tv [untitled] July 16, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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applied to this project. 20% of 1100 full units would be 2204 units. there are 25 units to replace those that will be demolished. that brings the total of 1130. we have to use these numbers, because the eir refused to penalize -- to analyze the affordable housing levels of the work force, and like every other major project eir, from mission bay through the eastern neighborhoods, which attempted to project the affordable housing needs of a work force. the planning department specifically rejected a request to tell us how many of the 1400 units need to be affordable housing. chairperson%u%ñw mar: thank youo much. >> that is our estimate, and that is how we got it.
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>> supervisors, residents of san francisco, i reside in district 1. i am a member of the california alliance for retired americans senior action network. cpmc facilities to be built on van ness and st. luke's hospital, st. luke's should at . it should be remembered that cpmc is a tax? -- is tax-exempt, and needs to be held to a higher standard. it is under the administration of sutter healthcare, one of the sharks of the medical community. it has bad administration, and promises to square things away at a price. they begin by raising prices. sutter facilities of the most
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expensive in northern california. the attack union benefits and contracts. i cannot come the number of times in the past 10 years i have been on a picket line at cpmc, most recently earlier this year, when the engineers were up for more than a month. //k[-- were out for more than a month. these people produce services, and their needs must be considered in any deal with the hungry sharks. chairperson mar: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is thaddeus lead. i am a member of the van ness corridor association. i lived adjacent to the project. for years, the area where they plan to build has been vacant. likewise across the street, until they recently began a new apartment complex.
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often, when you walked by, it is extremely degraded. it attracts illicit activity. we are very excited about the potential of having a presence, something that is moving and alive, bringing some life back to the economy. we strongly support the project, and ask that you do as well. chairperson mar: thank you. next speaker. >> thank you for this important item. i live at franklin and bush, two blocks from the proposed cathedral hill site. ú5ermi support the rebuild plan. i often walked to coffee shops, the main library, the farmers market, or to mentor students. i love my neighborhood, but safety is a big concern. every few months, another building those empty, with no development. rf graduate student, i
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frequently take the 38 to usf, yk[:but coming home, it was note to get off at van ness. we heard from the sfpd about the reduce staff the department is working with. there is a separation with increased crime in the area of the intersection, loitering, vandalism, and violence. the city does not have the resources to deal effectively with these issues. my neighborhood would benefit greatly from this hospital going in. it would add security the city cannot provide right now. homes in this area. there is a 24-7 presence the area could use. walking at night feels dangerous. know is much needed. the hospital is important to the
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local economy, and i believe it will have a big impact. the neighborhood needs this project. there are negative ramifications, but i ask you to vote in support of rebuilding cpmc, without delay. chairperson mar: thank you so much. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is delores' bentsen. i live in bernal, and i participate in the bernal heights neighborhood senior program. my family and myself have been going to st. luke's hospital for many years for health care needs. i do not drive, and i take the bus. ktb(ñit is hard for me to get a, especially if they close st. luke's. where will@ú without having to travel so far away? it is already hard enoughtcuvqhs
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seniors to get around, and having a hospital far away from our neighborhood is not ok. keep st. luke's open, please. make sure that what cpmc promised about st. luke's thank you for your time, and have a nice day. chairperson mar: thank you. next speaker. ingoody bernal heights. i have for 39 years. i am concerned that st. luke's will close. where will we go for medical care? please, looks -- please keep st. luke's open. it is more convenient for all of us,/
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we beg you. thank you for your time. chairperson mar: i am going to call a few more names. james wilder, angela farresino, diane allegre, clark reyes, gina lynn luna,r iborra, and reverend don fawkes. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is amy kelly. i40 member of the first unitarian universalist church at the corner of franklin and theory. -- and geary. i have been laid to church because of traffic jams at 10:30 a.m. on sunday morning. it gets worse from there.
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it is always crowded. there is very little give for emergency vehicles. we heard earlier that the emergency entrance to the hospital will be on franklin, as will be the delivery. we know that big delivery trucks do not just turn in. they turn wide. they back up. sometimes, they back out. that will cause a great deal more congestion. we run a program at our church which brings 100 children from the tenderloin every day for an after-school program, which has benefited not only them, but the schools. they come across west van ness and franklin at 3:00, and leave between 5:00 and 6:00, rush hour. we are very concerned about pedestrian safety for those hundred children crossing the streets. it is not only seniors with walkers who cannot get out of the way of emergency vehicles.
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it is also the children. i live near uc, and was a former faculty member there. the vans that go through, taking people back and forth, is a continual problem in the neighborhood. they keep having to change the streets they go on. i wonder how possible that will be for the vans that deliver people to and from this hospital. i am deeply concerned about sutter's lack of faith, with respect to st. luke's. they are closing a hospital because of its failure to meet its 1% and operating expenses as expected. we really have to keep st. luke's open. a further comment. there was an expert -- chairperson mar: thank you for your support. next speaker. >> thank you, members of the board. my name is jeff garner.
