tv [untitled] July 19, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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was first involved with the task force, we were facing welfare reform. that probably seemed like a long time ago. you just heard polish air that we are now concerned -- paula share that we are now concerned about the snap program. the possible decrease in funding for the snap program will present our city with a very serious challenge in terms of making sure that our most vulnerable citizens do not go to bed hungry every night. the task force provides an incubator for public/private partnerships. it enables those of us in the nonprofit community to network with city agencies, with other nonprofits, to network with many members of the public who come to our meetings. sometimes there is not even an extra seat in the room. there are so many people who, you are enthusiastic and excited. we're grateful for the support
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for the food security task force, and we look forward in the future to serving the city of san francisco, and again, the many vulnerable people who really do not know where their next meal is coming from. thank you. chairperson kim: thank you for your service on the task force. any other public comment? public comment is closed. i do see a legislative aide to supervisor mar. office. do you have anything to share? >> on behalf of supervisor mar, he bought it -- he apologizes for not being here. i'm year to answer questions on his behalf. these many years, they have been a great help and we hope it can be reauthorize and continued. >>chairperson kim: this item is now before us. supervisor campos: i would like to thank supervisor mar and his staff for all of their work
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around this very important issue, and members of the task force, and thank you to staff for the presentation. it is very important to continue the work of this very important body. i make motion to move this item forward with positive recommendation. chairperson kim: we have a motion and a second to move this forward with positive recommendation to the full board. i would like to add my comments that i think it is important to continue this work. it is an incredibly important issue in our city. we have a motion and can do that without opposition. thank you. please call the next item. >> a hearing on proposed transfer of local business enterprise program, a hearing -- from human rights commission to office of the city administrator or the office of economic workforce development. chairperson kim: i wanted to
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give supervisor campos an opportunity to present on this item. supervisor campos: thank you. the reason i'm having a hearing on this is because received notification from the mayor's office that there would be transfer a function around issues involving contracting from the city administrator, and it's physically to do with the enterprise business program. the reason it -- let me briefly explain why i think it is important to have a hearing on this issue. contracting is one of the most important things that we do. and as a local business program, it ensures that businesses that have been disenfranchised in terms of opportunities have an opportunity to compete in city
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contracts. and when it comes to contracting, it is important to have as open and transparent a process, and one that is easy to understand, especially for contractors to understand. i think that any time local government makes changes in terms of the oversight being provided around contracting, it is important for us to have a public discussion around what those changes are, so the people who will be impacting those changes will have a better understanding of how those things will work. i think it is important to have as much clarity as possible. and to the extent that there is reasoning behind change, what the explanation behind that is. it is in that spirit that this hearing has been requested. we have one of our human rights commissioners, commissioner
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palpas is here. i want to thank him for being here as well. it is important for us to hear the specifics of what is being proposed, of what has already been implemented, and how things will work. with that, i turn it over to staff. and i also want to thank the executive director of the human rights commission, to recess sparks, for being here today. >> good afternoon, commissioners. thank you for inviting the city administrator's office and the human rights commission to discuss the transfer function of the local human-rights business program. the human rights commission is known for their fierce advocacy, for providing equal opportunity for all, and its efforts to end unfair discrimination for
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residences, businesses, and contractors. the city is known for compensation. we work with the board. together, we believe unfair competition and the camp -- in the government contracting processes, and that includes -- and an inclusive government, whether you're a woman, minority, small business, a member of the lgbt community, or whatever affiliation or disability may have. the goal of the transfer is to have one city entity responsible for streamlining processes, increasing accountability, and insuring fairness in contracting. moving this to the city
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administrator's office begins the process of centralizing contracting offices. for many years, decentralize government has resulted in fractured administration, a competing takeover interest to my inconsistent interpretation, and lack of coordination and ownership. every entity involved in the contracting process can perform their legislative mandate at maximum proficiency and still, the citywide outcome can be suboptimal. some offices to be combined are the human rights commission, the city administrator's office and more. the city administrator's office will take the program to another level, a level of further inclusion. this is about a pro-business city. local small businesses are here. they invest in san francisco and help achieve our hiring goals. we want to increase the number
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of companies that become 12b compliant. we believe in furthering the work of the hrc and will work with the advisory committees to ensure accountability and transparency. we want a wide spectrum of stakeholders from small businesses, contractors, subcontractors, and residences. we also work with the operating departments to ensure the city to its commitments to provide an opportunity to local businesses and residences. finally, we would like more training at regular meetings to better achieve consistency and efficiency. i want to show you -- i assure you of our offices dedication to fairness in contracting as part of our work. i am available to answer any questions you may have.
