tv [untitled] July 23, 2012 3:30am-4:00am PDT
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rarely get students commuting from other parts of the city. they tend to prioritize. >> also district 9. supervisor kim: yes. i was happy to hear about jean partner. that is a crazy intersection for a very small kids to be walking. i would say that's bessie is the other school that is really close. >> that is number 9. but a number have already gone grants, so it will bump up. supervisor kim: bessie is right off a freeway entrance. they do have an alleyway that we have encouraged parents to use. but i know those intersections can be very hairy. the last point is on supervisor olague's xq many of our kids depend on the muni system to get back and forth from school. particularly in the afternoon, we have seen the data that there are larger public safety issues,
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and of course, bullying that happens on it muni. it has been an issue i have thought a long time about, but i think we need to work with mta and prioritize that as an issue. i think the highest number of kind of the electronic gadget thaefts happen between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. certain bus lines are worse than others. i think the 22, i have heard, it used to be the 15th, and also the one that goes -- there are a couple targeted bus lines. there used to be a program where adults would rise to some of these bus lines -- would rise to some of these bus lines to monitor and mentor on the buses. on some of the bus lines with highs levels of incidents. it is really between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., and i hear that fridays are the worst days. but if we kind of know the data already, i would love to be a part of a conversation, and i am
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sure some of my colleagues here would love to become a part of the conversation on how to make muni safer for kids as well. >> at the elementary school level, it is the only 10% of the families taking it. supervisor kim: i am really talking about middle school. >> exactly, with a middle school and high, we have to take that into a serious consideration. supervisor kim: thank you. supervisor olague: and that was the point from my earlier comments. i am concerned that the percentage of students who are basically forced to take the muni to the other thing is i think there needs to be better coordination, because the bus routes are extremely crowded. i am wondering where you are -- maybe this is not a question that should be directed to you all, but where are we in the conversation about which a bus lines are used more frequently
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to transport students to public- school cent? what times are those buses in use? >> right, i do not have that information, but i am sure the transcript -- transportation effectiveness project or something similar at the mta does have that information and we can get that to you. supervisor olague: i guess the move would be 100% reliant on muni for transportation to public schools. what is the percentage of yellow buses that will remain in use? >> it will be significantly reduced. they are about to start your two of the three-year plan. my understanding, it is not going to be completely eliminated. some lines will stay. they will be rerouted. but i am not sure -- i do not know the percentage of production. i can also get thatl and get back to you. supervisor olague: that would be
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good. i like to know which schools will be affected, which students will be affected the most. is there any correlation between truancy and absences and reliance on public transportation? i guess that is one that would have to be coordinated with the school districts. >> yes. supervisor olague: but that is thewñ-w question i definitely he to see the impacts. when the yellow buses were in place, there was probably a set time. this kind of gets the trust that the passage would be safer, although i am sure there was a bullying and these other things, in direct. and now, i think it raises a lot of issues that, you know, yellow buses and walking and biking do not raise. >> i will talk to my partners at the school district and try to get that information as soon as
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possible. most of them are on summer break right now. supervisor olague: like supervisor kim, i would like to be part of that conversation, getting ahead of the issue. we can make safe assumptions. as supervisor kim mention, i have heard about the increase in thefts and that sort of thing. i do not know. >> ok, great. supervisor avalos: raykovitz thank you. thank you for your presentation. really great thoughts. -- great, thank you. we can open this item up for public comment. please come forward. >> hello. i am elizabeth with walk san francisco. walk san francisco as a partisan in the safe route to school program. to reiterate what supervisor kim said, we're in an
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interesting position in san francisco in having almost half of our kids at the elementary school level able to walk or bike, and about half of that so we have a lot of room for improvement. i'd think san francisco -- i mean, if we cannot do this here, where can we doñ>gçç this? the distances are short. z29[laughs] well, it is not 103 today. i wanted to invite you all to support -- to participate in walk to school day on october 3, the first wednesday in october. i know a bunch of you have done that already, some of yet more than one school. last year, we had over 7000 kids participating. 44 schools. so this year we can do even better. i am excited to work with you all to)jptñ be out there on octr 3. thank you. supervisor avalos: thank you very much.
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is there any other member of the public who would like to comment? >> sorry, i meant to mention one thing. 53;(áu(s&y, this fall will be or first walk to school day when we had 15 mile an hour school zones around 181 schools city- wide. so that is doing a lot to improve walking and biking conditions around schools. although, of course, as we have heard, there are still schools with pretty big, scary intersections and streets nearby. i think that is the next priority, to fix those. but that is something that is very important to let folks know about. it has been a very big walk sf campaign. and if people cannot know the speed limit is 15 miles per hour, they will not obey it. so we need to help get the word out about that. thank you. supervisor avalos: great, thank you. >> just a very quick comment. i think this is a fascinating conversation.