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i am president of the van ness corridor association. we support cpmc's plan to rebuild. when we moved in, there was a parking garage adjacent to our building. it would shut down, due to tax evasion and fraud. it was unsafe, and secure, and uncared-for. my family and i parked there with little complaint, because it was closest to our apartment and church. cpmc purchased the building, and overnight, new lights were installed, with motion sensors, a new paint. signs were updated. safety took a front seat. a new parking system was implemented. things were handled decently and fairly. immediately, we felt secure and safe in our parking garage. cpmc# and favor of our community just because of how they handle their
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garages. they brought security and carrot that was long overdue. today, we stand in a similar situation. a huge block casts an ominous cloud ofwoñ emptiness over our corridor. i have enormous respect for the due diligence supervisors have to do. i know it is a difficult task. the block under discussion is in desperate need of healing. we have waited a long time to see something come along that can bring health to our neighborhood. this block, and the blocks surrounding the neighborhood, are long overdue for security, safety, and organization. i am not credentialed, but i humble law offer my opinion on the spiritual impact on the neighborhood. i ask that you support the rebuild cpmc project. what they did with that little garage, it is any indicator,
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means it will be a beautiful thing, going forward. >> good afternoon. i am the ceo of operation access, a san francisco-based nonprofit. we have worked with cpmc for over 10 years to provide access 's and specialty care for low-income uninsured people. i support the rebuild. it is a wonderful project that will create jobs and improve the economy. it will strengthen the health care infrastructure in the city and improve services. a previous speaker referred to sharks. i have not found that to be the case at all, with either the sutter folks we have worked with, at nine facilities, or with cpmc. there are 27 surgeons that provide free care to low-income uninsured people. over the last decade, 500
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patients have received free exceeds $5 million. these people are often referred to as working poor. there are service workers, but their employer does not provide insurance. without this donated care, they would be out of the work force. getting their medical procedure taken care of gets them back into the work force. the can take care of themselves and their family. i am a strong advocate and supporter of the rebuild. thank you. chairperson mar: thank you. next speaker. . in the tenderloin for the last 20 years. i am also a member of the latino american community. the proposed project will worsen the housing problem in
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the housing -- in the tenderloin. dtvwmin this overburdened housig market, the surrounding low income communityée< with new households for affordable housing. to mckay this impact. -- to mitigate this impact. the project is not responsible to our needs. i urge the members of the board of supervisors to reject this project if cpmc will not address all of our concerns. chairperson mar: thank you. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is rosa vera, and i have lived in the tenderloin for 30 years. i am a member of the filipino
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american association. housing is a basic human right, and it must be upheld. cpmc must not reneged on this issue, especially if they want to build in our neighborhood. honorable supervisors, help us save our neighborhood by keeping housing affordable. the 1500 new san francisco households that this project out from our homes.2 by keeping housing affordable in tenderloin, we are assured that i will be living where i have lived for the past 30 years. please make sure that cpmc contributes more toward affordable housing. do not let them pass this burden to the city. although we need development in our community, thisr1nh developt should also benefit the low income residents in our community. cpmc continues to make super
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profits, so they should give back to san francisco by looking at the housing impact this project would create. we demand that cpmc should give more for affordable housing. we urge the honorable members of the board of supervisors to reject this project>v(gñ if cpml continue$f$v to disregard our rightful demands. thank you very much for your time. chairperson mar: thank you. that speaker. >> hello, supervisors. i am with the burn heights neighborhood center. i live in it excelsior district. i am a senior student at balboa high speed -- the ball high school. i am concerned about the issues the proposed hospital will bring. my family and i use the road on many different occasions. we all agree that it is busy all hours of the day. when it is not rush-hour, there
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is always a constant stream of people using the road for their personal needs. the hospital would only worsen the traffic which is already horrendous. the size of the hospital, its clients and staff parking, the operations that will undertake bailey, those kind of factors -- it will create even more chaos on this already-busy road. instead of me being able to get somewhere in 10yq#ñ minutes, iy take me three times as long. this also applies to cathedral hill hospital, if it was to be built. why would i want to go to a hospital that is 45 minutes away, when i have st. luke's 10 minutes away from me? i hope cpmc sticks with its promise to keep st. luke's open. knowing the cathedral hill hospital will be a longer commute for me, i would much rather rely on the hospital i have now. chairpersonfni mar: i am going o
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call a few more names. emily 0 rourke, dorothy behr, david dupree, david madsen, lois scott. >> i am with the bernal heights neighborhood center. i live in excelsior and attend the ball high school. ÷iñnr-- balboa high school. i am concerned about the proposal for cathedral hill hospital. traffic affect public transit as much as regular drivers. van ness and geary will become verye. we are trying to avoid traffic by writing muni, bart, and our bicycles. with great traffic, we can walk a block five times faster than any vehicle. living in the excelsior, it would take me and my family an hour or so to get to the
