tv [untitled] July 1, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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not changed to address some of the problems on the pills. there is a stigma with needles now, so i think -- i will not go in that there is a plan where we will partner with the agency. i will not go into particulars now, but to address that, the pill problem. and we have done as much as we can do at our level with the vrt and narcotics level, and the liaison with the dea, but we're working on something to address the pill prescription level. the outside influences and where they're coming in from. some of them it is not the individual with the pain management programs. it is someone bringing in a lot. it is a very lucrative business. >> i understand that. very heartening to hear there is
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a larger plan attacking this. the safe passage program is so impressive, and safe in general that it seems it would be terrific to get more community involvement in keeping eyes open as to who is new in the community that is coming in. and > it is a group project e a cheap getting better nation'ir the -- he makes fun of me because i have said slide in my pocket. i'm going green. it is important to realize you have to stretch these resources. kelly more donating paid for the
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project. a lot of it has to do with the groundwork that the community members gave up. and it is important to realize you have to work with us. it does not take one person, but a lot of it has to roll into one. commissioner kingsley: one final question. i may have missed this in the presentation, but you did address the community justice center, and you have this impressive number for a new program. it the ultimate impact on your job and on the job of your officers, how has that changed? >> i would like to see more. hopefully we will be a little bit under from last year, but we have the community neighborhood courts that are trying to get
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more over there that work in conjunction. >>there is a difference. they are non-traffic. there is a little bit of an overlap, but not much. we're trying to funnel some there. what is important is officers see it. we have had the community advisory board. i help on the committee, along with commander mike deal, and we tried to see what they progress with the various providers for mental health or public health issues. they provide cover for roles. there is a bigger turn over for them. they did the suspect into the system, whether than have them flounder and disappear in a follow-up. >> good. thank you.
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>> commissioner marshall, you make me feel like i am a quick date or something. >> i have to say, i am a new commissioner, and when you are a new commissioner, people want to tell you their opinions on a lot of things, and your name has come up quite a few times, all very positive. i want to tell you that your leadership at tenderloin is noted around the city from a lot of different places. so, i really want to thank you for your leadership and ago what commissioner chan said. i want to say your presentation, there were a lot of buzz words around policing and one of them is community policing. i really felt like watching that presentation, it is like that is what it looks like.
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i have also heard from a number of officers that we have been doing them for a long time, and i think your career probably demonstrates that. the police bit in to try to create a thriving neighborhood and address problems as they come up but participate in the solutions as much as anything. >> thank you, but it in san francisco police department is a little bit different. wind always done community policing here yet your police station was your neighborhood. i think that is important. and try to get involved. that is the way it is. you get embalms. >> to that point, to the young people who spoke, i do not know your name, but i want to tell you that the number one fear everyone has over dying is public speaking, so you please
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tell all your friends and young people that that was incredibly brave and courageous, that that was a good opportunity to take advantage of and tell us what you think. my request to you is that you go through, live your life, and find some how were you will have a microphone and be able to make decisions, because growing up in this neighborhood will allow you to understand things that a lot of people do not understand, which means you have an obligation to make a difference. to >> i know data points -- you talked about the mark twain reference. just to follow up on the commissioner kingsley reference, in six months there is seven rape calls, 3 arrests. aggravated assaults, 146 and 81. and with having the team here and inspectors at the station
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and great collaboration, have you found having the inspectors and investigators your help to investigate and clear those cases? is there an improvement and the clearance numbers, and if not, what do we need to do more to help you with that? >> it is in flux on what you want to do at the station level. it is good to have the contact. they can follow up with the victim better. that is why our number of arrests are 41%. we can follow up with the victim more. my little brothers and inspectors -- he had to go down the hall. that is a daunting task for someone to leave the area and go down the hall. now we have the centralization where they can follow up with the station and go out right away.
