tv [untitled] July 25, 2012 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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>> it has been a very rocky road. i would like to have three minutes if i may, president chiu. as you know, i ran for mayor. as you know, i told you of some of the difficulties. with the hoopla that has gone on with one bruise on ross mirkarimi's wife, i would like to know what you can do for me with 100 bruises, many attempts on my life, etc. i have some ideas. perhaps it is interesting and time for you to know.
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st. francis has endorsed me. as odd as it is and as strange as it might be, there are still miracles that have been on this planet. when you can transform hatred and to love, that is what we need to do. i believe we all have a job in this lifetime to love ourselves and to learn how. in doing so, i ask for your support in helping me be able to make police reports about these incidents so that the fbi can be involved or whatever it takes to make the necessary changes. our people need to be free if they are innocent. they should not be victimized. i have been victimized and victimized, and i no longer am going to be victimized. this is my call to arms for the
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children of light, the truth seekers, the ones who want to know instead of hide. hiding in trivia -- [bell rings] supervisor chiu: thank you very much. are there any other members of the public who wish to speak in general public comment? thank you very much. >> thank god that the aka women are here. today, you had the transgendered law. the golden gate bridge. mrs. coretta scott king, i am so happy with margin when i found out aka is in town. i wore this think we care, and they are pink and green.
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i told them it is about the green earth. -- i wore this pink wig here. we should also tell the president medical marijuana does not kill. bullets killed. that is the message. medical marijuana does not kill. bullets killed. what i want you to know -- this is also aids week, and i want to show you the first faces of aids. this is the quilt in washington, d.c. this is rock hudson, first
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light. this is arthur ashe, first black. that is max morgan. what i am here to say is that it is time that african-american men and lgbt people staying in the tenderloin have better housing dealing with hiv and stigma. thank you. supervisor chiu: thank you. are there any other members of the public that wish to speak in general public comment? seeing none, general public is close. can we go to our four-o'clocks special order items 27 through 34? >> items 27 through 30 comprise the official order 4:00 p.m. for a public hearing of persons interested in the planning department dated april 9, 2012,
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at a project located at 601 delores street is exempt from environmental review. item 28 is a motion affirming the planning department's exemption determination. item 29 is a motion reversing the determination, and item 30 is a motion directing the clerk to reverse the exemption determination. items 31 through 34 compose the special order at 4:00 p.m. item 32 is a motion approving the planning commission's decision to approve the conditional use authorization. item 33 is a motion disapproving the commission's decision, and item 34 is a motion directing the quick to prepare findings. supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener is the district supervisor of this project. supervisor wiener: thank you. i am happy to report that the
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parties are pleased to come to a resolution on this matter. i want to thank both sides for working very hard to come to a resolution among neighbors. the clerk has distributed the agreement signed by the attorneys for children's day school, the project sponsor, and let the attorney for the appellants. a modification of the conditional use by modifying conditions eight and nine and adding a 10th condition, and so i've now is the appropriate time, i would make the motion,
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and then i assume there has to be public comment. supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener has made a motion as described. supervisor wiener: maybe i should make it in a more technical manner. i will restate it as tabling items 27, 29, and 30, and moving item 28. that is the first motion. supervisor chiu: supervisor wiener has made the motion as he has described it. do you want to describe everything in one package motion? supervisor wiener: the motion will be to affirm the categorical exemption by moving item 28, and the motion will also include an affirmance of an amending conditional use, and that would entail tabling item
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31, tabling item 32, and amending item 33 to a disapproval of the planning commission's decision but approval of a conditional use subject to additional and modified conditions as reflected in the settlement agreement, and then moving item 34 as amended, and -- yes, that would be the motion. supervisor chiu: thank you. i do think it is appropriate to take them separately. i wanted both to be described in case there is public comment on each. why don't we assume that there are two separate motions, the first motion being seconded by supervisor kim and the second motion being seconded by supervisor campos. let me ask if there is any public comment on this matter, and the proposed motions, or
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anything having to do with 601 delores street. seeing none, public comment is closed. could we have a roll-call vote? >> cohen aye. elsbernd aye. mar aye. olague aye. avalos aye. campos aye. chiu aye. chu aye. there are 10 ayes. supervisor chiu: that motion is approved. with regards to the motion regarding the conditional use authorization, can we do the same house, same call why don't we go to our adoption
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calendar. >> items 49 through 53 are considered for immediate and unanimous adoption. single roll call vote will approve these items. if they member requests, it can be severed. item 49. roll-call vote on 5353. -- 50 through 53. supervisor wiener: could i also separate 50? >> supervisor cohen, aye, kim, aye. mar, aye. olague, aye. avalos, aye. campos, aye. chiu, aye. chu, aye. there are 10 ayes.