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h(ái kim and olague said, in particular to point out that because of the density and because of the small surface area of the city, we do have the luxury of looking at this as something that is totally doable. i think it is really fundamental that we regard the task of transporting these kids, not just as a matter of providing service but as a matter of raising the standard so that everybodyh7'íi that getn the muni bus or on a public transportation vehicle feels safe so that transportation is not what it has become in other american cities. as one famous writer says, the siberia of transportation. i want to remind you all -- i do not have the statistics at my fingertips, but we are in a situation where in every american city, practically 90%
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of people living in it are third-generation a suburban raised. so getting in the car is the first instinct. whether it is to take the kids to school are anything else. so keeping public transportation at a high standard, not just being on time but making sure nobody feels like they are in an unsafe situation in a bus, starting with the kids. it is an incredibly important goal. because it keeps the middle class on the bus. then it truly is a safe place to be. the nobody has a bias against taking the bus or against funding the bus. that is ultimately were the but stops. supervisor avalos: we can add to that free muni for years as well. >> it is a separate topic but -- >> related. ñ1k3'sçñ . >> we will close public comment.
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this was an information item, so we can go on to item number 11. >> one bay area grant program update,g> good morning, again. principal transportation planner for the authority. i have a quick overview of the onebayarea program. we have a detailed outline of the strategy and the funds available and the criteria. i am going to go through how much money is available, what kind of projects can be[=+í fud and, what the schedule is for projects election, and where to get more information. just by way of note, the onebayarea program is for cycle two of the congestion at mitigation program.
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they are programmed for four years. mtc has asked that the projects be put forward, between 2013- 2014 and 2015-2016. san francisco stands to get $38.8 million in federal funds. we have broken it up in a draft funding from work. the first crunch is $2.5 million. these are standard funds we have to administer these programs and many others, including the countywide transportation plan. priority development areas, the program coming down from ntc requires that we spend 70% of the funds in priority development areas. so this represents that. we have created safe route to school target.
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$5 million. we are going to be looking to target this towards infrastructure portions of safe routes to school projects. this is the target. we hope to get enough projects to use this bit of the remaining amount, the $8 million, can be spent in a non-pda's. i do want to note that with the passage of map 21, the new federal transportation bill, there may be shifts in funding. we do not expect anything too dramatic, but we're still working out what that will mean. but we're not expecting anything to dramatic. what the eligible project types? four main categories. previously, we had three of these categories that would have caps per category. over $38 million, you would have to spend a certain percentage on roads and a certain percentage to transportation to livable communities. now we do not have cabs, so we can spend it all on one program or another.
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essentially, these are projects like valencia streetscapes. these are large multi-modal streetscape type projects. this is generally pavement religion -- rehabilitation street resurfacing. the bicycle program is a new program. this is pretty much every bicycle and pedestrian improvement you could think of, from class 1 a through 3 bicycle lanes, by parking's, sidewalks, education, and outreach. this is a very broad category. and the safe route to school program. moving to the schedule. this is an information item today. we will be moving forward to adopt the schedule funding from work and prior to the fishing criteria in september but you can see the cac and the authority board schedule for adopting those items. we release a call for projects
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immediately$ié& after the adop. then we have applications due october 26. knowing that they will be very detailed applications, we will probably do a pre-release to allow project sponsors in a little bit of time before hand to start developing those applications. they will change applications of the board changes the criteria. the funding framework will have to be fluid with that. but want to give them enough time to give us complete and detailed applications bu. 30 days will be the official, but we will do a pre-release, and that will probably be sometime in august. we want to give them six weeks to eight weeks. that is generally what we try to do. the screening in prayer decision criteria, i do not have a slight. page 154, we have that detail. the majority is from the ntc guidelines. it is differentiated in your
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packet. the italicized items are items we added in. to give you a couple examples, we are explicitly trying to prioritize projects that address multiple modes of travel. we're also prioritizing it safe routes to school projects from documenting walking audits. and we will be prioritizing projects in high risk and high activity pedestrian and bicycle corridors. we want sponsors to hone in on the safety issues and how the projects address those issues, and we would like points to back those up. moving to the second part of the schedules, we will bring through the initial onebayarea project list in the december board cycle. again, you can see the committee's schedule there. i do want to note, as we move to the next slide, we're going to c
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projects. the first part is to get a larger than $38 million pool of projects. and we want to move forward with the adoption of that list and possibly some of prop k or other local funds to the four to five months of project development. this would be project specific outreach and cost estimates. things of that nature to add more detail to these projects. if we want to bring them through the federal process, as we have all learned from previous examples would second street and sunset elementary school, we want to make sure we have identified any issues that may be existing as they are moving projects forward. that will be happening between december and april of 2013. end of april, will have the final obag applications do. the main authority board cycle will be cac and then offered the board to adopt, and we have to
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by june 30, 2013. the font color was not a great choice. we have a project website. we have a general e-mail for the project and a general phone number. 593-1655. that provides translation services. supervisor kim: i would like to say this is the perfect example of why color matters, going back to another presentation. [laughter] very important. supervisor kim: i was wondering if you schedule the dates when you will present to the pedestrian safety advisory committee and the bicycle advisory committee? >> for pedestrian, i believe that is in september.
