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tv   [untitled]    July 18, 2012 10:00am-10:30am PDT

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>> we would expect the department to prepare findings based on our vote this evening pursuant to the timeline set forward in our rules, the closing council as well of the city attorney. is that right? and i guess we schedule it for another day. how far in advance? >> it will come back to the commission probably in six weeks or so. >> does that mean if we revoke the appointment that he cannot work his beat?
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>> your decision is finalized. the revocation of the appointment. all we're talking about is written findings to explain the decision consistent with your discussion. but the decision is final as of now. >> on behalf of mr. tachihara, [inaudible] >> your secretary will calendar the matter. >> ok. thank you. president mazzucco: the matter is concluded. i call line item number7. public comment on all matters pertaining to item nine. closed session, including public
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comment on a vote whether to hold item nine in closed session. ladies and gentlemen, going into closed session, any public comment? any public comment on this item? on number seven? yes, sir. >> hello, commissioners. i wanted to make sure, sometimes these are routine and i wanted to make sure we are actually deciding this matter based upon not to the fact there is a criminal case decided on misconduct but whether we can reveal information regarding the settlements. inspection 67 says we can only have these matters in closed session when it would likely
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prejudiced the city. i want to make sure that will actually be happening tonight in closed session. if not, i would appreciate it if it were open. president mazzucco: further public comment? item number8. >> whether to hold item nine in closed session, including whether to assert the attorney- client privilege with regard to item 9 a and b. >> before you take the vote, i want to see if the city attorney had a response to that question as it pertained to item 8? >> i do not have the actual ordinance but i believe all is necessary is for the commission to decide to assert the
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attorney-client privilege. i think it has to do with whether you identify the case in name itself in the agenda. sometimes when the city is considering litigation, for example, or it has not been served, you would not identify the name of the case or the parties that are involved in order to maintain a litigation position. i do not believe there is any basis for not going into closed session based on the argument that was identified in the public comment. president mazzucco: we have a motion to move into closed session? >> so moved. president mama president mazzucco: commissioners, we are back in open session. >> please call item number 10. president mazzucco: whether to
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disclose any on all discussion on item nine. san francisco administrative code six 7.12 a. >> i move not to disclose. >> i second. >> any public comment? >> item number 11, adjournment. >> i vote to adjourn. >> second.
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>> everyone deserves a bank account. in san francisco, anyone can have a bank account, things to an innovative program, bank on s.f. >> everyone is welcome, even if you are not a citizen or have bad credit to qualify for a bank account is simple. just live or work in san francisco and have a form of id. >> we started bank on s.f. six years ago to reach out to folks in the city who do not have a bank account. we wanted to make sure they know they have options which should be more low-cost, more successful to them and using chat catchers. >> check cashing stores can be found all over the city, but they're convenient locations
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come with a hidden price. >> these are big. >> i remember coming in to collect -- charged a fee to collect a monogram. >> people who use check catchers, particularly those who use them to cash their paychecks all year long, they can pay hundreds, even a thousand dollars a year just in fees to get access to their pay. >> i do not have that kind of money. >> i would not have to pay it if i had a bank account. >> bank accounts are essential. they keep your money saved and that helps save for the future. most banks require information that may limit its pool of qualified applicants. encouraging to turn to costly and unsafe check captures. >> i do not feel safe carrying the money order that i get home. >> without a bank account, you
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are more vulnerable to loss, robbery, or theft. thankfully, the program was designed to meet the needs of every kind, so qualifying for a bank account is no longer a problem. even if you have had problems with an account in the past, have never had an account, or are not a u.s. citizen, bank on s.f. makes it easy for you to have an account. >> many people do not have a bank account because they might be in the check system, which means they had an account in the past but had problems managing it and it was closed. that gives them no option but to go to a cash -- check catcher for up to seven years. you want to give these people second chance. >> to find account best for you, follow these three easy steps. first, find a participating bank or credit union. call 211 or call one of our partner banks or credit unions
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and ask about the bank on s.f. account. both -- most bridges will have a sign in their window. second, ask about opening an account through bank on s.f.. a financial partner will guide you through this process and connect you with the account that is best for you. third, bring some form of identification. the california id, for an id, or your passport is fine. >> now you have open your account. simple? that is exactly why it was designed. you can access your account online, set up direct deposit, and make transfers. it is a real bank account. >> it is very exciting. we see people opening up second accounts. a lot of these people never had account before. people who have problems with bank accounts, people without two ids, no minimum deposit. we are excited to have these people. >> it has been a great
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partnership with bank on s.f. because we are able to offer checking, savings, minimarkets, certificates, and loans to people who might not be about to get accounts anywhere else. even if you have had a previous account at another financial institutions, we can still open an account for you, so you do not need to go to a check cashing place, which may turn to two percent of your monthly income. >> you can enroll in free educational services online. just as it -- visit with services like financial education classes and one-on-one meetings with advisers, asset smart money network makes it easy for you to learn all you need to know about managing, saving, investing, and protecting your money. the network offers access to hundreds of financial aid programs.
