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tv   [untitled]    July 19, 2012 1:00am-1:30am PDT

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a different set of skills. we will do whatever you want to do, but it is incumbent on us to give you that information. >> i don't think that was the intention, that the inspectors would still be doing the inspectors, but someone else would be keeping track of it. the issue is we have had tens of thousands, thousands of outstanding violations for quite a long time in building and housing and having somebody track it and be responsible for it -- it would be a clearing house said that the complaints go in one place and get directed and logged as code enforcement. >> the progress is tracked. >> good news about that is we
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are doing it and testing it right now. one of the difficulties for me is getting the report out of the current system. when i meet with my seniors to find out where we are, we're getting a different number every time. i need to will be easier to get the management and reports and we can hand it over to a deputy director or whoever does that kind of oversight. i just wanted to make sure we could play into that. there's definitely a concern about making sure the housing cases are expedited. >> i don't think that's a question. >> when you mention code enforcement, we get very defensive. an important thing to keep in mind here is we're not dealing with one court, we're dealing with four separate types of inspectors and the way the system is set up is absolutely
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brilliant. the housing inspectors take the case from the initial inspection of right through the directors and it works very well and there is no reason to change it. with regard to building and electrical and plumbing, those violations come out of the separate divisions. cited by three different types of inspectors. that goes to code enforcement on the sixth floor. that system is working rates because there's an awareness of this going back years. if you get an electrical violation, it gets a bit. if you look in that computer, if everybody does a review, they go
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into the system and on any address, there is a list right there you will see all of them. you can tell where that. if it does not say it in regard to building, electrical and plumbing, you know it's on the wrong floor. if you are a property owner and you see where it was last week, you will know you better get cracking because it will be scheduled for hearing. if you have a complaint and you are a property owner, you don't see it changing -- if we change that, it doesn't make any difference. a lot of cases get abated or resolved building electrical and
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plumbing because they don't want to see that designation. i would implore you to keep that in mind. >> thank you. >> i think this is a very healthy conversation. the department came out of a couple of years of tough times have a lot of what we're looking here is we are slowly chipping through that and i think we will be at a grievous and that violation here and i think we're getting closer and closer to that. i think the director did a good job getting the low hanging fruit off the table. i am a little more patient to let this system keep going. i do feel the frustration and having the press hearing and the dollar amount that was settled
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for, i know there was more money there but there's a strong message being sent out and i think there's an element that there hasn't been too many people who have been beaten over the head here to do the right thing and if we get a couple more, the property owners start -- due to time, i think we will get better than we are right now. i would like to keep the conversation going but at the end of the day, we need to give what we have now and the concentration that has been done and more of an opportunity. i would like to keep touching base and give us updates on the success stories so we can see progress is being made. with regard to the blight, -- i
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know what the difficulties are and i think it's chipping away at a big storm and i think we see some daylight at the end of the day if we just stay the course. thank you for that report. >> item #8, a discussion of attrition values for the b i compared to other departments. >> i am the deputy director of administrative services. i was working on this presentation with the mayor's budget office and the analyst had to go into a session with the board of supervisors. i am asking if this can be postponed until the following meeting. he said he would be available that week. >> thank you. if there is no objection, we will continue until the next meeting.
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>> item #9, directors report -- the update on finances and new hires. >> this will be short and sweet. on that calendar, the fiscal year has ended, but there are still charges that will occur throughout the next two months. right now, we are projecting a $13.7 million balance at the end of the fiscal year before in any adjustments are made for deferred credits. that consists of $10.8 million
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in revenue. if you look at the graph on your screen, you can see 126% of the budget was received for charges for service and that as the area we are over this year. in the statistics in the report, we sigh 55.5% increase in valuation year over year so a lot of this revenue is due to large projects. we see quite a few large cranes across the city and in actuality, we anticipate that will slow down next year, but
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that is what happens in a 11-12. in terms of the expenses, we are projecting an expenditure savings of $2.9 million. the majority of that is due to personal savings. we have been coming for every month talking to you about our ability to hire positions and that this last fiscal year, we were constrained in that. other areas we're seeing our materials, supplies and on personal services. some of this will change as the rest of the year gets charged. they usually close of the entries down in september so we will have a better idea of where we will end up.
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in terms of hires, and the last month, we hired 16 positions, five engineers, eight clerks, one cashier and various other positions. we have to other engineers coming in august. tomorrow, we have interviews 48 clerk positions and its hopefully the beginning of august, the test is supposed to be done and we will get their referrals sometime in august. we will be hiring another 13 positions, and tree level quirks. we are moving along quite well in working with the individual assigned to us in terms of putting together the tests specifically for our department.
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i think we will be on track for september and october november hiring. that is for the whole set of building inspectors. after that, the last ones they will be working on are the housing inspectors. we are still trying to hire 53 positions before january 1. we will come back and let you know as we go along. next month, we will come to you with a presentation on the budget and where we end up with the fiscal years 12-13. currently the budget is that the board of supervisors. the only major change they made
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was whether or not they would have a third day or not and if they did not want it, whether the money would go to the various districts. we will see the final budget in early august and be able to come back with us a presentation where it was when we left you and when we get to the whole process. >> thank you. >> item 9 -- update on proposed legislation. >> i have some information on the updated ordnance -- i think
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you heard about regarding the square foot area, that is still ongoing. another one is -- rose mary -- this is regarding chapter 41 because there is some language there we need to revise that. we have ordinance also regarding the bottles filling
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stations some language we want to revise and i asked the technical service trying to resolve those lange which because they tie into major pumping operation and it's hard to keep track of that, but we want to be tied to the building authorization but still may be the remodeled effecting the drinking fountain. it any other questions? >> back to the one you just mentioned, is that going to come to the bic or just to the board
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of supervisors? >> [inaudible] >> i'm just wondering what the amendment is. isn't there a requirement that certain building occupancies need to provide a drinking fountain. >> this is an addition. >> it is an amendment to the environment code. you guys can have a hearing on it if you like. >> is it coming here?
