tv [untitled] July 29, 2012 2:00am-2:30am PDT
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they have maintained it. any concerns that have been expressed about anything, they have addressed and been very responsive. i did want to speak to that as well. thank you. president fong: any additional public comment? >> there is one coming up here. >> good afternoon. i am a neighbor directly across the street from the church. i wanted to add, regarding the traffic, it really is an issue in our neighborhood. the thing that was not mentioned is our street does run two ways. the streets on the other side are all one way. all of the traffic from monterey comes down san rough i
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l -- san rafael way. there is a ymca program year- round we are impacted by. the other issue in our neighborhood is street cleaning. we only have street cleaning every other week. with the amount of people going through our neighborhood, there is a large amount of trash. at the church, they spend a lot of time picking up trash -- fast food, etc.. we are impacted by that as well. parking permits -- we do have permit parking. we have parents backing of their students. there is enough parking limit, but it is not enforced. we see a lot of people picking up their children who may be parked there an hour, trying to get a spot. during those times, picking up their children, if there was an emergency that have been, there
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would be no way a vehicle could get through that. thank you so much for your time. president fong: any additional public comment? commissioners? the public portion is closed. commissioner borden: it sounds like this project can be done, and potentially, speaking with our commissioners. there are not any conditions to traffic congestion or flow on this project. it sounds like the neighbors in opposition have an acknowledged that the church has been a great community partner and a great neighbor. the church did express that to date. i have no reason to believe they would be less than doing so. can the city attorney speak to what, if any jurisdiction, this commission has quick city attorney susan cleveland knowles. the city does not have any just
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-- any jurisdiction over the ccnr's. that is between the church and the neighbor association. you can continue this item and wait for a determination between those parties. if it was found to not be a legal use, the authorization would exist, but it would not be useful. you cannot weigh in on whether that is illegal use are not. that is a private matter between the parties. commissioner borden: for that purpose, it does not make as much sense for us to continue this case out, but i think we could discuss whether or not there are appropriate conditions about requiring the white zone and not by telling, or requiring a crossing guard. some of the issues that people
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address -- it is obviously a little bit different with a preschool, because those kids are not generating trash and roaming the neighborhood. their parents are may be getting out of the card temporarily to bring them to the car, or they are being brought directly to the car. presumably, it is not all day long. traffic conditions seem like much more of an issue for other situations. we would support a condition related to requiring a crossing guard, and a morning or evening pick up, as well as asking to get the wide zone, so parents can call up temporarily. i would move that we approve, and add a condition related to pick up and drop-off times, and that the church of the white zone, so there is a logical place for those cars to stop
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temporarily. is that ok with the project sponsor? >> can i just review a couple of things we overview before we applied for this location? one thing is that we have a guard staff that will be taking care of the traffic issue, and neighborhood, making sure the neighborhood is clean, and fostering communication between us and the neighborhood. we have another option of having a curb drop-off. and we are reinstating the wide zone that was pre-existing. we are reinstating that. it does not come into effect until we are approved and have the project started. commissioner borden: do you see that as a complication in including that as a condition? >> absolutely not. that is an issue we are taking care of. our hours of drop-off, with the
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elementary school across the street, is a little bit different. we will not have combined cars dropping off all the time. there drop-off is at 8:30. ours is at 7:30. our cars come in at 45 cars at a time. it does not have been where all 40 students are dropped off at the same time. this is not a kindergarten. there is not a requirement to be in school at 8:40. there are a variety of drop-off times. there is a guard on staff that will take care of the issue. there is parking available as part of the building, so parents can use that to drop off their children. another option would be to drop off on june apart if the traffic does get heavy. commissioner borden: i do not know that we need to attach all of those things into the motion, but we have already agreed that you will have somebody
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monitoring traffic, and will have a traffic plan, as described. this that sound agreeable to commissioners to address the issue? commissioner sugaya: can we speak? commissioner borden: i am trying to make a motion. commissioner antonini: i will second the motion, although i may have some modifications. first of all, i think this is a very important project. it is heartening to hear there are more children, presumably, in san francisco, because the demand for preschools is becoming greater. i am experiencing that with my own grandchildren. i realize how competitive it is, and how the need is there. i also would like to say -- i do not have specific questions, but i will ask you if i do. mostly just commons now. i want to compliment the ninth
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church of christ. what a beautiful architectural plan. this is a tribute to what was done in the 20's and '30's with the residence parks in san francisco, and how beautifully they were laid out. with all we are talking about with mid block crossing areas and making things pedestrian friendly -- this is exactly what happens here, with a beautiful walkway, with grass in between it and a very inviting area. i go by there almost every morning. to the gentleman on the grounds committee, my compliments. your place always looks immaculate. i wish i could say the same about some of the other areas that are publicly owned that are not maintained as well. maybe you can give them some hints on how to maintain their turf a little better. that being said, the issue before us is the impact of this project, which i think everyone
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realizes is extremely important. we have received comments from the group representing property owners in balboa terrace. they brought up a number of good points. i am not sure these all need to be conditions. but i think these are some things that need to be looked at. i know from going by there virtually every weekday morning -- i see the queuing up of cars starting to go in to the frontage road, dropping off and continuing and making the turn onto san rafael. this has to be worked out between balboa terrace and holmes and the city as to what they are going to do -- whether they want to have a one-way street on san rafael. certainly, putting a speed sign or speed bumps might really
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encourage people from not racing to get back to ocean avenue and then leave. the parking restrictions, which were commented on by one of the parents, is another thing the city may want to look at. i know a lot of commuters to come in and park on those streets, the few streets that do not have to our zones, and leave -- tw gohou -- two hour zones. i guess i am used to, my kids having gone to parochial schools, crossing guards. i guess there probably are not any at commodore slope. that would be an important element. also, for the young people to learn about traffic safety. that may be something we want to implement. if it is not done by the school district, it should be done as part of the conditions of this approval.
