tv [untitled] June 27, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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which we weren't successful in receiving funding for a grant, but now for all the realignment and the project with berkeley. the department's old policies when i came there, basically from the 1980's and 1990's, so realignment has forced upon us a whole new workload. and not only from supervision but also from a legal aspect and everything else as these laws continue to change. it is not like we have realignment and everything is clear and we have one set policy. they continue to be redefined as the court and legislature are changing the laws. supervisor chu: thank you. supervisor kim? supervisor kim: i want to make sure gasol following on with the same line-item. i am is soon we're speaking about the first item that the budget analyst has put in. >> that is correct. supervisor kim: i appreciate you
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speaking about how you have not used overtime and you try to always use the lowest base salary. i appreciate that level of fiscal accountability. thank you for that. but the analyst as reported and there is a projected salary savings of about $1 million, which could easily cover all of these positions. so you would still be able to hire all of these positions with the projected salary savings. >> what the projection was based upon his last year, there was -- this year, currently year, a savings of $1 million. that was swept in terms of the savings overall to help the city with overall bottom line budget. because i do not use extreme overtime and all of that to cover the caseload, because we had so many vacancies associated with our realignment positions, it generated that amount of salary savings, so that money is gone. we have done a salary projection for the coming year, and my cfo
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is outstanding. we went through our numbers, in those positions are going to be filled in july. the only reason they have not been filled before we finished our interviews in april was because of the fact that we have to do a 90-day background. those will be finished by the sheriff in early july. we will make amendments, hire, and have the staff report, and they will immediately need to go into academies for their nine weeks of training. supervisor kim: you're saying the $1 million and projected salary savings has already been swept? >> yes, by the controller's office, it sure has. supervisor chu: to the budget director, would you like to respond to that? >> supervisor, through the chair, the chief is correct. as you know, throughout the year, the controller's office works with our office and
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departments to identify current- year savings in spending or overage is in spending, and the department was unable to hire as quickly as they had originally projected and will generate approximately $900,000 in salary savings that has already assumed as part of the nine-month report and is included as part of our fund balance that is in the budget before you. supervisor chu: just to be clear, the department did have roughly $900,000 in current year salary savings which has already been assumed with the fund balance? ok. to the budget analyst, on the temporary, miscellaneous -- >> yes, the department is asking for a significant increase in temporary salaries this year to pay for temporary positions that they put into place in 2011- 2012.
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i want to point out, and this is a serious issue, the reason we have salary savings is that this committee and this board approved a supplemental appropriation to hire probation officers. there were 15 and age were not hired. that generated salary savings. the department's then took that money and used it to hire temporary staff, support administrative staff that are not in the budget. these are not positions that are in the budget, and they are not probation officer positions, not direct service positions. and basically to do these other functions. they actually now need to hire up these vacant probation officer positions. they will not be generating the same salary savings if they hire the vacant probation officer positions that they did not hide your last year. however, the positions that they are not asking for tiberi salaries, we do not see the justification. they are not direct service.
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they are an increase that they hired into without actually having the budget authority to hire those positions. they would retain enough temporary salaries to meet some of their program objectives. they have -- they are maintaining the $130,000 they had in last year's budget, plus an increase of $100,000 that could pay for extra salaries. on at the overtime issue, this is a department that has historically not had overtime. i looked at their budget a couple years ago and they did not have an overtime budget. >> one other point is that these positions that were hired were done so, as ms. campbell says, without budget authority, without board or supervisor approval. >> i would like to speak to that if i could. if they will go back, there will see that probation aides, which
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are administrative positions, but they do workload associated -- because i have not had the officers to be able to hire. while we have hired seven of the officers, i have all of the staff workload being covered by my existing officers that are doing double duty. in addition to the probation aides, in terms of the projection for 2013, i played out exactly what we're proposing to spend the money on. but i nickering year, in addition to the probation aides better trained in participating in the exams and going to backgrounds, part of that planet talked about before in my last hearing, we also had brought death retirees that were paid out of our retirement fund -- we also had proper f retirees that were paid out of our retirement funds. we have one person had -- that has correctional experience that has worked with this prison
