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tv   [untitled]    July 22, 2012 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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admin code 12b and 12c. the functions being transferred are mainly at ministerial -- administerial. supervisor campos: to the extent that the responsibility on compliance remains with the hrc, how does that work, given that the functions -- administrative functions will be transferred out of hrc. can you talk a little bit about that? anyone. again, the question is -- to the extent that the responsibility in terms of determining compliance, as i understand it, remains with hrc, but the
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administrative function is being transferred -- how is that going to work? >> under the charter, the human rights commission has charter authority over discrimination programs. the final determination about whether or not an entity is ebo compliant is considered to be a discrimination determination. the plan is that all of the same people that have been doing this work really since the ebo began, will be working under the direction of the city administrator. they will be evaluating files, making recommendations, but ultimately, the director of the human rights commission has the authority under chapter 12b of equal benefits ordinance to determine if someone is or is not compliant. the ultimate decision has to be made by the director. interestingly, it is the director and not the commission.
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there is no appeal to the commission. supervisor campos: i guess the question for me is more of a practical one. i can see the director being able to make that determination where the director retains day- to-day oversight and supervision of some of these individuals. i wonder if you could tell me then -- how does that work? to the extent that they will be day to day reporting to the administrator -- i just want to understand how that works. >> i did not think it has been put into place yet. it is hard for anyone to understand the question, but i think the factual analysis will be made and reported to the ultimate decision maker, and i of the ultimate decision maker is not the city administrator, it is the director of the human rights commission. supervisor campos: i wonder if director sparks has anything to add to that. >> i do not think we have worked out the details. honestly, there's been a lot of
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different formats we have talked about. whether or not the charter actually talks about discrimination for a program that is not minority and women- focus, whether discrimination under a local ordinance is in fact discrimination. we try protected class is in the equal benefits as we kind of roll it out on certification and some other things, but the primary function of the equal benefits ordinance is to certify companies, and that is done by a group of administrative individuals, headed by tamara winchester, who is sitting behind us. made i do not know. supervisor campos: seems like that is yet to be worked out. i do have a final question for the deputy city administrator.
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i appreciate that a lot of this is being worked out. one of the benefits of having the human rights commission oversees some of these functions has been -- you know, for instance, using the example of community engagement and outreach, is that with hrc, you do have a commission. you have a body of individuals that is providing oversight. you have a city administrator reporting to the mayor and the board of supervisors, so i wonder if you could talk a little bit about how we ensure, as we are moving forward, that there is as much transparency and community involvement, given the -- that one of the functions these commissions play is that they are very good at reaching out to communities, in gauging people. >> thank you, supervisor, for
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the question. i think the city administrator has demonstrated her commitment to working with the board and the mayor. we do not have a commission, but we are committed to working with advisory committees to making sure their issues are heard. chivas for to working closely with this body to make sure your voices are heard. supervisor campos: i think that would be helpful, especially as these meetings continue. it might be that the work of the commission is done sooner and we come back sooner than two months -- who knows? but i would be interested in continuing to talk. i also think, going back to what share -- chair kim was saying, the outreach is very important because if we ourselves have not ironed out some of the details of how this will work,
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how do we expect the public and the people that will be impacted to know? >> if i may, when we come back, we will be back with a plan to present to you. supervisor campos: i think that would be very helpful. i do not have any questions. supervisor kim: thank you. at this time, we will open up for public comment on this item. seeing no public comment, public comment is now close. supervisor campos: supervisor, if i may, i would like to make a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair, and we can speak to your office and with the human rights commission as to when would be an appropriate time to bring this back. supervisor kim: i just wanted to thank you for this hearing requests. this is a major shift with the mayor's office, and it is
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important for the board to hear about this transfer of duties. this is an area where many members of the board and many members of the community are interested in, regardless of the transfer, and i look forward to an update on both the transfer and, of course, how we plan to do the outreach so we can increase the number of contracts we are able to and give to locally owned businesses, women- owned businesses, and minority- owned businesses. i love to work with the human rights commission and city administrator as we move forward. supervisor campos: i apologize -- one thing i hope we also keep in mind is that to the extent as we move these things forward, we -- if one of these changes or an aspect of one of these changes does not work, that we are open to figure out maybe perhaps a different approach. i think the goal here is to figure out the most expeditious,
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transparent, and effective way of approaching these functions. thank you. supervisor kim: agreed, so we have a motion to continue this item to the call of the chair, and we can do that without opposition. thank you. before we entertain a motion to convene -- actually, i'm sorry. can you please call the rest of the items on the agenda. >> items 8 and 13 -- 8 through 13 are litigation, so would you like to entertain a motion to convene in closed session? supervisor kim: before we can meet in closed session, are there any members of the public who wish to speak on items 8 through 13? seeing none, public comment is closed. we have a motion to convene in closed session. it looks like most of the members of the public have filed out already, but we will be convening in closed session, so at this time, we ask you to leave the committee room.