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>> under the charter, the amendment is to hold a hearing for the building code, plumbing code, those are the codes combine to make up the building code, so legislation that amends the administrative code or environment code or other codes may end up involving the bfi -- the be all i high -- dbi. you can also ask the director to have legislation go to the code advisory committee and come to the building inspection commission so you can comment on it, but -- you can express an opinion and a forward that to the board of supervisors. but you do not have any direct
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authority over it. >> any further pressure comments? -- any further commissioner comments? >> it's an amendment to the san francisco environment code. chapter 23. i don't know of that's going to come to us or not. it looks like it's going to be an amendment. >> thank you. >> i have a question regarding the item before that. the potential building code amendment. the california building code regarding open lateral white. i see on the status it was on the code advisory committee with the recommendation proposed
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today but it's not on our agenda. was it that the code advisory committee? >> it was discussed at the subcommittee. >> i thought i might add one more thing about legislation since there were a number of items today that do not technically come before the bic. there were a lot of changes that affected the planning department and planning commission but they had no direct say over it. there was a move to move with the president and board of supervisors to create a rule of the board of supervisors will book that says that there will be legislation in amending the
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administrative code that will affect the planning commission are planning department, the board can't act on it for 30 days in order to give the planning commission an opportunity to comment on it. it might be something you would want to consider, something similar like that and see if the board president was willing to put forward a similar thing in the rulebook for the board. >> thank you. that is something i would like to have further discussion on. >> this is something we could put on a future agenda, the building inspection commission, we could legendize it as an item to seek additional ways for the building inspection commission to comment on legislation that would affect the department. >> why don't we talk about that
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at a future hearing and work on the language? >> update on permit tracking system. >> i am glad the report that we are 40% complete with the project and we are on schedule. currently, we are working on completing the system configuration by the end of this month. the vendor is doing a great job and they have turned the project over for us for review. we are comparing the documentations we have prepared over the last money month -- last many months, against how it is actually configured. we have had group review sections -- a group review sessions. we have had people trying and things out themselves,
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completing forms and those are due by the end of the month and we are on schedule. our next step is to pare four the citizen access. we're going to be planning what is going to be the process for getting feedback from the public. who would we get involved? we're providing specifications to the vendor as to how we want that configured. what fields do we want displayed? what kind of user flow do we want? we will reportwe also have manys identified for the analysis sessions which would be created by the system and priorotize those reports. we also continue on interface analysis and data analysis and all the things we reported on to
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you. everything is on track. it is going well. >> just a quick point. there was nothing -- for this when this is up and running. [laughter] >> that is a different animal. >> as a new commissioner i want that out there. just on the time for him again, -- >> this finishes november 2013. there is a transition period afterwards. >> april 13 is the drop date. >> thank you for that. >> anything else? commissioners? no. >> thank you for your time.
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>> item 90, -- >> we are autimating this for being sent by email. we have a demo of the tablets where the ywill use them for emergency managment. we will let them test them for a few months. the cash managment system is on hold until the tax collector phase is handled. we wait for that to happen and can start our work. we are working on the infrastructure refresh. and all the other mis projects. >> great. >> thank you for waiting.
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>> is there any public comment on item 9, 1a-d? >> i want to add the update for the commission. everyone wants to go home. i greatly appreciate the opportunity for the director. i want to give the update for what we are trying to do -- you hear the three-hour report. i appreciate the deputy director and the manager -- to help and get that thing through. we want to hire a staff for the
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three hour report. we had 15 days and want t oget it done more. we have the active director to do this service and you heard about code enforcement. today -- we have the inspector there. we set up the building inspector -- to settle a task force to go through the district by district. to see which one is urgently needed -- for the building.
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to -- i think -- maybe then he can answer. >> commission -- acting director for inspectiion services. we are looking into the vacant building. we will prioritize them in the conditiosn thens. we have a vacant building in good shape. a yellow one that needs repair. we have a red vacant building. we will also add an area of light. some of these buildings will be mroe proactive.
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not doing anything about the light. we want to report the condition of the buildings. we are working on categorizing that. we had tony grecco to oversee the list so we can stay on top of the list. we asked the housing inspector to visit these sites. monitoring them for blight, if there is blight that exists. >> thank you, inspector. >> also -- you know. every director -- he has set up co-analysis meetings. a technical service to uniform the order.
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how to make everyone apply the building code. i have -- they are staying to assist me to the technical computer system. either a new system or the m.i.s. any other questions let me know what you want me to do on it. >> are there any questions? okay. at this point, i will pass to sonya. >> 10-a -- the staff, at this time, the commissioners may make inquiries to staff with prodecures and policies of intersest. item 10-b, future meetings and
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agendas. the commission may set the date of a special meeting for thos e items for future meetings. the next one is august 15. is there any public comment. seeing none, item 11. adjournment. is there a motion to adjourn? >> moved to adjourn. >> are all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? we are now adjourned at 1:11 pm.