tv [untitled] June 16, 2012 9:30am-10:00am PDT
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preparation, whether they meant no less or up to -- i guess there is the vagueness around the language. >> yes, supervisors chiu raise that question. i believe miss simmons said it is generally two years in below. that was my understanding of her response. supervisor olague: ok. i guess those are my main things, just wondering a little bit about the possibilities of engaging in some kind of work force program around jobs that are entry level or that might actually work to house some of these folks that are living in the community, like the individuals that were formerly homeless at richardson and other types of things but i am curious about the workforce programs outside of just the construction and the medical part. so housekeeping, you know, that
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sort of -- those types of jobs. supervisor mar: we will make sure that those questions get answered or that the information will get to you and your staff. thank you so much for being here. let's go back to public comment. next speaker. >> my name is joseph, and i want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak today. i am lifelong resident of san francisco, born and raised here. went to st. philip's elementary school. i live in noe valley. i want to say that i fully support the building of a seismically safe hospital in my neighborhood. i think a recent poll came out in the san francisco examiner that said nearly 70% of the residence in the city supported this project and this plan, so please listen to your voters. and just to leave you after a little story, obviously the seismic issue is a big one here. i remember being 3 years old and
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playing in noe courts when it still had a sand and a wooden play structure, and i remember the crowd moving really fast and really hard. i had no idea what was going on. i remember my dad picking me up. it was the 1989 earthquake. another one is going to come. i have a bunch of family in new york. they think we're crazy for living out here because the earthquakes and all that. but please do what is right and responsible for the city. please ensure that this project goes forward. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. i have a number of other kurds. commissioner richardson, todd, barry, ruth, andrew, and bernie. >> thank you members for hearing this. i am a project engineer, general
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construction for cathedral hill project. i live in the lake merced neighborhood. i support cpmc's rebuild plan. i graduated university a month ago with a civil engineering. as a young professional, i am very concerned that recent graduates are leading in unemployment statistics. i do not want to join the ranks of the unemployed. i am san francisco resident, and i am support cpmc because it will bring jobs that are needed. i got my job, university when i met people from cpmc looking for interns. my entrance of one successful and i got a full-time position as a project engineer as soon as a graduated. i am eager to contribute in the construction of this new hospital. i want to apply what i have learned that the university and get even more knowledge from all the brilliant engineers, designers, and the modelers
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working on the project. i am here today because i care about the project. i want my city to have a safe hospital and the best health care possible for san francisco residents. cpmc will provide both of these. this is my future. this is the future for my city. let's get it done. i ask that you vote in support of cpmc without a delay. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. thank you for hearing this item today. my name is bernadette, and i am is san francisco in native currently residing in the bayview area. i am recent graduate of the cycle 5 construction administrative program. i am currently completing my internship. my son and i were both born at st. luke's hospital by the same doctor. what a coincidence.
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approving this plan will allow his children to also be born at st. luke's. this will give myself, my fellow classmates, our sister class city build, as well as members of our community a chance to become gainfully employed. it will give us a chance to be great role models for our children and other providers for our family. i support the cpmc rebuild plan. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> hello. my name is kathy. for the past two years, i have worked in the employee health services department at cpmc as a nurse practitioner. i want to thank you for allowing me to be here today and to hear what i have to say. part of my job, i work with employees in just about every department ed cpmc, so i know employees from every department.
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and i do believe that they are truly devoted to providing the best possible patient care. and i see that they sincerely enjoy what they do. they sincerely enjoy their jobs. i can also say that i see in my department every single newly hired individual. they come through my department, and i can see the cpmc and the managers in the human-resources department, they're very committed to hiring and to retaining the best workers, the best professionals for cpmc. and i believe part of their commitment to their employees is to give the employees the best and safest tools to do their job effectively. and they do strive to exceed in industry standards.
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a safe workplace is paramount. [bell rings] for the employees and for the patient. i also believe that the construction effort will provide many valuable jobs to city residents but i am proud to work for cpmc, and i hope that i can continue to work here for many years. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you for being here. i have a few more names. hattie, lorenzo, ryan, reverend walker, antonio, robert, nella, and rami. >> good afternoon, supervisors. yes, linda richardson, commissioner in this city. but i am here today to represent the bayview hunters point center. we consider your position as an ally of cpmc.
