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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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principles of. i would be curious what you would encompass in the discussion of balanced growth? is that a more equitable distribution of housing types? >> that is not my language. that is the language described by the resolution and the ordinances. so, we can -- we can get you more information on that whole package. >> as i understand it, the ballot measure is -- what i do not know is -- >> i think they're intense was to have it -- the intent was to have it approved.
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>> we would want a hearing on both items. >> commissioner sugaya? commissioner sugaya: i think the report was sufficient for me to understand the cpmc situation. to your knowledge, are there health representatives? >> to his knowledge. yes, there were. >> i was just talking about the relationship between cpmc and health? is that the time of our hearing -- i think i am the one who said all sutter health needs to is
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drivecpmc down -- drive cpmc down to 1%. >> thank you. >> commissioners, we have a couple of highlights. the architectural review committee went into regular hearings. on a regular calendar, to my understanding, that is the first time that body actually initiated, and it was for a property for 2004, is directly known as the san jordan's bar. they approved be an annoyance for the procedures and fees. we got -- they approved the amendments for the procedures and fees. they also reviewed the design
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to alter union square. it is part of the subway. after candid comments, they ultimately recommended approval. those were the highlights of that hearing. which will put us under general public comment. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items except for agenda items. with respect to the agenda items, i your opportunity to address the commission will correspond with the agenda. i have one speaker card. president fong: great. i have one speaker card. linda chapman.
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>> at a recent hearing, i told you about the history, and i just wanted to talk a little bit more about some of those buildings we were trying to save. at the time on jones street, there was a big move to demolish rental housing to create condo's. there were lessons learned from that. 1300 sacramento and jones, which is still there, was proposed for demolition. the battle went on for seven years. at the time, it was considered sensitive. it was a curated building. it was landmarked. all the sudden, the developer decided it would be a good thing to develop a 2200 story condo. and he evicted his 22 tenants. and mentioned this before.
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and then, what happened? the planning commission did not like it. they turned it down unanimously. what did he do? he had gotten rid of his tenants. he opened all the windows nt have homeless people move in. the neighbors objected, but there was nothing he could do. he was worried about mildew. so, they were living in theire. we were at this impasse that went on for years and years and years. meanwhile, one tenant managed to stay there. it became a spreading threat. staff had to deal with 1300 sacramento, and they felt maybe
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there would be a solution. now it would be 16 stories. 322 units as opposed to 11. -- there would be 22 units as opposed to a 11. lo and behold, he began converting the proposals. he was going to give $150,000 and they said, thank you very much, but we're not supporting this. next, the builders decided it would give $150,000 to the commission, which was very happy. and it just went on from there. it became a threat to many, many buildings up their. and the staff came to realize it and had to find a way back out that they had given conditions to the developer.
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they were kind of trapped. they tightened and tightened. now he had built. he came up with the building site, and what did we do? we had to go to court and sue for seven years. president fong: thank you, ms. chapman. >> good afternoon, commissioners. jim meeko. i would like to talk about the central corridor. this incursion into the western plan area that has little to do with high-tech and everything to do with responding to political pressure from large property owners and "to chronicle the risk in particular, the academy of arts university, the largest
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of them all. creating a planning area is shortsighted, especially when you consider the impact on the industrial base. the source of our concerns is our very own planning department. you as a commissioned have spent hours looking at the pdr health of the city. you can't keep pushing these businesses this way and that. more are moving all the time. this pulls the rug out from under them. good planning should find ways
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to balance compatible and incompatible uses. the western plan has done that and i appreciate the opportunity to show you how soon. but if you must play santa claus to well-connected developers, don't sacrifice the rest of this community's to provide cover for this blatantly political move. go ahead and carve out the chronicle, but leave the rest of south of market alone. it was your very own planners who marked these pdr locations. it is critical for the city's ability to offer jobs to the work force. thank you. president fong: any additional general public comment? seeing none, we will move to our
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regular calendar. >> commissioners, under your regular calendar, item -- the market and octavia area plan, parcel c, request for a conditional use authorization. >> good morning, members of the commission. in with planning staff. -- i am was planning staff. this is to approve a planning unit for property bounded on octavia boulevard and oak/laguna. it is currently part of the surface parking lot. the project would remove the surface parking lot, regrade the
