tv [untitled] June 18, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT
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city-wide and badly needed benefit the south -- the rebuild represents, let's keep the big picture. cpmc has for over 10 years been open, responsive, patient, and always consistent in listening to and working with our neighborhood. amazing what dialogue between honest people sitting at the table can do. [tone!] supervisor mar: we are trying to keep a respectful tone. please respect that. most people are doing that. if there are people speaking out, i will be asking folks to be taken out. we're trying to keep a respectful conversation. go ahead. >> thank you, a supervisor. a great project has resulted at davies as part of the overall cpmc rebuild as a result of the neighborhood negotiations on the
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data element for us. let's rebuild it now. thank you. supervisor mar: next speaker. >> i am a resident of district 8. i am proud to have such a hard- working and inclusive representative as supervisor wiener. i am your to support the cpmc rebel, particularly the neuroscience center of the davies campus. i think it would be an excellent use of district 8 land. i am a registered nurse at the keep rehabilitation to sell to. in my 10 years, we have transitioned to a world-class state of the art facility. all san franciscans deserve world-class facilities. the time and opportunity for miracles are fleeting. we see miracles, but they do not happen on their own. they start with world-class facilities.
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time is precious. i encourage all san franciscans get world-class medical facilities now. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. i will call a few more names. christopher, dennis, laura. mr. flores. >> i am from local 22 of the carpenters' union. local 22 is committed to seeing the local construction workers have their fair shake on the job. you have my word on that. supervisor cohen talked about women in the trades. in our apprenticeship program, it is mandated 20% of the class
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has women in that class. it is no secret. i will come out and say it. we are low on that. we need more women we're doing as much as we can on outreach. we're working with the sheriff's department of san francisco. i did not know existed. let me get this right. women's reentry -- reentering center. it is great. i have a group of women i am talking to. they are interested. we're doing what we can out there. thirdly, we have a program called helmets to hardhats. that is when veterans have completed their tour, they can sign up for the program. they have direct entry into our apprenticeship program. we're pushing on that. [tone!]
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we are finding there are a lot of residents of san francisco involved. we're doing our share. we are reaching out. we're doing what we can with the residency hiring in san francisco. supervisor mar: you were mentioning construction jobs and making sure you will abide by the first source hiring and local tire. you are also making a commitment to support local hiring in other areas. is there right? >> i am all for that. i think it is important. whatever can be drawn up. you know, construction, temporary and permanent. it is important. supervisor mar: thank you. >> mining is alex. i am the executive director for the chinese association. we organized city-wide.
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we're based in chinatown. mostly service workers in the restaurant industry and getting more workers in the construction industry as well. i wanted to keep my comments focused. there is a false dichotomy being created that this is community versus labor. if we look at the room, we can see ithe most unity around cpmc and building it in the right way for all working families is the unity coming from labor and community coming together. that is a very important part. we see labor is community. health care is also jobs. health care is also services for our communities. the reason we're here today is because we really support the worker rights issues. to spell it out more clearly, we feel the only way to keep working families in san francisco is to preserve strong
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standards, strong labor standards for all working families. this includes people in really bad conditions in chinatown getting paid $5 an hour. it also includes for us to be able to ensure there are good jobs for people to be able to get into the union jobs as well. for the majority of the members we work with [tone!] they are able to get union jobs afterwards. this is not about health or union transfer rights. it is about the working families in san francisco all together. i want to emphasize that equal -- even for the local higher numbers, it is low. 40 a year for five years. the unemployed rate in the chinese community is 30%. a lot of people do not understand that. this is not just about workers. it is about housing, health care, and the community as a whole. [tone!] supervisor mar: thank you.
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next speaker. >> my name is elizabeth alexander. our local represents a health care workers and social workers. our workers are adamant against the project that does not go forward without the benefits agreement. we have seen our workers testified to the impacts and non-expanded st. luke's house on s.f. general. when s.f. general max's out, we triage to st. luke's. st. luke's max's out. people are waiting hours to receive emergency care. we want to see a larger facility. we want to see expanded loops. this is not an issue we're coming to because of our jobs. it is because of the care.
