tv [untitled] July 24, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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roster, that concludes roll- call for introductions, mr. president. president chiu: let's go to general public comment. >> public comment will not be allowed on those items that have already been subject to public comment at a board committee. speakers using translation assistance will be allowed twice the time to testify. if a member of the public would like the document to be displayed, please clearly state such and remove the document when you would like the screen to return to live coverage. president chiu: we do have a number of special accommodations so i would like to do a few minutes of general public comments and then go to special accommodations and come back. first speaker, please. >> [speaking foreign language]
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ladies and gentlemen, yesterday used to being july 23. july 23 is very good day for the egyptian people. on july 23, 1952, some gentleman, he make a revolution to my country. i still love him, i still fight for him. but look, when he died, they don't give more than $1 on his account. that is -- the decatur -- dictator has $620 billion he is
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telling for my country. i hope the gentleman, he is coming here in oakland, i hope to see him in september. at least have a chance to give welcome. very warm welcome to our new president. not only that, a request for one of the three people i have to have courage. and our president, barack obama to san francisco. san francisco still loves him. our supervisors, [unintelligible] and to bring obama to support
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him because he has courage better than the other people like the other republican. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> stop the corporate rate of the public library. do not accept money from the friends of the library. the influence of private money on our politics has the power to destroy democracy and destroy public policy. not everyone knows that private money comes from public assets being converted to a private income stream. we know from reports submitted to the california state attorney general that the friends of the library had income of $40 million and expenditures of $48.10 million in the past 11 years. we know from reports required by the san francisco administrative code that over the same 11 years the friends of the library gave $4.90 million to the public
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library for any purpose. at its recent meeting, the admitted in the most recent year, three at 9000 of its funds to benefit the library were restricted and 441,000 were not restricted. in 2011, the net assets went from $11.10 million to $8.90 million. just the deficit spending was five times their donation of unrestricted funds. who would give money to such an organization that the city allows this organization to sell many opportunities in 24 city facilities without any agreement. for being allowed to raise public money without any agreement with the city because it would not answer questions about their finances before your finance committee is giving them permission to convert public assets to a private income stream. it also gives them a motive to
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use secrecy and abusive -- abuse of the public to conceal the fact they are parasites on the community and our institutions. is this harm to the community and damages to our reservoir of social trust and moral capital that causes our lives to be more -- worth more than the money. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i have a number of documents i will put up and i would like it to remove -- remain on the screen until i remove the final document. president chiu: sfgov tv. thank you. >> board of supervisors members have received an article titled "who killed sunshine?" i i would recommend anyone who has
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concerns about civil liberties and their constitutional rights get a copy and read it. the primary culprit is shown but you share in the disgrace. know your rights under the sunshine ordinance is printed on every agenda. one of these rights is to submit a 150 word summary of your public testimony which is supposed to be included in the minutes. i have four orders of determination. finding the library commission in violation, fighting the city library -- librarian in violation, finding the ethics commission in violation, and 11071, finding the city attorney in violation. i also have not enough time to do it, referrals to the district attorney, the city attorney, and
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the ethics commission. what do i -- what all sound francisco citizens have. a board of supervisors which has shown no respect for the constitution, particularly the first amendment which guarantees free speech and the right to petition government for redress of grievance and a fifth amendment which guarantees the right to due process, shutting down the sunshine ordinance task force has effectively denied the citizen's due process under law and this board did it. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, members of the public. it is a pleasure and honor to be in front of you today. it is a beautiful chamber which harks of the old days as
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broader -- as spend -- of splendor. due to budget constraints we are not where we used to be. there really is a tremendous effort that each and everyone of you is making to try to make this as pleasurable as possible. sean, it has been a pleasure seeing you on the board and we will miss you shortly. i am sure you are counting the meetings. but i would like you to bear in mind that san francisco had a culture of equestrians and those equestrians will not forget the
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fact that they worked so hard in the early days to build san francisco and create less ability and integrity that this chamber reflects. thank you. i will be back and forth, in and out of this chamber. it is nothing personal. the light at the end of the tunnel is ultimately, to go back to a victorian local handmade way of life. time will only prove that point, i think. thank you. president chiu: thank you. i would like to go to the special accommodations. if the folks who are in line, i am happy for you to stay in one or take a seat to keep the order. we do have a couple of 3:30 p.m. special accommodations.
