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tv   [untitled]    July 1, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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we are trying to lock in the health and safety code into that 44 referral or over to the neighborhood community court. that is loitering in the area. we have to work with that to bundle it. by the way, do not feel upset the people did it to me all the time at home -- do not feel upset -- people do it to me all the time at home. get up and eat while i'm talking here we have some pizza and water and cookies for you. for adults, we have some over there on the side. next slide. some of the programs we are working with i mentioned before. our police community advisory board. they are great. i cannot say enough about them. they put me in my place when i need them, and that is okay. robbery abatement program -- i mentioned traffic enforcement. dpw -- some areas need to have
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washed down, and we try to keep the safe and clean for the community. retail organized crime that -- we have been really good. we are up to about 80 arrests with that. and our d.a. downtown -- that has been a real good program for us. if it is under a certain value, we will slide them over to cjc if they are not a chronic offender. we try to cover these areas. turk and taylor is our chronic problem area. it is important for the officers to have pride and try to keep the same officers. a lot of times, we lose the option sometimes when they get shipped out to other stations. working with the mid-market officers, we try to work with the with overlapping controls.
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saturation patrols with the bicycles. i talk to someone -- i will not mention which one it was. they said some kind of guidelines. officers going into hotels, letting the chief know they have problems with officers. we worked on guidelines with some of the sro's reaching out to them. 919 was important, about officers checking registers and working with staff to see if there was criminal activity taking place. working with them. and then guidelines when they come in and protocols -- would top two officers and staff and management.
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we cannot control if a federal agency or state comes, but it is important to work out with those sro's. where is commissioner mazzucco? there he is. we have to make sure they hear those 54 words in the fourth amendment. we have to make sure those searches are good when those officers go into those hotels. again, the gang monitoring. we have been very lucky. we have seen a little uptick in the high-speed quarter. we are concerned about that a little bit. we reached out to some of the latino family members in the area about that. i have concerns with that because we are starting to see an uptick in that. unfortunately, when we give the
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orders and move people around, in a couple of weeks or a month, we see that someone comes in to take their spot, and that is troublesome to us because we work hard to have the area cleaned up. and with the staley order, which has to be measured -- measurable, you cannot say stay out of the tenderloin. you have to say stay away from a certain area that is measurable. when we have new people come in, it gets frustrating. but we keep plugging along. targeting the area of drugs. with the violence in the area, which tried to keep it up in narcotics, and our team operation -- that is tenderloin enforcement and monitoring -- a.b. 109, the early release and
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monitoring -- we have been really impacted by that. the three months prior to the implementation of the state's early release in october 2011, we were about 11.96%, and now we are up to 32.52%, so we have seen a lot of impact. our job is easy -- we just arrest them -- but when those individuals were in state prison, they have food, lodging, and were getting medication. a lot of them have mental health issues. that becomes a problem. every monday, i get a list. the chief is talking about ipads, and i cannot figure out what a hash tag is.
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i recognize names. we keep an eye on what is going on with the names. we get a list of who is wanted, who is not. i make sure they keep a look at it and it is posted with they can see it. that is important to find out who is committing crimes and what is going on. we actually have a parole agent who comes in, and he has a team in the back. we have that extra resources. i get a list every monday or tuesday. we have the big three hotels, who is staying there. it is a big help if officers know someone is there, or if they have a baseball team staying at one of the hotels, they know who is there and what group they are dealing with.
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sometimes, we go out and speak to the group about safety in the area. it is important to know what the occupancy of the hotels are. they are almost like little cities among themselves, and it changes weekly. hyde street, heroin program -- we have had a problem with that. we had before your officers, and now we are down to two -- we had four officers, and now we are down to two. i would like to have for, but we adjust their hours and days and make it work so we can make it appropriate for us to help the area, but i hate to lose that. in the tenderloin, you are out
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of the mayor's office. then, i mentioned the 90 unit -- we have taken it to the hot spots. we look at the areas that are busy. we have some very good, experienced officers, and we dedicate the spots, i go over the checklist, and i give them eight or nine spots that i want them to hit. that is all they are doing is hitting those hot spots, and that helps reduce some of the shooting we have had in the area. that is very important. this is nothing new. actually, new york pd did not come by today, but they are here on a cold case. one of the detectives' father was here many years ago, and this is nothing new. so if you just find out where the spots are and try to keep an eye on that, monitor those areas, but you have to have good people to do it. you cannot just throw somebody out there. you want to have quality
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performers, and that is what we should 4. i mentioned i check out these lists. i want people who want to be here. i do not want dead weight. you want people who want to be here and want to work with the community. we are about 91% at that point now. mta -- i do not care what anybody tells a. people who get on at the back of the bus, those folks do not pay, and those are the ones who commit those crimes. another thing that is important is bus shelters and bus stops in the community. we had some problems at turk and hide. i will not let that happen again. we have been hitting that pretty good, making sure bus stops get clean because i do not want anybody hanging around not using those services or doing illegal activity behind their or waiting for somebody to get off the bus,
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it is important. most people say -- i can understand if it is kids sneaking on the bus, but some of the crooks who report -- they do not want any contact with the driver. when you board a bus, the first contact with the driver may be visual or not -- if you are not paying it in the back of the bus coming to sneak on, like sneaking in to the movies. those are the ones that will commit the crime, and we will crack down on that around here. and cable car turnaround, that is important to keep an eye on as well. again, i mentioned we had the parks. bo decker is going to close at the end of august. there are a lot of seniors and kids that utilize the facility. we have kind of failed at hyde park. it is an area that is tough.