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it is an expanding area in our city. to give cpmc the green light without insuring anything for the south side is irresponsible. you will see us coming back and talking about what we need to do to expand services for people on the south side. as supervisors, that will fall in your hands as you are responsible for providing health care when the private sector is not doing the right thing. in terms of public policy issues and future planning for the city, we have to be thinking about what is our obligation. [tone!] cpmc will be taking on more healthy san francisco money. we need to look at the charity care rate. that would otherwise go into the public sector. it needs to be done in full understanding of what's cpmc's obligation is. we're standing with our brothers
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and sisters and other unions about transfer rights. we look forward to your support for the committee benefits agreement. [tone!] supervisor mar: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am a registered nurse in the neonatal i see you at the california campus. i have been up to this podium and others several times in the last few years pete -- speaking in front of the planning commission, board of supervisors, and help commission. i am back to remind you that not a single registered nurse at cpmc has been guaranteed a job at the new cathedral hill hospital. no employee has been guaranteed a job. warren brown was asked about a recent employee for. his answers were non-committal. at this point in the process, there is no specific plan for the current work force.
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many of us have years and years of service at cpmc. many of us who started as new nurses have remained dedicated employees helping patients with their most challenging times in life. nursing is a predominantly female profession with a large percentage of women of color being the primary breadwinners and their families. it can be hard working for a household. it can be hard working for a health care corporation puts profit ahead of everything else. i love being a nurse. do not get me wrong. helping patients and their families at a vulnerable time has many rewards. that is why i have remained a bedside nurses for 35 years. i often go to sleep at night thinking about the families and wondering if the little ones will be better the next day. [tone!] cpmc should do the right thing and guarantee us through a community benefits agreement in writing we will be able to keep our jobs and current working conditions.
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without a union supporting us, we will not be able to push for safe staffing. and the ratios to protect our patients. the supervisors are constantly looking at how they can tighten up assignments. [tone!] without union protection, we would not be able to continue that work. supervisor mar: next speaker. >> my name is laura. i am a project engineer in turn for the cpmc for the general contractor company. i am also a student studying civil engineering at san francisco state university. i am here to support the rebuilding of cpmc because of the opportunities it will bring to our community. by rebuilding cpmc, doors will be opened for young aspiring professionals trying to pursue
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their dream careers. i am one of many young college graduates going back to school to obtain a higher degree because of the lack of opportunities available. i always thought working hard or you are passionate about would take you anywhere automatically. this is the american dream. for our generation, there is so much competition and limited opportunity. it does take a toll on your confidence. it is because of the cpmc projects the company was able to take me in as an intern. it has only been my second week. the value of being part of something big that contributes to society inspires me to continue to pursue a career in engineering. i never thought i would look forward to breaking up at 6:00 every morning. this internship has made it easy. please support the cpmc so that many young adults in my position to pursue their dreams and get
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their chance to contribute to building a better society. [tone!] thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. i am going to call a few more names. next speaker? >> i am a cpmc in post a key services for over 20 years. we employees feel quite vulnerable in the new rebuild. there have been several layoff notices and at locations will be closed. with the help of our union, the committee, and public officials, we have been successful in keeping valuable services open. we cannot afford to lose more dedicated professionals in san francisco.
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they've committed to keeping 100 beds open for 10 years. roughly 65 of those are at an undetermined location. the ceo posted a town hall meeting in which he stated the opposite. when the nurses asked what would happen to subacute, he answered that it had not been figured out. skilled nursing and subacute are too expensive in the city of san francisco. the nurses asked about the employees. he answered, we will find jobs for those people where the patients go assuming people are willing to move. i do not know what else we can do. i do not know. the nurses are for the most part residents of san francisco. we have provided decades of service. we have no job security when the new hospital is moved. cpmc is silent on future employment for its 6000 employees.
