tv [untitled] June 26, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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huge chaos outside of the venue. when you stop serving l. paul -- alcohol, people start drinking water, gatorade, red bull, whatever it is and they start trickling out without an issue. when you close at 2:00 a.m. and rush everybody out, that is when the problems start. people get upset or crazy because they do not want the night to end. with this, i think it may actually help in terms of not having trouble. sari. i am a little nervous. thank you. president newlin: any questions? >> i have some questions that i just want clarified on your conditions. with regard to condition no. 8,
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which says security personnel should be trained and able to conduct patron wanding, who is going to train them? >> how about you? [laughter] i think that is important. this particular condition was changed today because there was a condition that says everybody should be wanding. the police were very receptive to this. gay males are not used to being wanded. they do not tend to have fights. in the amended security plan, i talk about this a little more. if you have a concert, you should wand them. with any possibility of a weapon coming in w you shouldand them.
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if its people at sundance who are 45 years old, gay males square dancing, i do not think you need to wand them. or if it is a corporate event, i do not think you need to wand them. more and more, we will see that because of our insurance issues. we will have it available any time it is that kind of event. and we're going to let baby station know exactly what is going on. if they have an issue, we will air on the side of caution. -- err on the side of caution. >> just as long as you do not wand the center of their back and that is the only place. and it does not always detect all weapons. no. 11, it says all doors and windows should be closed except in the case of emergency or to permit delivery. are you going to have deliveries
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at night, just out of curiosity? >> on new year's eve, we made deliveries of alcohol to venues. normally, they will be done in the day. this is more standard conditions from the police and we would be glad to abide by them. the good part about this place is if we do leave the door open, it is not going to really bother the neighbors. >> no. 16, licensee should direct security to have surveillance in addition to deter break-ins. would you mind if we amended that 100 feet beyond the 100 feet that is required? so that we have 200 feet minimum? >> i have no problem with that. that is an issue.
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the one issue i have out there and it has not happen for awhile, the only people coming into the neighborhood are people looking to drive nice cars and come to parties. they think that because there is nobody out there, they would just leave their back on the back seat or leave their laptop stuck between the seats. >> just say yes. thank you. >> no. 5 says you are going to have internal surveillance cameras. can you tell me where each of them is going to be? because if they are on the bartenders, it does not help us at all. where are they going to be? >> the cameras will be right outside each door surrounding the premises as well as inside the venue. we have about 30 camera's right now. inside and outside.
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>> last but not least, although i am going to agree with your item number two, i am going to agree with the deal you made with the inspector, i do want to say that it is highly unusual for us to grant and extended hours permit for one time every 30 days. i want to put it on the record that in no way do i want this to be a president -- a precedent for anyone can ask us to do this for other venues coming for us to extended hours permits in the future. i understand this will be reviewed in six months. that is why it is ok with me along with the deal you made with the police. again, i do not want this to be seen as a precedent for other venues coming to us for after- hours permits. >> i just want to echo her comments on number two. it is very hard to find anywhere
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where you can have afterhours permits. nightlife suffers in the fact that there are a lot of restrictions placed upon it to make it safer. when you have a space that has no history of any problems, it seems to me that to start doing things like this, it could be a problem for other venues. if you are going to agree with it, i would not go against your wishes. it is kind of silly to offer an extended hours permit for one day per month. president newlin: we will open it up to public comment. anybody here? i'm sorry. the police department. i am trying to facilitate them. welcome.
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>> good evening, commissioners and members of the public. my name is lt. robert o. sullivan. the captain regrettably retired last friday and we already miss him. i wanted to thank publicly mr. renne, inspector van cole, bernadette robinson. they worked extensively. having work that they view for the last 15 months during the evening and during the day and having experience, the dynamics of the club at 550 barneveld and things that affect us, trying to provide public safety services, it is quite and efficient plan. it is doable. it is quite fair to come back in six months.
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the idea of the permit was under much discussion in april, but it is fair for us to evaluate whether that condition should be lifted. i will answer your questions if you have any. president newlin: i think you are aware that your father was my training officer when i got out of the academy in 1970 in central park station. he is responsible -- >> i am aware of that now. president newlin: that is the only question i have. >> i will pass that along. president newlin: is there anybody else from the police department that wants to comment about this? seeing none, we will open it up for public comment. are there people from the public here to comment on this? no. ok. the matter is before the commission. >> i would like to make a motion
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to approve the conditional permit based on the 16 conditions negotiated between the applicant and sfpd. president newlin: do we have a second? >> rfq adding -- vice chair joseph: and adding 100 feet behind the 100 feet that is required normally buy our commission. thank you. not yet. president newlin: almost. ok. do we have a second? commissioner perez: aye. commissioner hyde: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner tan: aye. president newlin: aye.