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but the time is short. we have a long history. and cpmc has a long history of doing great work in the city and county of san francisco. your job today is not to rectify the contract. i think that is why we had the bargaining. we value this, and user leadership to encourage cpmc to get together with them, and let's make this part of the project. but you need to focus on why the rebuild of cpmc, a state of the art facility, in a bad economy. delaying this project -- we have had the discussion for a long time now, and it is definitely not wise. the majority of the people of san francisco support this project. i am embarrassed by the community benefits which is unprecedented. if you look at the housing component of that, if you look
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at the other things out there. i know we need to work together with the community-based organization for this project. we cannot afford to engage in open-ended discussions when we bring viable projects to san francisco. this city has to be more responsible to make sure that we do not add costs to projects that this city needs, because we're all going to lose if we fail to look to the bigger picture. i am in support of cpmc. and thank you for your time. supervisor mar: commissioner, i know that the lennar project contributed $7 million, and i wonder what you think about the discrepancy? >> i look at the benefits -- no one project is alike. as a former planning commissioner, have had the opportunity to look at many
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projects in the city. we look at a different picture here. specifically for this project, we know that the academy, the job creation, there are so many elements to that. i know that mayor lee and his staff looked before deciding about support of this project. sometimes there are generics. their commonalities. lennar is a fine developer in this city, regardless of what people say about them backing out on their promises. actually, we have ongoing engagements. yulia the broader community benefits that are going to be made available, it might be the housing element, and this is the way that you need to look at the bigger picture. and i will be glad, supervisor, to engage with you. because i was also involved with all these projects. supervisor mar: thank you very much. next speaker.
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i will take the time to call more names. michael, david, javier, wolfgang, bertha, and gloria. >> thank you. san francisco tomorrow, which i represent, supports the appeal and the benefits advocated by the proponents. however, we find the proposal short with regard particularly to legal and professional needs that require, as we know in our submission, a cumulative impacts the everything that occurs -- supervisor mar: we're focused on jobs today, and the appeal has
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not been made yet. >> but the point i am making is the cumulative impact analysis with regard to job creation and preservation, and preservation is essential to a seat or the responsibilities lie with regard to mitigations. this is a complex job. we are a central city, 8 million. these are interrelated job components necessary for sustaining the entire region. while we are dealing with a major employer, all of us are regarding our employment needs. this analysis does not relate to that. the analysis is, in fact, very primitive. second, the law requires that all feasible means be used to analyze the mitigation for job creation and preservation. all job creation. this is not been done. the fact that housing has risen
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in cost 70% in the last year means that many people are dis employed by being exiled from their jobs and moved out of the city. this is not an ally. by the way, have one more point. it is improper to porkchop the developer for all the mitigations and needs when this is a collective responsibility. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you, members of the board, for hearing this matter today. my name is andrew. i am a mission represent. i represent the construction employers association. i do not think there is any
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dispute on the importance of investing in our infrastructure and rebuilding our hospitals to make them seismically safe. we are here today to talk about jobs. plain and simple, delaying this project delays jobs. 1500 construction jobs. starting day one, there will be union laborers on the ground doing demolition work. the need for those jobs for the building trades members are of the utmost importance right now. we have talked a lot about local hire today. workforce development, at they have done more for local hire and more for development of those programs than any contractor i have seen as a member of the san francisco
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contract in liaison advisory group. they have been teaching classes. they have been bringing their trade partners and to teach courses. they have made an unprecedented effort to bring local residents into the trade and create those clear pathways. i support this project so that we can get unique construction jobs moving forward. supervisor mar: thank you, next speaker. >> i work as a community organizer in the tenderloin. i wanted to talk about jobs. that is something that the mayor has been promising. a lot of the residents in tenderloin have been waiting on that promise. cpmc is about to be the single largest health-care provider and private employer in san francisco. what is their responsibility?
