tv [untitled] July 16, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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that language seems a little loose to me. it seems like anyone would say we will try to do our best but 121 works best for us. fpy none of these projects get approved over the counter. we but actual criteria that require the developments to do less than one-to-one parking. we have given points to people who are able to reduce the parking the most. we certainly intend to continue that in the future. supervisor olague: in order to shift some of the jurisdiction -- basically, the board of supervisors does not have the ability to amend any of this currently. it would all go to the oversight body.
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can we amend that? >> i believe the board can amend any legislation that is approved. supervisor olague: ok. supervisor kim: thank you. i does have a question on two issues. ég/ ongoing conversations -- many folks know about child carry -- a child care facilities. given the growth in the area and our priority in the city,[óqzh t are the current plans for providingur facilities? good afternoon. we do have a plan to put child care facilities in as many sites as possible around the transit
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center. we did not do a child care facility in the first residential project because that was a supportive housing project. we look for as many opportunities as possible. the first one is going to be block 5, which would be a 550 foot tall office building. we intend to require a child care facility to be developed as part of that project. supervisor kim: i really appreciate that commitment. i know there were security concerns regarding it, so i appreciate staffs capacity to ensure that we have as many child care facilities. i am glad we will be able to do it in block 6 and 7, which is ready to go, hopefully. i want to ensure there is a
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commitment as we move forward. that is something we are lacking with the current populatio%v$6zztmy second questt traffic congested mitigation. i was wondering if there were plans that would contemplate pedestrian countdown. >> i do not believe we have someone from the mta here today, but we do work closely with mta staff. and transportation authoritysta. they worked closely in helping
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@2regarding downtown at study f the planet, -- downtown study of the plan, it does set aside several million dollars for downtown congestion and traffic studies to be determined in it the future. there is money set aside for that purpose. supervisor kim: is this plan moves forward, along with affordable housing and child care, i continue to remain concerned about pedestrian safety. it is already a pedestrian oriented area. we have a lot of pedestrian safety issues. as much as we could incorporate that in the future plans so that people feel safe walking, i think that is incredibly important. >> when the shadow analysis came
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up and we had a potential appeal, i did look at the different open spaces in the city that were impacted. i appreciate your analysis. in chinatown, there was a very strong lack of access of open space. your analysis showed a small fraction of time. one of them was about six of the year. n balancing that significant impact on those three open spaces and the otherv
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is one more question. supervisor olague: i wanted to repeat my support for the plan. i am excited about it, despite some concerns i still have. i guess, months ago, mta was looking at the contestant pricing issue -- congesting pricing issue. are we anywhere near some type of final report on that? od/+÷>> i am not up on the late. supervisor olague: just given the nature of the project being a transit center project, to the extent we can discourage car usage, we should. that is why i am so concerned about the parking peace. -- piece. with a central corridor, we will see some additional development. with treasure island, i am concerned with the cumulative
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impact of this development in this area will have on the city. that is what i am supportive of the questions that supervisor kim raised about -- around the pedestrian piece. the design of the art center, this might have been raised in the other hearings, will there be artists that will be commissioned to create some kind of nice public morale and? --p public realm? >> we have does -- we have commissioned five artists. when artist is building the 40- foot structure from the old ramps of the old,g6/y facility.