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when we are done, we will come when we are done, we will come back and announced the actions >> we met in closed session to discuss pending claims on litigation. i understand the committee will move items eight, 10, 11, 12, and 13 forward with recommendations of committee report and continue item 9 to the call of the chair. supervisor campos: so moved. supervisor kim: [inaudible]
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is there anything else on the agenda? >> no, madam chair. supervisor kim: seeing no other items, this meeting is items, this meeting is adjourned.
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supervisor campos: captioned by the national captioning institute supervisor chiu: good afternoon. welcome to the san francisco
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board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, please call the roll. >> [clerk calls roll] [cohen absent] [mar absent] [cohen present] supervisor chiu: thank you, could you please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> [unintelligible] supervisor chiu: colleagues, we
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have our previous board meeting minutes. is there approval? motioned and approved. madam clerk? do we have any communications? >> we have no communications. the first item of business is a policy discussion between the mayor and members of the board of supervisors representing the odd districts, specifically 1, 3, 9, and 11. the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. and bill recognize the supervisor who presents their own questions to the mayor. as long as the entire discussion does not exceed five minutes per supervisor. supervisor chiu: welcome back for policy discussions, mr. mayor. mayor lee: thank you very much for being here today. i know that we have all been
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extremely busy. a lot of policy, project, program issues are before the board. i want to thank you for working as diligently as you are with our office in making sure the public interest is best served. with that, i would like to jump right into questions. supervisor chiu: supervisor mar? supervisor mar: thank you. statewide budget cuts have been catastrophic. and i thank you for your support for schools and the meeting with the community college system, recently. we face up to $83.8 million in cuts over the next three years. it could be even worse if state revenue measures do not pass. upcoming summer school offerings are nearly nonexistent. 210 layoff notices were sent to the teachers. it truly is a crisis for
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families of school-age children living in san francisco. what steps are you taking in your office to help to fund san francisco public schools? >> thank you for that question. we are providing it will clap -- world-class education for the youth of the city, which is extremely important to keeping families in san francisco. i agree on the importance in this issue. the school district is independent of the city and we have had a history of working together to closely support their work. in our most recent budget we had a number of efforts aimed at mitigating state budget cuts that would significantly impact our school children. even though the city's economy continues to improve, the rest of the state has not caught up with us and it continues to reduce support for our school district. unfortunately, there are triggered cuts on local schools
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as a budget solution. there is only so much of this that we can tolerate. meaning that the city needs to step up. our budget put our money where our mouth is. in the form of real dollars directly to the school district and programs and services that support learning. the city provided $28.6 million last year and plans more for next fiscal year. this is a 16% increase. the city provides additional support from our rainy day reserved. last fiscal year the school district with to $8.4 million and will take out $6.3 million this year in additional direct budgetary support. the city provides more than
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just direct financial assistance as well. the city has partnered with the school district on a variety of efforts, like the bridge to success, after-school fall, truancy reduction, and wellness centers. these all leverage resources. in some cases, such as the bridge to success and others, they result in garnering millions of dollars to increase capacity. last year the department of children, youth, and families, they made an investment in community-based organizations to increase students' success on all of the campuses. from elementary schools to high schools. through the first five program,
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the city supports preschool for all. it prepares the city's youngest residents to excel when they enter kindergarten. between the city's ongoing and onetime financial support, we are doing everything we can to help them stabilize the system to provide high quality public education for san francisco children. thank you for your ongoing commitment to families in san francisco. i'm a forward to continuing to work with you to support this vital segment of the city family. supervisor chiu: our next question, -- supervisor mar: our next question, we had seven e- mails systems when we should have had one, three dozen data centers, and dozens of contracts with multiple centers when we should have master agreements. major i.t. programs have been
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years behind schedule. best practices and numerous city reports have repeated the need to consolidate spending and management. our cities system is stuck in the 1990's. what can we do to bring this technology into the 20th century? mayor lee: thank you for bringing up this important issue. this is not the first time, and i am not -- and i'm sure that bill not be the last. i would like to see these projects moving forward more quickly than they have. as i announced at the last meeting that we both attended, i will be holding individual project managers accountable to making sure that their time
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lines are met. let me state my priorities clearly. i want to hold accountable those who are to move these projects forward. i also want to point out the progress that we have made. for example, the justice system is proceeding. last year, there was only one department that came on line and connected. as of today, there are three already connected. next month at the public defender will link as well. the district attorney will also connect. these are, of course, vital departments that have to do with the justice project and caseload management. the data center project is on schedule as approved. they have worked to put into the cloud over 700 servers.