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it is an excellent location, adjacent to commodore slope. presumably, a lot of people who have children at komondor slope would also take advantage of the preschool. i do not know that we have to add additional conditions. i hope these conditions address some of the concerns of the balboa terrace residents. but if they do not entirely address them, i think i have brought up some suggestions today that should be taken up with the city to see what can be done to try to ameliorate the traffic. that is one of the biggest things. you are going to have even more traffic now. you have to figure out exactly what you can do to encourage the traffic to disperse and not all flow down, but encourage it to exit, perhaps continuing as far
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as monterey, or various other options other than making the turn immediately. that being said, i support this. as was pointed out by the city attorney, i think the whole issue of the deed restrictions is something we will learn. if that is the case, it would vacate our decision today. but if it is not, we have no control over that. it has to be interpreted legally. i can see both sides, but i think this is a great projlet ue traffic concerns. safety for all the students. the more we can slow things down, the safer it is for everybody. commissioner moore: i have a question for staff. the plans that are shown -- has
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the fire marshal looked at these drawings? we are dedicating what was identified in the original drawing as a hallway has access to office and classrooms, as a new classroom. when you do that, you have texting requirements that the classroom will only be used when the other rooms are not being used. i am asking for reference, because it looks unusual. >> the fire department has not reviewed the plans. there is no building permit yet on file for the project. they will have to comply with requirements for operating a child care facility. i think that would involve having it reviewed. >> correct. this project is subject to state requirements. if they are doing interior
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alterations, it will require a permit. fire marshals would be part of that review process. >> partially because this new classroom would require furnishings, which will require a different unimpeded exit. >> that is very possible. as planners, we are not necessarily privy to all the building requirements in that area. president fong: product sponsor? >> i have a quick comment. the drawings are just preliminary and could change. we are going to apply for a building permit. the fire department has to approve that and check that. also, from state social services, we have fire department coming in and making sure the exits meet all the requirements for access and safety before approval. commissioner moore: what you are
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expecting today is just the introductory use approval, and everything else follows? because i do see certain requirements that will not be easy to meet, but that is another story. thank you. commissioner sugaya: can i ask a question? there is a white stripe in front of the entrance to this facility at the moment. is that a legal white zone? it does not have the city's icons. >> it was pre-existing. we are going to redo it for two car slots. we are already gone to the application. commissioner sugaya: with respect to the motion, we have not specified -- let me put it another way. if we could be flexible and encourage the church and the project sponsor to look at
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whether or not this is going to exist and they are going to go ahead with that -- there could be possibilities on the other streets. i would like keep the option of been for white zones. because they could drop off on the side where the access to the three or four parking spaces are. even though it is further from the entrance and is around the corner -- i do not know the traffic situation. it might be more likely traffic. commissioner borden: my motion did not specify where the white zone is. commissioner sugaya: as long as we are open to exploring other streets, i am fine. commissioner antonini: i wanted to ask the representative from balboa terrace, if anybody wants to answer a question, if you want to come up to the microphone, please.