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i would like to recognize supervisor chu. supervisor chu: thank you. i would like to invite up douglas goldman, stephen haines, monica ware, andjes jessica. i want to recognize the 75th anniversary. it was purchased by rosalie m. stern and was given to the city in memory of her husband. she wanted the site to be preserved as a park where the public could enjoy it admission and free music and performances. on june 4, under -- 1932, stern grove was dedicated. kshe formed the nonprofit
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association stability that comes to its work to be free and design for everyone's interested. it is a special place, and natural amphitheater surrounded by giant eucalyptus, and edwards -- redwood. this reflects the commitment to making sure the had exceptional programming and deserve a diverse audience. the music festival is a bay area tradition and something we look forward to. performers have been there, the opera, ballet, ladysmith black mambazo, roberta flack, and sheila e and the escobedo
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family. we are very lucky to have this festival. i wanted to bring these folks out here to thank you. it was not for your hard work in organizing the volunteers who are helping and making sure that the program ran smoothly, i did not think we would enjoy the program the way we have. i want to bring you out here to recognize the 75th year anniversary but to think you very much. with us today are few folks who make it happen. douglas goldman and steven haines, monica ware, director of marketing and director of development. monica and jessica are out there
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with the volunteers working hard every sunday when the concert is happening. thank you for bringing this wonderful event to the city. >> on behalf of all of us, the staff, the board, and all the citizens and visitors to san francisco who participate in the stern grove festival, thank you. this is an exciting occasion. we enjoy the fact that we're sharing our 75th birthday with the golden gate bridge. we appreciate the recognition that you are affording us and that others in the community have also provided on this special occasion. i am the fourth generation of my family to serve as chair of the stern grove festival. it is a unique and special honor to do that.
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for those of you who have not been out there, perhaps you missed seven years ago when we did a $15 million privately raised and funded renovation. the late world-class landscape architect, larry halpern. it is one of the special parks in san francisco. while we have consecutive summer sundays in which we provide concert, there is also 12 kids' days, but the rest of the year is a public park for the neighbors and all visitors to enjoy. it is our thrill to renovate it and improve it as we did. that was a function of the association. we're in the middle of our 75th season and we welcome all of you and all citizens of san francisco to come out and enjoy our concerts'. if you're not familiar, we started to -- start at 2:00 p.m.
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on summer sundays. you can go to to find who is there. get there early and come out and join us, check it out, it is one of the unique activities in any community. to our knowledge is the longest running free concert series in america. again, thank you very much for -- we are greatly honored. [applause]
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president chiu: our next presentation. supervisor wiener: thank you. let's ask members of the health council who are here to come on up for the combination -- commendation. later in the agenda, we will consider a resolution i sponsored with seven co-sponsors encouraging the department of public health to remove its exclusion for certain trends gender related health benefits
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in health the san francisco. this exclusion that -- there is a trend in san francisco and california and around the world to embrace the transgendered community and to acknowledge that everyone deserves to be treated equally and to have access to health care. in san francisco, more than a decade ago supervisor mark leno past position to provide equal health care for transgendered city employees. we have a trend in california in moving away from discriminatory health care practices. for example: the california legislation banned gender rating which is discriminatory against women. the ama has a knowledge of these
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procedures are medically necessary. -- acknowledged these procedures are makleys -- medically necessary. this will help the transgendered community to address the massive economic disadvantage of the -- that the trans community experiences. there twice as likely to have college degrees as the general population's but transgendered californians experience unemployment and poverty rates twice the state average. one in four transgendered people earns wages below the national poverty level. average income with a bachelor's degree is under $30,000 compared to $50,000 for all californians with a bachelor's degree. two-thirds report workplace harassment or discrimination. almost half of transgendered
