tv [untitled] June 15, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT
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within the bay area as a whole. the department of emergency management work to convene private sector, nonprofit, faith based, and government organizations around the issues that prepare this, mitigation, response, recovery, and resilience. our community engagement program initiates and coordinates that particular mission. the community engagement program includes instigating and participating in community and partner organization events. an example is the randall museum earthquake exhibit that we have partnered with an california academy of sciences and earthquakes. the innovative use of social technologies, particularly our smart phone application, sf heroes, and working with the building owners and managers organizations, as well as resilience and recovery organizations in the sector. and in coordination with interfaith council as well and some of their biannual
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activities. we work with the great california shake-out and authorities to help commemorate anniversary events, both for the october 1989 earthquake and the 1906 earthquake that happened in april. those are a few examples of some of the community engagement programs in which we engage. we hope to increase those as the years progress. but it is a newer addition, perhaps a facelift addition to what we have done in the past few years, and we wanted to make sure it was mentioned in the plan itself. >> thank you. is there any public comment on this item? seeing none, commissioners? commissioner miguel: yes, we just finished commenting on one element of the general plan, the
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housing element. it has a five-year update requirement net, to an extent. other elements are required every 10 years. 15 now in the community safety plan. and i really appreciate the work that has gone into this by the department -- in fact, all of the departments that are involved. and a comment on something -- [inaudible]
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the housing element has a basic five-year update requirement to an extent. other elements are required every 10 years. 15 now in the community safety plan. i appreciate the work that has gone into this by the department -- in fact, all of the departments involved. in the cities and of the citizens. yet, we do not have a single other comment on it. i find it absolutely amazing that something as important as this to a city that has had in
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its history -- we have a possibility of global warming and tide rising and everything else. we have projects planned that have taken these items into consideration, and the public allows the governmental bodies, including this one, just to do it without any comment. i am disappointment -- disappointed to an extent with the public, but i am pleased they have that kind of confidence in their government. [laughter]
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commissioner antonini: i did agree how important this is, and it does seem to be extremely well done. anyone who has the ability to read this, which is a public comment, and certainly does so because a lot of events have been taken. there are systems throughout the city which exist even today -- they should be made available in case of emergency if our main water supply is somehow compromised. that is just one of the types of things that the committee said the element deals with. it is very important, and i encouraged with the way it is being done. >> i want to thank everyone who worked on this. it is very thorough. i thought it was interesting
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that everything looking at industry -- how that might help us or manage things, to actually calling out a recent development department to treasure island. and the shipyard and focus on making that safe, it is really impressive that so many different issues of been brought together. i highly recommend everyone to read this community safety element. if they're not already prepared to go on to be prepared in the bay area, and make your plans -- to be informed is the key thing. you kept the best laid plans, but if nobody actually knows what to do when a disaster of some sort strikes and you're not connected with fire -- it is
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the other question is what are we doing on the regional level? what are we doing across the bay region? what are we doing across the state of california, including our communication with those national agencies which are present in the city and they're very active in response for the country as a whole, but as it affects us as a city. i would like to ask those questions as to whether or not they belong in this document. >> those are great questions that i would like to address.
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we do not typically about how the document is constructed within the element itself, simply because the element is supposed to be this overarching document that trend isn't the point in time in which it is created. we do not want to undermine any agencies that might change their names are new agencies that might arise over the next 15 years when this might be in place, but we can provide you the information. there is a significant amount of information on all the agencies, the department of emergency management, the city administrator's office, the gsa, and the other organizations that relate to disaster preparedness and management, how they relate to each other and the roles they play with the city's website. we can kind of incorporate that as well. and your last point about
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regional cooperation is really important. the city itself is just starting to participate in that. abag has a number of regional plans in terms unpreparedness that they are mandated to include and adopt that are available on their website, and we can provide more information on those. in terms of working together, the collection of jurisdictions within the region, that does happen for some of our emergency management agencies, but i think we're trying to strengthen that. one of the things, if we get out of here in time, we will be attending the task force this afternoon that spur has been organizing to bring in abag and others to talk about how we can advance a forward in use issues that might be more pressing in terms of recovery and resiliency moving forward. i think it is something we need to do a lot more work on, and we will try to provide information
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as that effort continues. commissioner moore: i hope you will also raise the general question as to whether or not the 10 to 15 year times are appropriate. there are emergencies and nobody would have ever expected, for example, the moving of a tsunami debris from japan onto our shores. this is just one example. these are uncharted changes in weather patterns and more. i am questioning as to whether or not you might want to raise the cyclical nature of 10 to 15 years being enough. >> very good point. commissioner miguel: a historical note following commissioner antonini's comment. he mentioned assistance. many of you who have not been in san francisco all your lives and those who are new to it may not have noticed, but if you really
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are on the lookout, as you come into various locations, intersections of streets around the city, you may note that there is a circle of bricks. it does not seem to designate in a thing. if you do happen to notice it, you're wondering why the strange painting in the street. one of the problems of the1906 disaster was not even as much the earthquake as the fighter. they did not have any water to fight it, because all the water mains went in the earthquake. those are the cisterns that commissioner antonini was commenting upon, and they are, in effect, water wells under the streets of the city that can be tapped by the fire department. commissioner wu: i want to thank staff for all their hard work on this document. i will ask about the next phase.
