tv [untitled] June 16, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT
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the devil will be in the details as we move forward. not only on jobs in the existing work force and also with health care as it comes up on june 23. and i just like to thank ms. chela and barbara from department of public health and we look forward to a thorough discussion on the details of the health care benefits provided by the hospital as well. i just wanted to wrap up by saying i think this has been a really good overview. and really great discussion of the need for jobs and pathways for people from san francisco, but also balancing that with the other needs for the building trades and labor as well. so it's been a good discussion. i wanted to agree with dr. browner that i do think that a project, a health care project like this, of its scope, is a great benefit for the city to modernize and to make it more seismically safe for everyone. but i know that there are a lot of other questions that have been raised. not only on the jobs front but in many other areas today by many -- from the community and
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different workers and labor unions as well. so i'm looking for opportunities to improve the community benefits and to minimize the impacts on neighborhoods from transit as we move forward to that part of the hearing. i also wanted to say that a number of speakers brought up the different other models of how center health has operated in other jurisdictions. and i'm going to look forward to looking at those models and how they impacted health care in those areas. i definitely want to see cpmc, sutter, but also other institutions be good neighbors that provide high quality jobs that are permanent and also abide by the first source hiring and if possible, local hiring policies of the city. so to be good neighbors, and providing those kinds of benefits. but also training opportunities. as were stated earlier at the apprenticeships and the various programs kind of through city build and other academies in the city. i also wanted to say, too, others raised the issues of
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cpmc becoming the largest hospital employer, nonprofit employer in the city. after the completion of this project. and i think as the dominant employer in the health care industry, i think employing a large permanent work force, i think it's really important that we focus carefully as a city and as a board on the quality of those jobs. i also just wanted to say that i'll be looking closely, kind of at the health care issues as it comes up. but for me, the cpmc project is an important one for the city. but we should really be looking at basic standard of strong community benefits based on looking at the lennar project for bayview hunters point and other models in our city so cpmc at least abides by that common standard. but even does better because of its track record in the city, whether it's on charity care or other issues. lastly, a number of people have brought up concerns about
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enforceability of the d.a. and i know that will come up a little bit later. but my hope is that a community benefits agreement could be a piece of this. i know that had been in the discussions early on. and i think that there's been support from the public testimony that that's one way of making sure that there's strong enforceability of high quality jobs and that the hospital and the construction is really abiding by our city's standards. it's just basic employee security but also high quality jobs. and the hospital being a good neighbor for our city. we expect or i expect as a supervisor, cpmc to continue to be a good neighbor but to even do better than existing past community benefits agreements. and then the last thing is it's been wonderful to kind of hear about the vision of health care in the city. and cpmc's important role as having one third of the health care service in the city. so i look forward to that
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continued relationship. but also that cpmc sitdown with community stakeholders including a number of different workers groups and communities so that we could move forward, kind of -- as a good neighbor, but also every stakeholder involved as well. supervisor, -- supervisor cohen, any commebts? >> it seemed from earlier statements from cpmc that there seems to be some reluctance to expand the commitments to ensure that our cities, residents benefit from a wide variety of permanent jobs. and if this is not the case, there are a couple of things that i would like to see from the project sponsor. i would like to see an increase in the financial investment in work force development so that we can make investments in rhonda shop so we can continue to expand pathways to careers that are sustainable.
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and i would like to see some response in greater detail that then what you have provided about what is encompassed in your l.b.e. commitment. and what are some of the social enterprise opportunities available to local residents as well as businesses. i'm also interested in seeing an extension of the term of your work force obligations to match the term of the development agreement. and finally, a codification of the commitments in the development agreement so that public and future decision makers have a certainty that these obligations will be met and can be enforced. the other thing that i do want to comment on is that i'm particularly concerned with the way you distinguish yourselves from other projects that have been mentioned. particularly the hunters point candlestick project. you stated unlike that project, the project that cpmc is building itself, is a community benefit. and as i said in my opening remarks, the need and
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importance of building a seismically safe hospital is a significant community benefit. however, the development at the shipyard candlestick point project like the cpmc rebuild is in itself a community benefit to neighborhoods that had been neglected. so these comments on your response to some of the questions and concerns that we've raised have made me think that maybe you don't have a strong understanding of some of the community benefit agreements that have been referenced. or the key role that they have played. and so -- or the key role that they have played. so that when we talk about investment in work force development, in comparison to other projects, it's not to diminish your investment. but rather to demonstrate whether we have success in doing this in the past. and building on success. because what we're trying to do is build. and have -- build on a project
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that will have lasting benefits for the entire community. not just a neighborhood that will impact but the entire community. and one last thing i want to bring to your attention when we talk specifically about district 10, there has been a lot of discussion and overemphasis if you will on the bayview hunters point community and i would also like to remind people, everyone in the chamber, that the southeast neighborhoods like visitation valley and little hollywood is just in dire straits and has just as many -- great needs, not just bayview hunters point. and i also want to thank cpmc. i know they make great investment in the clinic nims that serves the portal and visit on-- and visitation valley but looking for support there in -- people forget that community and i want to make sure we don't forget them. thank you, mr. chair. >> thank you. i support the sentiments of supervisor cohen as well.