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site, and create a new mixed- use dwelling space with retail use and parking spaces. of the project would consist of a single structure, -- while the project would consist of a single structure, the building would be articulated -- if i could just have a moment please? president fong: we will take a five-minute break here. thank k welcome everyone back to the planning commission meeting for june 28, 2012. i would like to remind everyone
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to turn off their mobile devices, and to state your name when speaking to the commissioners. .045. >> i am here to fill in for kevin guy. i am not sure if he started his presentation. the conditional use authorization -- on a greater than 10,000 square foot lot, for one dwelling unit in the rto district and a planned unit development, on hickory street. this project is occupied by hayes valley farm, tnhhe community garden. this would remove existing
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vegetation and construct a new mixed use development. 3800 square feet of retail. so while this consists of a single structure, this would be a series of different forms and dwelling units, with varying architectural impression it -- expressions. the project sponsor -- this process gives flexibility, for the strict requirements of the code to achieve the project, to exhibit outstanding design and complement the character of the surrounding area.
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this is the methodology for height measurement. we believe the requested modifications are relatively minor and the design of the project fulfills the code in each area. i'll be glad the challenge to answer individual modifications. even though this project, occupies a relatively large lot, the articulate with a series of points -- with an overall architectural vocabulary, the route this building we enforce the reticulation. the eastern and western parts of the project have an architectural language which is distinct. the smaller scale has a
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different methodology, reinforcing the fine grain pattern of development. the building relates to the larger scale and forms that there were development area, as it also breaks down the narrow pattern of the other area in the vicinity. and there is a better street plan, within the public realm, including extensions of the southeast corner. the project includes the improvement of hickory street, to the north of the site. this is improved as a shortstop, but it is mostly an improved paper street for the majority of the block. we have a concept drawing for this living st. treatment, including robust landscaping programs, of grated paving, and
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bio filtration systems. this is not intended to be a specific proposal but an idea they may want to push for further, in collaboration with the neighborhood with specific designs. if the commission will improve this project today, this would not meet the conditions of approval. this would exceed the plans of the planning code, or any kind of improvement that would offset the impact fee of the area. the staff has received several communications in opposition that expressed concerns with the traffic impact, and the compatibility of the height of the project for the surrounding area. the department has several communications in support, braving the -- praising the constructions and the less parking that can -- and required by the code. the letter from the neighborhood
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association states support for the project of requests that the sponsors satisfy the affordable housing requirement with on-site units, or land dedication. or the use of the fees with in this area. i will go out and look to see if i can find those letters. and here we are. i will hand these to the commission. there are some corrections i would like to go over. the first is on -- these are changes to the draft motion, on page 3. but is the incorrect date, pursuant to the guidelines -- the date listed there is january 12. this should be june 14 of this year.
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and further, -- this is monitoring -- on page 2 of 5, there is a heading that says architectural resources. these look like minor changes. we wanted to add a sentence into the draft motion, on page 32. this is paragraph 22, speaking of the community funds. we want to urge the project sponsor, to push for an agreement with hickory street. that will end the staff presentation and maybe we should hear from other people and i will review the docket a little bit more. >> and is there more staff or
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project sponsors? >> thank you. >> i am lou vasquez. we were the successful respondents to something issued by the mayor's department. we are neighbors of the project, and we moved into renovated warehouse in 2004. we opened bluebottle coffee in 2005 and have been leading the efforts to turn green since 2007, an ongoing process. in the partnership with avalon bay, we have put together this project, which we believe is very responsive to the plan, and we have worked hard with our
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neighbors, and the community at large and community groups, with planning and with the mayor's office to create a fine example bz]of mixed-use housing, on this site. with that i would like to introduce meg sprigs. >> good afternon. i am meg sprigs. thsi was a collaborative effort among two developers and three architects, among the mayor's office of economic and work force development. i want to thank those who put in a lot of effort. parcel -- is city and county- owned land. with the sale agreement, we are obligated to comply with
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economic justice covenants. we must comply with the prevailing law, and the apprentice it shattered. -- apprentice ships standards with the local guidelines. we will honor these agreements 100%. the full team is here today and we would like to present the design and the overall project. i have pier waller and -- our three architects. steve is available as well. >> can we get the screen up? >> this is coming right now.
