tv [untitled] July 26, 2012 11:30am-12:00pm PDT
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time. we're also looking to try to coordinate with other agencies in the city. we have improved our work by working with community groups and community members and sharing their concern. we will also take any recommendations that you have, as supervisors, from the community, to continue to improve the quality of our services. i wanted charlie to come up. he will be our lead to date in responding. we also have other staff. supervisor avalos: a quick question. has there been an assessment of the critical response team and its role in getting services to victims' families, bringing communities together? has there been an assessment on what could be done -- >> we are in a constant assessment of that. we are doing an evaluative with
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dcyf but we are constantly looking at how to respond and be better in our services. just recently, i myself got involved in trying to look at how to develop and operations plan for the crn's and crt's. we see that as an ongoing process to improve our services. supervisor avalos: i was not questioning the services itself, but what was in the future, what began plan to do to have a much greater response to meet our community needs. >> absolutely. we look at what we do today and future needs. i would expand our team more. i will be looking at that next year in the budget. i do think we have developed the crt without new funding, taking staff from other services to develop this, so i do not want to expand services for this
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particular issue, but if needed, we will do that. i think it is important to do that considering the needs in the community. we have a full gamut of mental health services also have to be retrained around various issues. many of our staff members to trainings in schools and other areas but we did develop this without a full budget process. we continue to look at that to transfer to these areas the necessary. we will look at today's hearing for any recommendations you have for improvement. we will look at that for our own services. thank you for a hearing today. >> while you're here, there is a group of folks here part of the healing circle that play a larger role in bringing people together that have really suffer the trauma of losing loved ones to homicide. a key role in looking at what the department of public health
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is doing or what the city is doing, the department of public health can join with. >> i have been very supportive of the healing circle. scott has been a tremendous asset to the city and the department in the services provided to these are the kinds of services and recommendations that came from the community for us to look at. i do think that these are the type of support that we need to give to family members to empower themselves around that position. thank you so much. >> charlie morimoto, dph. ideal of a public safety issues. what i will be talking about, i think it has been about a decade i have been working on this specifically. a large amount of homicides and
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the department was asked to get involved in regard to services. i want to be clear today, we will be talking about the intervention peace. i am not talking about all the other services and things that need to go into place, prevention, but this is really the intervention model. i wanted to let you know, over the past decade of examining, going out two homicides myself, i think i have got to over 50 now, identifying what we needed. as barbara mentioned, we moved staff. we did not have the allocation and money to do that. 2006, the crisis response came. one of the things, even when i initially looked -- because i want to build on the strength of what is happening in the back. people were looking for singular
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solutions and a quick fix to things. when i came in, there had not been dialogue between the departments and the community's most impacted, even the nonprofit communities, were rather fragmented. so how do you start looking at a city-wide model? i did not know barbara was a boy to come down, but i did want to it knowledge hurt. at the time, barbara also had political will to say that we had to address the issue. that is what it takes if we're going to deal with this. i also want to acknowledge, sfpd, there has been a whole change in the last few years. we have had more dialogue, they have been supportive. we have developed a strong relationship with victims of services. we have been in partnership with
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dcyf doing the street violence initiative, and we are really working with them. i did want to acknowledge on the community response network, those lead agencies, bayview foundation, northwestern crn's -- they do excellent work. even within our own department, there was no communication. there has been a lot of work done around san francisco general's emergency department social work, we coordinate will with them now. even institutional police have had knowledge, as we work with the crn's and families, helping to engage with the community on that. the wraparound projects that tries to keep people that have been injured from the coming back in, looking at street
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violence. also, they have been very beneficial to us, working with the trauma recovery center. san francisco general is the trauma center for the region. trauma recovery is actually the psychological know how th. supervisor avalos: so we have moved from where the trauma recovery center was state-funded to know almost locally funded? it has become san francisco's natural response. >> not really sure on the funding. it has been back and forth. i just want to be clear. what i will be talking about is the response of peace. i thought it would be important for you to see what happens in the initial response, which had to be a city-wide street intervention model.
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i am sure dcyf will cover the initiatives we are working on, not just the response and crn piece. the primary focus of the crisis response team, we had to define it out. we had different pockets of groups. we knew we needed to work with families that were directly impacted by the homicides and/or witnesses to stabbing or shooting violence. that would be the main focus. the other thing, we needed a response that could occur 24 hours a day, seven days a week. a lot of the incidences were occurring at the middle of the night and in different areas. we had to respond city-wide. the victim of a homicide, when
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the crisis response team would be working, a lot of times, family members were not given the location. were an incident occurred did not necessarily mean that was who we had to engage with. those were the main pieces, except that we are constantly trying to figure out development and culturally competent services. there have been some changes in our crisis services. stefani talked about child crisis. all of that and crt are in the same location so that we have the ability to handle this culturally if we have other issues. i want to talk about the notification process. you have a shooting or stabbing incident. sfpd it is the one that gets notified of that.
