tv [untitled] August 8, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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this happened for the students. please, please support the school of possibilities in life. thank you. president chiu: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon, evening, supervisors. i had come to advocate and supervisor mar took me off the point. when you talk about disadvantaged minorities, please do not leave out african- americans. remember martin luther king. the backbone of the struggle while other minorities were sitting on the sidelines. i am here to ask the supervisors
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to consider a supplemental act or a subsidy. i see you have on the agenda and nine. -- a subsidy for 25 years. i would like to consider radio station kpoo and put them down on that category. they have served the community, and not just one element of the community. they have served all elements of the community. they serve it with great excellence. i hope you all will consider the door is about to close. they are not getting finding. they have been broadcasting these board of supervisors meetings for ages. there is no funding from the board of supervisors.
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please consider doing something we need them badly. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good evening, members of the board. i represent the sheriff of the city and county of san francisco. i want to make a brief points about the process. both the objections, we object to having the commission come before you and make a 20-minute presentation. the reason we object is because this proceeding is extraordinary in its nature. everything about this proceeding is extraordinary. this is only the third time in history of the city that the mayor has suspended an elected official. this is not a routine review of a local agency action.
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this is an extraordinary time for you to consider whether or not nine votes of this vote can out late 84,000 votes of people who voted for the sheriff. there are several other ways why this proceeding is different than others who have come before you and like this proceeding requires the adoption of different mechanisms. in this proceeding, both the board, the ultimate decision maker, and ethics, both share the same legal counsel. that is very unusual. three of the five ethics commissioners are appointed by individuals who are directly been opposed to the sheriff. the mayor has benefited from the on limited resources of the city attorney's office.
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this entire process has been on even and we fear that if ethics can come before you comment -- before you, it is more important for you to decide based on the record. if i may make one final point, -- president chiu: i think supervisor campos as a quick question. >> there are a couple of -- the ethics commission is not like the planning commission. they're there to decide questions -- the integrity of the political process and to ask that the body to come before you an advocate for what is ultimately a political decision
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weeks away from an election were several of you will be running for office, the politics of all that are very transparent. it has the appearance of impropriety to ask affixed to, an advocate before you. -- asked ethics to come before and an advocate before you. supervisor campos: what role should ethics have in the proceedings that take place before the board? >> the ethics commission is charged with compiling the record in making a recommendation there is no provision in the charter for the ethics commission to have
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any other participation in these proceedings. of course, you have to take action to effectuate what the charter requires you to do, which is to review that record and vowed. i would submit that that does not require you hearing the ethics commission explain their position. we do not oppose the ethics commission answering questions that you may have about the process about the record, about how they reached their decision. but to give them equal time to the mayor and the sheriff does not feel necessary and is not authorized in the charter. president chiu: thank you very much. >> this is the other request that we would have. the mechanisms that voters established to remove an elected official for official misconduct
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only work if the party with the power to suspend the so in good faith. this is not the case. city officials have come forward and made public statements that, if true, means that the mayor was not truthful when he testified before the ethics commission. it has created a cloud over this proceeding. it will remain until those questions are resolved. in that regard, we have respectfully requested that the board of supervisors either and oral testimony or a written declaration state affirmatively who each of you has communicated with about each of these proceedings. respectfully, thank you for your time. president chiu: thank you.
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let's hear from our next speaker. >> before i begin, but like to say that president davis is biding his time. frank marshall davis is his father. is it not strange, what was the name of the president of the south? hmm. a few weeks ago we talked about how jesus came into the synagogue where he was brought up. he had unrolled a scroll where it was written that the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me. the reason why he said the spirit of the lord is upon me
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because he has anointed me is because gabriel had said, know and understand that from the golan fourth to build jerusalem there would be seven years. they end in 70 years. jerusalem was destroyed in a seventh here. -- sabbath year. it is easy to determine when it ended. march 15, 2010. it will be day 911. it is very strange that next year, november 9, will be 4444 days from 9/11 in 2001, it will be 1335 games from the start of
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this cycle. it says "blessed is he who waits and comes to the 1335 days." >> thank you very much. next speaker. >> it jeff brooks. i am not here to ask the health department to institute a new technology. they are always using this technology. i am asking them to consider as an additional treatment a new delivery system for the existing technology. the technology they are using that i want to offer a new delivery system for is called cognitive behavior therapy. i guess he can run these slides
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at the same time. in terms of some health statistics, scratch that. in terms of health statistics, the third biggest killer of 15 to 24 ages is suicide. 20% to 30% of gays attempt suicide. there are about 1 million attempted suicides in this country every year. this talks nothing about the anxiety and depression added to by recent years of economic strife. i want to tell you about the amount of research behind this. seven countries have approved this technology.
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what is exciting is when they were approving it after five years in the u.k., they compared it to an australian version. a six hour training program that has been proven to treat not on the anxiety and depression but -- >> thank you very much. thank you very much. you have is your time. colleagut wish to ask you a question, that could extend your time. we have a lot of folks here. thank you very much. thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
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hello san francisco. we have a problem. i mentioned it during the election of 2011. i would like to read this into the record. traditionally, racketeering is extorting money legally and carrying on an illegal business activities, usually an organized-crime, a pattern of illegal activity that is carried out as part of an enterprise that is owned or controlled by those engaged in that activity. we have a racketeering problem in san francisco. it is going on in city hall. we have a situation currently wear a mayor who got 18% of the vote is trying to remove someone who got more than 25% of
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the vote. i understand that everybody might have a problem and want to remove the shareerrif, but it is time to call for a recall of the machine. i say enough is enough. let's recall the machine. if 60% of the voters do not vote for three decades or more, if you have that many people that do not vote, maybe they will throw -- show up to throw all the bums out. i think it is time to recall the mayor, the city attorney, we need five to 7 of the supervisors recalled as well. thank you. >> a good afternoon. ♪ everybody is talking at me
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i did not hear a word they say who has this supervisor happy winning time happy winning time my only prayer would be that he make a better city for you and me my city, one and all monly i hope you will be fair my only prayer will be that you care for me make believe one day you will care about the city that is there
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>> thank you. next speaker. next speaker please. >> supervisors. good evening. i have a couple of items to talk about very quickly. one is time. we are pushing into 7:00. we have had accommodations, no limit on the time. i think we ought to start looking at rules for time on public speaking by supervisors. unlimited time for the public at large to listen to all of this. we should start looking at that as a sensible solution.