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and also the bicycle advisory will also probably be in early september. supervisor kim: could you give us the dates? >> yes. >> it has been a long meeting, but the agenda and complement each other. i wantedm" created this as a block grant, there were a lot of strings attached. one of the bonuses is it gives you the flexibility to decide what you want to fund with these projects. the policies and prioritization criteria are up on our website. but if you have a particular type of project that you want to fund, please let us know or let your offices know. the time to do that is now. it could fit in obag or could be prop k or prop aa, it is all the same to us. we have got to get that out. supervisor avalos: thank you.
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ok, thank you for your presentation. we can open it up for public comment. any member of the public? seeing none, we will close public comment. this is an information item, so we can go on and to our next item. >> item 12, introduction of new items, information item. conversation around how the city is looking at expanding its accessible traffic stops with audible traffic signals, so i think that will be great to have as a presentation in september. that is a discussion we had earlier today. colleagues, in the other items for introduction? ok. public comment on this item? supervisor olague: i just have an item i would like to maybe request. yesterday, some of u3
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of a comprehensive look at some in that area would treasure island coming on board, a central corridor, and also with the transit center, so there is a lot of development being proposed, really an intense level of development being proposed in that area. seems to me that there would be some extreme impacts on all of the above. multi-modal or whatever we want to -- however we want to refer to it as did not want to look at parking and parking requirements, you know, that sort of thing. it seems that is obvious to me that there would be cumulative impacts. >> if i may, commissioner olague, there has been, of course, environmental work done on each of those to address
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those issues. supervisor olague: everything has been looked at separately? i sort of looked at them as separate projects. >> as you know, there is a requirement that the cumulative impacts are considered as well. some of these things are on similar timelines. others are not. i think that what we may be able to do to highlight the issues that you're talking about -- supervisor olague: how are these issues being mitigated, i guess that is my question. >> we will give a presentation at the next meeting in september or october about the current effort we're doing on the countywide transportation plan, which is a 30-year look precisely. it starts with a fairly close ending target year, and it has a much longer target year.
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so we can look at those other issues. there are no secrets there. the information is there, but it is probably good to put it in context. the other thing i would add to that is that in the case of the transbay transit center, for example, the redeveloper area around it or whatever we call it now, post-redevelopment, is still a key to the financing of the project. you know, there is a significant amount of affordable housing that went into the approval of that plan. obviously, it feeds into the viability of the center. so the two things come together. it does not mean there are no consequences or impacts on the ground, they are part of the package. so we should definitely bring that i into context, and we can also talk about treasure island and the other things. supervisor olague: so is this practically speaking? what are the impacts, and what are some of the mitigations#mc
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proposed? >> let's try does something together for you. september or october. supervisor avalos: thank you. we will open this item up for public comment, new information items. public comment. we will close this item. general public comment. >> item 13, general public comment. >> good morning again, commissioners. like i told you last month, with van ness brt going forward and the central subway going forward, you have to remember that they are building a station at union square÷/&dy with spur t union square for a light rail
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system. we should also read the final report that was published back in 1989, 1990. it is about the final report of the kerry transit task force that i happened to serve on -- the geary transit task force that i happened to serve on. also, the final report that was published in 1995. i know these items -- of these documents are many years old, but they tell you about a light rail system on geary boulevard that the voters voted for back in 1989. you also have to remember, during the short term transit plan during the period, the puc was quoted as saying the only way to alleviate traffic congestion on geary boulevard is
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an "light railk not a bus rapid transit. before you consider brt on geary, read those three documents. remember about the central subway at the union square station, and do your homework. you have two months to do it. i do not know when we will be coming before you again for discussion and passage, but you have plenty of time to do it. enjoy the two months off, enjoy the reading. it was good reading for me. commissioner avalos: thank you very much. any other member of the public that would like to comment? seeing none, public comment is closed. next item please. >> item 14 is adjournment. commissioner avalos: we are adjourned. thank you very much.
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call 211 or call one of our partner banks or credit unions and ask about the bank on s.f. account. both -- most bridges will have a sign in their window. second, ask about opening an account through bank on s.f.. a financial partner will guide you through this process and connect you with the account that is best for you. third, bring some form of identification. the california id, for an id, or your passport is fine. >> now you have open your account. simple? that is exactly why it was designed. you can access your account online, set up direct deposit, and make transfers. it is a real bank account. >> it is very exciting. we see people opening up second accounts. a lot of these people never had account before. people who have problems with bank accounts, people without two ids, no minimum deposit.
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