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we are building a 40-foot structure in front of the station. julie chang is doing the floor for the grand hall. an led installation on the bus ramp area. we have jimmy carpenter doing a light installation -- jamie carpenter doing a light installation. and we have a wonderful water piece on the park for children to play and the announcement of pcp we have committed a total of $4 million because that is all we have in our budget. we're working with the arts commission to identify more funding. supervisor olague: i guess to the extent that we can prioritize bringing and local artists and community-based artists something that is
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expressive -- >> we are doing that and we're q the arts commission. >> i really appreciate josh walking me through. i see how close the san francisco of modern art's -- modern art expansion is. we were talking about some of the public art, not just here, but also treasure island. it is eight strong -- i support that we maximize the local community artists as much can. thank you. if there are no other=#ñçñ ques, let's open this up for public comment. i have seven cards. if there is someone else who would like to speak, please fill out a card. [reading names]
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we are trying to get the microphones. >> i have been involved in various committees for more than 20 years. i am delighted to be here today. i want to give you a little background to help you make your decision. in 2005, the authority was operating independent of the city government and they could only identify enough money to build a bus station. the former supervisor became very upset to and felt that if he was involved, more money could be identified to build a tunnel to bring the train downtown. >> if the speakers could line up on the right side of the room instead of the center aisle, that would be helpful. two minutes maximum on the right
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side of the room. >> they created a task force headed by the former planning director to look at various options. this resulted strategies. one of which was a gamble, which we won, to get the $400 million in stimulus money to build the bus station. the other was the matter before you. the principal purpose was to generate hundreds of millions of dollars that could be invested in bringing.i/hárain downtown. this project before you was not driven by developer interest or commercial interest. 3ñn primarily by te desire to bring the train downtown. there is the potential of a very
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significant amount of money that san francisco can put on the table to make that happen. as you know, in the last few weeks, some good developments occurred relating to high-speed rail and the peninsula. there are forces out there that wish to leave the station. i think therek;ms is added reasn today for you to move forward and approve all this to make sure that people know that san francisco is serious about bringing the train downtown. i urge you to approve all these ordinance says. supervisor mar: i am going to call other names. >> hello. i am a resident of district 3. i am president of the marine
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firemen's union. our headquarters property is located within the transit ;$center district plan area. on behalf of the membership of the marine firemen's union i am here to voiced general support for the transit center district plan and the related ordinances on today's agenda. specificallyf=7y we support the upperdá resolve our property -- rezone our property. we are opposed to any category designation of our property under article 11 of the planning code. we're also opposed the nomination of our headquarters buildings listing as a city landmark. we stated our opposition to the historic preservation commission and the planning department and
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is matched with timothy on these matters. ,c,5÷as a result, reduction in proposed category designation of our property is a step in the right direction. however, it is our desire to avoid any category designation under article 11. to review, we support the transit center district plan. we're opposed to the application of article 10 and 11 listing for designation to our property. we hope you take that under consideration. supervisor mar: there is a question. supervisor wiener: i understand the objection is article 10 designation. excuse me, article 11. when you refer to article 10, this is proposed as an individual landmark as opposed to a conservation district? >> yes. 240 second-y supervisor wiener: you are
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representing the owner? can i ask planning to respond to that? in terms of forming districts, it is -- there will always be disputes among the district. you're never going to have unanimity on a -- but when it comes to an individual landmarked building, that raises a different issues. my question is, it seems this is a property owner that is objecting to an individual landmark designation. cuts my understanding is that legislation does not include the article 10 designation. the of landmark designation. staff has talked to the property
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owners, but there will be a separate piece of legislation. supervisor wiener: when that will happen? >> i do not know when that time -- i do not have that time line in front of me. supervisor mar: thank you. >> good afternoon, supervisors. san francisco chamber of commerce. i'm also before you today as the chair of your citizens advisory committee for the transit center and also co-chair of the chamber transit center committee that is working for many years on this project and it looks favorable today that the board will do we pass on this recommendation on these four are items. we strongly support it. we believe the importance of all of these zoning changes and planned changes for the development of a transit friendly smart growth district
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with a typesetter appropriate and which uses that are appropriate -- with heights that are appropriate and would use is that are appropriate. we think the planning department for three or four years of great work to get this before you today. we urge your adoption measures. supervisor mar: next speaker. >> good afternoon, land use. ♪6s]i nothing is going to touchu in these transit years go with the shadow in the city years stick with your city for a thousandbím&ó
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i know transit is waiting for you about ♪ [applause] >> that is always a hard act to follow. i was part of an effort in 1998 to put prop. 8 on the ballot. -- prop h on the ballots. we have a problem with the plan as it is. as was mentioned to you, part of this is going to be governed by the planning code. in another section, a very important section, is part of this redevelopment plan area, which has other controls.
