tv [untitled] June 22, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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we have a new provider in the valley and we are finding them, as we intended to do. we are excited about that. we also have a new provider and we are moving forward on that. what i don't have down here that i want to include it is one the other initiative we are working hard on it is our pre k to third grade strategy. ok, so the next slide is our p rop 10 outlook and are
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sustainability plan. our reserves are being used by a program such as current revenue decreases. you can see as our revenue declines, the use of our system ability and our reserves increases. we do have a plan to take us through fiscal year 20-21. that is because the state is projecting our revenue to be. every year, we will be using more and more of your fund balance. in 2020, we will use almost all of our fund balance, except for $6.8 million. but we wanted to do -- what we wanted to do -- this really is going to -- this funds our major
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initiative of family resource centers. on the next page, you will see the same kind of grid. as -- it looks like our revenue is going up a little bit of based on the city's projections, and yet we are going to start drawing down our reserves. we will use the reserves for a few things. to cover state cuts for our four-year-olds. if there are additional dollars, we will expand two or three- year-olds. since our revenue is increasing, we will consider -- we will expand the number of children we are predicted to serve and we
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may also expand to provide reimbursement for three-year- olds. we have to do the financial analysis once we know what the state budget is going to be. when the proposition that sunsets, we will have used our reserves. supervisor kim: you kind of already answered this. the rise in preschool for all of revenue will be finally utilized by a first 5 going from $20 million of up to $25 million. and my reading the chart correctly? >> every year, our expenses increase. some of that -- we will need the
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reserves to cover state cuts. >supervisor kim: that will back fill some of that? on the previous slide, this fiscal year, we funded $9 million through prop 10 funds. it slowly steps down. will some of the preschool for all funding be used to kind of backfill those services? are we just providing less services? >> we are not thinking of using our prop h funds to fill our prop. 10 declined. although that would be great if we could. we also are jointly funding, so we will continue to make our
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contribution to the prop 10 side. hopefully, we will raise some revenue to make sure our services are continued past 2020. we do call to cut another million dollars -- three years, we will fund at a similar level. and then we will have a new strategic plan three years from now. we will see what we can afford to fund then. we were not going to come and go the funds. -- comingle the funds. supervisor kim: or week funding at that level in fiscal year 12th? -- were we funding at that level in fiscal year 12? why is it that we waited to do that expansion in the next three years? >> we were always called to expand so we are not fully enrolled yet.
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every year, we are expanding by about 100 children. we said we would serve 3600 children by the end -- before it sunsets. we are still ramping up. supervisor kim: part of the rationale behind keeping a strong reserve under prop. a to is because you did not have the capacity to ramp up any earlier? >> in our -- originally, our projections for that we would have 20 million. when we got a reduced amount by 25%, we readjusted. we did not know what that was going to look like. so we built a reserve because we wanted to keep going. some of it is because we did not know we were going to get power of preschool money from the
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state. which we made you again next year. so that is why. we want to make sure we are serving more and more children through our pfa money. we are targeting our low-income children in the eastern section of the city. does that seem clear? supervisor kim: thank you. >> shall i continue? ok, as i mentioned, we are anticipating, we have applied for a state grand from the first 5 california. this money has a very specific -- what we applied for is very specific. they wanted us to target children that have families with
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low end, and that they live in neighborhoods with low performing schools. we are targeting bayview. what this money is, it to dig deeply into building quality. some of this is to have family specialists in our centers, early education coaches that are there more full-time, and mental health specialists. we are hoping to get that money. we have applied for it and we have a plan for it. it will require us to hire some more staff. we are hoping we get that money. we are hoping -- we are also expected to get $1.2 million over the next three years for our race to the top money. this is to build our quality rating system and our quality improving system. this will add to the money that
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we are already investing. i also want to say that we have applied for the all american cities award. that does not come with money, san francisco are finalists. we will get some recognition. our next slide is wanting to talk about our joint funding and leveraging. we have been leveraging all along with dcyf and hsa are around their family resource centers. we are allocating $10.4 million for the next three years. we're also in discussions with the mayor's office of housing and the office of economic and workforce development. the mayor's office of housing is allocating an additional $200,000 to our investments
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targeting the families that lived in the housing. we were talking about during the same thing, but we are not sure about that. we're talking about leveraging our dollars so that the family resource centers can also provide some of the job readiness and job training work. we're focusing back on western addition, and possibly the omi. if we can draw down the title for money for training -- we are working with hsa to do that. we are working on this -- supervisor cohen: i have a quick question. can you give me some kind of an
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idea of what are the cost drivers that bring the expenditures up so high? i am looking at the preschool public and sustainability. -- preschool sustainability. excess expenditures covered our reserves. i wanted to know what some of these expenses are -- >> the bulk of those expenses are reimbursements. that is the majority of our expenses. last year, i think are reimbursed them was about $14 million. -- reimbursement was about $40 million. as we keep growing it, the reimbursement rates grow.