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to help their eruptions, fill out the quick questionnaire, and you will be steered to the program you are looking for. >> who want to make sure everyone has the chance to manage their money successfully, keep their money safe, and avoid getting ripped off. >> it sounds very good. i think people should try that one. >> to find out more, visit or call 211 and ask about the bank on s.f. program. >> now you can have a bank account. open one today.
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commissioner avalos: good morning and welcome to the plans and programs committee of the transportation authority. i am john amylose, the chair of the committee. other commissioners will be joining our shortly. commissioner jane kim, christina olague. the clerk of the committee is erica chang. i want to call out on the folks on sfgtv broadcasting. please share with us any announcements. >> there are no announcements. commissioner avalos: item to police. >> item 2. approve the minutes of the june 19, 2012 meeting. this is an action item. commissioner avalos: any
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questions or comments? public comment. two minutes. seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion to approve? motions farrell, seconded by commissioner cohen. without objection. next item, item #3. >> item 3. citizens advisory committee report. this is an information item. >> good morning.
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today's agenda has three items that were viewed last month by the cac. item six, the discussion will focus mostly on the allocation of the funds of the port, demolition of pier 1 and 2. the cac, that is why the items are being considered prior to the informant of reports being completed. the port explained the timing1!ó with the america's cup. it was also required from the bay conservation and development commission'
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provide mitigation measures. the cac ací.lvhow the demolition was tied to prop k funds. the authority staff responded that if in the prop k programs, because it was part of the funds set aside for the downtown terminal expansion program and that the demolition of the pier was considered essential to bring in that project to completion. this motion passed by the cac unanimously and the
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modification at the staff recommended regarding the desigt requiring the mta to perform overhauls of the upgrades of critical components. once they reached age of five or six years. the mta did not complete the necessary overhauls. mta staff would have provided the authority with the explanation of why these overalls were not completed.
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item seven, this motion was passed by the cac and there was concern that the cac be consistently asked to support the allocation of funds. the full fund grant payment is in place. the authority assured the cac that having the local match was essential to receiving the federal funds. item eight, this item was passed unanimously by the cac. this concludes my report. thank you very much. commissioner avalos: thank you.
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any question for mr. flanagan? ok, we'll go to public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. that is an information item. we will now move on to item for. >> item 4. recommend approval of the fiscal year 2012/2013 transportation fund for clean air program of projects. this is an action item. commissioner avalos: this is an item that we have before us last month and we're getting updates. >> we presented on this last month, so i will not go into all the projects. the registration fee is to fund projects that improve air quality by reducing motor vehicle trips. primarily, the measureib,r of e reduced vehicle miles traveled. as noted in a random, at the
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request of commissioner cohen, we are continuing this item out of concern for the one project we're not recommending funding for which is the bayview community shuttle. this shuttle is -- the grant is received by the department of public health. the shuttle is a committee held shuttle that operates in the bayview, run by the bay view community foundation. we had in the past the the does from the lifeline transportation program. last year, we found it through the transportation fund for clean air. if the first time you from the shuttle project, you are cut some slack, you get to make some assumptions about ridership and how many vehicle miles traveled will result in improved -- improved air quality. unfortunately, the results came back to show the combination of the ridership and the trips do not meet the cost effectiveness threshold to the transportation
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fund for clean air, so we're not recommending it for the program. however, we have met with a foundation and this afternoon we have meetings with the municipal tradition agency to fund this with the remaining lifeline funds. those funds are state transit assisted funds. we are working with all parties to figure out how to do that and also how to relate this to the authority's bayview mobility solution study site. the authority is working with a number of partners and has a very strong link with the department of public health. commissioners are familiar with that in the community, to see if we can build on the expertise to that study to help the shuttle through the lifeline program. commissioner avalos: commissioner cohen. commissioner cohen: to thank you for giving me the opportunity to