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president chiu: item 49. >>ofsupervisor campos: in thinking about the need to affirm our commitment to keeping st. luke's hospital open and making sure it remains a viable hospital, it involves a number of things. there is a lot of work that needs to be done with respect to the project before us and we look forward to hearing developments on that and hopefully progress has been made. to the extent there is still some uncertainty around that development, i think it is important for us to make sure all options are explored. having a commitment to maintaining st. luke's opened
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involves considering other options that go beyond the proposal before us. it is important to make sure that we are considering all options with respect to st. luke's and it is important to make sure all stakeholders including members of the city family are part of the discussion but we're involving community members in that discussion. to be able to ensure there is a long-term viable hospital that we need to make sure we do that work now. thank you. i want to thank my colleagues for their co sponsorship. president chiu: do we need a roll-call vote on this item? without objection, same house, same call. item 50. >> calling on the department of public health to provide medically necessary transition related care for transgendered people and remove exclusions
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under the health care security ordinance. supervisor wiener: thank you. i will not repeat the comments i made before and during combinations. this resolution -- i will not say it is the first step because the first step was the committee process that got us to this port -- to this point. it is important to go on record encouraging and making sure this stays on track and expressing our support of what the page is doing. this did come up during public comment relating to costs, suppose that cost concerns. what it comes to access to health care, while we all believe in cost control and making sure we're delivering health care in a cost-effective manner, i do not think that cost is a reason or legitimate rationale to exclude people from access to health care. we can tell all sorts of people that we do not want to treat you
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for this or that or we will exclude this group for that group because it is too expensive and that could reduce costs but it would be incredibly unfair and would undermine our commitment to universal health care in the city and country. i want to note to that the same arguments were made when san francisco adopted senator leno's ordinance. the costs have been dramatically lower than the cost estimates provided at the time. i think the argument is a red herring and fundamentally, this is about equal treatment and access to health care and i ask for your support. president chiu: can we do this without a roll-call? same house, same call? without objection. this resolution is adopted. i understand that -- there are a
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couple of imperative items. item 54. >> we have to imperative items. the first as offered by supervisor mar, commanding -- commending toy boat and declaring toy boat dessert cafe day. and a resolution declaring july 24-27 alpha kappa alpha week. president chiu: is there is second to the motion? seconded by supervisor avalos. is there any comment on this imperative item which has the requisite commendatory fighting as well as the brown act finding. can we take this same house, same call? without objection -- there is
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public comment on the toy boat resolution? >> imperative agenda and it seems to me there is an awful lot of imperative stuff that needs to be addressed versus this particular item. the occ has covered up my abuse. there are no doctors and people -- doctors need to know it is their obligation. president chiu: if you could keep your comments focused on the resolution commending the toy boat cafe. >> we need more imperative agenda on the imperative agenda. president chiu: are there any members that wish to speak? and, with this -- comment with this resolution? seeing none, public comment is
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closed. without objection, this is adopted. and do have anything you'd like to add? >supervisor avalos: i will read a short resolution. declaring july 20-july 27 at the cal baht -- alpha kappa alpha week. it was established over 100 years ago by a group of students dedicated to the call the they don't -- cultivation of individuals seeking to improve the lives of communities across this country and whereas this story has to matter 60,000 members worldwide who in furtherance of their vision of service to all humankind have contributed over 1.3 million hours of service to communities in need and have played an important role in developing and guiding young woman through higher education and continuing
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to engage this woman as they progress through their lives and contribute to their communities and whereas at the cabot -- alpha kappa alpha sorority has an international conference held this week and has recognized this city as the golden gateway to external service using san francisco as a backdrop as they challenge their members to rise to new levels of leadership and service, be it resolved that the san francisco board of supervisors recognize aflac called the alpha -- alpha kappa alpha and commence their selection of san francisco as the setting to grow and grow these values and therefore be it further resolved that the san francisco board of supervisors declared july 24 through july 27 . this is co-sponsored by
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supervisor malia cohen. president chiu: supervisor has made a resolution. is there a second? do you have additional comments? supervisor cohen: i want to say thank you to supervisor avalos for bringing this forward and i would like to extend a greeting to the lovely ladies of aka, welcoming them to our great city. president to i would like to be added as a co-sponsor. is there any public comment? >> there is. i would like to remind you that i was visiting [unintelligible] and i noticed a lot of black women in town. last time i seen one he was from kentucky.
