tv [untitled] August 9, 2012 3:00am-3:30am PDT
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and programs committee of the transportation authority. i am john amylose, the chair of the committee. other commissioners will be joining our shortly. commissioner jane kim, christina olague. the clerk of the committee is erica chang. i want to call out on the folks on sfgtv broadcasting. please share with us any announcements. >> there are no announcements. commissioner avalos: item to police. >> item 2. approve the minutes of the june 19, 2012 meeting. this is an action item. commissioner avalos: any questions or comments? public comment. two minutes. seeing none, public comment is closed. do we have a motion to approve?
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focus mostly on the allocation of the funds of the port, demolition of pier 1 and 2. the cac, that is why the items are being considered prior to the informant of reports being completed. the port explained the timing1!ó with the america's cup. it was also required from the bay conservation and development commission'
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the cac ací.lvhow the demolition was tied to prop k funds. the authority staff responded that if in the prop k programs, because it was part of the funds set aside for the downtown terminal expansion program and that the demolition of the pier was considered essential to bring in that project to completion. this motion passed by the cac unanimously and the modification at the staff recommended regarding the desigt
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requiring the mta to perform overhauls of the upgrades of critical components. once they reached age of five or six years. the mta did not complete the necessary overhauls. mta staff would have provided the authority with the explanation of why these overalls were not completed. item seven, this motion was passed by the cac and there was
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concern that the cac be consistently asked to support the allocation of funds. the full fund grant payment is in place. the authority assured the cac that having the local match was essential to receiving the federal funds. item eight, this item was passed unanimously by the cac. this concludes my report. thank you very much. commissioner avalos: thank you. any question for mr. flanagan? ok, we'll go to public comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. that is an information item.
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we will now move on to item for. >> item 4. recommend approval of the fiscal year 2012/2013 transportation fund for clean air program of projects. this is an action item. commissioner avalos: this is an item that we have before us last month and we're getting updates. >> we presented on this last month, so i will not go into all the projects. the registration fee is to fund projects that improve air quality by reducing motor vehicle trips. primarily, the measureib,r of e reduced vehicle miles traveled. as noted in a random, at the request of commissioner cohen, we are continuing this item out of concern for the one project we're not recommending funding for which is the bayview community shuttle.
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this shuttle is -- the grant is received by the department of public health. the shuttle is a committee held shuttle that operates in the bayview, run by the bay view community foundation. we had in the past the the does from the lifeline transportation program. last year, we found it through the transportation fund for clean air. if the first time you from the shuttle project, you are cut some slack, you get to make some assumptions about ridership and how many vehicle miles traveled will result in improved -- improved air quality. unfortunately, the results came back to show the combination of the ridership and the trips do not meet the cost effectiveness threshold to the transportation fund for clean air, so we're not recommending it for the program. however, we have met with a foundation and this afternoon we have meetings with the municipal
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tradition agency to fund this with the remaining lifeline funds. those funds are state transit assisted funds. we are working with all parties to figure out how to do that and also how to relate this to the authority's bayview mobility solution study site. the authority is working with a number of partners and has a very strong link with the department of public health. commissioners are familiar with that in the community, to see if we can build on the expertise to that study to help the shuttle through the lifeline program. commissioner avalos: commissioner cohen. commissioner cohen: to thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet with transportation staff. i thought it was very enlightening about funds, how they're allocated, and how we can help, because of the loss of funds for this particular shuttle help identify other
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locations for money. thank you. i am grateful for the time and i'm prepared to vote in favor of the )nro:áoday. commissioner avalos: thank you. since we had a full presentation last committee meeting, we can go on to public comment. i am very supportive of these projects, especially as we are putting a lot of investment into bike projects as well. is there anyone from the public that would like to comment on this item? >> good morning. my name is kit hodge, a deputy director of the san francisco bicycle coalition. thank you for your support of this item. especially thank you for commissioner avalos for putting this back on the agenda today. we want to call attention to two specific projects. the short term biking item.
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perhaps to have the item that we have, where we cannot walk into many businesses right now because they are so frustrated that they do not havet[ñí÷ theie rack at. many districts brought the city are experiencing this. they want to provide parking for potential customers. we want to make sure the city and the mta has the funding to be able to meet that demand around the city. second, we are excited about the potential for a western access to the golden gate bridge path. folks on the west side of the city right now have to go a long way to get to the bridge. this will be a tremendous opportunity to open of that wonderful facility to people throughout the city. once again, thank you. we are excited about this item. we hope that you vote in favor. thank you. commissioner avalos: thank you. mr. milosevic? -- moscovich? >> thank you,;x@,ñ commissioner, executive director.
