tv [untitled] June 26, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PDT
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you are not going away. supervisor chu: i want to say congratulations on your retirement. i am thankful you will be around to help us with our dbt and the reorganization and we look forward to that things will do in that capacity. >> thank you very much, supervisor. supervisor elsbernd: i want to also join you and today is your day. i want to recognize within the police department that the retirement -- at the retirement board, i was stunned at the list of retirees within the department. a huge number of captains, a number of the tenants, a number of commanders. we're going to see a lot of people who have given a lot of years to the people of san
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francisco and want to thank them and appreciate all of them and to those who are staying cannot encourage them. we look forward to working with you. >> supervisor olague: i want to thank you. i saw you just this sunday at pride. i was reflecting on the losses we entered during the 1980's and 1990's from the hiv epidemic. i can see how when you leave this position, you cannot help but go back and reflect on the people over the years i want to thank you for your service and wish you the best of luck and hope you get an opportunity to enjoy some time off. >> thank you. if i could have one more second. i do not think a person gets through 31 and a half years in the police department without the support of their family. i am blessed to have my partner and my son here.
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i would like to ask my partner and my son to stand up and my son just graduated with his degree in mechanical engineering a couple of weeks ago. [no audio] [applause] i am thrilled because he is working for a firm in the east bay. the countless number of hours i am away from home and the stuff they have had to put up with and in door, i could not have gotten to where i am without their love and support and i would be remiss if i did not tell them how much i love them and thank them. thank you. [applause] president chiu: thank you very much and congratulations. why don't we go to our 3:00 p.m.
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special order with the report of the assessment costs. if i could ask him to step up to the podium. and if you want to give a final wrap up report. >> revisions have been made to the previous list submitted to the board. the properties removed from the list have met the obligations to the department under chapter 80 of the light ordinance. we will submit the revised list to the clerk of the board approved. supervisor chiu: has that been submitted? do you want to enumerate what the changes are? >> there were four properties that were taken off for the graffiti was debated.
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that would have been terrific -- to 13 -- 213 knight street. 135 cap street. 1751 bolten. and no. 10 loyola terrace. president chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public who would like to comment? seeing none, this has been held and file. no. 44 is in front of us with the report underlined as amended and we have a motion in front of us to adopt resolution. any discussion? roll-call vote on item 44. >> supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. supervisor wiener, aye -- absent.
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terrazas avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen. aye. president chiu: with that we will go to items 45 through 48. >> the public hearing of persons interested in the planning decision. the project located at 6 01 delores' street. exam from environmental review. 46 through 48 are the emotions associated with that item. 49 through 52 are the -- comprise the public hearing of a conditional use authorization on property located at 6 01 dolores street -- six or $1 street.
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president chiu: is my understanding that there are still conversations to resolve this matter before it appears in front of us and i understand the parties have agreed to continue these items to july 24. if i could have a motion to that. motion by supervisor mar, supervisor campos second. are there members of the public who wish to speak to the motion to continue these items? seeing none, public comment is closed. on the motion to continue if the house has changed, if we could take a roll call. >> supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mark, aye. supervisor olague come aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. president chiu:, aye. supervisor chui, aye. supervisor cohen, aye.
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there are 11 ayes. president chiu: these items will be continued. >> the next item is for the public to comment for up to two minutes including items on the committee calendar. public comment will not be allowed on those items that have been subject to public comment. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the time. if a member of the public would like a document to be displayed, please clearly state such and remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage of the meeting. president chiu: go ahead, sir. >> [speaking foreign language]
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30 years with hosni mubarak and his 44 thieves as ali baba. i decided to go there this year to see my children and my grandchildren and must understand if you are -- read the newspaper today as you see here with that -- you must understand why me and why many like me run away from egypt. it is not easy to survive outside your country. it is not for years. -- four years. i have a heart attack, six time heart operation and i am still here. i am not stronger than any one of you but i would like to see if our government can support this man because he learned and
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he is becoming a doctor, engineer in america. but he refused to the american when -- because he like me. he like to be like egyptian guide. god bless you. support you. i hope to see that sooner or later. president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. stop the corporate rate of our public library. do not accept money from the friends of a library. did i give money to the friends of the library. i have discussed the failures of public-private partnerships and the active subversion of democracy. today i am discussing the big fraud. i hope you will be listening. we have 11 years of reports that are required to be submitted to the california state attorney general which showed the friends of the library have income of
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over $40 million and expenditures of 48 -- $40.1 million. this is a federal irs form designed to expose organizations that prayer and public resources. the form asks if the french received governmental for funding to which the friends respond know. the form asks for the value of the facilities and services they receive from a governmental agency to which the friends respond 0. in fact, the france race -- collect books for book sales at each branch. they run a bookstore in the public library claiming to be the highest grossing bookstore in the city. they run events and parties in library facilities. most of all, all revenue from naming opportunities in 24 city facilities throughout san francisco go directly to the
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friends. the benefits they receive from public assets is many times the benefit that the public receives from them. but they are corporate philanthropy and lack of accountability is what they get from their money. the disclosure is designed to prevent the public partner from turning public assets into private cash but that is exactly what they do. and they get their so-called aristocratic privileges for pennies. as bad as that is, the lies cost more. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you. neck speaker, please. -- next speaker, please. i>> i have spent the last 10 years fighting the city library and to get documents which are disposable -- discloseable.
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a year to get documents related to the friends and the library's financial relationship. i have to question at some point in time why luis herrera has used his office to withhold public records from a member of the public. he has continued to do so and i have documented proof that i will be taking back to the suns signed -- sunshine ordinance and refer the matter -- ask them to refer the matter to the ethics commission for a clear, willful failure. one of the things i have to ask myself in having received this withholding on a continuing basis is, what part does it play that they friends give luis herrera $3,000 a month for his own personal use?