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if it is a homicide or they get a indication that it is a critically wounded victim, then they will contact our dph the spot coordrd is thes thedepartm. call, the person is who did and they are already taken to san francisco gene respo do is call the medical social worker to determine what is the status of that. vic response coordinator. and then i wanted to put in there, when somebody is wounded in coming out of the hospital, they may be engaged with
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wraparound projects or trauma recovery centers for cor crn's s they are getting discharged. this is the activation peace. they will assess or determine the level of the response that needs to occur. how many staff do we need to send out? they will activate the crisis response team. they will either respond to the crime scene or general hospital. what they will do is follow where everybody has been taken. they will also contact me crn -- the crn coordinator. supervisor avalos: crt does work
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with families? where does that occur? general hospital, more than one? >> we follow the victim and the families. it is a variety of things. sometimes they are negotiating who is going to be the person that represents the family. there is a variety of new ones to deal with. some of the families are quite large. i will talk a little bit about -- i will continue with that. the response coordinator -- we will activate a team and designated lead court nation. when they go to the scene or the hospital, what they would do, they will check in with the sfpd surgeon or officer to let them know that they have arrived. a lot of times, it has gone to the point where the police department, when the team arrives, will start to point out the family members.
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or the social worker at the hospital, they have to report to the hospital. part of the thing that the team knows, at the crime scene, the police department is the lead. we do not want to contaminate this crime scene, so it is working with them. at the hospital, it is the hospital that is in charge. coordinating with them. we are support. it is developed where they are actually helpful. supervisor avalos: before you continue, i want to make sure you get through your presentation and this is good information for me, but there are also a lot of people from the public who are here. not to hurry you, but after your presentation, we will go to public comment, and then we will hear back from the departments that are remaining. i know a lot of people here -- a
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key component of this item will be public comment. please continue. i would not alter your presentation. >> on the initial response, if the crt is out on the scene and they have activated a crn, they would do a briefing and coordinate with the crt. the crt will be engaging with the family members. sometimes the crn will already have a relationship with the family, and if so, they will use that. another job of theirs is to assess the environment. are there school in the vicinity? are there a lot of residents?
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was bid at a community center or during a child care program? we can follow up with those entities, particularly if it occurred during the daytime. working with the families, the liaison with the police department, or medical examiner, for information for the family. for example, when the body will be released, who is the homicide investigator. just, what is the process, so that we can do the planning? after the incident, the next day, crt will report a summary to the administration appeared whenever they were contacted, what happened, whether they responded, so we get a summary. i also reviewed -- sfpd puts out a recap of city incidents. i will go out to any injuries and coordinate.
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then i will send out an e-mail notification so that people understand that this occurred in their area. also to dispel any rumors. a lot of the gossip was made very difficult. i will turn it over now to stefani who will be dealing with the crisis center. supervisor avalos: it looks like we lost some media here. we are still on. we are back on. >> [inaudible] quick overview of the crisis services in general and then i will go into with the crisis response service provides. the ordeal of crisis services, our goal is to provide you,
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families, communities with acute mental health and crisis response services city-wide. integrated service can compose a five different teams, three of which are crisis teams. the mobile crisis team provides six days a week triage, case management to individuals aged 18 years or older. our child crisis team which provides mobile 24-hour, seven- day a week crisis intervention, case management, hospital discharge planning, medication support for children under the age of 18. the team i will be talking about today is our crisis response team. our crisis response team provides 24-hour, seven-day a week response, responding to homicides, critical shootings and suicides, assist with linkages to victim services,
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funeral and burial arrangements, provides mental health and case management services. charlie went over about a notification process. i will go through that quickly. we received calls from sfpd and our san francisco general. as we received the call, we gathered information, identified it, age, name of the victim. we will dispatch a team of -- as well as contact our crn partners if the victim is between the ages of 18 and 25. we will respond to hospitals and hospital scenes. we will check in with the sergeant or via officer holding the roster, as well as the san francisco social worker who will help us identify who the family members are. once we have identified through the family members are the victim, we will begin to provide our support to the family by introducing ourselves, telling
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them about our services, acting as a liaison between the hospital, a social worker, police officers sitting with family members if their loved one is in surgery, and also beginning to talk about the next steps. the following days we provide 24-hour support to the victim's family. we will help to lead them to victim services, we will assist with filling out the application, we will take them to victim services as needed. we will also help them with funeral arrangements by taking them to mortuaries, cemeteries, walking them through the process, helping them make arrangements to identify church's or were they with a to have the funeral service. once the funeral date is set, we will also attend the funeral with the family and offer them on going support. our mental health services we
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provide short-term case management services, helping families with to outpatient mental health services, helping them linked to natural resources in their community, as well as what additional needs the family may need. we provide grief counseling to families. we also provide trauma-focused conative behavioral therapy to youth which helps them to identify coping skills to deal with the trauma that they may have experienced. what we have found out is many of our clients that we serve do not want mental health services directly after a homicide. they do not see those services until months or years later after it has impacted some aspect of their life and they feel they are more ready to engage in the mental health process. i will give it a little bit of statistics, according to our records, there were 40
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homicides and 74 shootings between january and july 26, 2012. we responded to 62% of those homicides and 2% of those shootings. 57% of the homicides occurred in the omi, se neighborhoods. incidents. families were of her mental health services. 60% accepted and were provided case management or counseling services, 40% declined. although they declined those services, we will still provide 30 or 60-day follow-up not only for homicides, shootings, but we also have weekly meetings with our crn partners where we do a review of the shooting, community violence incidents, we all abide debriefing services to the community at large after it any critical incident.
