, 5:30, from 5:30 until 8:00, and at the community workshop to go over concepts and concept alternatives. it is noted on the website. if anyone wants further information, i would be happy to provide it. we have two pieces of fun and news today. two of the faces have been here for a long time are leaving us, of which i am completely in denial about. i will do my best to try to except that in the time that we have today. first and foremost, we would like to commend captain stephen [unintelligible] on his retirement. he joined in 1973, working in the investigations bureau. he became a sworn officer in
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1977. he was promoted to sergeant in 1986 and assigned to the administrative bureau. in 1991 he was assigned to the internal affairs bureau. in 1993 he was assigned a tactical unit as platoon commander of a swat team. in 1997 he was captain of the tenderloin central station. in 2005 he was cut -- promoted to the field operations bureau. in 2008 he was assigned as the commanding officer of mission station and in 2009 he was assigned as the commanding officer of the traffic co., and in 2010 the head of the financial crimes and narcotics bureau. since then he has been assigned as the commanding officer of the central police district, one of our favorite stations in the city.
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june 17 of this year, he will be retiring after 39 years of service. i read all of that into the record because i want to make the point that the jobs are incredible and the people who fulfill them are amazingly talented individuals who can be masterful in any division or expertise and then, happily down to central station and invest all of that talent and know-how to help to make our community a better community. the community could not be happier to have had him as captain for the last two years. it will be a big loss and he will have big shoes to fill in his absence. we have been so fortunate to have your problem-solving capabilities, analysis, friendship, and support. we cannot thank you enough. we will be sad to see you go, but we hope they will be able to relax a little bit after all of these years and we hope to
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welcome you back as a patron of the port. you are welcome here any time. with that, vice-president brandon, do you want to take over? >> we have a plaque here for you, in appreciation for your hard work over the years. [inaudible] [applause] [inaudible]
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>> would anyone like to say a few words? >> give me an opportunity to speak, and i will. cc reynolds, director of real estate. steve, i think you very much for all of the support you have given us. especially in providing extra resources. i met steve back in 1996. he and i were enrolled with a leadership san francisco together. ever since then, i have noticed that no matter where he is, he has always shown support for the community. leadership, friendship, kind and friendly. we really are going to miss you, and i missed -- and i wish you well in your next adventure of being retired. i look forward to that, someday.
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good luck to you and best wishes. [applause] >> is there any other public comment? >> thank you, commissioners. director, thank you. i am humbled by this. it has been an honor to work with everyone associated with the port. the police department and the port have a great relationship. that is why things get done so that -- so quickly down here. i am sure that my replacement will continue with this tradition. i wish you all well and thank you for the recognition today. [applause] >> so, our next commendation today is for tom [unintelligible] our superintendent of harbor maintenance. he is certainly wait too young
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to be retiring, but he has a lot of great things to do with his life, so off he goes. i vividly remember my first day on the job, which was a big day in my life, i wandered into the maintenance division and into your office. after you looked shocked, you welcome to me with open arms and introduced me to the crew there. i always remembered feeling very welcome and appreciated all of your good humor and good nature about yet another change at the port. that epitomizes who you are and who you have been here at the port of san francisco. you have always been someone that we can all count on, all hours of the night. you always enter your phone and know exactly what to do. you are always incredibly responsive to us. i am in complete denial that be
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will be able to get along without your expertise or voice to guide us, so i hope you do not change your cellphone number, so that we can find you. tom joined the port in november, 1979, as a pile worker. in 1988 he became the pile driver supervisor and supervisor of the diver crew. he is -- became the sworn in harbor superintendent'. he has been with the port for 32 years. working from the mud line up, he really does know where every bolt is in this place, i suspect.
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he is one of four generations that has worked for the port. his great-grandfather was a boiler maker for the state of california. his grandfather was a boilermaker for the railroad that was a part of the state board harbour commissioners. his father was a superintendent for the port. you just heard tom's story as well. it is not fathom will bring you could be leaving us, and i will continue to say it. as the architect of the annual barbecue, for certain you will have to come back every year for that. he has just had a great life experience here. i know the shared some memories, but i thought that i would save them for you to share. i know that there is not an employee here that does not know your name and phone number by
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heart and has not called you about something entirely crazy. i know that that is true and i hope that when you get that chance to breathe it in -- all in, you will think through that amazing legacy that you have left to the port of san francisco. we will never have the words to be as grateful as we are, but we thank you tremendously. thank you to your family for allowing that. congratulations to you, we will miss you. [applause] we have a plaque for you. [inaudible] outstanding service, november 1979 to june of 2012. [applause]
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>> is there any public comment? >> good afternoon. i have only been here or eight years. tom has been here for 32 years. since the early 1960's, he has been coming to visit the port, hanging out at the port. but my time here, what i have learned about on -- with my time here, what i have learned about him, he is a man's man and a
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loyal to his folks. guys count on him. he stood up many times for things that i have requested. he is dead equate -- dedicated. he answers his phone at all hours of the night. he gets people to come to the port to do things for us that i still do not have. you have to earn those numbers. he is dedicated. he is a reference library that out we are losing. he has been a wonderful adviser for me over the years. we have really begun to grow and managed some by radically -- some biotic -- symbioticly. i look forward to him coming back to all of those barbecues and enjoying his retirement, which he has already begun to
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do. the few days he has taken off, he has started to relax. this is really, i think, well deserved. thank you, tom. [applause] >> thank you. tom, i cannot tell you how much the real-estate department is going to miss you. and you are also -- always responsive and friendly. i know that sometimes we get into tussling matches, but you are always there to help us get the work done. if i knew how to fix the work order system, i would send you one more and tell you not to think about us anymore, and to enjoy your retirement. [laughter] congratulations and good luck to you.