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population and parole population before. in addition to that, there have been two administrative-type positions that have been assisting us as we are bringing our suite up, bringing the cars and everything related that is administrative. i could have come in and taken a vacant position -- i only want to do it on a temporary basis, trying to be frugal, because i do not have a permanent need for it. as we finish, whatever the individual projects we have to do, if there is no ongoing need for those positions, then that is why i want to utilize temporary help. in addition to that, there has been one policy analyst that has been helping us with our policies as it related to probation, and now we have all of the this realignment to do. none of the positions are permanent. they're not intended to be. but i have got to deal with this
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initial workload. one of the positions, i am proposing in the temporary salary, is an education in victim services restoration position, and that position is half paid for, and that is to allow us to expand education which is critical for this realign the population. so the workload that is for the temporary help here is directly related to realignment. and we have to have that base in order to have a structure. having worked with this population for almost 30 years, i know it. i know parole. i know prisons. i know what this population needs to be successful. and we have been very frugal. i could have very easily utilized overtime, even if historically it could not, but i chose not to. i chose to bring in probation aides at the third of the cost of a probation officer with no
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benefit. i chose to bring back and recruit retirees. i think we have been very frugal, and we do not plan on, on an ongoing basis, having all of these. for example, the mayor's summer program, that will go away after summer. i do plan on continuing to use probation aides. they are critical and save us from not being able to use overtime. the safety, eight women, and policy analysts, i think the safety and equipment will be done with this year, absolutely. the policy analyst, i believe that that could go this year and may be next, depending upon what the laws do in terms of what the state does, whether they continue to change the policy. the education and victim services, the partially-funded position, because the other part of it is paid for by the charter school, and we brought an individual over from the sheriff's department who is very skilled in victims programs as well as education to help us bring that up. that is the two-year commitment
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to helping us do that and is a temporary. that is why i do not want permanent authority. the project manager for compass case records, that is our whole case management system. that is how we track the data that we need. >> i want to clarify that we're not making any changes to the current level of staffing for probation aids. that is a separate line item. it is the same mind the proposed budget as it is in 2011-2012. our recommendation would increase their temporary salaries by 100,000 from what they had last year, and they could then perhaps do some of this work. i do want to stress that the only reason the had salary savings to pay for these salaries in the last year is because they do not hire probation officers in their budget. supervisor kim: thank you. i was hoping we can move on to the other two items on page 53. >> absolutely. before a move on, i would like to make a couple of points on our budget. from last year to this year, we
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reduced our general fund related to the normal general fund by over $1 million. we have increased our budget significantly, but it is related to realignment. even in the money that is being increased in our budget, they're not coming in to buy staff. some of it is, but there's a significant amount of money going out purchasing services. there's over $1 million, in an addition to the $1 million base reduction in my budget before the grant money and before the ab 109 money, i also took $1 million of department of public health capacity so they could take a $1 million budget cut this coming year. in addition to that, with the grant that we receive from the state, over $2.1 million, i purchased another $1 million in services in dth. even though it has gone up, it is in the right place.
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this is keeping the jail beds down. we're at the lowest point in history of the sheriff's jail beds. that saves millions of dollars by the not having to activated. i want to frame the discussion with that. going into the next two issues, eight it has to do with my staffing account. the original allocation for our officers, prcs and 1170, this requested additional high-risk officers and one supervisor. i've done a projection based on my experiences from october to right now, and basically, i have right now 310 prcs's and 57 1170 h's. instead of being in a gel but, now they are on my supervision out in the community, which
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saves the beds. based upon my projection, i have the high risk of our population -- 85% of my population coming from the present population is high risk. that is a 20-1 ratio. i have asked for a 50-1 ratio. i am asking for two position for the highest risk and one supervisor. when i say the highest, these are 67 individuals to 40 out of the 67 that have 11 + prior felony convictions. those also include sex offenders. and this is the ratio the state parole is applying to all of their high risk population. i am only asking for two caseloads. based upon what i have right now, and i have been experiencing getting about 30 a month from the state, and i am also experiencing getting 10, which is increasing to about 20 a month from the community service in -- supervision.