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i cohen for taking a no-nonsense approach to discussing how to find a solution to problems like the funding for this shuttle in the bayview. i want to put in a word about the importance of paying close attention to the sta, obag, list for which the county is opposed to prioritize. you're supposed to process of prioritizing that list very seriously. it is a function that i believe the board will exercise and must exercise in prioritizing those lists, precisely to address issues that may not be addressed through the normal city process of servicing the most pressing priorities in the neighborhoods. part of that process is very
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organic to the efforts we have been making over the last several years to do neighborhood transportation plans and interact withé7 constituencies in your district. to complement what you are already doing, in terms of looking out for the needs of the neighborhoods and when you are hearing from the community organizations, so that you have essentially an escape valve, an extra amount of money in very tight budget times, to deal with those priorities that may not be bubbling up to the normal process -- through the normal processes. i think the shuttle is a good example of that. all of a sudden, you have this thing that exists already. they need to evaluate it, make sure it gets funded appropriately, according to the benefit it produces, but there is a real need, something where your ability to prioritize funds
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either from sta, stp, obag process control by the authority board, is an excellent tool to solve problems in any neighborhood. i want to make sure we're all aware of that when we discuss these lists. it is very important to consider that as a major asset for solving small problems. commissioner avalos: thank you. we are going to close public comment.
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next item please. >> item 5. recommend appointment of two members to the citizens advisory committee. this is an action item. >> planner with the authority. this item begins on page 41 of your package. each member of the cac serves a year-long term. plans and programs committee recommends and the authority board appoints members. the other staff nor the cac make some recommendations on appointments appeared on page 44 of your packet, you can see the folks that have submitted applications to be submitted for positions on the city's advisory committee. on page 43, a listing of some information regarding current committee members. to qualify for apartment to the cac, you have to be a san francisco resident and appear at least once before this committee to speak to your interest and
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qualifications. we currently have two vacancies on the committee. vacancies have resulted from the -- vacancies of conrad wu and brian larkin. i understand mr. larkin is seeking reappointment. with that, we can take any questions. commissioner avalos: are any of the candidates here? mr. larkin? commissioner farrell: given that these are generally supported by district, has commissioner chiu expressed any preference here? >> no, we have not heard confirmation. commissioner avalos: since we do not have mr. larkin here --nñ did have a conversation with commissioner mar. he was open to mr. larkin but
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other folks as well. maybe we should continue this item to the next plans and programs committee and hopefully have mr. larkin here next week or other candidates who are here for the district 1 seat and district 4 seat. commissioner kilet's go on to pt for item five. >> good morning commissioners, i am a member of the citizens advisory committee district 2. i have known brian larkin for many years and he serves well on the committee. i strongly support his reappointment. thank you very much. commissioner avalos: thank you for your comments.
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seeing no other member of the public come forward, we will close public comment and go on to the next item. item six. >> item 6. recommend allocation of $1,300,000 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the port of san francisco for one request and $1,384,852 in prop k funds, with conditions, to the san francisco municipal transportation agency for five requests, subject to the attached fiscal year cash flow distribution schedules, and amendment of the relevant 5-year prioritization programs. this is an action item. >> good morning commissioners. this item begins on page 45 of your packet. accompanies the memo. including the allocation request forms received and presented to the r%'g&rity board. page 51 of your package so is a summary of the request. if you want a quick reference, it shows the phases3ñçf for fung
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and expect to leverage and assumptions. the following pages gives a brief description of the product and our recommendations. the only project that is a non sfmta project is the ferry terminal expansion -- i'm sorry, about pier 1/2 demolition project. the port has requested $1.3 million from the expenditure plan category for which it is eligible to receive funds. the category is to fund improvements to the downtown fair return now to increase ridership. the project is to remove small rectangular-shaped parcel on the north basin. this was formally a parking lot. it was tagged in 2008 and has not been used since. the demolition is required as part of the ferry terminal project but it is also necessary
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for a bay conservation: permit for the america's cup next summer. the pier must be removed by march 2013 in order to be in compliance with that permit it. the removal was cleared under the america's cup eir. the project will not be included in the downtown ferry terminal eir because it will be removed by the time that eir is released and approved. 'fand that eir would be released at the end of the summer with final certification in august 2013. i will show you how the project x with te expansion of the downtown ferry terminal. the removal will accommodate additional ferry terminal space. the next project is the first of the mta projects, for the bus replacement project.
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this will fully fund the detail design phase of the project, the request is for approximately $400,000. the funds would replace the same amount -- 45 buses that were put into service in 1999 -- the north american bus industry's fleet, which averaged the end of their service life. they will be at least 14 years old by the time the new vehicles are put into service in 2013. when mta procures these vehicles, it will put the nabi's into its reserve fleet and then it will begin to retire other motor fleet coaches purchased in 2007. the vehicles will be procured through a consortium put together by the state of minnesota. this allows mta to tack on to existing contracts that the state has already procured.