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what are your responsibilities to the community? you know, local hire, it is not enough. supervisor mar: 40 per year for five years. >> that is not enough. jobs they are promising right now, we have talked a lot about builders, building trades, construction. what about janitors? what about clerks? to be able to be housed, have access to health care, have access to food. there are so many people out of work that want to work. they are not skilled enough. we are asking that the long-term commitment from cpmc to more job
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training and more workforce development is good for long term future of san francisco. these people will be able to stay house and stay happy and healthy in san francisco. we're asking that you look at cpmc, but let's rebuild the the right way. supervisor mar: i am going to call a few more names. [reading names] >> mr. chairman, supervisors, i served as chair of the community development cooperation and also a member of the tabernacle -- the largest churches in the city, looking at employment, a
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development to -- i development. i looked at the agenda for today and i noticed the mayor's name was on six pages of this document. i saw about three supervisors. the supervisors -- that the mayor is for this project, the board of supervisors is for this project. i believe that this project, which is the second-largest private corporation employing people in the city, in the community i serve, alas statistic 25% of community people. 36,000 people are employed. all of us know that even the
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great work that president obama is doing for this country, his position is threatened because of lack of jobs. to have a premier organization to base itself here and improve, i think that is significant. i support that. i believe the supervisors will hold cpmc accountable to make sure they do what they say they're going to do as far as jobs, housing. i am really concerned about st. luke. to make sure that it serves. thank you during much. >> reverend walker, i know you were instrumental in the candlestick point community agreement. i am wondering -- some people have said there needs to be a
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community benefit agreement to hold the hospital accountable. i am wondering what you think of that. >> i agree with that 100%. hopefully, cpmc is open. i serve as the vice-president of the senior center. we're getting ready to build 121 units of housing. we met with the the mayor's office of housing and development. we're going to need other funds. that should be taken into consideration. hopefully, a supervisor will raise that with cpmc. supervisor mar: next speaker. >> good afternoon. i live in the mission district. i am a student of the community housing partnership. i am here to change the town of this dialogue. it is my understanding -- change the tone of this dialogue.
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we want cpmc to be rebuilt, but one side wanted to be billed the right way. -- wanted to be built the right way. i think st. luke's is very important. we should hire more people to work at st. luke's. it covers districts 8, 9, 11. i want to focus on jobs enforcement. cpmc needs to make a stronger commitment to san francisco workers and residents. it can do so by hiring 50% the jobs they create from our community to hire san francisco residents. on the enforcement side, the agreement -- i do not want to
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use the word hold cpmc accountable because it is confrontational. i support cpmc. i like what they are doing. we want them to build -- to downsized cent lives, i do not think it is a good idea. -- to downsize st. luke's, i do not think that is a good idea. i appreciate the fact that they are trying to create jobs. but come on, help us. supervisor mar: thank you. i am going to call a few more names. [reading names] next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors.
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the tenderloin? cpmc is only offering to hire 40 new jobs from the surrounding communities. tenderloin is demanding more jobs, more local hires, and more job training opportunities. my daughter is 20 years old. she landed a job. she is a misfit there. i told her, you are a square peg in a round hole. i urge the honorable members of the board of supervisors to ensure that residents of the tenderloin will benefit from this project. we ask for cpmc to help the tenderloin. supervisor mar: i would like to
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say, we have been hearing for about four hours. there are still about 60 cards. i will do my best to keep it moving. if something has already been said, at least try to be as distinct as possible. our focus is on jobs today. a number of other hearings will address other aspects of the project. next speaker. i>> good afternoon. i am a community organizer. cpmc is making super profits from their hospital operation. their profit was 12 times the combined annual profits of private hospitals. cpmc's record is the lowest. it has fallen short of providing the basic rights and benefits
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that there employees deserve. -- their employees deserve. we believe that cpmc needs to pay their fair share of helping the low-income residents in the city. the day received property-tax exemption from san francisco every year. this project will create thousands of jobs, yet cpmc only propose to hire 40 from the residence. we believe this is not enough. only less than 5% of the total jobs. our communities are the most in need of jobs. we want cpmc to hire 50% of these new positions from residents of our communities. we want a specific of numbers
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>> can you translate in english? >> thank you. >> i am a patient of the hospital. it is important for the community to rebuild st. luke's. we need the resources. the latino community. i asked for the approval of this project as soon as possible. supervisor mar: thank you very much, next speaker. >> good afternoon. local 261 in san francisco.
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i am here to talk in favor of this project. i do not have to tell you about how much -- this is not only about union members. anybody related to construction, you know. people are suffering, losing houses, not able to provide for the families, things like that. for our union, and many other unions, this project is the only way of survival. every little bit helps.
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