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ok? we do have funding, a joint funding for our early care and education initiatives that will be part of the office of ece. some of the direct program allocation is about $18.2 million. we think of it together, our contribution to that is about $3.5 million. the family child care quality network, the central eligibility list, the quality improvement system, things like that. we're working with our race to the top dollars. we are working with our bay area
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region and we are going to develop or regional quality rating system, leveraging each other's dollars. we may have a central place that will do assessments, these evidence-based assessment. we're developing the plan right now. finally, we have budgeted -- there are no new positions in our budget. we are putting one of our fte's over at the office. we may be asking to fill those four vacancies if we get the money for the children signature program. that will acquire us to have certain staff. -- acquirer -- require us to have certain staff.
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we operate a phone line -- a parent phone line for preschool and we operate that in three languages. all of our materials are in three languages. all aboard trains are in three languages. -- all of our training's are in three languages. most of our programs maintain an ongoing capacity to provide -- to serve families and providers in these primary languages. supervisor chu: thank you for your presentation. to the budget analyst, is there anything you would add? >> no, nothing too bad. supervisor chu: if there are no questions from the committee, thank you for your presentation. we look forward to continue to speak with you as we look for the office of the ece. >> do you want me to come back next week? supervisor chu: the next
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apartment, a juvenile probation. -- the next department come at a juvenile probation. >> thank you. i am from the juvenile probation department. i am here to present our budget proposal this afternoon. i am very proud of the fact that i have the opportunity, once again, to present on behalf of our department. my eighth budget presentation. i am accompanied by alison d. and catherine mcguire, his
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careful and thoughtful work in balancing the need with the absolute minimum amount of fiscal supports that we are requesting. it should be highlighted here today. any questions that i am unable to answer, allison and kathrin would be able to provide you with answers. i would like to thank the mayor, budget director, and our analyst for their support in helping us craft what we believe is a very balanced budget that anticipates absolutely no cuts in services and programs for the youth and families we serve. before i get into the task for the next year, i would like to
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thank the board and the mayor for last year's budget allocation and thank all of the men and women of the san francisco juvenile probation department this faithfully discharged their duties m responsibilities to leverage those funds into dividends accrued dividends that were redeemed by youth, families, and the public we served. we responsible stewards of those resources and pledged to continue our commitment to the taxpayers of san francisco. what i would like to do is bring you up to speed on, a brief recap of our mission. supervisor chu: if i might interject. it is getting close to the end of the day. i think we would like to speed up and go more directly to your budget. you can speak briefly about the mission, but we would like to keep the presentation --
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>> our mission is devoted to preserving public safety in the short term, but also promoting public safety in the long term. we can go to the budget outlook. this chart shows our budget for fiscal year 2012-2013. a 1.9 million increase. the budget includes -- most of that increase is due to long overdue capital. that will be discussed a little later. another half million is due to work order increases, mostly due to workers' compbills that are due. it seeks to rehabilitate our injured workers and are deteriorating buildings and properties.