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eventually, in addition to that, we will physically relocate 450 servers city-wide. i also completely support the efforts to consolidate systems when we see a clear benefit. we have also made good progress on merchandise that will go live this fall. these things may not be immediately apparent to the average citizen, but i know it will make our government work better and faster and the results will be real and tangible. while we are making good progress, there is still much to do. the important work of making sure that these projects are running on time, as you know, we are members of that. i look forward to working with you on improving how we manage our critical investments. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you.
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supervisor campos has the next question. supervisor campos: we all know the importance of the issue of rising health-care costs. the land use development hearing took place on july 9 and the director of health services system explained that california pacific medical center refusal to charge out of network patients the same rate as hss in network patients will undermine the competing accountable care organizations. the director also explained the building of a competing aco's is one of the main strategies to control health-care costs for the entire city. my question is, what is your strategy for controlling these costs in light of their
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unwillingness to follow other nonprofit hospitals and charge the same rate for in and out of network patients? >> thank you for that question. because -- mayor lee: thank you for that question. because there is an item about that on the agenda, per board rules i am not able to speak completely to that, but however, given the importance of this matter, i wanted to provide a general response to honor the substance of the question. the city is the largest employer in the county and ranks high. because we are a combined city and county, we have more employees than other cities. meaning we are providing high- quality health care to a lot of employees. as such, the cost of this will
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not always be a top area of focus for meet. the health services system works with an array of partners to institute two accountable care organizations coordinated by blue shield. one by dignity health, the other with brown in colandand cohen c. we want to help employees control costs through preventative health and screening. controlling costs, providing high-quality health insurance options are our two goals. reconciling these is not always easy. we will look for solutions in our daily work, be it negotiating rates for health insurance providers, considering help bridge above list strategies or health reform in a
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coordinated or efficient manner city-wide. unfortunately, there is no single solution to the rising health-care costs. we have to focus not only on negotiating the best rates for employees, but on keeping costs down by keeping people healthy. without giving away too many details, it is safe to say that the most affordable care is preventative, primary care. when it comes to the more specific challenges of premiums in fee-for-service, with health insurance systems we have marketing power, as well as the mayor's office, continuing to work within the health services system. thank you. supervisor chiu: today's final question will be asked by
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supervisor avalos. supervisor avalos: thank you for being here. my question is kind of long, so i will try to abbreviate it. we have had a huge spike in homicides in my neighborhood. there was the house street murders, five members of a household that were murdered. we have also had four homicides that have happened within blocks of that site. also, african-american young men. as a supervisor i have been working with young -- but in the organization on community development work. your office has been very helpful with that. we are looking to see what more we can do to make sure that we're bringing safety and peace to the streets of the community.
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especially the african-american community. what is your vision for developing a greater strength in the african-american community? i am particularly interested in working on these proposals. on the 26th i will be doing a hearing on public safety, along with supervisor:, looking at a united response within our neighborhoods and how it is clearly impacted by a homicide. mayor lee: thank you for that important question. i share with you a deep concern for the violence occurring. i want you to know that that is probably the issue that keeps me up most nights. everytime i get a message on my phone about another homicide, that is minutes lost.
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i think about the life that is lost their. it just so happens that it has been in ordinate. despite -- this spike is simply not acceptable. violence in this city is not tolerable under any circumstances. i want you to know that my administration takes this very seriously, supervisor. i am trying to find new solutions to put an end to down violence in the city. thank you for taking this issue on. i find that i need more partners in making sure the city is safer. i want to understand -- _ your acknowledgement, the public safety can best be achieved through collaboration between agencies,