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the motion passes. we will see you in six months and hopefully everything goes swimmingly. thank you. all right, back into the normal agenda. item 5a. james england, gold star bar, a billiard table permit. 1548 california st.. >> it is a small bar. it is an application for a permit for a pool table, so my introduction is brief. >> i am here in place of james. we are applying for a pool table license. the table has been there since before we had the bar for writ the previous owners left it there. we continue to have it.
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it is a corporate to have a license. -- it is appropriate to have a license. [laughter] president newlin: is there anybody from the police department? >> i have one question. do you have an independent permit? because it says you are the deejay? >> there are two applications pending. this is the first one that they are going forward tonight. your packet probably refers to both. we are getting what we can get approved as possible -- as soon as possible. president newlin: thank you for the clarification. commissioners, any other questions? is there anybody from the police department? anybody from the public?
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ok. the matter is with the commission. do we have a motion? >> i moved to approve. >> second. commissioner perez: aye. commissioner hyde: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner lee: aye. commissioner tan: aye. president newlin: aye. good luck. ok. item 5b. henry hu, dba milo lounge, 1706 post st., place of entertainment permit. >> it overlooks a section of the street that is closed to vehicle traffic. the applicants would like that live music, including deejays as
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well as karaoke. the staff received no communication of concerns from the public. we have received letters of support from neighboring restaurants, security staff for the japan center mall, and one member of the public. sfpd no. station is recommending the commission denied this permit application based on inspection and calls for service by sfpd and the entertainment commission inspector. more information is detailed in the recommendation you have. the grounds for their recommendation are in 1060.5f4, which say that it is in violation of that section of the code. that provides that the security plan must provide for the safety of all persons and property and the orderly dispersal of people.
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if the commission prefers to issue a permit over the objection of sfpd, they have proposed attaching additional conditions. the security plan provide for more than one security guard and that security staff should be able to manage both of the exits, monitor the perimeter, staff the door, manage patrons as they enter and exit. number two, that they posed a good neighbor policy. number three, due to specific, prior incidents that i will let them detail, install dvr-capable video surveillance indoors and outdoors. president newlin: questions? >> on february 13, 2011, you were cited for not having a permit.
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did you make an effort to get a permit at that time? >> at that time, we received a letter from the previous owner, which we made a check to them. on the paperwork, there was a misunderstanding. we did not come and and we thought we paid. the entertainment carried on until we had to come into the commission. the guideline is not transferable. this time, we submitted application to continue. vice chair joseph: do you have a permit to operate afterhours? >> no, we do not. >> on september 11, 2011, you were cited for operating after- hours. >> yes. on that night, we were not doing business. all of the clients were gone.
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we sat down but we did not lock the door. we were talking over the night and how the business was going on. vice chair joseph: were you drinking alcohol during the meeting? >> yes. vice chair joseph: did you know that was illegal? and you do not operate afterhours, your telling me? >> we know the guidelines right now. we do not. we never do after-hours for business. vice chair joseph: do you feel that one security guard is enough to handle your establishment? >> 1 security at the front door and three other owners who are monitoring. if you guys require, we will have additional -- we hire
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professional security. >> can you tell me a little more about your neighborhood outreach? >> it is a restaurant and bar, which is similar to us with karaoke, a late-night restaurant. >> but have you gone out and talk to the community and the community groups around japan town about their concerns? >> yes. we have a couple of letters from a neighbor. >> i understand you have seen businesses. i am asking about other organizations. there has to be a japan town community organization, as far as i know. >> he is talking about neighbors. >> we have not done that yet.
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president newlin: so you took this location, you took over the japanese ladies space. she had been there for 30 years. >> 40 years. president newlin: and you just took over business? and she did not disclose that the entertainment was not transferable? >> we went through an agent. at the beginning, the agent said to transfer everything, take care all of the paperwork. president newlin: obviously, you are learning as you go. you have an abcd card training? you know about the rules? >> yes, we do. >> the police department has some serious concerns about your operation.
