tv [untitled] July 13, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PDT
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doing another round in the evening. that is something we are also looking at as we continue to move forward so we can capture the early morning folks who are free. >> i think that would be good to have someone so that everybody can attend. thank you. president adams: commissioner ortiz? commissioner ortiz: what is their cost per unit? >> we now have plastic bags, a single use, plastic bags are in between one and two cents. it is really difficult to try to compete at that level, but if you also talk to merchants, they are noticing, because the amount of products that customer is buying, they are double or triple bagging.
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it could be 6 cents now what they are looking at, and they are looking at alternatives. now, they actually have a revenue stream to pay for that. the fact that there is a 10 cent charge. again, that stays with the business. before, it was basically a cost of doing business. either with the product or out of the product in terms with the revenue that you brought in, so i think anecdotally, i think a lot of merchants were surprised at some of the costs. besides from being lower, this was certainly on the combustible plastic side. the kind of had a good sense on what the paper cost is as well. we have these options. >> -- commissioner ortiz: is a
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multi language? >> yes. there was an initial batch of language, and then we are also making additional material available on our website. commissioner ortiz: there are litigation costs to the city. have they share that as public record? >> the city of los angeles recently enacted legislation similar to ours, i would say about two months ago. the only cities, counties that are currently being sued by the save the plastic bag coalition is santa cruz, san francisco, san luis obispo, and san diego
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county. i've been pisa the only active cases i know of at the moment. frankly, i think some cities have settled, because they do not have the resources to litigate. we are somewhat more confident in our design of the legislation. we think we will be successful. commissioner ortiz: i want to thank you for your outreach, but i went on your website, and they were all tuesday morning, so if you can change that. a lot of the ones that i deal with, evening is the best, so if you could change that which your outreach, that would really help out, but the rest is fine. these are tuesday mornings. make it a thursday evening or a wednesday evening. that would really, really help
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out. >> we have heard that. i think it is great to acknowledge that. commissioner ortiz: thank you. president adams: public comment. do we have any public comment on item 7? seeing none, public comment is closed. any other commissioner comments? great. thank you, and thank you for your outreach. >> thank you very much. and i brought you some bags that you can use on your own. you can take them with you. commissioner: thank you. commissioner: i need some bags.
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clerk: item number eight, the municipal transit authority with richard ventura, my understanding is that he is not able to make it today and that this item will be continued possibly to the next meeting. i think for the record, we should call public comment on it before moving on, but, again, it will be continued until the next meeting. president adams: a, do we have public comment? seeing none, public comment is closed on item number rate. and let's continue that to the next meeting, chris. clerk: ok, item number 9, an
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updated report. an update on the legislative matters, and making announcements regarding activities. >> commissioners, i wanted to first provide you with a budget update. so the budget committee ratified the budget, and it is now before the board of supervisors, and i think it will be on the board of supervisors meeting tomorrow, but just to confirm, the two budget requests, increase requests that we specifically asked for are in there, which is increasing our ability to televise the twice monthly commission meetings, and then increase for 15,000 to conduct more comprehensive surveys. the mayor's budget did get approval for two positions for the job squad, and the funding needed for the program.