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instead of the jail bed, they are putting them under our superiors -- supervision out in the community. in statute, there is 12 months, and if there has not been a jail commitment in those 12 months, some of those cases will come off. i have included that in my projections. the state projections have been off. mine have been right on. we're at 111% of the state's community suburban population, and we are triple that of what the state assumed. when my population is going up in the mandatory supervision, that is because the state assumed there would be in the jail beds and they are not. that is what realignment intended. but i have to have adequate supervision to have them in the community, and i want a supervisor with the highest risk case which is what we do with our highest risk sex offenders. i've two officers and one supervisor, because that is the
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type of supervision you want with those 11 supervising those with 11 plus a prior felonies. and indycars associated with those three positions. supervisor chu: can ask about the cars really quickly? you typically require one automobile per two probation officers. even if we agree and approved two deputy positions and one supervisor probation officer, it seems like there's still only a need for one car versus three. >> the supervisor also goes out with those officers. we look at the base. we look at how many cars we have in our base, and we consider that two of our existing officers basically go to prisons all over the state, and they go out and do pre-release assessment. simply what i did is i look at what is in my days. i did a 2-1 calculation and added in the supervisor.
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to get to that and to have the car, i needed the three cars. supervisor chu: even then, is still only see the need for two cars. >> that is based upon looking at this particular workload. it does not consider that i do not have one of the car is adequate for the existing staff that are there. i mean, that is just what we did, we went back and counted how many cars were budgeted, and how many cars we received in. you know, i would gladly -- if i can get my officers, i would gladly sacrifice a car for that. what i am you most concerned with is the supervision of this population. supervisor chu: thank you, supervisor. mr. rose. >> the department asked for two new deputy probation officers and one supervising probation officer in the coming year based on workload. we did look at their caseload,
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and as of today, they're asking for budgeted positions, probably more than they need. their current caseload -- they have eight vacancies. as they hire these vacancies and staff through the year and as caseload comes in, they will get closer to the ratio that they need. our recommendation is to add one position, which we think that might be more than 90 currently. as they stepped up through the end of the year, if they do end up with 719 cases, then they will be about where the need to be in terms of the number of deputy probation officers and caseloads. our recommendation is from the second year when their caseload is up. as the chief pointed out, there will be also some number of cases starting in october that will be leaving the caseload as they leave probation. we think this is a very conservative recommendation and they will be adequately staffed, especially once they start
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hiring the eight vacant positions. in terms of the car, same thing, we're recommending one car for the one position. we think that that would be adequate given their ratio of one car per two probation officers. >> [inaudible] recommendation, madam chair, on page 54. the department has provided us with documentation on their pending lease, and we feel that that recommendation now should be withdrawn so there will be no reserve recommendation from the budget analyst. ok, thank you very much. no additional questions on this item, colleagues? from my understanding, the budget analyst has withdrawn the reserve recommendation that is on page 54. there are still outstanding areas on page 52 and 53.
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the department is in disagreement with three of the four items, from my understanding. colleagues, some thoughts on this? supervisor kim? supervisor kim: it seems like we have been holding off on some of these decisions until later, and i am more than happy to defer to the committee on that. i will, however, say that i plan on supporting the adult probation department in their asks in not taking action on the budget analyst recommendations for these items. but i do think you could do one last car. i do not see it. but i think approving two cars is appropriate given that there are three staff members been approved in this action. but i am happy to hold off on this action until later. supervisor chu: thank you. i have been the one saying let's
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defer until we have more information, particularly for the temporary-miscellaneous areas. that is where i have been fuzzy about the recommendation. i do, however, think that in terms of the deputy probation officers, although i do understand what you're asking for them and support that end in the budget analyst has appropriately asked that you have additional staffing, i am concerned that you do have the existing eight vacant positions. for me, yes lasorda from the place that i have asked for deferral on issues -- i am sorta from the place that i have asked for deferral until we have more information. but it is concerning to me that when we get the supplemental for additional deputy probation officers that that was not with the money was spent on. but i know your department has done wonderful work under your leadership i am concerned that you have deputy probation officers that are currently vacant. so i just want to express my thoughts about that. supervisor cohen? supervisor cohen: thank you.
