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tv   [untitled]    June 21, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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months ago came on the heels of president obama's announcement and direction to the country back in january in which the mayor created something called the summer jobs plus a initiative. he committed 5000 summer jobs for young people between the ages of 14 to 24. as of today, we have 3400 jobs available for young people in the government. we have over 300 young people placed in private sector jobs and 100 young people are in the middle of the hiring process. some of these people are hired in places such as starbucks, both in the corporate office as well as in the stores. young people are placed in different financial institutions in the city, as well as law
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institutions in the city, realistic institutions. it is really exciting. young people are getting bad experience and exposure so they can -- getting back experience and exposure so they can eventually land on a career. i want to take this opportunity to call out and knowledge of the wonderful work of our president. back on june 15, the president issued an executive director to the country -- executive directive to the country -- i am sorry, i am trying to read it. an executive director of to the country to have to immediately implement a policy known as deferred action. young people ages 16 to 32 are brought to this country through no fault of their own and meet several key criteria will no longer be removed. this is extremely exciting for
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us because we have tried very hard to ensure that all of our young people have access to employment opportunities. our young people to do not have proper documentation, it is very difficult to get them into a job opportunity. with this new ordinance, we are working with the office of civic engagement, we are working with asian law caucus, we are working with other nonprofits who are spearheading this work in the city to try to figure out how to help our young people who do not have of prop -- proper documentation. it is really exciting for us and we are hopeful that we will be able to implement the president's vision cent.
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-- soon. supervisor kim: given the new announcement from the president, i was wondering how that would impact our employment programs for our undocumented youth. i had a separate question. i know this already a big priority for the department. how do we ensure quality internships? of course, it is often very uneven. in terms of giving quality work that is appropriate. if you could touch a little bit on that. second, are there any longitudinal assessments we are able to do and what helps youth the most in these internships? more than them just getting this internship and being able to put it on their resume, are there
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actual things we have learned over the last couple of programs that are beneficial to helping young people on the road to long-term employment in their adulthood? >> that is a great question. in terms of the quality assessment and how we know that these internship opportunities really benefit our young people, there are a couple of things we are doing. at dcyf has actually implemented a quality assessment tool that we have started to go out to programs and observe how they are providing preemployment training, how they are working with young people on job readiness skills, and then we are also going out to the sites to observe what is happening at
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those -- during those times. we will not have a full evaluation results of all of that until next year. i would be more than happy to come back to share that with you. preliminary results showed that our young people are learning a lot. they're getting a lot of meaningful connections to adults who care. at the end of the day, it is about having young people connected to adults who really care and want to be that mentor for them. and provide that level of consistency as well of that level of structure. in terms of long-term benefits, one of the programs we initiated last year was to couple a summer school participation with a workforce incentive. that showed such amazing outcomes. when we coupled summer school attendance with an is said to
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give -- with an incentive, the attendance rate for summer school shot up to almost 85% or something. i know that our school district partners are here. it was amazing. they participated because they knew that if they went to the entire summer school program, once they completed the program, they could -- they were guaranteed a job. we are implementing that program again this year. once again, we will go through an evaluation of our workforce portfolio and we will be able to provide you some concrete results by next year. supervisor kim: i did not realize that that happened last summer. i note -- i am really happy to
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hear about the partnership. >> another great partnership with the school district is we are exploring opportunities in ways for us to link credit bearing classes with employment as well. so that it would help a young person and move towards meeting all of their requirements. we are working closely with career and technical education units to determine which classes would qualify as a credit during class. we are not just talking about -- we are talking about the a to f credits as well. the school system has been a phenomenal partner for us. supervisor cohen: thank you very much. i am looking in the analyst
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report and i see you have requested three positions. am i reading that correctly? i am looking to get a clearer explanation between the community development specialist and the senior development specialist. how will these program officers, how will their roles differ? >> the 9775 principal development specialist will have more of a fiscal and compliance oversight role. we realize that a lot of our nonprofits additional support around this management and understanding their contract. we want to make sure we have one person who was dedicated to oversee and support our general
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program officers in providing that support to our nonprofits. the 9774 senior community specialist will help us with what i have described earlier, providing the assessment and oversight and program monitoring of quality, will help identify capacity building strategies or technical assistance. and will support in the evaluation. supervisor cohen: i received an e-mail earlier in the week about -- with regards to the budget to. i am curious to know -- where did the $25,000 coming out of your budget? >> it was a program that was
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implemented at the juvenile guidance center. that was never originally in our budget. i can look into which department's budget that was in it. it was a partnership between juvenile probation, the nonprofit, and city college. supervisor cohen: it was never in your budget? does that also go with the community services activities as well? $30,000 price tag on that. is that also not in your budget? >> that was in our budget before. that was a partnership with the juvenile probation department. when we went through an rfp several months ago, we ended up not finding that particular proposal. we funded another proposal of the agency. supervisor cohen: is there
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comparable services being executed? is it completely eliminated? >> i would have to go back and look more to understand those two very specific programs. i do have to say that in terms of ged services, we do need services for our youth in the city. having ga ged or a high- school diploma helps our young people separate themselves from the justice system. i see a need for that. the committee services program, i also agree that we need to have young people understand that they need to give back to the community and they need to have a civic responsibility for their surroundings.