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cathedral hill, instead of 20 minutes. it will be very difficult for excelsior residents to travel many miles through crowded streets just to get to cathedral held. if cathedral hill hospital is built, it will increasebzmññ tr, pollution, and noise within the van ness and gearyxmy neighborhoods. i hope cpmc find these conflicts reasonable enough to focus their money eliminating medical services at other hospitals. chairperson mar: it is great to have balboa high school students with us. >> may i have the overhead? chairperson mar: the overhead, please. >> i am with san francisco tomorrow. a month to address
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transportation impacts as regards legal and professional liability, as you can seeñax and i presented to you earlier. it is a need for cumulative impacts, by zero considerations. that has not been done. this is not a legal document. our supervisors claimed they wish a city of 2 million people, seismic city, is one of the factors you have to consider. the fact of the board of supervisors have given tax evasion's to the tenderloin, and will change the intent to use traffic by raising the incomes and depriving residents of affordability, has not been studied. the fact figures prepared by the county transportation people, which uniquely, in this country, have been permitted to not follow
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origin and destination studies that all professionals anywhere in the country use, means that your data is presumptuous and politically derived. it cannot be relied upon. that needs to be examined. the fact that seismic safety and disaster relief inaccessibility is part of the community impacts you need to address has not been done. they have postponed the health master plan to deal with in all health facilities, and sutter health, has not been done. can i say a word about housing? and i thank you very much. the fact is, about 16,000 units a overturn every year. a at who otherwise have
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affordable housing and have passed the house and into affordability. identify the impact areas has not been addressed. chair mar: your time is up. thank you. thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, supervisors. my name is angelina. i am a senior and have lived here for the past 27 years now. i am a member ofñi-o[ the tenden and filipino american community. i am staying in an affordable housing for seniors. i want to make sure that housing for the low-income residents is
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prioritized, and less money on home ownership. many will be able to benefit from this money. we must ensure that this is prioritized for community is most impacted by this development. this means affordable rental housing for the tenderloin residents. we want cpmc to ensure that this issue is addressed. we urge the board of supervisors to reject this. if cpmc will continue to ignore our demands. thank you. á];7chair mar: thank you. next speaker.
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>> good evening, supervisors. i am a senior resident of the tenderloin for almost any years now and also a board member of the tenderloin filipino american community association. i am here to speak about this at van ness and about this project will affect low-income residents. i know that affordable housing in the tenderloin is very hard to find. most filipino families in the tenderloin have small units because they cannot afford rent. the thousands of new employees that cpmc plan to bring into the neighborhood will certainly cause this placement among the low-income families already living in the tenderloin. some 490 new households to san francisco. where will these people live if cpmc will not help address their
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housing needs? there is the new san francisco affordable housing. that is why it is very important for them to follow the van ness plan for affordable housing. i demand that they should build more affordable housing in the community. we would like to see a project that is also responsible to the housing needs. we cannot let this project -- instead, we want them to address the community housing needs. we should not approve a project that does not help the low- income families in our neighborhood. thank you. chair mar: thank you. please pull the microphone closer to your mouth. >> my name is -- and i am also a
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member of the tenderloin filipino american association. this is where low-income families live. as a tenderloin resident, i do not agree with the plans to construct a hospital facility that will not address the housing needs. the 1500 new households will certainly contribute to the ever burgeoning housing problem in the tenderloin. these new employees will be directly competing with existing tender one residence for affordable housing. wars, this may drive the housing prices up. we should not allow it to happen, and we should make sure and that they contribute more money to are affordable housing. cpmc should sign an agreement that addresses this issue.
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i urge the honorable members of ç supervisors iy do not provide clear solutions to our concerns. chair mar; thank you. let me call a few names first. [reading names] robert, bill, bethany, william, are mondo,;zyeñ and glorious sa. >> the thank you. my name is -- a district 5 residents. _r two points. when they began their site search, they focused on the uíe a 40 acre site. most u.s. major hospitals of this scale are on 140 acres.
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a 600-bed hospital is on 160 acres. is a default location. what are we cutting off to a shoe worn a hospital of the size at the site? aspect is that it is for sale. this does not address the site needs for a hospital of this scale. econd, san francisco's stres are already overburdened by shuttle buses for high-tech companies and other medical opportunities. many of the streets that these shuttle's drive on right now are not rated for the suv winning 6,000 pounds. the shuttle buses weigh considerably more, which causes street damage and repair needs. thank you. butchair -- chair mar: thank
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you. mr. weiner? >> this is located on the california street. one comment is that there is so much money''-px that has been st on this campaign, and it is dirty money. so many people have been bought off. i am sure sutter health, if they could pay for lady gaga, they would do it. why cannot the existing medical centers be retrofitted so they are earthquake proof? there is no need toí"cdñ buildzs facility. it is going to throw people out and give a lot of money to sutter health, which is supposed to be nonprofit. four-seamer libs, this hospital is needed, especially in a time of natural disasters. every hospital is needed in this city,
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