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chief, and steny have eight vacant slots. can you tell me when you have plans to fill them? >> july. supervisor cohen: 8, all at one time? >> actually, i will be hiring 20 in july. it has been delayed because the list tired. so i cannot hire the deputy probation until we had a full test. then we did the test and interviews. and we put those individuals in the background back in april, but it takes 90 days to get a background. so that is the only reason that we have the vacancies, and they will all be filled in july. and they all have to go through a minimum of nine weeks' training. and, chairman chu, i want to make sure that i adequately said that the temporary help, the majority, we had prop f retirees
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doing actual probation work. we had probation aides actually supporting probation work. and there were some administered of things, but we had to basically put those into place, policies and other things that we were working on. so that is what we did. we just did not go take -- and we utilize salary savings, department all salary savings, which includes, but not only the probation positions, but to answer the question, they will all be filled in july. and all those caseloads will be brought up. also, we get those packets 120 days ahead of time from the prison, and we know projections. my numbers have been right on. that is why i am asking for the positions now and not in the second year. again, it would take us that whole time all over again. our backgrounds will not be done. the bottom line is that i truly believe in my projections and
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that the caseloads will be here. supervisor cohen: i wanted to weigh in a little bit representing my neighborhoods in the city. really keyed into the need for public safety. public safety does not just stop with the police department, does not stop with the sheriff's department, but i see adult probation during realignment being a very important partner in our public safety and reentry time that we're living in. i am actually inclined to support the chief on her budget request. i do share the same concerns as supervisor kim, possibly not two cars, but one.
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but being a partner with you and public safety and a lot of the folks that are coming back to the community are nestled into the southeastern neighborhood. i do feel that sense of urgency. i feel that stress and can see from analysis that the police department is providing me, the stress that it is providing on the community. and i would like to continue to support you and your efforts through your budget request. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor. supervisor chu: thank you. colleagues, there was one area where there was agreement and that is the attrition savings. do we have a motion to accept that? we will take that without objection. again, the department and the budget analyst did remove the reserve recommendation. on the remainder of the items, as supervisor wiener and
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supervisor kim expressed, perhaps we can carry these over. but i am not sure that the tiberi miscellaneous should be held at exactly what it is. i am not sure i am convinced about the ability for the department to hire those probation officers. i'd like to see more information on that. thank you. let's move on to the human services agency. >> supervisors, director of the human services agency. we have had great discussions with the budget analyst over the last week and have come to agreement on all of the recommendations except for one or two, but they're the same issue, just separate
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recommendations. and that is the recommendation on is82 -- on page 82 regarding the 0922 manager that would be overseen the lgbt task force and work on it dementia for seniors. and the director is here to speak to that if you like more details. supervisor chu: thank you. >> again, i would like to thank the office for the solution we have had to most of the items that were recommended, but we are in disagreement on the 0922 manager position. it has been recommended to move to an 1824. the department has been doing a lot of strategic work on various issues over the last especially five years. recently, we have undertaken the work-related to managed care, the moving of the disabled
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population into managed care and dual eligible projects happening within california. that has resulted in us needing to take some of the staff that have been working on some of our other strategic work away from the work, and that is especially true around our dementia strategic plan. we have had to move because there is an imperative around the managed care work to move staff from one to the other. you may remember that the dementia strategic plan is a 10- year plan. we are in the second, moving into the third year of that. we have learned a lot in those first two years related to the level of staff that is needed to do the work and the staff time related to that. in addition to that, recently, you may remember -- certainly, supervisor, you remember the hearing in the spring related to lgbt seniors, and we will be moving shortly on creating a task force that will be doing
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investigations and putting a plant together. that is additional work coming our way, but we're not staffed up to do. in terms of the recommendation for 1824, the department has spent an enormous amount of time doing this kind of strategic work. we're very clear about the staff and the qualification that person needs to bring to the various levels of work. there are times when an analyst is the appropriate position. in this case, neither of these projects are. this person will be working with executive directors from the nonprofit community, as well as working with the mayor's office and members of the board. in terms of really drilling to the point in bringing people together around the key items around both of these issues. for example, on the dementia
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care strategic plan, we're far enough since the -- enough into the implementation to realize that although we have an 85 + population that is growing quickly, and one out of every two of those folks has dementia, we really do not have safe places for those folks to be. again, working with the various folks and around that issue. i also wanted to comment that we have recommended that we move this position to 20-25 hours per week to resulting in a $42,000 savings over the year. when you look at our recommendation versus the analyst recommendation, and if you had them full-time, that was only about the $4,000 difference in those positions. supervisor chu: thank you very much. from my understanding, the department is in agreement with all of the items on page 83,
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