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the document and the recovery and reconstruction session preferences a working group to do the recovery planning. i wanted to ask if there's any kind of timelines set up for that. >> our for step is to adopt the document. we have been working with gsa and the department of emergency management, and once this is completed, that task force will continue to move forward. commissioner wu: thank you. i want to raise one issue which should be part of that working group, which is what happens to the rent-control purchasing stock. commissioner antonini: this is another item slightly related to the comments of commissioner wu, with new and remodeled housing that we often approved and are careful that they be seismically and functionally
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commissioner miguel: i was going to move the adoption of the 2012 community safety element. >> second. commissioner sugaya: none? >> the motion is for approval of the 2012 community safety and up -- element. on that motion -- thank you, commissioners. the motion passed unanimously. commissioners, you're now on item number 11. case number 2012.0522tz. this is an amendment to the planning code and zoning map to create three new named a neighborhood commercial districts in the city's sunset neighborhood and amend the trade division -- definition in the planning code. >> good afternoon,
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commissioners. the item before you is an ordinance that was introduced by supervisor carmen chu, the would create three new name that neighborhood commercial districts in the outer sunset. katie is here to speak. i will let her speak. >> good afternoon. i am from supervisor carmen chu's of is that we're introducing legislation to establish named commercial districts in the outer sunset. i apologize. we will be adding a number of pages to your planning code. it will encompass taraval street, noriega st., and we have 23 named neighborhood commercial districts already, such as the inner and outer claimant, castro, broadway. what we want to do in coming up with this legislation, supervisor chu's goal was to figure out a way to helping make
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our commercial corridors more attractive than vibrant for everyone, residents and visitors alike. we noticed a number of issues which is a lot of vacancies and ground floor uses better not active. this legislation, we wanted to establish a ncd's so we could more uniquely tailor some of the planning controls to district four, specifically, and it would not affect some of the other districts. the other component regarding trade shops, that is city-wide. as for the name commercial districts, what we will be doing is allowing for a five-foot an additional ground floor height. this has been done already and legislation has been passed by the board of supervisors for a number of districts already. this would help to make the ground floor more attractive. the second thing we do is we are going to be requiring traditional use permit for non- active use is common ground floor uses. third, this is is it what impact that has to do with trade shops.
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trade shops are already allowed by neighborhood commercial districts. currently, they're allowed to take up one-third of the floor space as long as two-thirds is active retail. this legislation would show that we're not have two-thirds trade shop, meaning light production, the production of artists and crafts and goods. as long as you have a one-third mandatory retail component to it. we have actually reached out to all the district supervisors' offices. have not heard any concerns about that yet. we also will be -- i will run over some of the planning department's recommendations. one is that we want to, number one, planning department is recommending that we pull out the nc-1 districts. our original intention was to create specific ncd's for taraval, irving, noriega.
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we want to pull out the nc-1's from this. the other thing is that the planning department is asking that we specifically call out the land use committee. third, we will are in agreement with the planning department to create a separate category for catering to address some of the issues with trucks in the neighborhood. we think a lot of the food production issues are recovered under the recently passed restaurant legislation, as well as specialty grocery. we will continue to work with the planning department in terms of clarifying the definition for a trade shop.
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the other thing has to do with mitigation for a boater, vibrations. we already have language regarding sound. what we would like to do is actually mimic some of the language in planning code section703.5, which is operating conditions for eating and drinking venues. with that, i think in the future, district 7 has expressed interest in extending the taraval ncd to supervisor elsbernd's district, and that will require future notification. with that i would be happy to answer any questions. i want to mention that we have worked closely with sf made. in terms of coming up with the trade shop amendments to the planning code, there's a lot of creative energy right now in producing locally made goods and create local jobs.
