tv [untitled] July 5, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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experience in a more analytical way. in other words, we look at an image and there is an alice going on. -- and there is an analysis going on. >> ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the june 26, 2012, meeting of the entertainment commission of the city and county of san francisco. would you please call the roll? commissioner lee: here. vice chair joseph: here. commissioner hyde: here. commissioner perez: here. president newlin: present.
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>> i have not heard from commissioner tan. i do not know whether he is present or absent. president newlin: ok. number one is public comment. members of the public may address the commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the commission. members of the public may address the commission for up to 3 minutes at this time. nobody? very good. item number two, review and approve the minutes of may 22, 2012, and june 12, 2012. do we have a motion on the minutes? >> yes. i moved to approve. >> by second. commissioner lee: aye. vice chair joseph: aye. commissioner hyde: aye.
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commissioner perez: aye. president newlin: aye. moving right along, the report from the executive director. you have your gun in your mouth. stick it under the table. -- your gum in your mouth. stick it under the table. >> good evening. it should be short this evening. i want to update you on the budget hearings that began on the 18th of june. the first time the supervisors budget and finance committee met to discuss the budget analyst recommendations. we are under the advent services budget. although the mayor did not find the position that we requested, supervisor wiener did speak on behalf of the position to the city administrator, who did suggest on the record that she would be happy to assist with
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the process, which i hope will see that this thursday. we will be paying attention and let the commission know what happens. i know that commissioner hyde spoke on friday, which was public comment day, on behalf of the position as well. i appreciate that. thank you very much. the other really interesting thing from last week was that i attended a panel discussion put on by a couple of democratic clubs. commissioner tan and commissioner hyde were both there. it was about clear night life and nuclear -- and clear open spaces. for the record, commissioner tan has arrived. it was mainly about night life. it was really well-attended,
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interesting. it covered all of the issues facing this commission on a regular basis, including labor conflict, loss of entered him a spaces, rezoning and its impacts, and other things that we deal with a lot. in that regard, it was really interesting to see people who can see the forest for the trees and their opinions on these issues. most of the comments regarding the work of the entertainment commission were very supportive and positive. the meeting resulted in a joint letter from the democratic clubs to the mayor and the board requesting not just to support the enforcement position at the entertainment commission, but also the night life advocate in the mayor's office of economic and work-force development, which i think is moving forward. and a revision of the economic impact study, which did not
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include festivals, which have a significant financial impact on the city. i believe that supervisor wiener has already requested that that provision be entertained by the comptroller's office. i do not think that has seen a response quite yet, but that is the plan. that was really a great panel and i hope that the clubs decide to do it next year as well. talk about changes and any issues that might have gone unresolved. -- might have gotten resolved. i want to reinforce and ask you to look behind this memo that we will finally be changing our start time, our room, and the days on which we meet. for everyone's information, we will start our meetings at 5:30. it will be in room 416, down the hall.
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we will meet on the first and third tuesdays. again, there is a schedule behind your memo. i think it is on our website for purposes of reference. please do your best. there will probably be some glitches in the first month or so but we will try to do reminders' so that we can begin and end a little bit earlier in the evening when we have those long ones for it -- those long ones. i want to direct your attention behind this memo is a director's order advising a security plan for a place of entertainment permit. 3192 16 st. i know that mission station is present and i do not know if they will discuss the matter or not. on tuesday, june 19, a director's order was issued based on the incident resulted
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in the death of a man outside of a venue. after meeting with mission station permit officer, it was determined that a nexus could be made and that security improvements were in order. the venue was extremely cooperative. we do expect immediate improvement. i think it was the weekend after we did that, mr. brunelli was out there. it includes increased training, increased surveillance cameras, training and use of anti- loitering law, which will be helpful in that location. it is between valencia and guerrero. and increase communication from the venue to the station as well as the entertainment commission. that is all is also a very
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helpful thing. the order was signed again that there is a certain amount of time that elapses before it takes effect. it is pretty clear the venue has already done some of these improvements in advance of that date. again, i know mission statement is here. if they want add anything -- that concludes my report. unless you have questions. >> good evening, commissioners. my report is short. i want to start with a little bit on the 16th and valencia entertainment corridor. something we have talked about in the past. really, with this incident that director cain talked-about with double dutch, this office is working with mission station as
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well as other agencies to put a little bit more resources into that area. i have been down there several times recently, just going from club to club, doing a little bit of education, better crowd control, better security, so forth and so on. we will keep you updated on our actions and progress in that area. just to highlight it, to your knowledge, we are seeing similarly what we saw on polk st., where we were able to go in early and get ahead of the problem and it is better than it was six months ago. valencia has progressed further than that and we are going to do the same kind of thing, putting some new time into the area and getting the area cleaned up a little bit as far as are permitted venues and what they
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can do for their patrons. everyone we have talked to has been super receptive and eager to cooperate. we will keep you updated on that. as everybody knows, this last weekend was pride and pink saturday. we are waiting for the report from mission station. it is monday so they are crunching numbers from over the weekend. we do not have those numbers for you tonight as far as incidents and arrests. overall, the events went off very well. pride was well attended. we did not have any major, serious incidents. same with pink saturday. the question with pink saturday really is just overall organization. again, we saw a situation where , by 9:00 p.m., the streets were really packed.