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they allow a lot more parking in this very congested area. they allow 300% more residential parking in residential projects and 100% more. )jt that it be brought in line. we need to do everything we can to make sure we do not clogged these streets. no one disagrees. the problem is that it never gets done. to has the authority to do it? when we were here in january, we had some concerns. we were assured that the board of supervisors has full legislative authority. however this gets done, whether you need to take that authority
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back, whether the oversight board needs to do this, however it needs to get done, we feel like the parking controls in this zoning area need to get brought into line with the zoning controls in the rest of the district to make this plan as successful as it could possibly be. we look forward to trying to do that and create a sustainable 21st century transit oriented development on this side. supervisor cohen: just to a knowledge of the comment, -- acknowledge the comment, we never assured you that the board would have all land-use authority. i wanted to make that a matter of public record. supervisor mar: thank you. ] deploy -- at the
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time when hines won the bidding rights, times were good. then the recession came and the outlook was bleak. since that time, the building has shrunk down considerably, only 60 floors from 800 force. taking away the iconic structure -- only 60 floors up from eight floors. -- 80 floors. san francisco has a golden opportunity to incorporate the tower back to its original height and vision. by doing so, you'll be putting a lot of people to work, fully occupying eight floors and constructor markers building higher, which will increase revenue in the tower. fuh more businesses to san
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francisco. more money in the city coffers. one missing aspect to this tower is an observation deck at the top, which people could enjoy the breathtaking vistas֖o the bay area. what would you say to president obama or any other visiting dignitaries if they asked you if they could go to the top of the tower and view the beautiful scenery and you tell them the tallest iconic tower west of the mississippi does not have any room for an observation deck? what would they say? money should not be an issue to hamper this tower from being the best that it was envisioned for san francisco from the beginning of this process? kvu0uwe have the time to correcy designed this tower to make it work, to be the best in the world for san francisco. it takes visionary planners to make instead of conservative minded planners that do not really care. this is more than an iconic
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tauber for san francisco. it is a symbol of pride and progress for san francisco. supervisor mar:e mr. whitaker? w i am a resident of the rincn hill neighborhood. i hope that you approve this transit center district plan. i want to thank the planning department and the redevelopment agency. doing great job of involving existing neighbors. there is a blacksmith on fulton street, i think he has been working there for 40 or 50 years. pleases2nrh do pass it. i moved to the area to be able to walk and use transit to get around and get to work. i think that will be made even better with a plan. neighborhood operates -- it
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the towers. there are about 600 kids to stay in the existing day care is in the neighborhood. please pass this. supervisor mar: next speaker. >> good afternoon. i am with patrick and company. i have two concerns i want to point out. we have saidb]ra today, if you k at the charge, there will be $400 million coming to our district. it is a property tax. it will double our property tax. if we are deployed a $200 million building in there, that will -- $50 million, it it could put us at 8 competitive disadvantage as we go to market
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the office space. it is great to spend the money, but that is where the money is going to come from. the exit at the southwestern corner is not due to be built until phase two. i think that is a terrible mistake. we need people to get up to the park and use the park and make it an interesting place to be. without that facility, or any encouragement for the adjacent property owners or other buildings, we will not have good attendance and the park and that will be a disaster. those are two issues. the district is very expensive. getting people to use the park and make a dynamic impact. i do support what is going on and i think this is a great project and i followed it for a long time. >> next speaker. >> good afternoon.
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we have been an advocate of the transit center distance plan from the very urge you to support the amendment to 40 today. thisr5? plan really represents e city's most important transit infrastructure that we have seen in decades. both at the state and regional levels. in order to meet the regional growth projections and policy objectives, san francisco it needs more transit oriented job growth and this helps to meet those needs. the district plan is critical to the future of san francisco and the region. san francisco downtown is a major job center with over 250,000 jobs. qx region, a 50% of the workers in san francisco use sustainable transportation to get to the downtown. we believe the open space elements in the affordable housing component of the plan are incredible and we feel that
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staff and all of the work that has gone into this plan represents really important values regarding these issues. we also recognize that the project areas are modest relative to the critical importance in value that this project provides for san francisco in the region. lastly, we believe that financial contribution that the new development will provide for the downtown extension is critical. other public infrastructure is a critical part of this plan and it is the purposei existence. the $500 million is essential to realizing the dtx and other open space improvements. this plan gets us as close to paying for itself as we have ever seen in san francisco. we really encourage you to we really encourage you to support the amendment before you
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