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we wanted to bring some of that creative energy to other parts of the city. we have supported are two local merchants association, the taraval merchants and the outer sunset on irving. happy to answer any questions. commissioner fong: thank you. there may be questions for you in a bit. >> ok. >> she has pretty much gone over the whole presentation, but i will show you some maps and things that a first of all, my presentation is divided into
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three parts. the first goes over the proposed changes to the neighborhood commercial districts bit of the second discusses the change to the trade jobs. and then a summary. quick context, this is where we're talking about the outer son said. in the outer sunset -- to start off, the zoning code has two different categories of neighborhood commercial districts. general, such as nc-1, 2, and 3. then there are more specific named neighborhood districts such as the castro ncp and polk ncd and so on. zones are nc-1 for neighbor who closeor nc-2 for small neighborhood cluster. the purple areas are the nc-2. the lighter areas a are thenc-1.
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most of the air is ourrh1. this shows what supervisor carmen chu's ordinance proposes. it would read the anderson said lanier streets neighborhood commercial district. parcells is zoned nc-2 in these areas. it would create the odder cents at commercial cluster one neighborhood commercial districts. including parcels zoned nc-2 from noriega's street. finally, it would create the outer sunset cluster two neighborhood commercial districts including parcels currently zoned nc-1 within the of person said. thenc-1's are the dark blue.
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in all of the new name commercial districts, there would be a five-foot height bonus that would be an active use on the ground floor. that is in section 145.1. the outer since a commercial sense that cluster two would have shot down a second floor with a cu. and the new non active commercial uses, defined by section 145.4 would require additional use authorization. this shows steps proposal. we also recommend creating three new named ncd's, but we're recommending that the nc-1's not be included. and the others would follow the way they are organized throughout the rest of the city, which is by their street name. they would include the irving and judas street, noriega, and taraval street. the purpose of having named
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ncd's is tipper observe and enhance the district and allows for more targets the controls to encourage or discourage different types of uses. further, gripping neighborhood commercial districts over a mile apart defeats the purpose of creating a a namedncd. it does not take into consideration the unique characteristics of the district. recommending that the nc-1 districts remain the same, because there are sufficient controls to address the character. we also recommend a five-foot height bonus be added to these new north carolina -- ncd's. 2 mending36.2. we're recommending that these on the control table be modified to require a conditional use authorization for those not listed as active commercial uses in the planning code, rather than creating a specific
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provision that requires not active commercial uses to contain conditional use authorization. the result would be the same. what we're proposing, we believe, is more up front and clear on what the regulations are and less confusing. fur trade shops, the proposed ordinance would at catering to the definition. it would allow trade shop without a retail component at the rear two-thirds of the building, and it would remove the numerical course parliament and replace them with performance standards. staff is in support of the change. we're recommending that catering be taken out as a separate used to address some of the specific uses or specific issues with catering, such as it is not the retail use or does not have a regional component, and the trucks and the traffic it would generate. we're also recommending that one-third of the total floor area limitation be removed from
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the trade job definition, and we have proposed clarifications on the trade shop definition. just to summarize, we would like the current nc-1 zoning to be maintained in the sunset district, allow the five-foot height bonus, create the three dead -- a 3 news ncd named's, an opposition for the use is not defined as at the commercial uses. create a separate news category for catering in the planning code. remove the one-third of gross floor area limitation on mechanical equipment from the trade job definition. modified sections 263.2 to allow five-foot high bonus, and some of the title of the section. it is six lines long. and then, clarified the intention of the proposed changes to the trade shop definition. that concludes my presentation. i am happy to take questions. commissioner fong: thank you.
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is there any public comment on this item? >> i have two speaker cards on this. eric and paul. paul. >> good afternoon. >> one second. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name in paul. it is always nice to be here too enthusiastically endorse a proposal to the use of the name district is so important for the neighborhood character and quality of life. we see that so much in the upper fillmore where i live and die in the japantown -- and in the
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japantown planning, we're very focused on this bitter that is outstanding that it is going forward. the trade shot changes also very important. i am very glad to see that happening. a lot of what i was going to say has been undercut, so this will be shorter than might be otherwise. one, i have is on a noise controls. currently, it says noise will not be audible outside the boundary. that is a very strict requirement. i believe there are already ordinances that talk about noise relative to the ambient, relative to the background. noise is disruptive in the way it is relative to the surroundings, and it may well be that the revision to that requirement will make it easier for businesses to operate in a way that works well in the commercial district. again, if we look at some of the existing noise language and make it relative to the existing our current background noise that the type of operation.
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