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one of our preventive services that we have in our crisis team is our multi systemic therapy team which works in collaboration with a juvenile probation, where 80% of their clients are victims of community violence, or perpetrators of community violence. they help you develop positive coping skills and developing in positive environment, they empower the parents to provide a more structured environment so that their youth will not be a victim or perpetrator of the community violence. they also provide 24-hour support to their families. other mental health services in the department that are located in the omi and south east district are the omi outpatient clinic, baby mental health clinic, and our saudis mental- health located on lincoln, which serves children. the crisis response services
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offered to families and communities offer services to families and team members, any type of service after every incident we provide a brief in support service, mental health support to family members, and community members exposed to violence, regardless of insurance and status and a location. you can access us 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 970- 3800. thank you. >> thank you. supervisor avalos: there was on ocean avenue, a mental health center. that has been closed down? i think there is a family resource center there now. is that where there are mental health services being provided? >> i just know the omi. that is on the ocean, so i do not know. supervisor avalos: the family
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resource center. [inaudible] we would get to the bottom of it. i appreciate your patience in getting to public comment. why don't we go ahead -- i will call a few names of folks who can come forward. then we would get to the department after public comment. once we get to the kurds, folks can line up as well. -- cards, folks can line up. sheila grier. gwen brown. mike brown. marlena tran.
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three minutes each. >> good morning, supervisors, to the audience and everyone here. i am the co-founder of the human circle for the sole support group. many of you already know i lost my son 16 years ago to street violence, and a nephew in 2007 also to street violence. i am standing here today to talk about the homicides that have occurred, here in the city of san francisco. we are now in july, not even then with july, and we have 40 homicides. that is a problem for me, a serious problem. especially when i get the phone calls from the parents in the community about what is going
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on. we have some feuding going on between two cultures from double rock, african-americans and samoan the rear try to work with right now, with the united players and others, we are out there in the trenches trying to build and bring some prevention in those areas to prevent further homicides. as far as the mayor's office, i wanted to say this. we have been tried to get a meeting with the mayor on several occasions. we have come to his office several times. other mothers from the healing circle. we have done the scheduling, e- mail the mayor. we have gone to his office and knocked on his door on several occasions, including the day that we had to stop and frisk rally. we had been ignored by mayor ed
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lee on many occasions and we feel very disrespected by that and feel that he is very insensitive when it comes to what we have to say about the violence in our city. i wanted to put that out there. i think it is very disrespectful on his part, as our mayor, to ignore us, and not want to meet with us. i do not know what his agenda is regarding violent but we have a lot of solutions. our voices need to be heard. the other thing i wanted to say is, the person who handles -- one of the ministers here in san francisco who has been removed from an area that he should not have been removed from. i want to thank barbara and charlie from dph for the work
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they have been doing with us that the healing circle, but i really feel putting this back into the neighborhood. we need him. he is a big piece, when people of color see him, he presents a lot of things from happening. supervisor avalos: thank you. >> good morning, supervisors. my name is sharon hewitt. executive director of the project. i would like to ask for a reflection on the lives that have been lost. standing here today in remembrance of the jordan jordan, one of the members of my community. the young man i had worked with, whose life was ended prematurely.
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saturday afternoon, supervisor 0 olague, a young man was shot in the face. the young man was the survivor of a mother who had been merged five years ago. this is multi generational. thank you, supervisor avalos, foyer consistent stand. this is not just an omi issue, this is a city-wide issue. i want to commend the efforts of malia cohen and hurt addressing this issue of violence. i am assured that you will continue to work. i wanted to say quickly, supervisor avalos, you and i have been doing this for 10 years. there are some lessons learned. one of the primary things we have to do is ensure continuity of services. you heard the woman speak before regarding the the permit a public health saying that 80%, 90% of people are
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