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and wanted to say that l.b.e. or the local business enterprise information would be really useful for other -- s.f. general was brought up at 7% but to know some of those numbers. also the project labor agreement or p.l.a., i think there was a question to ask if that could be shared with us. that would be really useful. and my understanding is if there's strong benefits and job security for some trades, kind of as the construction is done, that it's only fair and equitable if we consider that for the existing work force as well as one consideration, not conditioning the development agreement on that. but just as one consideration of fairness as well. so my hope is that we can get that information before the june 25 health care hearing. so with, that i'll just -- i'll move that we continue this, all the items, until june 25, at 3:00 p.m., monday, for the next hearing.
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so can we do that without objection? thank you. thank you, everyone, for getting through this stack of kind of cards and for all the testimony and for all the reports from staff. ms. miller, is there any or business before us? >> no, no further matters. >> with no further business, meeting adjourned. thank you.
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commissioner hyde: aye. commissioner cavellini: aye. president newlin: aye. >> we have a quorum. gregg's members can address the commission brought to three minutes at the time that such item is called. if you want to talk about a commission-related item that is not on to my calendar, this is your opportunity to do so. ok, be that way. [laughter] see no one interested in making public comment, we will move down to item number two, will review and approve the minutes of april 24th, 2012. >> i move to approve. are we not on? >> i'm wondering, in the roll call, we are missing president
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's named. gregg's he was probably at sen. gregg's it's as commissioners present. >> are you asking for a correction? >> yes. >> i will second with that correction. >> ok. commissioner -- commissioner lee: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. president newlin: i'm not sure which meeting i was at. cracked that is an approval then. -- >> that is an approval then. president newlin: item number 3. >> thank you. in a mood. a couple of things to update the commission on under the heading
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of legislative policy. i think it is june 1st that the mayor's office put out their budget. commissioner chan -- tan. let the record reflect that he is present. the commissioners, we are understaffed, as you can tell. and we will be doing a lot of things at once. the majors -- mayor's budget came out as a two-year budget. and the entertainment commission's budget is part of the larger administrative services budget. if you look at the document on line, it is hard to find, but we have been relatively consistent, as you know. for the nine years that we have been in existence. this year, i did not request an enforcement position. but that is among the mayor's many budget priorities.
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i want to update the commission on two pieces of robust legislation. -- on tour bust -- tour bus legislation. in one piece of legislation dealt with parking and citations. the second, which is a file dealing with amplified sound on tour buses. it creates a problem handled by the health department, and the police department, to monitor and regulate the buses operating in san francisco. i have the digest behind my memo, if your interested. we determined that the best place to regulate these with the health department. i think we lucked out. ab45 update, that is an assembly bill that we have talked about
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numerous times related to party bosses. if you watch the news last night, you would have gotten an update that assembly man held -- assemblymanhill amended as of this year. i think is a substantial amendment as of the last time that i talked about this. it had pretty much died in sacramento, and now has got . -- has gotten amended. i attended a committee meeting the arts community meeting on the subject with a couple of commissioners -- >i attended a committee meeting on the subject with a couple of commissioners.
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this may help the party bosses that we keep seeing. -- party buses that we keep seeing. as you know, last year i requested a chunk of change to use on-line in a bunch of ways. there have been using our online payment system for the last couple of months, which is so great because we do not have to deal with checks in the office or a cashier in the office anymore. it makes it so much easier for people to pay, in some cases, a very large amount of money with a credit card, which is what people are used to doing. many of the applications on the website now are smart .pdf's, which is to say they are fallible pdf's that people can
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-- fillable .pdf's that people can fill out on line. we started with one-time permits. those can be done is right. we are still trying to perfect the two. as always, the payment is a different company than the .pdf. we just have to track them together. it is pretty much working. we are close to the online permitting 40 fixed-price permits. nicklaus is staying on top of this project and has had one meeting to train all of the different departments who weigh in on this.
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we're talking about something where you submit on-line and everyone else gets a notification, the health department, the fire department, the billing department, and they can log in as well to this system and let us know whether there are corrections needed or whether they are complete. we are getting there. we are still testing and we will work with all of these agencies to get them on line. we will work with the police department as well to train access to it. but i am excited that this is coming together finally. it has been a long time. the promoter registry continues to self populate, which is obviously out is made. we are continuing to waiting for these promoters to come out from wherever you are and put themselves on mine. for the public watching on tv,
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go to our website, the entertainment commission website. there is a promoter registry. it is free 24 hours. please, go ahead and get on there. the 2012 industry summit, which we have done annually, for the last five or six years has been scheduled for august 6th. i have gone ahead and invited three the mayor's office and the chief of police -- through the mayor's office and the chief of police as well as other advisers. hopefully, put that on your calendars as recreate the panels for the main session and the breakout groups as well. so we can talk about the most pressing issues for the end of the summer moving into the fall. lastly, staff today received the
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resignation of commissioner cavellini. a couple of questions before we proceed? >> on august 6th, do we have a time of day? >> traditionally, we have done at 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., because it is plain enough for people to would awaken on a monday and not to -- late enough for people to awaken on a monday and not too late to lose their attention. >> about this sound staff for the open air buses, it talks about the sound truck. don't we regulate the sound track? >> we do. and i think this legislation will remove that.