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they can get up to the victim quicker. i know when m.j. had her arm injured the first time. she sent me the e-mail when she was at the station. we did a follow-up right away. it gives you a little more quicker edge to a follow-up faster with that. can it be better? it can always be better it can always be better in the situation where you always have to have more to do that, but we do not have that luxury right now. a lot of people wear different hats. we have made them put the pedal to the metal. we have to wear different hats at the stations to make these things work. >> there is 294 incidents of
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violent crimes reported in the six-month time. he said there are 10,000 residents -- 20,000. this could be a question for the cheap another time, but is there a sense of per capita crime happening to someone living in the tenderloin for someone in the sunset? -- vs. someone in the sunset? >> if you are talking about the corners it might be a difference for people walking by. but traffic for people in certain areas. -- foot traffic for people in certain areas. there are transit lines coming through. busy area. unfortunately we will have our problems for people that do not live or work in the area that
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cause crimes. that is a big issue for us. we are near transit and the dancer area. -- and denser area. the community as for it when they started tenderloin task force, they needed a focal point. there was not really a downtown station. it provides more of a function. i cannot say if it makes a difference or more of a chance to be a victim here than anywhere else. depends on what your awareness is. i think a lot of it has to do with the people in the area. you cannot have a cop on every corner. i would like to, but you cannot. >> my last question is, there are not narcotics arrest members here. to m.j.'s point about crack
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smoking. >> we were higher than the average. we have dipped down below that. we are between 4 and 6% from last year. we're down a little bit because of staffing. it spikes if we do an operation. we are lucky enough to get a grant, capt. murphy. we are funneling that. i am a little frugal, so we tried to use that to get the most bang for the buck. we have some overtime we are using this weekend. i thought it would be more appropriate to upgrade the security baseline. we will use it with foot patrols. i asked officers if they thought it would be better to have foot patrols in certain areas for
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uniform visibility. we have a luxury with some of the lieutenants that will come down. they will come and check with the station and check with me, officer cortes, and they will say what areas we want them to hit. we cannot have the same planes close guys because they get to recognizing them. -- plain clothes guys because they start to recognize them unfortunately they moved to different areas in the district. that is problematic for us. >> ok. commissioner marshall: this is a comment, and i do not know if this question can be answered, but i will throw it out there anyway. since i have been on the
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commission, we have had several meetings here at tenderloin. it seems to me that the challenge of the tenderloin and self is drug-dealing and that the perception and i guess reality that it is a place where drugs are dealt, and i guess the question i am really asking is how much of that is true? let me give you a parallel example. for years the baby was looked upon as the gang area of the city. it really is not. that is how people looked at it. gang violence was down a lot. a lot of factors happen to make that happen. neighborhoods were changing.
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people are slowly coming to realize this. even though there are other things that have happened here, and families are moving to the tenderloin and all of these things, how much of that -- how accurate is that? i can say to people it is not like that. i can show statistics even, but how much is that perception still a reality? again, i am not blaming the police department, because a lot of factors go into creating this, but i go to the tenderloin, that is where it is. how much of that is still you feel that is what is happening here? the reputation sometimes does not equal the facts in front of the stories so to speak. i think it is that outsiders who
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do not live and work in the area that cause the problems. the tender line by its name or reputation, you mentioned bayview they figure tenderloin has the problems. turning over the buildings. the problem still continues to be the outsiders bring in drugs into the area. it has gone better. we can ask inspector monroe from his days down here. it is -- i understand what you're saying. 80% of the problems are narcotics-related down here. and it is tough to go through that. you cannot lock everybody up. the thing is, we try to get to the point. we're getting to the point with
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labor courts for looking at different programs. we are getting to the point where some things you try to intervention them and prevention them to a certain point, but there are still crooks out there. >mcommissioner marshall: that seems to be the central issue with the tenderloin, that this is the place where it is going on. it is less of it, then say that. it just seems to be until we get the feeling that that is something that is corralled or going away or being lessened, that people feel that way. that seems to be the central bank facing this district. i could go anywhere and mention the tenderloin, and they will say -- it is a stubborn problem, and i just want to feel like we're getting a handle on it so that it becomes less identified with the tenderloin.
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>> we have gone through this comstat model, and it is a good model. look at the model. traffic deployment and proper tactics. you have to look at this and have more officers that do more with less. we have probably gone from a d to maybe a c + but we are not on the dean's list yet. we're working on it. i think we have to do a better job of that. i think we of come along way in the community. i understand that. this has to be measurable and done fairly so people come down here. it is a problem for the outsiders to keep coming in here. it really impacts the communities, kids, and seniors that are in here. >> report cards.
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c- is good. i know it is a long way to get there. that is good to hear. president mazzucco: thank youl . the next item will be adjournment. the san francisco police department had a big loss this week. we lost harold butler. there will be services for him this week. he died much before his time. in the email i forgot to say, the e-mail traffic between myself and former prosecutors who had worked with him was incredible. from assistant u.s. attorneys to assistant u.s. district attorneys. when we adjourned tonight, i would like to adjourn in honor of carol butlharold butler.