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mta is confident the existing contracts allow for mta to accommodate san francisco's lead with some minor tweaks. this will allow for an expedited procurement process. the total cost of the procurement project is approximately $36 million and it will be funded by fta funds leveraged by prop k. we have a few recommendations i wanted to highlight for the committee. there are approximately $50 million in unallocated prop k funds in the mta vehicle category. these funds are available through fiscal year 2013-2014. the mta has three upcoming procurements scheduled for its hybrids and trolleybuses. the fypp amendment would allow the board to schedule a budget for the procurement as well as
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the funding plan. this particular program was originally entertain to procure the vehicles for the van ness brt project. to to the timing, it may not work for that project, but two of the upcoming three procurements in the next three years will actually accommodate the van ness brt project. that is something we will losthe presenting its september, along with the fleet plan. we would bring a five-year ypp and men and plans for that simultaneously. lastly, as the cac report indicated, we have also added -- requiring a commitment from the hd vehicles in a state of repair including an mid life overhaul program to allow the hybrids to exceed our meet their useful life and guidance. >> how many miles is considered
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a life? >> i believe it is measured in years. i believe 14 years, at least. there might also be a mileage requirement, but maybe somebody can jump on that. commissioner cohen: i have a superficial question, but a question nonetheless about the potential new replacement. what color will it be? >> that: i will defer to mta staff on the details.k i would assume it would be in line with the current fleet. >> commissioners, jonathan from the mta. the first question was about the useful life of a vehicle. it depends on the type. this type of hybrid-electric vehicle has a life of about 20
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years. we run our vehicles millions of more miles than some of our sister agencies within the region but the useful life and replacement is based on a number of years of service. with regard to the color, we just went through a new branding process that i am sure a lot of people are familiar with and we're also looking at a branding plan for the van ness brt. as we look at income levels -- implementing the tep, we would get an idea of what the vehicles will look like. we are working on this during the tep process. ÷i am sure e will be getting your input on what the vehicles will look like. >commissioner cohen: so you do not have a color yet? i this wanted to make sure i cut through all of that. >> would you like to propose a color? commissioner cohen: we have
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other things to worry about but i was just curious to know what you were considering. if you need my help, i can be available. we are a full service commission. >> a fair enough. continuing on the sunset boulevard signal countdown project. this is leveraging a transportation grant program by the authority in 2010 to replace comprehensive signaled upgrades at several streets. this will install curb ramps and also do pedestrian signal timing, countdown signals and audible signals at the intersections as well. this will also include new polls and signal pads in order to bring the intersection into mta standards. the product will be complete by next fall. the next project is the bay shore boulevard and paul avenue
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traffic signal upgrade which is leveraging a safety improvement grant. this includes similar improvements to the last project i mentioned. this was one of the 11 highest injury rate intersections, based on a collision report from 2007 through 2009. mta has implemented improvements at the other 10 intersections and this is the last remaining. those will be completed by next fall. the next item is the bryant street preening and traffic calming. these are improvements that have been developed to the mission streetscape plan which benefited from a significant amount of community input between 2008 and 2010 and another committee meeting recently held in 2012. there are two medians that will be installed, parking configurations and lane reconfiguration, but the net impact of the project is a gain of about 10 parking spaces.
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the project will be complete by december of this year. the maintenance of these improvements, the watering will be done by the department of public works. the local community will maintain the landscaping on the medians. last, a commitment to allocate 4 years two and three of the bicycle safety education classes. this was a commitment made into the event -- 2011 by the authority board. this would be a continuation of those glasses. available to answer any questions. commissioner cohen: in the last bullet point, targeted population to be underrepresented community. what is your strategy with that? >> i am glad to bring up kit hodges from the bicycle
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coalition, who is the contractor on this project. >> good morning and thank you for the question. we are very eager about working with many communities across the city, both communities based on geography, as well as things like -- we had a seniors' class that was well attended. it was so popular we decided to schedule another one in the next few weeks. we met with a number of organizations in the bayview to organize more classes in the bayview in the coming year, which we are excited about. we have a special series on family bicycling that would like to promote. other interest groups, women, seniors, who rear are especially try to reach. we are obligated and eager to work multi-legally, so we will be providing classes both in chinese and spanish, which we are very excited about.
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commissioner cohen: i guess i'm looking more witfor the specific organization you will be working with. >> i do not have that list with me, but it is definitely representative of organizations around the city. i can provide that to you. appreciate the question. i think i mentioned last time in plans and programs, we have bike to work day in district 11. we have 10 folks who were there, all men. i know there are a lot of women cyclists around the city and we need to figure out how to emphasize promoting bicycling and transit in places that do not get the attention, like visitation valley, bayview, hunters point, at excelsior, our mission, etc. commissioner cohen: i also wanted to chime in. when you do a very superficial glance, rarely do you see people of color active in
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