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things saturday continued to be organized as it was an event attended by 2000-5000 people. but we were getting way more than that. probably up around 25,000 people. for this event to continue safely, that the organization and the logistics need to be looked at by next year. something as simple as how barricades are being put up for the gates to the stage locations, what is going on. we are still getting poor communication between the stages. it took us almost two hours to clear the streets after the event this weekend. again, we were very fortunate. we did not have anything serious, major. some violence and minor fights. a lot of theft of cell phones. but nothing major. i feel that we got lucky on this one. it is my recommendation that, in the future, you can do that.
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we have some debriefings that we can round table and see how best to move forward. i finally have some good news on la cocina. i was in communication this week with them and they hired a lawyer to interface with us in getting them compliant. i am hopeful. i am trying to be positive. i am hopeful we will see some of the compliance happen that they are supposed to do. hopefully, by next meeting, i will have some real news and real attraction to report to you guys. on the sheik given to you guys, one thing i really want to bring out is june 24, in the broadway corridor, the possession of a firearm. i want to highlight some of the
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good work that sfpuc units are doing in that area. -- sfpd units are doing in that area. it was not a club, there was no connection to a club. it did not look right. someone gave them a kick and there were able to pull -- a tip and they were able to pull to firearms out of the car. we are making a lot of positive progress. at any time police are able to get guns off the street, it is a good thing. this is a very good thing. i just wanted to highlight that. and the last is right under that, something from bamboo hut. it was as though the report used the address. actually, what happened is someone who was selling drugs
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basically ducked into bamboo hut to avoid police. the staff was able to direct them he was hiding in the bathroom and they were able to arrest him. that is all, unless you have questions. >> on polk st., did bringing polk into compliance on a higher level, did that affect attendance or vibrancy on all street at all? -- on polk st. at all? >> i do not think so. attendance is probably the highest it has ever been. >> think saturday, that is a one-day event, is it not? >> yes. >> in driving by king saturday on saturday night, i saw security wearing jackets.
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>> there is a tw actuallyo -- actually two, high rock and -- >> i saw them with weapons. i do not know what they do about that, but we should talk about that going forward. >> it is a good, positive even, but we need to look at it, but just the logistics for what we are really getting as far as numbers of people showing up. >> if i might, just to be clear for anybody watching, it is not the entertainment commission's event. it is managed by the sisters of perpetual indulgence and the
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security company, i assume, is retained by them. our involvement is to issue amplified sound permits. and to assist using the limited enforcement resources we have the night of. as far as are influencing the event -- >> that is not a one-day event, correct? >> my point is that you cannot help to improve it, but we can impose these improvements. >> i wanted to make a comment about think saturday. it is run completely by the sisters and funded by them. talking with them and being involved in their organization, they are extremely overwhelmed with manpower and do not have the resources. i think it would be great if we could somehow offer them assistance because i think they
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are looking for it and i think they understand the issues. all of a sudden, they are planning for this yvette and there is no support for them. i think they are looking for support and ways to change it to make it more positive. i think they are a little bit confused as to how to do that. >> we are happy to assist if you would like to do some interface as well. supervisor wiener's office is interested in improving the event. and then any other external groups that might also assist with financial concerns. that may be why they hire certain security over others. there are community groups. that is one meeting we talked about briefly to convene. and the city family meeting is a different meeting.
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we would probably be doing that. again, i think mission station is the most integrally involved as far as city services out there, whether or not those needing improvement. what they were talking about what -- was the sisters piece of this. president newlin: any other questions? any public comment on the report of the executive director? all right, item number four, police department comments and questions. welcome. >> good evening. my name is michael beale. i'm the commander of the metro division of the san francisco police department. for the past 12 months, i was a commander of investigation. in my new role, i will be overseeing the daily operations
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of the alcohol licensing unit. i am here to introduce myself and let you know that i will be attending a lot of these meetings. i look forward to working with you all in the future. >> welcome. president newlin: make sure you make the note of the new times of the meetings. [laughter] all right. any public comment on the police department questions and comments? no? ok. with the commission's indulgence, since we have a lot of people here that i think would like to get in and get out, we are going to call item 5, hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. we're going to go down to item d.