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when they said rosa parks and coretta martin was aka -- i was so happy they were here. they're celebrating 108 years. i was pink before britney spears and the aka is green, too. [unintelligible] our pink healthy inside, that goes togther. go down there and say something nice to these beautiful woman in pink and green. the woman on the building -- it was a sign during the gold rush, there was no woman here. there were 90,000 men and two
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years later there were 45,000. that is when san francisco became politics and theater. the w hotels [unintelligible] that has they took the rainbow flags down this time. women should always have the right to live here with their family. i am so glad that we had this many, 10,000 black women and the deltas was always there for aids. ak is here to help the woman in the south get through this aids crisis. thank you for being in the city. president chiu: are there -- is there other public comment? >> it is brilliant to celebrate people of all races or all
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sexual orientation. it is also the education that makes the difference, always the education. there are now elected officials in the united states who have overcome difficulties. we have one state now that has 54% of its money going toward education. education is the means by which we can protect people. protection is our obligation. as a right. i should be able to be free. i should be able to housed. i should be able to have lots of things. when you travel people because of their color or because of their sexual orientation, it is a crime against the city and the humanity. i beg you to help me, a victim of persecution based on these things. i think black is beautiful, it is time to celebrate every
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culture and every race and every sexual orientation and have equality and justice in the city. please include us all. president chiu: thank you. >> we need to include people in being able to be part of this country. i have ideas to make that happen. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> i have driven all the way up from san jose. is there any way you could cut me some slack to do the general public comment? president chiu: i am sorry. if you wish to make public comment related to this item you are more than welcome to do that. thank you. are there other members of the public who wish to speak on this resolution? public comment is closed. can we adopt this resolution same house, same call?
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this resolution is adopted. i think you called the business tax items? >> items 20 and 21 are before the board for consideration. president chiu: why don't we go back to items 20 and 21. supervisor avalos: thank you. the suspense was killing me getting to this point today. we had something written but it did not quite have every dot and period. thanks to the tax team for your incredible work in bringing this together today. this is renewing our business tax in san francisco. i would call it a watershed moment that we are moving from a payroll tax to a gross receipts tax. something that has been contemplated for many years,
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something i have been eagerly working on for many years as well. i met david chiu in 1997 when he was a small business commissioner. we have a tax system right now that currently taxes but the number of employees in company might have and how much they make. and clearly that type of tax could be a disincentive for is a disincentive on hiring new workers in our economy. the gross receipts tax will open the door to a fair tax system that is going to tax revenue instead of a number of workers we have. the measure we have, we have an agreement with the mayor's office. i have introduced a measure with fellow colleagues. supervisor kim, supervisor mar,
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supervisor campos, and supervisor olague. most of us have co-sponsored. i want to thank you for your co- sponsorship. we have an amendment that would raise revenue in new revenue coming from business registration fees that will be indexed to the consumer price index and i will -- i am excited about revenue generating measure that was the impetus for coming forward with a second measure in the hopes we could come together as a city and we have just that based on the breadth of interest. not only changing the payroll tax by bringing in new revenue that can meet our needs for infrastructure, for services, making sure as our economy is growing that we can meet the increased demand in our city to be able to make sure that we are
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reaching workers, getting them to work, making sure they have services for education, parks, or for making sure the roads are in good repair. we will have a process of determining how we would determine new revenue. the mayor has concerns. he has -- about what we would use new revenue for. paving our streets is a big part of it. that is a concern in my district trade we can come to an agreement about that. this measure has a lot of great work that was done by the comptroller's office. they worked in a dynamic process with business groups in san francisco. we have a schedule of six different business sectors that are going to be addressed in this measure and there process was dynamic and iterative. businesses had a lot of input
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about how they would be able to adjust the rates that would apply to them. it is significant way and have made adjustments on our measures last week. we will have mr. rosenfield back me up on some of the changes, i have a list of the main changes we have had. these include rate reductions for retailers, wholesalers, and other services. real estate administrative offices, especially when it comes to retail wholesalers and neighborhood retailers. we are seeing their rates will be a lot fairer than what was proposed and that takes into account a lot of the effort around business and retail selling products unnecessarily high profit margins in that sector. we have rate increases for
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information, restaurants, manufacturing, financial services, business services, and insurance, that is part of the amendment. we have an inclusion of consumer price index adjustment for small businesses at the exemption level. this measure but i am excited about is it exempts small businesses that have revenue at $1 million of that would be applying cpi so elaris that -- so their prices as our economy grows and making sure we are including businesses in that exemption as our economy grows. we have changes to their registration fees and revenue targets. $25.50 million is a revenue target with cpi. a new and lower registration fee for retailers and wholesalers which i believe is a fair -- we're looking at their part -- profit margins. the inclusion of the consumer price adjustment on registration fees, i will pass this onto ben
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