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before approval is granted, we ask for your help in demanding the following. a commitment to future employment of nurses to have first rights to employment in the new facility. it would not cost anything. cpmc provide a clear statement of the exact location of the skilled nursing beds. thank you. supervisor mar: what do you think will happen to the subacute services? where do you think those 60 skilled nursing beds will be made up if they are eliminated from st. luke's? >> it is not st. luke's. it is all through the campuses. i have no idea. we're getting mixed messages. if i had my say in any of this, i would say to keep it open in the california campus. do not close the california campus. move the skilled nursing beds to the california campus.
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supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am speaking for the president and ceo of the san francisco community clinic consortium. i am eleanor jacobs. we feel having a new hospital from the ground up will be good for the san francisco health care system. the building of the hospital will bring new jobs in to san francisco. a new hospital has the potential to recruit new providers and replace retiring providers. we are excited to work with all hospitals to improve the health and welfare of san franciscans. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> i want to take time to support what alex stated
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earlier. this is not a fight between labor and community. it is not either or. we support builders. we support the community and labor work together to create a healthy community. i want to go further and say when employers coming to the city, we need to start holding them accountable for being part of the community. let me say that cpmc has already demonstrated they have bad faith when working with the community. by reducing the beds at st. luke's, by allowing themselves to only give the lowest standard possible of charity care. if you are an employer interested in the community you are coming into, you are going to exceed the standards set. that is not happening here.
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there is a lack of good faith on the part of cpmc when dealing with the community. we need to hold onto a higher standard than what they are currently being held to. [applause] supervisor mar: thank you. i would ask people to withhold applause. it would allow us to get through this as quickly as we can. next speaker. >> my name is gary brown. i am a long time resident of bayview-hunters point. i am the owner and operator of my own business. i have been dealing with st. luke's hospital since i came back from vietnam in 1971. i was 19 years old. my daughter was born there 40 years ago. gary brown, jr., was born there in 1978. my baby daughter is in college. she was born at st. luke's. it would help my family. it was convenient for me to go there at the time because they
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would not let me in san francisco general 40 years ago because i was working and trying to have a family. i enjoyed going there. they help my family. it was convenient because of where i live that. if they tear down st. luke's, my wife is passed this february with pancreatic cancer. i noticed the change when we went to st. luke's. they transferred her to ralph davis and in california pacific. what i see now is there is a lot of money being exchanged. they could not help her because she was in the last stages. it was critical. but anyway, i would like to see everyone support and try to keep this hospital open. [tone!] thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker.
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>> i am a resident of bayview district. i am a student studying child development. i also work two jobs to support me and go to school. i am a full-time student. going into health care would be a dream. right now, there is not a lot of opportunities in my community to support that. i would like to see a lot of programs and training and placement to support me and other people in the community. schooling gets more expensive. it is hard for us to pursue that career. i would also like to see a difference and more benefits for youthful people like myself. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon. my name is carolyn gauge. i am a san francisco resident.