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it does look like the jobs kwan will now go to the neighborhood program and help facilitate the outreach and the work that needs to happen in the neighborhood. and then an additional $3 million over the next two years was allocated for the small- business loan program, not specifically the revolving loan program but the small-business loan program, and i think some of the discussions have been had. when the commission heard the request for the revolving loan fund, there was the need to press to a loan fund for our growing businesses and not just our startup businesses. now there is another $1 million allocated for 2012 and 2013 and
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$2 million allocated for 2013, again, we are going with two budget cycles. that was there. and then in the adding that process, the $4 million that is being projected to reduce the business tax by the small business payroll exemption, there was an allocation through the adding that process to cover the loss of revenue from that payroll expense. and then i just made a particular note that control didn't it an additional control person allocated to deal with the new dog walking regulation and permitting requirements. so we are getting close to finalizing a joint position with the america's cup event authority and the chamber to
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work on the business engagements. i am hoping that by our next meeting, we will have something very concrete to be able to communicate to you in regards to that. and as i mentioned, the two groups received proposals will be heard at the board of supervisors. a first hearing at the budget and finance -- excuse me. on the 12th. we are having a budget and finance on a thursday? clerk: a special meeting. >> a special meeting. and then the business tax regulations as the payroll extents, as i mentioned it. we did get an add-back to cover
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the lack of revenue coming in from the payroll tax exclusion, so it will now be up for a final vote at the board of supervisors at tomorrow's meeting. supervisor chu's neighborhood, the neighborhood, the districts, this was scheduled for land use, and then right now, just a quick follow-up with the merkel -- the food that supervisor 'wiener introduce, we are working on some ideas on the formula retail trucks and the notification. the notification to the ground floor businesses. if you are mobile food, and if you want to have a permit, you have to notify every single business. that was an unintended
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consequence that was not intended. we are working on legislatively adding this to this deprivation -- to the legislation that supervisor wiener introduced, so i introduced that. this will be before the commission. this was scheduled for planning on the 19th, and then the administrative code, establishing a wage, there are 3 business seeds. available on the task force. they have officially not filled the seeds. could you please provide an update with the clerk? >> they will be try to do this before the legislative hearing, but they have not figured out
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whether they could meet that time frame. they will be accepting applications. >> do you know of any businesses that would be participating? it would be good to know. it would be good to have some businesses. they are primarily involved in businesses where this is more towards minimum-wage. it would be good to be on the task force. you receive the presentation from guillermo, and i just wanted to provide you with a list of the next outreach. the next outreach meeting is that they are doing, the second
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-- the 17th and 24, in case you want to attend. they are there for you. the ada hearing has now been changed until july 23. be prepared that this might change, because it starts -- it is being heard at the land use committee meeting which is monday, and that starts at 1:00, and our commission meeting starts at 2:00. the bill, as i mentioned, bill this was amended, and there was the notification prior to filing a claim. that is the only change to it.
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and then this city did its first economic strategy report and produce it in 2007. every five years, the city needs to update it, so our chief economist has been working on that. he and his team. so a draft presentation is going to be held, and for small businesses, on july 19, so we are inviting business organizations that look at the macro, who are involved in businesses at the macro level at the city. i will forward you the invitation, but we welcome you to attend this, and we will also be scheduling a presentation, but if you do want to attend the meeting, we greatly encourage you to do so, and here the presentation, and just let chris
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know if you plan to attend, so if there are any issues, if we have to agendize it as an informal gathering, then we can do so. i mention the online business. at the july 23 meeting, i would like to have jane did you an on- line presentation about what this will look like. we are still in the quality assurance testing, so we do not know if we will have this completed. there may be some glitches. it will at least give you an idea about what is being developed, and and case management wise, we were up 1% from 2011, 2012, and we were up
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1% over the last year, going with the fiscal year. so that concludes our report. president adams: so you're going to be making an offer this week on this new position? >> yes. president adams: thank you. that is not agendize, so we cannot talk about it. ok, next item. clerk: item 10, the policy committee report. president adams: on the legislation we heard on the permit, and we did follow up, so
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still having around ada, the problems, and he was very sympathetic and interested and suggested that we contact senator dianne feinstein's office at the federal level on that, and i attended this last saturday a fantastic opening of a new farmers market, which was really great to say. it was kind of a funky old alley, turned into a vibrant and exciting place, so i wish him a lot of luck, and i was happy to be there. that is it for me. clerk: any other commissioners? seeing none, next item. public comment. president adams: item 14, public comment. do we have any public comment on any of the items that were not