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>> i would like to thank kenner yand warren and we will give you a brief walk through this project. this has been a collaborative process. a lot of thanks to the community and staff for their efforts. i will try to manage my left hand in sequencing these slides. those familiar with this parcel, on the side of the formal freeway ramp, this is that the frontage octavia boulevard. with these residential buildings that step down the slope with larger elements, and these wonderful al -- at least. it is very characteristic of this part of the city.
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this occupies half of the former freeway area, relatively shallow at 120 feet deep. this drops about 30 feet from laguna, down to octavia. bordered on the north by hickory street, which will be restored as part of the project. the base allow the ball high as 50 feet. we have a little bit extra octavia, stepping down to 40 feet on history. -- hickory. the massing -- in the basic approach to the building response to this envelope. the primary buildings are on oak street, and a smaller scale is on hickory. this is on octavia and we have this as a bookend.
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this is up at laguna. the neighborhood scale. we have done a series of things for this project with the neighborhood. a central court splits this into two pieces, allowing access between zero can hickory street during daylight hours, to create a central courtyard. two others are linked to that and those in turn are linked up to the streets, with the double portal site octavia and laguna street. and the double high passages from of street. these multiple entries -- taken altogether create dysfunctional and visual peroxy on the site. to take advantage of the sloping side, we also divided the project horizontal leap. the building stepped down in four major levels.
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the residents actually circulate down to the street, from those individual elements. and they live like a neighborhood building. on three sides of the project this is lined with townhomes, every 24 or 25 feet, and octavia has the active uses. you have a continuous pattern of openings, all the way around the perimeter of the site. having three architects allows each of the frontage as to have its own design character. owen took the lead on the design of the building, and john moran -- on laguna street. and the buildings between oak and hickory. this is an overview of the site plan, and i am sure that you're used to this -- you can see the
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pattern of the three courtyards. the landscape architect has organized these as gardens with a terrace, with these gardens that captures storm water. and then, those kind of connect, and then -- the central core, which allows for that view and they lack access, and this is an accessible -- this is connecting from oak to hickory street. that is an important part of the project. this is treated as an extension of the overall project. the alleyways in the neighborhood are some of the most charming places, pleasant and active with the smaller- scale buildings. we have designed this as a living valley, with special paving and places to sit, a
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place for people to be, cyclists, with less emphasis on vehicles. the pattern for vehicles is 1- way travel, and to further reduce the traffic -- the access into the garage is on the lower end. and the exit is that the lower end. they all circulate in -- and we have paid a lot of attention to the rest of the public frontage as well, continuing this pattern of paving the landscape on to octavia. at both those major intersections to improve pedestrian safety. just a cross-section of his -- victor -- hickory street, this is the concept level.
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we have to get the in kind agreement in place. parking is located in a slow to rise, which allows for this to be concealed from the street frontage, with 0.5 cars per unit, 35 less than will be allowed in the plan -- though we placed a lot of emphasis on was bicycle parking. there are two storage and maintenance facilities, at grade level off of the portals. the additional parking for the visitors coming to the site, at several locations. we have the retail space of about 3800 square feet, with all of the infrastructure for a range of retail uses, with a full-service restaurant. we have a hub for residents, and
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the active uses flank that portal, and at laguna street, we have a combination of the main entry, the maintenance area and this tall, two-story space. this is open 24 hours a day, to make certain that there are uses at the front. and then, a moment on the architecture. this is the long elevation along of street. you have the book in buildings at either end, and the octavia building. these rowhouse elements, and the original consolation, the transition elements, which are punctuation between with the building elements and the break at the courtyard. i will let john say a little bit about each of them. i