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i am a resident of district 10. during the course of this meeting and to the end of this meeting, the questions of you, what, where, and wind should be answered. there have been promises without commitment and our communities before. with the development of these sites in the community and the involvement of city officials, it can be agreed the south side is a community of evolution. is it safe to say since these developments are constructed in our community and city officials are involved, that the projects will be monitored for the best of the people in the community? there will be vast amounts of services developing, career training and placement operations in these facilities. if it is safe to say that these will bring longstanding career
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opportunities to the committee, it would be safe to believe the opportunities would maintain a high development of professionalism in science and health care system. also opportunities in human- resources, data billing, coding, and other vocational skills. the challenges should be met for and of the community. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. i am going to call several mornings. steve wu, david velmer. if your name has been called, please line up. if your name has not been called, we will get to you. >> i am on the nonprofit cpmc board of directors for the foundation. the purpose is to raise funds for the community for the
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programs and facilities that would not otherwise be possible. i want to share some insight i gained over the years of observing why so many volunteers and donor support cpmc. i am talking about a broad base of annual donors. 400 corporations, 100 foundations, 12,000 individuals of all income levels and occupations from every single neighborhood in san francisco. why do they want to give and support? why do we have 33 trustees serving on the board an average of 11 years? we of 80 additional trustees on st. luke's board. why do they support us. why do we have citizen volunteers at cpmc who put in 100,000 volunteer hours a year? here is why. here is why we have attracted so much community support. they understand the importance of quality health care
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professionally and humanely deliver. they have a sense of security in all of uthis. so many are grateful patients. no one is forcing them or paying them to support cpmc with their volunteer time and treasurer. they do it because the overall system works well. they feel secure. [tone!] security in health care means they do not want to be concerned about seismic safety in their own hospital. i cannot express how significant an issue this is with them given the seismic history of san francisco. i encourage you to support cpmc. please bring seismic safety and top support -- top-level help support to san francisco. supervisor mar: next speaker. mr. carpenter, i did not call your name. if your name has not been
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called, please respect the process. many people have been waiting for several hours. i do have a list. if you have put a card in, i will call you. i do not think i have called your name, mr. carpenter. >> a bunch of people talk to use names were not called. this is a matter of discrimination, sir. supervisor mar: i would like for you to respect the process. we will get to your name. >> a whole bunch of people came up with other names being called. supervisor mar: i called everyone's names who came up. please respect the process. >> everyone who got on his microphone name was not called by you. supervisor mar: yes, it was. please respect the process. >> speaker. -- please respect the process. >> speaker. >> i wanted to be known [unintelligible] supervisor mar: please continue. >> thank you for hearing this
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important item today. i support cpmc's rebuild plants. after being out of the workforce for a long time, i was recently hired by herrera contractors. around this time last year, i was diagnosed with cancer and went through surgery. this did not discourage me. while undergoing radiotherapy, i went back to school at the city college of san francisco to get my certificate in construction administration. under the auspices of mission hiring hall and herrera. i did this to find a job and not be a burden to my family in the city. now i have my health back and have a full-time job. today i am here on behalf of
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those who will overcome every illness, go back to school if need be, and do every sacrifice to get into the work force so they can put food on the table for their families. i am a resident of san francisco. i firmly believe you have the best interest of the residents in your hearts. [tone!] give us jobs. give us our lives back. please vote in support of rebuilding cpmc without delay. thank you. supervisor mar: thank you. i will call several more names. david velmer, jeffrey keyes. next speaker. >> my name is barbara. i have been a nurse for over 35
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years. i work in labor and delivery at the california campus. build a hospital, but build it right. you are dealing with the corporation whose ceo made $4 million last year. he does not have to worry about job security or where his paycheck is coming. he probably has a little left over to put away for his penchant. his pension is separate from his paycheck. maybe he has little left over for health care. no, that is also separate from his paycheck. maybe he needs it to put extra food on his table. $4 million does not go as far as it used to. the mayor has met many times with the trades. he has made deals with them. what about the nurses. should we have the right to work and in a hospital? we do not have transfer rights. they did not make a deal with the hospital. the ones recognizes these most
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-- the most ethical ones in the country. the nurses do not have transfer rights today. we have no guarantee we will have jobs in the new hospital. i live and vote in san francisco. i have worked in the hospital i have substantial deals for over 35 years. i am not entry level. well i have a job in your hospital? have a hard and care about your patience. thank you. >> i am resident of bernal heights, 38 years, and my family relies on st. luke's hospital. my grandson was born there. i am here representing jobs with justice, a coalition of 30 community labor groups. for the past few years, jobs with the justice has been working with a broader coalition of 50 groups called san franciscans for health care, housing,
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