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have you sat down and met with them? >> we made a phone call and made an appointment. we have not had a chance -- >> have you had a meeting with them to go over the issues? >> we had one before which is back on march, i believe. vice chair joseph: would you agree to a continuance of this hearing until you can get a better security plan, because your security plan is one sentence and i would prefer a better security plant? and so you could meet with neighborhood groups and the police with regard to your operation? >> that is why we are here today. we tried to make appointments with the northern officers, but we have not had a chance to talk to him. vice chair joseph: so would you
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agree to a continuance until this is all done? >> yes. no problem. president newlin: we also want to see, before you come back, we will hear from the police department before we make our final action, we certainly want to see some proactive outreach to the community and to the residents of the neighborhood. there are a lot of residential community groups in that neighborhood. we have had other licensees come in here with different things that they have established within the japan town center. the have had numerous community groups that they have interacted with. i would say you are really remiss in that, outreach to them as well as the police department. >> you must understand that until you get a permit for lost, you cannot operate. you cannot operate until you
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have a permit from us. that is prohibited. >> yes. president newlin: the most important thing is to meet with no. station. and before you come back to us, that they are happy with the security plan. like commissioner joseph said, even though your space is quite intimate, i have been there. i personally do not feel comfortable with just one. again, you have to go back to the police department and deal with that. in the meantime, you cannot do any operation, any karaoke, until you come back to us and we can improve this. maybe we should hear from the police department now. welcome.
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>> good evening. i am the commanding officer of northern station. i think you hit on just about everything. he was cited once again for operating without a permit on 5- 12. and adjudication of that will not take place for another couple of weeks. it is another denial under section 5 of 1050.53f. that said, we have enough that are managing the bars properly. i am glad you brought it up. we need to sit and have a real long sitdown with the operators of this establishment and come up with a real good game plan to make sure it is operating properly. do you have any questions for me? president newlin: make sure you communicate to us that they are receptive to your reasonable requests and i want to make
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sure that they are not a problem for you. >> great. i am sure i will be appearing in front of you at the next hearing. >> it is always good to see you. >> i have a question. they indicated the challenges to meet with your office. could you make sure you connect with them tonight and may be set an appointment, exchange business cards? thank you. president newlin: providing you have a nice meeting with each other, do you have any reservations? >> when we did go out in may of this year, even going back as far as 9-11-11, there were operating after-hours. my midnight officers tried to get into the establishment and it would not allow them. moving forward, the officer
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approached mr. hu and ask if it was a responsible party. he denied any relationship to the bar a initially until another bartender pointed to him and said he is the owner. the officer went back and encountered him. he again denied ownership. finally, he admitted to ownership and there could have been cameras on seeing that we may have been able to use as evidence to find the suspect that got away in a felony. he denied access to that as well. >> that is a good question. is the area zoned for that type of entertainment? >> it is. >> we do not bring anything before the commission unless planning approves it.
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>> mr. hu, if you lie on your application, that is an automatic denial. you must never law on the application about who owns the place or anything else. it is not nice to lie to the police. i do not need you to come up here, i am just telling you. this is not open for discussion. president newlin: once you get your permit, you cannot be acting like you are not the owner. i am all about having a club and being responsible. you might as well stand there and say, i am the owner and take responsibility. if you cannot do that at this point, why are you in business? you are endangering other people. we take public safety very seriously at this commission. i am a club owner and i deal with way more people than you do. you just have to understand,
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even though you bought this business, you have the responsibility to your neighbors and merchants who did support you who may be later on will not support you. i am letting you know you should work this thing out. did everybody meet the new permit officer? >> the new john gallagher. president newlin: there can only be one john gallagher. all right, i think that is it. public comment. i am sorry. any public comment on this application? seeing none, the item is with the commission. vice chair joseph: i would like to move that this item be continued by the request of the applicant until the following conditions are met -- there is a
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new security plan, they have met with neighborhood organizations, they have met with the police and worked out their differences, and then once that is all done, they can come back. that is my motion. is that a proper motion? to the call of the chair. thank you. president newlin: i just want to add, to the applicants -- >> and the citations are adjudicated. vice chair joseph: very good. thank you, captain. president newlin: if you have any questions about outreach, contact staff and they will advise you in the direction you need to go. we do not want you to come back and have an application that is unacceptable to us. we will have no problem denying your application if it is not done correctly writ -- not done
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correctly. do we have a motion? >> i wanted to add a friendly amendment that we get some sort of documentation of your community outreach. i just want to make sure that we have letters from these people. if we are running into problems, i want documentation that that work has been done. vice chair joseph: i accept your friendly amendment, but we still need a second. >> and then i will second it. president newlin: all right. commissioner perez: aye. commissioner hyde: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner lee: aye. commissioner tan: aye. president newlin: aye. the item is continued to the call of the chair. item 5c, tim eicher, the edge,
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4149 18th st., place of entertainment permit. >> the edge is a 49-person occupancy bar in the castro. the operator currently holds a limited performance permit, which you may remember granting earlier this year. the operator got that while the conditional use process was pending. on june 14, the planning commission approved the space. it is attached in your packet. staff has received documentation of concerns from the public. we receive letters of support from the market from the castro and neighborhood valley neighborhood association. fp
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