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did you feel the motion addresses your concerns? >> i would still like 15 days. our attorney, in a brief telephone conversation, told me the board may have a further duty to the project, depending upon legal research. we do not know. all we know is that we have ccnr's that prohibit businesses. there are questions. does a preschool leasing space from a church constitute a business? commissioner antonini: i understand. short of a continuance, we are talking about what we are trying to craft to address the impact. >> the traffic concerns? i understand that. but i am saying that the association's concern at this point -- the association has not taken a position -- is whether
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we can permit this at all, or whether is a separate exception. commissioner antonini: we understand that. as the city attorney commented, that will be decided. i am trying to address your concerns about whether or not we should include issues regarding speed bumps or some other things we have suggested. >> that is something i cannot speak to at this point because the board of directors -- commissioner antonini: has not made a position yet. >> which are generally concerned about traffic patterns. we have speed bumps on other streets. the impact of more traffic on these streets and the frontage road will be significant. commissioner antonini: thank you for your comments. basically, that is all i need to
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ask about right now. i think that we have made enough comments publicly as findings that that can be taken up as we move forward with this action. those other things can be implemented in the future, i think, in cooperation between the project sponsor, the church, in the neighborhood. >> commissioners, the motion on the floor is for approval. do you want to kenya -- continue with the white zone? the motion on the floor is for approval with the conditions that -- of the traffic plan by the project sponsor, the
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crossing guards and implementation of white zones. on that mission -- on that, motion passes a unanimously. -- passes unanimously. president fong: we will take a 15 minute break. >> the commission is taking a 15 minute >> you're on item number 12. 3730 mission street. >> good afternoon. planning department staff. before you is a request for a conditional use authorization
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under planning sections to allow un new automotive repair shop within an existing vacant commercial building. the proposal is to relocate from its current location the 23730 mission street. the existing building will not be expanded. the ground floor will be used for auto repair activities and office uses, accessory to the business. the back rooms will be used for painting. the mezzanine will be used for storage and a break area. the new location will allow the owner to install new equipment and provide for new jobs for the community. the proposal is the relocation of existing automotive repair shop and existing building -- the existing building has been in that location since 1977. this is an independent news and locally owned which has been
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encouraged. historically the previous uses on the side have been similar uses with compatible impact. staff has received contracts from three neighbors concerned about noise and odor. since the packets were distributed, we received one e- mail from a neighbor with similar concerns i have been distributed to you. given the findings, staff recommends approval of the authorization. i am available for questions. >>president fong: project spons? project sponsor first. if you have a public comment, you can fill out one of those cards and we will call public comment. >> good afternoon. thank you for letting me be here. i have been the owner for 10 years and manage the businesse -- managed the business for 10
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years. select auto body has been in the valley for 10 years. i have two boys and they are watching in the office with the rest of the staff. we -- i rent my space, my current job is on the second floor with the only access being a ramp for my customers and the cars. making accessibility difficult at times. square footage of my shop is 4000 square feet which makes it difficult to keep up with a rent increase is based on the capacity. upgrading equipment is cost prohibitive because of the amount of investment required. it does not equate in this building. when i first saw the fire for
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the lease -- a flyer for the lease, it was almost too good to be true. i knew i could get my hands on this building and i could take a step i never dreamed of. i called the agent involved and after a long negotiation came to an agreement for a price to purchase this building. they have been preapproved and have been preapproved for funding through sba to buy new, efficient, high-tech equipment and to improvements. the building itself is fantastic. we look to preserve the car and look and building by cleaning it up. we want to a corporate the architecture into the overall theme of our business. the interior than itself to a near-perfect layout for that type of business. i have the highest efficiency spray booth on the market which provides the ability to raise the bar on the repairs we do.
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there is a flyer in the packet. our goal is to expand in the grant concept from office management tool on repairs. we participate in dpw clean and green program and we will raise the bar higher -- dph clean and green program and we will raise the bar higher. we will push the envelope on what makes the shot green. we parked our car is within our shop -- the cars within our shop. i will be able to maintain my customers because the new building is half a mile from its current location which is used for small business in san francisco. i will be able to provide necessary services to an area that is not saturated unlike some parts of the city where you have five or six shops on one block.
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because of a centralized -- location and it borders burma heights -- bernal heights. i currently employs six full- time employees and when i open the shop that will go tutan and based on business -- it will go to ten. bringing business will bring customers to other existing business. my employees and myself will support local small business and the local community. i served as vice president as -- of the rewachand association. i coached baseball and soccer and basketball and i overall enjoy being involved in the communities i am being -- i am part of predella for to bring my energy and efforts to this new community. thank you for your time. president fong: thank you.
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public comment, i have one card. >> martha mason, i am a pharmacist and i work for the comanche and try to improve the lives of the less fortunate. i have a letter in your that the neighbors have signed and some of them have written letters to the commissioners. we, the owners, residents of the block demarcated don't want this automotive repair shop to come here. this block has a lot of residents and families. we're aware of the -- what they pollution and chemicals can do
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to young children. we are aware of the extreme dangers this can cause to the unborn. there are enough [unintelligible] in the mission due to the fact that poor people with no power live here. we can out expect [unintelligible] to help us. to change decisions made for us without our consent by people with power with their own agenda. why don't they shops go to industrial park -- based shops go to industrial park? instead become to neighborhoods where people are struggling. this older -- auto people make life more difficult and congested with more traffic and made the neighborhoods less beautiful. this is important.
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they make a difference was beautiful. -- the neighborhoods less beautiful. when someone is destroying our dreams, putting your environment, making your neighborhood look like you do not care how you live, intensifying the opinion of the western neighborhood, the not so wealthy neighborhoods that people who live to our shops want to live that way and they get what they deserve. i went to the mission to see the emissions and they are [unintelligible] and sulfuric acid. the chemical iraq used on the kurds to
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