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eventually, i would like to see them have a movie on the wall when the weather is nice, but we have a way to go on that, and that stuff. we have barricades'. i am not saying we are successful. nobody is going to be gearing called little -- giving out little bobbleheads with my picture any time soon. a lot of programs take place at the children's playground. we had a program there that is in flux now. we have a lot of programs that go through, and the community uses it. it is a very good park up there. hopefully, it will become something like that as well with the seniors. they had a concert there yesterday with jazz, but their powers are limited right now. tenderloin, traffic safety program, we mentioned that.
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that was mandated by the mayor's office in 2010, so we are on the will with the pedestrian safety. violence reduction. national night out, i mentioned earlier. tuesday night, august 7, 2012 in the tenderloin. all districts are going to have that, but ours will be asked -- at bodecker park. every fall, they blessed the taxi cab drivers. that is a great event. they blessed the animals. if you ever go by, there is a plaque there. that was a german national church in san francisco, the first one. it ever see that, take a look at it.
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it has been up there at least a quarter of a century. we have the ramadan celebration starting in july. it will go july 19 to august 20 -- or 19, depending on the moon phase. that takes place. the safe passage program -- great program. i mentioned that before. it is really -- that is almost there. it has been a long time coming. we started in january with the physical logistics part. i am a small portion of that committee. mostly the neighborhoods -- they have done a fantastic job.
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there is the old padre out their blessing a taxicab. then you have the art of moon festival. that is getting bigger and bigger every year. halloween festival -- we have that at 570 ellis. we have trick or treat spots. the kids can go, and some of the hilton hotels provide hot dogs and food for the kids. this year, we had a tenderloin holiday treat giveaway. they gave us 400 trees. i thought for sure we would have a forest fire in the tenderloin, and we got rid of all of them but 16. it was a great event. we had people from all over the city coming in working on the. that worked out great. they were nice trees, and i think a lot of community people,
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especially families, were able to have a tree, and it was great. we had 16 left on monday. we had it on a sunday, so we did very well and i am very pleased with that. i think it is only fair but we did this year. move it around so other families get a chance to do it as well. i think it is important to do that, too. the christmas food giveaway -- we had that. then we had the glide food giveaway and toy giveaway program. the community benefit district -- they have a little festival for kids. they have a petting zoo and so forth. that was very successful. the tenderloin toy drive giveaway with the officers and also our angel gift program. we partner with some of the service providers, the boys and girls club, and each officer
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picks a kid and a high-end tollway and donates to that kid. it is like a secret said a kind of thing. you do not know who you are getting. we got about 1/3 of the station acted on that, so it worked out really well. i mentioned before we had our cadets, young fellows and ladies at the station. we worked on our product that abatement program. our numbers were down 47%. you might think we are doing a heck of a job, but we went through all the reports -- i went through all reports, and we have something uniquely different in our neighborhoods. avis, enterprise, hertz. we have rental cars. we determined that some of these cars were not stolen. people read them here, take them up to talk or whatever, bring back to the airport. they were not stolen.
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the cars were embezzled. these young folks were able to point that out to me. we were able to fix that, so it helped lower our concept rate -- our car theft rate. i've mentioned earlier, lies and statistics. numbers do not tell you the whole story. you have to look carefully at the bottom line of those numbers. you do not want to hang your hat on to many numbers and to your own horn and pat yourself on the back to much. as my grandmother used to say, you meet the same people all the way up as you meet on the way down. next slide. the christmas tree give away. this is at the very end on sunday. we had a local owner provide music. we had macy's people helping out. they gave up cookies. we had the whole area full with
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trees, so this was the very tail end on sunday afternoon. so it worked out very well for us. that is it. i will open up any questions to the commission. go ahead. >> we are going to move in to public comment first, and the commissioners can ask their questions. pete -- feel free to line out at the podium after the captain takes away his statistics. [laughter] or damn lies, whatever you want to say. >> mark twain used to say there's lies, damn lies, and statistics.