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>> come to the special meeting of the government, and -- audit and oversight committee. my name is supervisor elsbernd. we're joined by david chiu, supervisor mar, and the supervisors got wiener. madam clerk, any announcements? >> please make sure to silence all cell phones electronic devices. completed speaker cards and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file should be submitted to the clerk. items act upon today will appear on the july 10 board of supervisors agenda, unless otherwise stated. >> i want to think the clerk and
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members of sfgtv. >> can you call item no. one? >> ordinance calling for on election for san francisco clean and safe neighborhood parks in the amount of $195 million. supervisor elsbernd: think you very much. this was an item continued from last week. is that the only one we are asked to call for word. could you call them together? >> item #2, resolution determining and declaring that the public interest and this is a demand improving the safety and quality of neighborhood parks. supervisor elsbernd: i will turn it over to supervisor wiener. supervisor wiener: thank you,
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chairman, and thank you for accommodating the special meeting in giving us time to try to broker the peace so we could put the strongest parks bond possible on the ballot. this park spawned is critical to the future and almost $200 million in funding for mass of capital needs, playground, pools, rec centers, irrigation systems and irrigation to port open space. as with any bond, in needs two- thirds to pass the ballot. any organized opposition could be a threat to a bond. today i am offering an amendment to continue to build support for the bond relating to a very small aspect of the bond, almost exactly 2% of the funding in the bond, specifically around trail money. urban trails are absolute treasures. they need a ton of work. we have seen amazing work by the
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recreation and parks department as well as thousands of volunteers. in my district we seen the great work of billy goat hill, one of his deatbiemuena vista. my hat goes off to all of those volunteers in the community that have improved these trails and system. i am offering an amendment to approve the border% contained in the proposed bond in a way that builds the most support for the bond. unfortunately there has been inaccurate information circulating around in recent days that i am somehow proposing to reduce or eliminate the $4 million into real money. that is 100% inaccurate. that has never even been on the table. the only question is how the money would be allocated.
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to be clear, if we do not make this change, there will be organized opposition to the bond. it that defeats the bond if it moves it from 70% to 66%, than the trails will get $0 instead of $4 million. i am not taking sides of the debate about the not areas program. the program will probably come to the board next year, and we will have a robust discussion at the time. the goal is to delink the debate from the natural areas program from the bond. i have been working closely in the past week and a half or two weeks with the department. the department supports this amendment. i have also been working closely with those that have expressed concern about the trail money, and the department has working closely with those who take the
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opposite view relating to drill work. as i understand, we have achieved what i hope will be broad support around as modified approach to the trail money. the amendment i am proposing will keep the $4 million into real money fully intact, and will dedicate the $4 million to large parts in the city that have significant needs, specifically mclaren park in golden gate park. golden gate park speaks for itself in terms of the needs and importance as a civic treasure in san francisco. mclaren park is huge and a gem of a part in our city that serves neighborhoods that need more open space. it is also a park that has not received the attention it needs in terms of investment, and that has unending needs, including
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trail leads. this will increase funding to mclaren park, as well as golden gate park and insure the $4 million into real money stays intact, and i hope we will make the bond even stronger than already is. so the amendment i am offering and have thdistributed is on pae 7 of the bonds ordinance, section f. it said that it will read as follows. trail's reconstruction, $4 million. the portion of the proceeds of the proposed bond shall be used to repair and reconstruct park nature trails, pathways, and connectivity in golden gate park and john mclaren park. after identification and development of certain
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projects, and our mental review required will be contemplated. that is the amendment that i am proposing to the bonds ordinance. in addition, there is a technical correction to the bond resolution on page 4. there are dates being added. page four, line to. that would be changed to read as set forth in the general plan referral reports dated may 31, 2012 and june 20, 2012. those states have not been included before. that is a technical correction. colleagues, i hope you will support the bond and the amendment as well. >> bank you. we have an amendment to item number one and never to that we will consider after public comment. any questions before public comment? -- thank you. seeing none, i would like to
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open it to the public. any of those wishing to speak to this item, come on up. he will have two minutes to speak. >>-- you will have to minutes to speak. >> my name is robert beck wiake and i missed a word for the park, and recently i code- founded friends of the oak woodlands in golden gate park, and the mission is to support the natural areas program management plan for that area, and to add community resources to this wonderful area and our part. 15 years ago this area of the park was a neglected, trashed area with all kinds of problems. there were lots of homeless transient camping. our native oakland was in danger of being killed of
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