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$3,000 a month, $36,000 a year, and if you look at it, about the seven years he has been city librarian, over $200,000. is that a conflict? when you look at the fact they are not paying any attention to the millions raised every year by the friends and what turns out in the coffers of the library or benefit to the library, it is. the library commission does nothing to oversee the friends and from what i've seen for the records, they never did and the city library and is being paid very well not to, either. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i know a lot has been said about
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this subject but i had to get my two cents' worth. this is about ross mirkarimi. elected to the board of supervisors for two terms from district 5 and winning, approval for his hard work and dedication to the citizens, he then was turned out because of term limits. he then ran for sheriff and won voters approval from the citizens of this city. they saw him as a young man, dedicated to public service, his ambition in life was to work for the citizens of this city. shame on those who are trying to destroy him. he deserves better than what he is being put through now. there are those in the city that should abide by an old saying that goes, he who is without
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sin, cast the first stone. thank you for listening. supervisor campos: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. on july 26, 2011 at 9:15 a.m., i was at city hall dressed in full kenya to discuss -- dress to discuss the foregoing. what -- i made these comments with reference to the elections in kenya, the united states, and to the international criminal court. an incident report from the san francisco sheriff's department, the nature of the incident. president chiu: could we have the overhead, please.
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>> yes, please. city hall, third floor. i was in full uniform and assigned as a deputy. at 900 hours, the deputy and i were dispatched to investigate a suspicious person in room 48. the department of elections. upon our arrival, we observed at bonafide -- unidentified black male with copper wire wrapped around his head and he was wearing a long brown road -- robe with a rope around his waist. [unintelligible] another incident report from the san francisco police department. incident 110153149.
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official declaration, prop 115 certified. star number 299. on february 22nd -- >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am the executive director of the library users association. i am pleased to concern that thanks to efforts including research and assistance from attorneys, we were able to stop the paint out of the historic burkle heights -- bernal heights mural. it is a stay of execution good
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for 90 days and we ask that you do when you can to help make that stay permanent. the city in its haste to get rid of the mural, it is a wonderful merrill and i have shown pictures here before, simply did not follow the law which requires notice to be given to the artist or if the artist has died, to his heirs or personal representatives said they might have an opportunity to remove and save the work of fine arts. in speaking with people about this mural, people will say, was there not a process? that led to the decision? with regard to getting rid of the mural and replacing it with two murals that are brand new. we say yes, there was a process. it was not democratic and riddled with illegalities. the sunshine task force has found in six hearings on six separate complaints unanimous
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decisions that there were illegalities throughout the process of decision making and for example, when library users association asks supervisor campos for his mural file, so that we can understand better what has happened, this is -- these are some examples of what we got. heavily redacted pages and pages redacting names, redacting addresses, e-mail, phone number, and so on including -- e-mails and phone numbers, and so on including some that had died that year. that was an example. >> i wanted to weigh in in favor of the item 42 which is replacing ranked choice voting. president chiu: one can provide public comment on items that
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have not been considered. we have considered this matter. there will be an opportunity for july 10 for public comment on this topic and york or than welcome to come back then. next speaker. -- you are more than welcome to come back then. next speaker. >> this is a disposition and development agreement. when we came before the board many times regarding [unintelligible] the city accepted the disposition and development agreement that has not been fulfilled. in other words, the disposition and development agreement is in default. now, i do not know if most of you have read the position and development agreement which is a legal fog -- document. it is in default. it gives away $7.30 million and
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the disposition and development agreement reaches a legal document, it is in default. one of you asked the city planner about the disposition and development agreement and tied with that, how big developers, huge hospitals, what i call rove developers, come here -- rogue developers come here in these august chambers to light. you were disrespected. the legislative branch was disrespected. in 1996, the mayor chose to a charter an amendment to neutralize the city administrator and bring it into the executive branch. the executive branch has a lot of power now.
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but you are the legislative branch. and you must be vigilant and there were three of you yesterday that were vigilant. you have to be vigilant. we need an expansion of st. luke's in the southeast sector. thank you very much. president chiu: next speaker, please. >> i am resident of san francisco and i am here to talk about our recent case of assault against individuals who are at the bc intersection in chinatown try to appeal to the problem -- public to -- against prosecutions. there were two incidents, june 10 and the second incident occurred one week later on june 16. when the victims were display the photos of the assault.
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the perpetrators were promptly detained by police, citations were issued, and the court dates were set. i want to take this opportunity to thank those officers who basically protect the citizens who were expressing their freedom of speech and religious freedom. later on, certain juveniles were seen being instigated. [unintelligible] and has been documented such incidents were a discussion -- [unintelligible] persecution policy overseas. i have seen as victims and the marx, the birds marks are still on their arms two weeks later. a lot of times when i am talking to people about the human rights abuse in china, there will mention the country's -- the country is getting better. some would -- say they would do the same if they were in
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government. there are a tolerant and ignorant of police brutality and state terrorism against their fellow citizens, france, and family members. they said that in 1999 when the persecution started. 13 years later, the same brutality tactics were extended to them such as forced eviction from their houses, bulldozed down their houses, and so forth. i like to raise public awareness of the ongoing attention. thank you. president chiu: thank you. are there other members of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, public comment is closed. could you call items 59 to 63? >> there being considered for immediate and unanimous adoption. there will be acted upon by a single roll call vote. if a member would like to discuss the matter -- a matter, it will be severed and discussed
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separately. president chiu: would anyone want to sever? roll-call vote. >> supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor olague, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. supervisor chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. there are 11 ayes. on behalf of supervisor chu, for clara maria dunn. on behalf of supervisor blogging, on behalf of rox -- olague, roxy marie.
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