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>> please come forward. >> good evening. i am the area director for boys and girls clubs of san francisco. i supervise the tenderloin and treasure island clubhouses. i was clubhouse's director here for four years and live in the community. i am part of the safe passage steering committee, which is a very community-base program. i believe we have the highest concentration of children in the city. many people do not know the -- that. because everything is so small year, a lot of our kids are constantly walking in the neighborhood. during the school day, you may have hundreds of kids at given times coming from the feeder schools in the community as well as between different programs,
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either to use the park -- one school brings their kids over to salvation army, etc., etc. the reason they started it was to have a role in keeping our kids say. i wanted to acknowledge all the mothers. we have young people, service providers, schools, parks. everybody has been getting involved. if you do not have the right captain who is there providing leadership, it is a whole different situation. i was supposed to be at another meeting tonight. some of our members are out. others are out today, but i thought it was important to give
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our appreciation to the captain because he really takes it to a personal level, and i think, as a father, that energy comes through a lot where he really gets involved and as the kids. you do not see him when there is a problem. you see him at all the little bigger things going on in the community, and that is part of safety. we just want to ask you to continue to support our efforts. we have 30 mothers that were trained who will be helping with the kids come off the buses to walk them safely to the neighborhoods. the captain got all the paint donated from kelly more, and if you go through this, and 11- block area, that is where most of our kids walk through the day. if you could just please
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continue to support the efforts and have the officers here to help support the community and getting involved and staying involved. we really appreciate it. thank you for your time and attention. we hope to be part of the kick off, actually to do a community walk, so please come back and be part of it. >> thank you. >> my name is marilyn j. isabelle. i am a troublemaker. i walked around with my camera and take pictures of people who sell drugs. i get in confrontations. i have had over $4,000 worth of cameras either stolen or broken. i have had my wrist broken. i cannot tell you how many times i have been in the emergency room of st. francis -- so often that they know my service dog.
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i am here because i look to you to take care of this community, and if you cannot help us, who can? we have a problem with drugs. 85% of the problem comes from beyond our borders. you had your early release program. the men came down here. they did not go back to other communities. they came here to reestablish themselves as drug dealers. by the way, there are no drug dealers on the streets. only pushers. i had a degree in criminal justice, and i have over 33 years of working with people they call the underclass. i understand cultures, and i understand drug cultures. i am determined to make sure children in this community can walk the streets safely. we have a number of day care centers. if you go and look at those day
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care centers, you will notice the doors have been eaten away from people urinating on those, and then they sit and smoke crack, and that crack smoke goes right into our daycare centers. they do not care about your drug-free signs. in fact, every drug free signed in this community has a group of people who sell drugs underneath it. they think it is a joke. for all the good that goes down for gay pride, i watched as people walked out of the celebration across the street into our neighborhood for people who are selling drugs, grabbed them, and told them they had ecstasy, and if the person said they did not want to buy it, they took their jackets off and got ready to kick their ass. people bought it because they did not want to be heard. i see what is happening on the bottom floor. you do not.
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you see statistics. i see people who get hurt. you do not. you have got to understand -- this community is changing. it is a family community. we have a large amount of kids, and i am so proud of them. i go to san francisco state university, and i cannot tell you how many kids from the boys and girls club are there as well on four-year scholarships. we have a wealth of future people in this community who will make us great. please do not let us sit around with only four police officers working our area because you think you should take police officers for a special event. our kids are scared. they want to walk the street, too. it took me all these years to hear children laughing in this neighborhood, and i have lived in this neighborhood for over 12 years because parents were scared to let their children come out in the street. please treat us like we are just
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any other community. we are your hopes. >> that was powerful. i picked up "the guardian" this morning. the first thing i saw -- who is the chief's sugar daddy/ that was a joke. what can i say about you, joe? i still owe you $10. i will not forget. but i grew up in boston, and we had a place called the combat zone. the combat zone makes the tenderloin look like golden gate park. it always attracted me. i do not know why. i remember the commissioner
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then, i walked up and ask when he was going to clean the mess up, and he said when he got the green light from the mayor. about two weeks later, a vip got stabbed from washington, d.c. what he was doing in a combat zone only one can guess. it was to say, it was 400 vans from boston pd and about 7000 arrested in a few days. the tenderloin is not like that. i go all over the city. you have a unique history. on one side, you get the tourists. on the other side, you get a huge quality of life crimes, but you encompass both into a tactical operation, understaffed as it may be. it is a miracle. two years ago, when that kid got shot on turf and taylor, i was there when that happened.
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i rode around the corner. i was there. i saw that. but how many times does that happen? very few. you do a great job. you are a credit to the uniform you wear. also, and shot up to my home district. commander charlie is another great officer. you see him on the street, too. thanks for promoting him, whoever did. and thank you. >> next speaker. >> maybe next time we could have public comment at the beginning because people already left. i am the executive director of alliance for a better district 6, which is an organization down here. among other things, we deal with public safety. we have been around since 1999. district 6 -- and it encompasses
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also the tenderloin. first, i want to congratulate the tenderloin police station for saying no. 1 in a police district as far as the rest, meaning that we actually are doing stuff that is necessary, at least booking the criminals that are down here. second, i am concerned about more pharmacies moving in and around our neighborhoods, offering more access to resale of pills. we have a problem with those being resold in our neighborhood. mj was mentioning how she documents these dealings. we have the legal drug dealers. they are called pharmacies. next, we have more of sell liquor licenses being approved the impact the quality of life in nearby communities. they are be approved in nearby communities, adjacent to our neighborhoods.