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our major budget outlook, major changes. with additional $1.3 million in juvenile probation, work orders, a general fund to portion, an eligibility worker that will help us in and dancing are reimbursable activities. -- advancing our reimbursable activities. the workers' compensation situation with our departments, we have had to transfer funds into workers' comp at the end of the last two years to cover the deficits. we expect to make multiple large payments, which will be covered by increases to our budget. our change looks at some capital
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improvements. the cameras that would be installed in the juvenile hall that will serve on going efficiency savings for our departments in reducing worker'' comp claims, reducing the incidence that occur in a juvenile detention facility, and provide a better platform for training. i mentioned earlier about the deteriorating buildings and properties. a dorm bathroom will be able to be repaired. the youth can continue to receive their shower opportunities every day. we had a fire in the kitchen and the past year and found there
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was a tremendous gap in our fire notification system. that is one of the areas that we are seeking to improve that will have minimal impact on our department. the age of that building, built in the 1950's, has major problems with ada compliance. aside from the large investment that the city will be making, jpd faces an estimated $2.1 million capital needs currently identified, but dead on funded. including those associated with those outdoor recreation facilities that were brought to our attention by the san francisco youth commission that we have included into that long- term plan. i will skip the slide of the
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shower. i cannot even look at it myself. let's move to some of our departments -- supervisor avalos: that capital plan, this is all general fund? is that correct? >> yes, it is. the department is committed to advancing its efforts over the past five years to construct the use of secured detention for only those youth that presents -- presented -- applying evidence based practices and principles. the department will continue its efforts to address and a great racial and ethnic disparities in the san francisco juvenile justice system. me will continue to place youth on -- placing them does not
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automatically change their behavior. that is why the department is committed to preserving the services and practices that inspire and promote long-term positive outcomes. our major department initiatives also include our commitment to ensure the health and safety of residents and staff. the health and safety capital projects that will prepare the fire notification systems, the plumbing, at the access road to log cabin branch, and address longstanding ada compliance issues. the log cabin branch estimate will examine the future of san francisco's juvenile justice system, especially in conjunction and in the context of the divestiture and the
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possibility of increasing state funded support to these local county based alternatives. we anticipate the addition of a social worker that will help manage the transition late aged youth probation cases after their involvement with the probation department concludes. the wardship and responsibilities related to extended foster care benefits will continue. believe that placing a social worker into that position will assist the department and not only in forming and educating probation officers on ways they can utilize the available programming benefits for youth through age 21. this position will be not funded
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by the general fund. part of our presentation includes our commitment to creating a summer youth employment. the developer of probation program -- department is participating in project pull. we have two probation officers that were placed into this program. i would like to introduce robin levinson. we asked her to make the presentation today. we have an in-house job readiness program and placement services that has been operating in the house for the entire past year. replaced 36 youth into 22 private-sector placements. that was advanced by a job fair
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that we had in april were over 20 individual lead private employment centers and small businesses attended a session where we had our kids on probation up. engage in conversations that led to employment. 36 of those youth were placed. we also have -- as part of the major elements of the program at what can ranch, -- log cabin branch, that teach youth skills that will be transportable into the work force when they emerge from the juvenile justice system. earlier today, you heard about the outdoor experience. it was a major initiative initiated by the mayor last
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year for over 35 probation at youth that were connected with community-based agencies in the mission, the bayview, and in the tenderloin attended a four-day trip to -- that lead to employment opportunities that were extended to another of youth. this initiative was led on behalf of our department. in terms of collecting all of our applicants, reviewing the applicants, and making sure our connection with the rec and park managers will fortified the number of the youth that attended last year. our commitments to language access for all of our clients,
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we are in full compliance with the language access ordinance. we have completed our training. 8% of our clients are lep. 16 of our documents are translated into five languages, including online guides in six languages to the juvenile justice system. 25% of our staff are bilingual in six languages, with 26 staff certified in five different languages. we have written language efficiency programs and protocols that are reminding staff of the need to participate in this and to ensure that clients are able to understand the system and the direction and
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advice and the activities that are conducted in the court system. we also have a know you rrights campaign that informs all of the youth at the point of detention at what their rights and responsibilities are in conjunction with their stay in our system. do you have any questions? supervisor chu: in terms of the salaries, not a huge difference, a little bit of the change. is this for a standard increases anin mous? >> i will ask kathrin to answer that. >> supervisor, yes, that is correct. that is paid for out of state and federal revenue. supervisor chu:
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