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[applause] >> is there any other public comment? >> c'mon, alex. >> it would not be pretty, anyway. >> it would not be. he said a lot behind your back. >> commissioners, i appreciate it. it has been a wonderful experience to be here for the last 32 years. actually, all my life. i spent a lot of time here with folks. it was exciting and is still exciting. it is just a neat place. it is unique. i remember that it was an awesome thing to see. i certainly appreciate it. i know that my family does. thank you. [applause]
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>> kevin? >> kevin, where did you go? >> [inaudible] >> that concludes my report. yes, sorry. but i knew that kevin wanted to speak. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i also wanted to thank the captain for his work. i had the pleasure of working with him on fisherman's wharf and it continued about six months ago. he was always an incredible person to work with. one of the things i was most impressed with was his ability to listen. i saw him in action with questions that came up. he always did it with an incredible amount of dignity and grace. i just wanted to thank you all so much.
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[applause] >> is there any other public comment? >> item 8a, announcement -- request of endorsement of the board of supervisors sole source authorization for negotiations between the city and county of san francisco and the golden state warriors. >> while you are setting up, bear in mind that we cannot see what you are planning, because our monitors are down. >> good afternoon, commissioners. brad benson, special projects manager, here to talk about what we have been reading about in the news. sorry that i do not have copies
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of the presentation for the commissioners, but i will try to describe what is on the screen. it is a very short presentation. may 22, the mayor and representatives of the golden state warriors, appears 3332, i know that many of the regionpiers third -- piers 30 through 32, i know that the announcement was made to build a new arena. there is a lot of excitement in the city about this. the warriors used to play in san francisco. from 1962 to 1971 they played in san francisco. some of the former players were
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called but it was like and how important it was to have a great facility to play in. we are talking about the resolution from the board of supervisors that is being a considered right now. it would authorize the port to entered exclusive negotiations with of the warriors to develop its facility on piers 30 and 32. a very brief overview, we are just kicking off this process. it is a lengthy process, as those of you familiar with waterfront development know. on the screen right now is an interesting photograph you cannot see, the original construction of pier 32.
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out on the pier, building what is now their largest. so, so, the board of supervisors resolution authorizes open source negotiations. this would be a fair market rent agreement, as all of ours have to be. we have been down this road before with respect to pier 43 before it -- but332 before, on s site. more recently with the american cop and its development efforts.
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those were both faced with higher than expected substructure costs. any deal put together for an arena is going to have to confront those costs. the way that these are typically structured is we look at ways to rent credits and possibly infrastructure financing with proceeds to help offset substructure costs, so that we can deliver a site that can be built on. so, the project is concept only at this stage. there is a new facility with major new public open space. the site requires a 35% of the
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open space to be pure, or more. you want to have an ancillary retail activity on site so that people come to shopping before and after. the policy is to recognize the importance of this from a maritime perspective. it served as a tertiary crews facility, when 35 and 27 were full. on days when we have triple hatter's. then the program will include those that have not been identified yet. there is also going to be a need for transportation improvements in the air.
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the ballpark, game days, they know that south beach has been congested and that through the outreach processors state lands, the project is going to have to address what those emphasis are going to be, associated with the project and how people will get to and from the site. so, today's action is endorsing the sole source resolution that the board. if the board adopts the resolution today, the next step would be to enter an exclusive negotiating agreement with of the warriors. that would be subject to the port commission's approval. it would have to be negotiated
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over rules and responsibilities for each party. we would consult with the consultation and development commission and the state lands commission. we would discuss the views in this area of the waterfront and related issues in the special area related plan. pertaining to my public trust, it must be consistent with the port commission's trust from the public. we laid out a term sheet that would outline the basic agreement and compare fiscal availability analyses, as some would go to the seventh structure. after the board approved a those items, an alliance with start.
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that is a brief summary of the proposal before you today. >> i just got word that the board of supervisors approved the resolution. >> second. >> [inaudible] >> and go ahead. >> me? good afternoon. my name is katie lydell. in the president of the rain each mission bay association -- beach mission bay association. first of all, i want to say that we welcome the war years.
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we want them to come to san francisco. but, we are very concerned about putting an arena on piers 30 and 32. things have really changed. this is no longer an industrial area. we have lots of residents. we already have one major stadium. a baseball stadium. we love the giants and have to work hard on a continuing basis to tackle things like trash, and licensed merchandise. the giants are great. they claim to our meeting last night, of where we had about 50 people. we spend two hours talking about the issue. and if we put it in the same
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kind of area just a few blocks away, i do not know that we could handle it. transportation is a huge thing. we get very congested on game day. we would also be going from about 70 advance every year, as many people do say that they love the giants but also love when the season is over, the season would never be over. we would never get a break. what happens if there is something at the arena and something at the baseball part on the same night? we worry about other events that could happen there. we have a lot of concerns.
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frankly, we were quite irritated that no one ever reached out to less. they just came to our neighborhood and announced it, so it was a complete surprise. please, keep these issues in mind as you go forward. >> thank you. >> good afternoon, president, commissioners. my name is david hale. in the vice-president of the international longshoremen union -- i am the vice-president of the international longshoremen union 84. on behalf of the locals, who in -- who in turn help to operate the tourist industry, as this city staff begins negotiations with the warriors, we ask that it be kept