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and i'm not available to cutbacks in -- come back in six months time to report on our progress. >> good afternoon, commissioners. i'm the executive director of the human rights commission. today, i will go very quickly through the elements of the transition. if you could turn on the overhead, please. the transition is actually official on august 1st. we are moving very quickly. the month of july we spent transitioning operational commitments and operational
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leadership from staff. and legally, we will be transferring it to the entire operation on august 1st. just to give you a little bit of background on the human rights commission -- that is a little better. the human-rights commission was founded in 1964 to address the discrimination in the african- american community. it was primarily -- can we get this a little bigger? how do we do this? though smaller? we need an engineer, here. it was established in 1964 to address the issues of -- that were facing the african-american community, particularly in the hotel and the auto industry's
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along auto row and van ness. it became a charter in 1990. it covers the following administrative codesa. administrative code 12 is covered by the -- administrative -- 12a is covered by the equal rights commission. 12n is the anti-bleeding statue. -- antibullying statute. and we are also governed by police governed33 and 38, which are the enforcement of the nondiscrimination of protective
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glasses. we also facilitate sanctuary city and antibullying programs and we have a charter to reduce tensions within the different groups of san francisco. this is a descriptor of what is actually here and what is actually moving. currently, we have the chapter 12 being nondiscrimination. jeppe to 14 being local business and the shirty bond and financial assistance program. after that transfer on august 1st, we will remain pause -- responsible for policy and attention discrimination complaints and remediation. an equal component -- equal benefits component will be the transition. the 14th being the local business enterprise at maturity bond component will be
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transitioned to the city administrator's office. a very simple description of position changes -- out of a total of 41 positions, 29 are being transferred to the city administrator, leaving 12 commit -- 12 positions to the human rights commission. all of the 14 local business enterprise compliance personnel and the shirty by individual. the remaining with the human rights commission are the investigation of complaints and remediation. also, we will have administrative support for the front desk. the commission secretary and the executive director.
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there is a lot going on on this slide, but i thought i would give you an indicator of what happened in the nondiscrimination division. we enforce the provisions of the city's charter for nondiscrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations. this gives you a descriptive analysis of how that is broken out. last year, we received 1560 inquiries. these are people either walking in the front door, or phone inquiries. of that, we sell 20% of the cases. we dismissed 3%. we have 50% ongoing and most of the cases actually result in as referring individuals to other departments in the city that have the correct jurisdiction. for instance, someone would have come in having not paid their rent for three or four months and they are being effected. rather than us take the case as
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nondiscrimination, we would refer them to the rent board. we actually addressed 1560 incidences of people walking in. the primary component of the complaints that walk in the door are housing, representing a little over 60%. and the primary protected class that we deal with his disability, which is roughly 39% total. and looking at the bottom drops of employment, housing, and public accommodation, you can see the distribution among the various protective glasses. in almost every case, i'd is pretty consistent with disability being the primary -- it is pretty consistent with disability being the primary issue that people are filing complaints on. -- filing claims on. commissioner campos asked me to
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look at what the human rights commission will be in the future. supervisor kim has seen some of these during the budget presentation, so please excuse the repetition. but the policy issue right now come out every year we have a single issue that is predominant. right now, that is the african- american self-determination. looking at the unfinished agenda, which was completed in 1993 all the way out to the migration report that was completed in the last couple of years. we have 1.5fte our 3 policy staff devoted to this. they have created the african- american leadership council, which has created five work groups underneath. our equity advisory committee created an havret -- another three. we have eight work groups operating right now in the community deranging -- ranging
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from housing, jobs, economic empowerment to use toyouth, eyc. yesterday, we had one of our weekly brown bags where we had them come from all over the city. mayer brown came and spoke to the young people, along with the district attorney. we do that on wednesday. you are all certainly invited to attend. it also has the lgbt use workgroup. we also have the lgbt fate work group, which works on problems between the faith communities and the lgbt issues. we have a housing group, and a group dealing with potential homophobia in communities of color.