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meet with transportation staff. i thought it was very enlightening about funds, how they're allocated, and how we can help, because of the loss of funds for this particular shuttle help identify other locations for money. thank you. i am grateful for the time and i'm prepared to vote in favor of the )nro:áoday. commissioner avalos: thank you. since we had a full presentation last committee meeting, we can go on to public comment. i am very supportive of these projects, especially as we are putting a lot of investment into bike projects as well. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? >> good morning. my name is kit hodge, a deputy director of the san francisco bicycle coalition. thank you for your support of this item. especially thank you for
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commissioner avalos for putting this back on the agenda today. we want to call attention to two specific projects. the short term biking item. perhaps to have the item that we have, where we cannot walk into many businesses right now because they are so frustrated that they do not havet[ñí÷ theie rack at. many districts brought the city are experiencing this. they want to provide parking for potential customers. we want to make sure the city and the mta has the funding to be able to meet that demand around the city. second, we are excited about the potential for a western access to the golden gate bridge path. folks on the west side of the city right now have to go a long way to get to the bridge. this will be a tremendous opportunity to open of that wonderful facility to people throughout the city. once again, thank you. we are excited about this item. we hope that you vote in favor. thank you. commissioner avalos: thank you.
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mr. milosevic? -- moscovich? >> thank you,;x@,ñ commissioner, executive director. i cohen for taking a no-nonsense approach to discussing how to find a solution to problems like the funding for this shuttle in the bayview. i want to put in a word about the importance of paying close attention to the sta, obag, list for which the county is opposed to prioritize. you're supposed to process of prioritizing that list very seriously. it is a function that i believe the board will exercise and must exercise in prioritizing those lists, precisely to address issues that may not be addressed
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through the normal city process of servicing the most pressing priorities in the neighborhoods. part of that process is very organic to the efforts we have been making over the last several years to do neighborhood transportation plans and interact withé7 constituencies in your district. to complement what you are already doing, in terms of looking out for the needs of the neighborhoods and when you are hearing from the community organizations, so that you have essentially an escape valve, an extra amount of money in very tight budget times, to deal with those priorities that may not be bubbling up to the normal process -- through the normal processes. i think the shuttle is a good example of that. all of a sudden, you have this thing that exists already. they need to evaluate it, make sure it gets funded
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appropriately, according to the benefit it produces, but there is a real need, something where your ability to prioritize funds either from sta, stp, obag process control by the authority board, is an excellent tool to solve problems in any neighborhood. i want to make sure we're all aware of that when we discuss these lists. it is very important to consider that as a major asset for solving small problems. commissioner avalos: thank you. we are going to close public comment.
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i am glad we're working towards a solution. you can count on me for your support. ok, if we can move this item forward. we will take the motion. next item please. >> item 5. recommend appointment of two members to the citizens advisory committee. this is an action item. >> planner with the authority. this item begins on page 41 of your package. each member of the cac serves a year-long term. plans and programs committee recommends and the authority board appoints members. the other staff nor the cac make some recommendations on appointments appeared on page 44 of your packet, you can see the folks that have submitted applications to be submitted for positions on the city's advisory committee. on page 43, a listing of some information regarding current committee members.
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to qualify for apartment to the cac, you have to be a san francisco resident and appear at least once before this committee to speak to your interest and qualifications. we currently have two vacancies on the committee. vacancies have resulted from the -- vacancies of conrad wu and brian larkin. i understand mr. larkin is seeking reappointment. with that, we can take any questions. commissioner avalos: are any of the candidates here? mr. larkin? commissioner farrell: given that these are generally supported by district, has commissioner chiu expressed any preference here? >> no, we have not heard confirmation. commissioner avalos: since we do
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not have mr. larkin here --nñ did have a conversation with commissioner mar. he was open to mr. larkin but other folks as well. maybe we should continue this item to the next plans and programs committee and hopefully have mr. larkin here next week or other candidates who are here for the district 1 seat and district 4 seat. commissioner kilet's go on to pt for item five. >> good morning commissioners, i am a member of the citizens advisory committee district 2. i have known brian larkin for many