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>> before you do that, i am going to recuse myself because the applicant has some connection to my other club. president newlin: ok. you can do whatever you want on your break. you do not need our permission for it. duc luu. 550 barneveld st. place of entertainment permit, the extended hours premises permit. >> as you know, this item was extended before. you are considering two permits tonight. propose conditions were circulated a few minutes ago, that were revised earlier today from sfpd. the staff has had no communication of concerns from the public and we have received
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several letters of support from the public, at least eight members expressing support for the applicant. president newlin: ok. >> are we going to handle this one item here? applicants, please come forward. >> president newlin, commissioners, we are here again on 550 barneveld st., which was first heard at the april 10, 2012 meeting. for various media -- for various reasons, we have submitted an amended applications and have been working diligently with inspector van cole, who was running entertainment, and the
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predecessor for the commander of metro to issue an workout -- basically, there was some concern at bayview station that with the police cuts and the fact that this particular venue was on the edge of the bay view, that if there were any major incident, they would have to take all the police out of the bayview. my client had caused some consternation because he has been very successful with his operations, blue ice parties, the grand night club. he had an opportunity to purchase 2 of the 8 largest nightclubs in severance is go and this was an issue. basically, what we would like to do as a company is show our good faith to the sfpd to show that we are on the team and we do
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want to run a good operations, cooperate with the police because it is important not just for our entertainment venues, but for all entertainment venues. i have owned big clubs in the 1980's and represented a lot of people. my client had one security person that used to sit on a stool for 12 hours and never leave that school. that was considered security in 1980. as anybody can tell, this is not 1980 any more. it is tough out there. i tried to tell my clients this. one of the issues we had today had to do with wanding and when to wand. gay parties, at this time, probably do not require wanding. but live events, if you go, you are patted down.
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it is for your own safety. there are conditions that have been worked on. this is the fifth or sixth draft of our group working with inspector van cole. you should have it. it is 16 conditions. the one of them i had a long conversation with vice chair joseph today. because of our relinquishing of our right to operate whenever we wanted after-hours, and this is basically as a show of good faith to the police, let us show what kind of operation we are going to have, let us show what kind of parties we are going to book, and we will come back and talk about it in six months, a review of how we operated and were there any incidents, and then talk about it. i know it is an odd request, coming from me. usually, i do not like to curtail my clients' first
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amendment rights. in this situation, i think it is the best -- these conditions represent something that is good for the city, good for sfpd, good for my client, good for the entertainment industry. i would request that you not pick apart these conditions, because it is pretty well- crafted and agreed to. i have also handed out an amendment to the state's security plan, which is basically the general operations. it brings down to 50 guests the amount of security and takes into consideration some other things that were added. we changed seven days to 30 days on holding the data in a video files. this, i would ask, be put in as part of the permanent file. we did have a long hearing on this one. i will just touch on outreach a
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little bit. bayview merchants, dog patch merchants did not want to know about us. we have been in contact with bayview basin neighbors. this particular place is about 2,000 feet from any rapid -- from any residents. the only person impacted is the beverage catering company. i have had extensive conversations on how we can keep people from parking in their parking lots. we have with us today gus bean, who has been a promoter for the last 26 years writ he has owned 550 and is the seller of the business since 1999. he will remain under contract as an operations manager, blocking large-scale events. linda is a co-partner on this
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operation. she has a double major in finance and accounting. i think she has her head screwed on very straight and she understands the nightclub business. she has been working with horizon since about four years ago. again, in the spirit of cooperation, i think this is a good compromise between various scenarios and would request condition on that. actually, i would like them to say a couple of words. >> i just wanted to quickly say that we, obviously, we just came off gay pride weekend. along with myself, the other promoters' in town all said that it was probably the most successful pride in years for
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dance clubs and parties, which is great. specifically, t a -- at space 550, i threw a large scale even for the gay male community. on saturday, we had poppy, which was already -- which was also very successful and incident- free. it was great to see bartender's working hard and making some money. i just want to put that out there. the integral part of my friday night event was that people could dance into the after hours, about 5:00 a.m. the thing about 550, it is obvious that it is more of a destination nightclub. it just does not have heavy foot traffic. for a myriad of different groups, particularly burning man, electronic dance events, and the gay male community, it
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is a destination club that people would like to stay at and not have to leave at 2:00 a.m. thank you. >> good evening. my name is linda. i think it will be good to have our extended hours granted because, from my experience with the brand, people slowly start to trickle out after 2:00 a.m. and it does not really cause a huge chaos outside of the venue. when you stop serving l. paul -- alcohol, people start drinking water, gatorade, red bull, whatever it is and they start trickling out without an issue. when you close at 2:00 a.m. and rush everybody out, that is when the problems start. people get upset or crazy because they do not want the night to end. with
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