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>> good morning. thank you for being here this morning at the san francisco police academy. i want to introduce some of the folks behind me. obviously our mayor, ed leigh. the president of the san francisco police commission. ron conway, caroline, the director of global human engagement for hewlett packard. our chief information technology person here at the san francisco police department, leo solomon, director of project i.t. management. adam, founder of arc touch. zach, product lead, arc touch, and the newest classes of the strans police academy, lateral and spri level. the entry level officers are
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starting today. without delay i am going to introduce mayor leigh to explain why you are here. it is a very exciting day for me as chief of police as we step into the next stage of progressive technology for the san francisco police department. mayor ed leigh. a [applause] >> thank you, chief. thank you very much. i am glad to be here this morning and certainly the very first thing i want to do is challenge the chief and thank all of the men and women of the new class, who will also share in the responsibility of taking care of our citizens. i want to thank you for your sacrifice and the work that you will be doing with us. our police department of course is essential to a safe city. when the chief and i first did our interviews when he was coming in to see me, we talked about the technology, and i had
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said in my previous role that we were part of the effort to help sue and her efforts to modernize our police department. of course within months sue was coming in to the city administrator's office telling us what the department did not have set up. with commission president mizuko and the chief, as they have come together during this administration, we wanted to take care of that in the most passionate way. a couple of weeks ago we were up here already announcing our city's support and efforts to create multiple classes for the future to make sure that as we see so many other of our officers retire, that we fill those ranks. i think that our new recruits are completely reflective of that effort, and we will see more and more of our recruits in the months to come as they help take care of the future
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ranks in our city. today we are announcing a very special endeavor, one that reflects so many of our administration's effort to modernize our police force. as you know, i have been very much focused on our openness in inviting technology to help us solve problems, social problems, communication problems, challenges that each of our departments have. and i'm thrilled because the formation that ron conway led with the creation of sf-city and the promise that not only would it be a voice for technology and innovative companies to tell us what we could do to help the industry succeed in our city, but there was also a promise that we mutually made together, which was how could we help our
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technology companies help us become a better city to help us serve our residents, smarter and more efficiently. we identified quite a number of projects in our city. some of them are being baked, if you will. this is one we wanted to put out front and center. six months into this new administration, we are ready to announce today that in partnership with sf-city and one of the key members, arc-touch, and h.p., hewlett packard, we have formed a two-phase project that will address something that we have identified for many years that has hampered our police department's efficient use of time. one of the things that the street officers do on a daly basis is they have to write
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instant reports and get the data to do their job. most of that is done by the officers leaving the streets and returning to their stations or to the downtown office to access the ready computers that are there so they can get the data there. we don't have the mobility, if you will, to have the officers access that information while they are in their cars or on the streets. so in a two-phase process what we are doing today is announcing a partnership with h.p., who is donating some 60 of the initial first-class laptops to be used by this particular class to train them, and sf-city is donating $100,000 in that effort with the whole training program. combined they are working with arc-touch to develop application soss that once these officers -- applications
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so that once he these officers are trained, arc-touch will be then in phase two developing applications so that various mobile devices in addition to the laptops, and eventually it will be tablets and then mobile applications that might be on their phones, to be able to access crime data, be able to utilize new technology in order to transfer speech and video into written reports that will make the officers very versatile in the field. that is important to stress. one of the problems we have always faced in both limited budget times and even robust times, is whenever you have to have an officer remove him or herself off the street, out of the the presence of the community, in to a station to
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write reports for several hours, that presence is missing. in order for the officialses to be had, we have to develop innovatively technology that offers access in a mobile way. that is what this relationship will do for us. it begins with this donation, but the essential part that will take place in these walls is the actual training to utilize the accessed abilities from the h.p. lap tomas into the crime data warehouse and have the applications developed over time. it's a wonderful program. it is one i think that reflects exactly the relationship that ron conway and i discussed months ago when we started this, how we can be a more efficient city, how can we save time, and how can we still have the officers perform the essential service of being physically there in the neighborhoods on our streets,
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protecting our citizens and visitors. so this is a wonderful announcement. i am fully endorsing this. i want to thank the chief and the president of the commission and the whole commission. i want to give a strong shutout-out to sf-city and the members, who have stepped up so quickly to identify this area that will have endless, i think, solutions to giving us the ability to be even more efficient. the time-saving aspect of this is so critical because the more police presence that we have as we invite and have events in the city, we have to have the officers out there even more. so over a short period of time, you will see the absorption of this technology into our officers
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