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moving these proceedings on or forward. secondly, i agree about -- i attempted to get people to vote against them. not because cases are effective, this city is way over budget. the police department already has the highest budget in history. wages and salaries. cases would be another piece of expensive equipment. i think education is probably more productive. third is this. we talked about commemoration in chinatown purses the community center. i was instrumental in bringing one man to adjust this by starting an investigation into fraud. he had a dream team. he did not go to jail.
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there is the fact that they over expanded by building buildings in chinatown. buildings in the mission that and no longer functional. been no longer produce anything. there is excess capacity. i thank you for your time. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i am going to use the overhead. good afternoon. i'm the executive director of library users association. i would like to give you an update on the library morel. it is a multi-cultural mural painted on the right, with words in spanish and english. in the middle, a figure. on the left, words in spanish and english. it was created by a game muralist who worked with the committee for input and
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painting. first of all, the mural is in grave danger. they have set a date of october for replacing it with a bland product. it is also under threat because the scaffolding went up early prior to the library doing a legal procedure. only then, when they were told by the library users association and by the sister of the regional beer list. the requirement is to give 90 days' notice to the artist. the mural is standing with scaffolding before it. the scaffolding threatens the library, the mural, and the people who may jump aboard the scaffolding. we talked to the library
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commission about this. the administration seems to have no interest. nine months ago, the library users association sent to the supervisor their request for information. after repeated delays, we got a great deal of redacted material. recently, after nine months, we have done the a redacted material. it is late again. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good evening. it is good to be back home. i love san francisco. it is pitiful. -- beautiful. you a going to be on reserve for
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the next month. i hope you enjoy it. take the time to be tourists. let me get to the point. you a going to get a recommendation by the ethics commission. i will say one thing, the first thing to do is to fight it. i will tell you why. there are so many things going wrong. there was a talk about it. it was excellent. there are many things that need to be said over and over again. last time i was here, you were in a very tenuous position. it's very difficult position. you a going to be receiving a recommendation to begin work.
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there were notes charges. there was a minor criminal offense. he was charged. he wants to not only fight him, he wants to bar him for life. he suspended him without pay. his wife, his son without any money. that is wrong. how far as a human being can be to do that, not a human being. a monster. the ridiculousness. he calls the sheriff and a woman be deaater. i am waiting for an apology or a sanction. i will sit down. >> thank you, next speaker. if i could ask folks, we need have only one person speaking at a time.
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>> good evening. i am his student of the city college. i am here to speak for the noncredit program. my husband and i are part of the program of adult high school and ged program. we are about to finish. our goal is to go to a two-year community college. the city college is confronting difficulties. we need your support. that is why myself, my husband, my two kids are here. the city college means our future. for my family and for many of my classmates. we have been waiting for this time to ask for your support. that is all we want. we are in trouble and we need your help. thank you.
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>> thank you. next speaker. >> my name is teresa. i am here to support the city college. please help us. mr. cantos, all of the supervisors, please help us save the city college. i have been at the city college for three years. i am really glad to be there. i study, my career, i have a better job. now, i am disabled. i cannot work. i am planning to have another career to go back to work. thank you very much. please help us. >> my mom is it too. my name is william. i am a displaced worker. i came back to city college because i have nowhere else to
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be. i am doing a certification program. i am trying to pick up a skill. i am tired of doing at low way wge work. i also have put board agenda this together. it would have been nice to have a time certain for public comment and. i have been sitting here since 2:00. why i am here is to let you know that we all might not agree on how to help the city college, we all agree that it needs help. we all agree that we need leadership. it is going to take more than the board membership. i have worked with the school district. i remember when the supervisors were on the board. i remember when this board of
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supervisors put together a rainy day fund to bail at the school district because of mismanagement. i think it is time for this board to a value it helping out the number one trainer of our workforce, 80% of the folks. 75% of health-care workers have taken a community college class. if you have been touched by community college, please stand up. the city needs to see you. we need your help. but we know this board is effective. it is time for you to step up. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> i want to start off by commending the board of supervisors for standing with the community. i also want to commend campos for speaking up about the tasers they are trying to give
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the police. i would like to urge you to continue to support us as the community college of san francisco. continue to support us. make sure that we are here and able to be here for people like myself who had no other alternative other than to go to school. jobs are not readily available. i also want to give you a piece i wrote. it goes like this. ♪ when will it stop this evil plot this evil scheme it seems your day is our number if you intervene. take jeff caffé or martin luther king leave me hung from a rope now young people selling crack like it's their only hope when will this terrorism stop
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i am telling them the real trying to come in for the kill in this war against america brothers still slaving not to mention how their tearing down the school and building prisons ♪ >> my name is antonio. i am here on behalf of district 10. on behalf of the black population it is time for us to challenge the public education sector. it is obvious that the government has decided that our career choices do not support it top industry employment market. we will not allow a super committee is to cut off of education. we will not allow state, federal, or local government to we will not allow state, federal, or local government to
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