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i would love to sit down and have further conversations with you when i go back to my office and figure out more how these budget reductions happened. supervisor cohen: thank you. >> i do have one more slide and then i can finish. in terms of language access, i want to say that the language access ordinance identifies dcyf as a tier 2 department. we did not provide direct service to the community. however, dcyf does see the value if ensuring that appropriate language access is provided to our community because we want families with limited language capabilities to be able to receive services in a timely manner. relevant to their needs. to that point, dcyf has minimal
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compliance -- minimum compliance standards that we ask all of our cbos to meet. there are two indicators, because this is how we measure the effectiveness. all program information are translated and program activities, events showing understanding and respect for the culture of the program participants. this is something that we monitor our nonprofit agencies on. dcyf general operating protocol
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requires that all of your outreach materials are translated into spanish and chinese. all of our community meetings have access to translators if it is appropriate. that concludes my presentation. i am open to more questions. supervisor chu: thank you very much. i would like to continue forward. i think there are a few items that also follow -- where are you with that? >> we thank the budget analyst and a great work they have done. we accept the recommendation of the budget analyst. supervisor chu: anything that you would add? >> [inaudible] nothing to add other than the total recommended reductions are 63,822 in 2013-2014.
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in 2012-2013. supervisor chu: this also includes a close out, correct? supervisor cohen: on page 31, you give a description and said the department did not provide sufficient specification for 3m community development specialist positions. what is sufficient? how do you define sufficient? >> it was not justified. we asked about it, the department concurred with us that it was not necessary. we felt the positions that were handling responsibilities was a sufficient classification. the department's concurred. supervisor cohen: thank you. supervisor chu: colleagues,
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given there is an agreement, do we have a motion to except the recommendations in addition to the close out? we will do that without objection. thank you very modest. before you go, -- thank you very much. in terms of those items, they are items 9 and 10, i believe. these are the public education enrichment funds, at san francisco unified school district. >> good afternoon.
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as we do each year, the controller's office reviews the plan from the unified school district for the funding allocations to both of those departments from the public education enrichment find. i have a very short presentation that i left at your seat and also a copy of the four report. the report is dated june 13, 2012. every year, the office takes a look at the plan to determine whether or not the expenses proposed from the plan are consistent with the goals of the program. and then also, we calculate the baseline that is required in the allocation based on the formula. the public education enrichment fund was created in 2004 to a charter amendment. it required that one-third of the fund be allocated to the
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children and families commission for child care, universal access to preschool, one-third of the allocation be allocated to the school district for sports, library, arts, and music programs. one-third of the funds be allocated to the school district that also allows for any kind services to be provided in lieu of cash from the city for general education purposes. the public education enrichment find an allocation is 70.8 $5 million. -- 70.85 million.