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and also the racial potential in the castro itself. we also have a bisexual working group as well. in addition, we overseas sanctuary city and we have had one complaint so far and we are doing out reached into the community. we had very high profile events in the community. we now have a full-time working group operating on its own to follow these issues. reduced barriers for persons with price or arrests and convictions. we are in the process of looking at various possibilities with the bri entry council and how we can deal with this discrimination. youth the sensitivity and
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cultural training and lgbt bullying. the youth commission and the department of public health will be distributing a training video helping policy makers know how to deal with lgbt bullying. that is being completed right now and looks to be an excellent piece of work when it is done. kamin trafficking, we facilitate the san francisco human trafficking collaborative. and continued lgbt discrimination, such as condoms being used as evidence, and also the impact of hiv/aids, and the criminalization of hiv. the human rights commission can be very proud that this year we had our first ever collaborative with hastings -- which read
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hastings where they sent in turns from the human rights commission to work half-day. and they provided a full clinic for human-rights issues. this one in particular risk for the war on drugs. right now, we are doing vision in exercises on what they see the commission been going forward. continuing on with public enforcement, housing, and public accommodations. we are not transitioning the nondiscrimination elements out of 12b. 12b, if you're a member of originally , we had ofmwbe ordinance, which was transferred to a local business ordinance. at that time it became a race
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and gender neutral. at that time, there were no elements of the ordinance that were elements of race or gender discrimination. we will maintain the ability to have instances, if in fact, they are filed under gender. that will continue to reside at the hrc in all contracts in the city. we will continue to facilitate the lgbt and advisory committees. each of the committees as community members between 15 to 25. they bring suggestions to us and then we facilitate discussions with the commission. we will continue with hate trafficking -- hate crimes, a document trafficking, and civil rights. policy issues are currently under discussion on the national
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stage. we believe that san francisco should once again take its place on the national stage to address issues is facing. urban flight, or black flight as it is being referred to. it is an issue that is evolving in many places in the u.s. we are the first city to take that on. we are trying to determine not only how to keep people from leaving, but also how to get them to return. we have a reputation as a leader on basic human rights and civil rights. we want to continue that. if you have questions, i would be happy to answer them. >> thank you. -- supervisor campos: thank you. i do have a couple of questions, but i want to see if the
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commissioner wanted to add anything to what was presented. ok, thank you. one of the questions that we have to think about as any change is made, and i speak as someone who has always recognized and value to the import roll back hrc plays in the city. -- that hrc plays in the city. do you have any concern about the impact -- you talk about 12 fte's remaining at hrc and something like 29 moving over. i want to make sure that the very important the backhrc has played remains -- that hrc has played it remains. >> that is a concern, but we have been assured by the mayor's
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office, having been a former director of the human rights commission, that we do not need to be concerned. my concern until recently was the work order. we received funding from the departments that are involved in the work. now hrc has moved to we general fund department. i think there will be a work order back to the administrator for some of the functions, but after that, it will be a 100% general fund department. that is difficult, and could become difficult if we get into different types of budgetary positions in the city. we also have retained an administrative person who will continue to do our small amount of financial and budgeting work. that person will also be tasked with about 50% of her time seeking outside grants. during this two-year budget
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cycle, we plan to be able to transition a portion of our general fund funding to outside grants. we believe that a lot of different departments at the h rc would qualify for federal and state funding. our commissioners have worked very hard in the last several months to reestablish their friends of the human rights commission, much as the friends of the library or the friends of women. and we hope to find some funding level to find some projects within the human rights commission. but going forward, that is the most worrisome issue -- in my mind, anyway. >> -- supervisor campos: with respect to the 12 fte's remain at the hrc, is that sufficient
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for you to maintain your charter? >> at this point, we believe it is. this has happened pretty rapidly, and we have not really looked at it in concert with the commission for their future vision of what the hrc should be, but at this point, we believe it is. >> -- supervisor campos: i would hope that there would be conversations about this down the road if for whatever reason that changes. >> that is correct. supervisor campos: we started the hearing talking about the 14b program, but i wanted to ask you more about the 12b, the equal benefits ordinands an equal benefits division, which has played -- the equal benefits ordinandce and the equal benefis division, which has played a very crucial role.
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could you talk about that piece of the proposal? >> absolutely. equal benefits nationwide was founded at the hrc in san francisco, as was the phrase " domestic partners" was coined at the hrc in san francisco. we have a rich history and we have an emotional tie to the program of the full benefits. we have also been so successful that several million nation -- workers nationwide are covered by its provision in various areas of the country. in fact, even organizations from outside the u.s. are now giving equal benefits to their individuals and employees inside the u.s. but it is one of those things that add that the ball, i have become commonplace in san francisco. and everybody -- it has become commonplace in san francisco. and everybody knows that you have to provide equal benefits
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for all your employees. camera winchester, who is heading that division under hrc now, she will be transitioning. she is very tough when it comes to these things. it is definitely a contract in issue. we were told two years ago, unless the city got a certain figure, they could not by a fire truck. we're focused on these issues. be careful what you wish for. be careful if this becomes a mainstream issue in a mainstream program. be careful, there may no longer be a human rights issue. i have been assured by the mayor's office and the mayor directly that they will keep it very close eye on it. in fact, they plan to expand it to be able to cross train some of the other people and the agency to be able to have more resources for equal benefits. we are hopeful that the program will not only continue, but expand.
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>> and i think it is important for us -- and i appreciate that in the presentation from the city administration -- the city administrator that there was a note about how you would be coming back in a few months to report on how things are going. i concede to the extent that something has become a contract ing issue, that moving it away from hrc could allow it to strengthen its role in some of the related issues. i think it is important for us to continue to watch this closely. >> we also had the same conversation when his first occurred. the city administrator and the mayor assured us that under their watch, their intent is to strengthen and expand the ordinance. with same-sex
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