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it will make a distinction and make sure that the sound track will not be a problem on the bus. >> i want to tell you that the progress with the one-stop shop is just great. and lastly, in the budget position that your request from the budget office and they turned us down, we clearly need it. we cannot do the whole city. that is just silly. is there a way to press either the board of supervisors, or is there some other way to pursue this position? >> there is a process that the board of supervisors has. if it is the commission's intention to have staff person that, i can request it. >> i would like you to pursue that. i do not suppose you can't hold the commissioners -- can hold
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poll the commissioners and ask them that. everyoneis shaking their heads yes. i do not think the audio recording can do a shake of that. gregg's if someone -- >> if someone is directed by the commission to pursue the board of supervisors, i would be happy to do that. >> that would be great. >> so directed. i have one question. promoters, registration -- how many so far? >> roughly 40, 50, something like that. it is not enough because we know the definition is fairly broad. >> we should get more if it is fairly broad. >> we should get more. i register, just so you know. >> to promote? oh. [laughter] >> i went on and try to register as a promoter and i got through the first half and i have not been able to go back.
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because anyone who has the thought of throwing fund-raising parties and stuff like that as well. i do fund raising for a lot of community groups, but i cannot get into the second half. >> we have worked out a few wrinkles. i do not know why. why don't you call me and i will walk you through it. >> because maybe that is why there is only 40. >> i don't know. ok. >> commissioners, you will see behind the report from director king, my report is rather thin today. not too much to report. one of the things that director key and i have been working on it will get out hopefully this week. it is just another letter working nights to hand to
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promoters or to club owners for promoter registration. we are trying to hit many different venues and promotion on this particular thing to promote the promoter registration. that is a lot of promoters. moving through my list, you will see that not too much is going on the last few weeks. i do not want to say it has been quiet, but it has definitely not been as busy as we usually expect for the beginning of june, which is good. just a few administrative tickets have been issued at the lounge and the make room. just a few violations. i will talk about 1131 mission room. very briefly, that was an permit -- and on permited venue that had come to our -- a non- permitted many that had come to
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our attention. the city and the building were able to resolve that particular location very quickly. it was a good example of when you get the different city departments working together. if the we can kind of resolve -- we can kind of resolve issues fairly quickly. i know i do not have a in my face and they reopen sometime soon. we are working with the building apartment -- owner and with the tenant as well and it should no longer be an issue for the neighbors, which were having a hard time in the area. which is good news. there is not a lot to talk about here. i was just open it up to questions if any commissioner has a question. >> i do not have a question, but a suggestion. could we have the gates of the violations on here, so we could track them? -- the dates of the violations
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on here, so we could track them? >> share -- sure. >> if they are not around the clubs, are they just standing in line, loitering? >> there are a few different situations. i will give you an example that happened recently. someone was intoxicated and walking along broadway. they decided to kind of the late labor leader in front of two officers. when the officers -- blatantly litter in front of the two officers. when the officers decided to ask him about it, he got kind of our rate. they ran him and turned out if he had a warrant for his arrest. it is not related exactly to the bars and clubs, but it is related to the area. and it's a good showing that, for lack of a better term, the gotland has been thrown down.
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-- the gauntlet has been thrown down. s.s.p. have been making a concerted effort -- the san francisco police department has been making a concerted effort that you are not hair to have a good time, you need to go. -- if you are not here to have a good time, you need to go. >> any comment on the executive director's report? seeing none, item number four. comments and questions? officer mathias, welcome. officer matthias: hello, commissioners and staff. i'm here to give you an update of what is happening lately. many were talking about, he was actually parolee at large. it is helpful to be able to take them into custody when they are
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wanted. some of the things that we do when i apprised the commission as far as what things are going on, if it is tied to a club, i will say exactly which club and how it is tied their, if it is appropriate or not. but sometimes we talk about the things that are just entertainment related. i think it is important for the commission to know the level of activity going on in the districts. june 3rd at about 6:30 p.m., there was a battery at pier 23, appeared 23 cafe. they acted appropriately by escorting the parties out and helped the police when they responded. after talking with the employees at the bar, they were able to find out what happened exactly and take appropriate action. on june 10th at 2000 hours,
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several phones were stolen at grand ave. the suspect was later arrested that night on broadway. june 2nd at 11:40 p.m., i suspect was arrested for a drug warrant and for being drunk in public at kearny and broadway streets. june 7th, a woman's purse was stolen inside the stricker cafe located at 65 sutter st.. an unknown group stopped a possible suspect and beat him up. he claimed it was security, but when police talked to security, they said it was not them. i think there were several different groups that were dealing with this. we never determined whether he was the actual person who stole the purse or not. june 5th, at about 11:00 p.m., a $200 camera was stolen from the ambassador club on geary street. on june 6th at 10:30 p.m., a parolee at large was arrested on the sidewalk 53
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