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once it reached the threshold of 60 million, it grows with the aggregate of discretionary income. the charter allows the city to suspend 25% of the fund if there is a deficit. that threshold was much in the current year and the mayor's office had implemented that cut as part of the budget that is before you and the value of that is $17.7 million. a total allocation to both departments of $53.1 million. for the children and families commission, their allocation represents $17.7 million. i think it is worth noting that the first five commission has a fund balance of approximately
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$9.7 million already before this allocation is provided to the department. in looking at the the plan and looking at the performance measures within the plan, we have noted that first five proposal does meet the requirements and intended use is in the charter. the plan provides preschool reimbursement for 3300 children. each year, the number of children and the type of services provided has been expanded with the additional money they have received. supervisor chu: in terms of the previous slide were you spoke of the 12-13 allocation amounts, it shows the $70.8 million, the trigger amount, and the total allocation. what was it in the current year? we of also -- it has grown, i
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think. right? >> it has ground. -- grown. ok, to the unified school district -- supervisor chu: you can sure that number with the slider, too. >> when i take my seat, i will be able to find it in the record. supervisor wiener: if we could also know the rainy day contribution. >> $6.3 million for the budget year. supervisor wiener: during the current budget year? >> it was a bit more than that.
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we have a table that provide such information in the entire report. the value of the trigger the has been deferred, the amount that has been deferred since the conception of the program is $93 million. moving to the unified school district, the unified school district's contribution is $32.6 million in cash. in kind contribution of $2.7 million. this is a reference in a section of the charge that does allow for this one-third portion of the allocation to be provided in in-kind in lieu of cash. that represents 7.5% and
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services directly to the schools. supervisor chu: in terms of the amount of allocation, $32.6 million is the actual allocation we have sent over to the school district for various purposes. but we also get credit for $2.7 million of contributions, correct? >> that is right. supervisor chu: in terms of the actual amount of money, it is probably higher than that? >> yes. ok, again, the direct appropriation of cash is 32 -- additional services is $21.2 million for a total contribution of $56.8 million from the city to the school
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district in this coming year. if you were to add the $6.3 million of rainy day, the total gross to $73 million. -- grows to $73 million. the controller recommends improved -- approving the plan. both the first five and the school districts have introduced new performance measures. we look at the work that was performed against those measures on an annual basis. the charter requires us to conduct a complete analysis of the outcome, as required by the charter, by the end of december 2014. in time for the board's consideration before the expiration of the program. the program expires at the end
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of fiscal year 14-15. if i may point u2 the full report -- if i may point you to the full report, pages 10 and 11 represents a listing of all of the in-kind services provided. there are some services specific to the peace, and there are a number of services that have been provided over the years directly to the schools. both the first five commission and the school district are here to answer any questions that you have. supervisor chu: thank you very much. thank you for the presentation and the information. the rainy day fund are currently program to be released to the school district, correct? >> that is correct.
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they are budgeted as part of the city's budget. once approved by the mayor and the board of supervisors, that allocation goes directly to the schools. there are no strings attached. there are no requirements, no budget, no specific funding proposals. that is discretionary, totally by the school district. supervisor avalos: just a couple of questions about -- some of these are not counted towards the actual fund. they are quantifying what kind of services we provide. if some of these services have been provided for years and it is not an additional service, but it has been part of the function of the city supporting the school district. >> craft. -- correct. we put the services in two
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separate buckets. the $2.7 million could be in cash or in kind. the city chooses to provide that resource with in-kind services. above and beyond that, as shown on page 3, the second slide, there is an additional $21.2 million. many of those services have been provided for decades. supervisor avalos: thank you, that clarifies its. it is really good to have all of that. >> we do a survey of all the departments to determine whether or not they are continuing to provide those services. we calculate the value of all of those services. supervisor avalos: did prop h have a baseline? >> yes, there is a baseline. we certified that the budget is
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consistent with the baseline. that has been certified. supervisor avalos: in terms of these services that have been provided for a long time, in terms of the amount of funding, the funding level is secured? >> correct. on the four reports, on page 6 -- on the full report, on page 6, you have a comparison of the two fiscal years. for the school district, their allocation for this year was roughly $33.4 million. growing to $37.5 million in the budget year. supervisor chu: thank you for the presentation. just a quick question.
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with regards to the school district, we have been hearing a lot of news about what could happen, what the budget could look like. i am wondering if we have circled back about where their position is and how things are progressing. if you had just a quick update at all. >> thank you for the question. i chair the budget committee for the school district. we have not concluded with the state budget cuts will be at this time. we are in the middle of negotiations with our unions. that has been a little tricky as well. we're not even sure how much we are needing to cut. we work off progress -- projections every year and those are a moving target. the answer is no. supervisor chu: what is the timeline for putting out a projected budget based on thebe