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people report a loss of employment as a result of their gender identity. 42% of transgendered californians have delayed seeking health care because they could not afford it. 26% report health conditions that worsened because the public -- postponed care. given these challenges, it is more critical the transgendered community not be excluded from our health care system. corporate america is moving forward as well. more than 200 large companies in the u.s. provide equal access to health care for transgendered employees and human rights campaign and -- in its corporate equality index requires that an employer provide transgendered health benefits 100%. since healthy san francisco was adopted, a hardy crew of folks have worked tirelessly for years
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to remove the innocent exclusion for certain procedures medically necessary. this has been a collaborative process for folks in the community with the transgendered law center. with the department of public health and the human rights commission, teresa sparks and the commission itself. i was proud to work with the community and the department to move us toward the finish line and we expect that the department of public health will remove the exclusion this summer. this will help us beyond -- be on the way to ensure we're providing all health care that is medically necessary for the
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transgendered community. i am proud to be honoring all of you today. your work is going to benefit so many people who in this community and we know that when san francisco takes a step, that and support gerberding around the world and others follow. when you look back 10 or 11 years ago when the legislation passed and it made news around the world about how lucky san francisco was, all the sudden, at&t and these other large fortune 500 companies are doing the same thing. buenos aires is doing the same thing. i am proud to honor you today. thank you for your work. >> i am the member of the health
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council which was convened by project health. on behalf of my colleagues, i would like to express my gratitude to supervisors scott wiener, the san francisco board of supervisors, the san francisco human rights commission, and the department of public health for reaching this consensus and approving this resolution. we have been working on this together for two years and i want to thank you in the other city agencies for working with us. the removal of the exclusion of medically necessary transition related care from healthy san francisco will constitute the ending of a longstanding barrier to the health and well- being of many transgendered san franciscans. exclusions' like this one have been one of the many ways in which transgendered women and men have been pushed to the margins of society and forced to live in desperation. denied the equal treatment we
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all hold precious. pervasive employment discrimination and the resulting lack of health insurance coverage has driven many transgendered san franciscans to seek needed medical care from healthy san francisco. with the passage of this resolution, hopefully in the near future, it will be provided. cigna began research has shown that the provision of this much needed care will result in reductions in suicide alex, substance abuse, hiv infection, mental health problems, and will contribute to the improvement in the socio- economic status of transgendered people. reducing social costs for everyone, ultimately. i think the board of supervisors for passing this resolution and helping bring my transgendered sisters and brothers back into the fold of a compassionate and civil society.
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commendation. president chiu: why don't we go back to general comment. and here from our next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, commissioners. god bless you and god bless the city and county of san francisco. i want to touch on the affordable housing. san francisco needs affordable housing. how about assisted living for people with disabilities and senior citizens? ok, just something to think about. my main issue is to talk about
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the 89 muni bus that is to run to look at our hospital. it no longer runs on the weekend. i was a patient in laguna honda hospital. i cannot tell you how much my life improved when i would see my family and friends and loved ones who would come up and give me inspiration to get out of the hospital. so, supervisors, i am asking you to give these people a chance who are living in laguna honda hospital by re-establishing the 89 bus on the weekend because look at how that offers a service on a weekday. on the weekend, most people are off on the weekend. moms and grandmas and grandchild
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ren can see their loved ones and see that they're being taken care of. it is a matter of life and death that we get this 89 bus, the 89 muni running from forestville to laguna honda hospital again. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors and president chiu. does this work? president chiu: we can hear it. ♪ i look around me and i see it is so ♪ ♪ some people want to fill the city with city blousons -- love songs ♪
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♪ what's wrong with that? ♪ ♪ i would like to help you with your problem ♪ ♪ it's like a flower ♪ ♪ it's coming up on the flower ♪ and i notice the beatles are -- revisited are coming to the city. ♪ the city loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ i saw it yesterday, you know it is up to you ♪ ♪ you know you should be glad
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