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tv   [untitled]    August 10, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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i urge you to read this bourhill and rescind the appeal of the coastal zone. the planning commission failed to follow state law in approving the eir and that is why you should uphold this appeal. this is not about the difference in values that is being maintained by the rec and park department and their representatives. this is about the failure of our city bodies to parlay flotilla they put in place to uphold. i am one of the 40 individuals and 10 organizations that requested analysis of a hybrid alternative within the eir. we requested that at the hearing
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of the draft eir. there was no notice of the hybrid alternative provided by the planning department. yemenia's appeared at the hearing on the final eir -- many of us appeared at the final hearing on the eir. you heard the council for the appellate request and despite that, there has been no notice of this alternative. the planning commission move to approve and we have the coastal zone permit completely ignored. this project is clearly in violation of the golden gate park master plan, the city plan, the only way to stretch things to make this project in compliance is to and in language that was not in the golden gate park monster -- master plan.
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it should uphold the appeal and reject this approval of the appropriate thank you. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. i would like to -- this is the first time i have ever read an eir or thought about a coastal zone permit. i have worked as a medical writer and editor. i am shocked by the lack of scientific data presented in section 4. my main concerns are the inadequacy of the so-called data used to draw conclusions about the risk of artificial turf to the internment. it is not clear what criteria were used to two studies but it is clear that rather than the representative of the data, i have been chosen selectively. the lack of up to date. . section 4 news reports from
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2007, 2009, and 2010. the latest date for any study included in this -- these reports is 2009. in terms of scientific research, the series are outdated. the findings of the recreation and park department's 2008 synthetic plainfield task force should be -- playing field task force should be removed. the fact that the ecosystem citigroup did not prepare a formal written summary. am concerned about the conflict of interest of those who selected the data that was included in the eir. this is the third time i testified about the inadequacies of the data used in this eir. what will it take to convince city departments that only scientifically valid studies that have been peer reviewed or published in peer review
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journals should be included in their's? please understand without valid studies you cannot draw valid conclusions. thank you. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello, conditioners -- commissioners. i want to talk about the dark sky issues. san francisco and is nearly unique in that it has a significant dark star resources along its ocean coast. the sky is dark enough that a rich variety of star clusters, nebulas, and galaxies are visible with small telescopes and binoculars or even with the unaided eye. one can even see the milky way are to across the sky. a few places in the inner bay area provide such views of the cosmos. the dark sky is a wonderful educational and aesthetic resource that deserves to be
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protected for all san francisco's people. hobbyist astronomers, families with kids, and ordinary folks eager to connect with the larger universe. our local astronomical community has long gone public outrage at lands and while sutra heights park provides a spectacular view of the coastline. the 150,000 watts of stadium lighting on until 10:00 p.m. each night include in the proposed beach shelle complex will likely seriously degrade this precious civic research. due to the amount of for scattered light, a large area of artificial sky glowed would dominate wide use near the context -- in the area. regardless of how well the fixtures themselves could be shielded, a huge amount of light reflected on to the surfaces.
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based on 150 pfautz -- 150,000 watts of light. that is comparable to laying to review what street lights on the field and shutting them straight up. the location of the project less than a mile to the south of the dark sky park land could be worse. -- could not be worse. this should not get a coastal town permit. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i am a citizen of this wonderful city and san francisco pride itself on being a green city. we are the best recyclers in the country and maybe in the world. we compost, we recycle, we really is. why would we want to put plastic down in our park backs there is no good reason for it. it is not biodegradable, it is not ecologically sound, it will
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have to be replaced and what will we do with all that plastic? where is it going to go? it is a horrible idea. many people who have spoken more eloquently than i can about other reasons why, and fervently, plastic is wrong. the gentleman who spoke before me talking about the light pollution, right now we have an amazing view in our western part of the city. why would we ruin it with lights every night of the year? surely, they're not expecting kids to be playing soccer until 10:00 p.m. 3 rudder 65 days of the year. i understand that i and other areas -- in other areas that have such lighting, they have been limited to 18 or 20 days a year that they like it at night. 3 rudder 65 dacey year in my opinion is treated 65 days to much.
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thank you. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> i was sitting on the fence deciding which grass was greener. the tire turf was a bad idea. we did our field research and the -- we took caution tape and listed all the cancer causing chemicals. the consequences of this is -- a real reinforced grassroots are better answer. a 3% highbred -- hybrid was used in the 2010 world cup.
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the hybrid has the quality of perfect natural grass and it has the same amount of minutes as natural grass. no anti-microbial sprays or machines to prevent disease. it has a starter grass pitch and the hybrid reinforcements are injected and the roots wraparound for better drainage, anchoring, and control. i do not know why people have not thought of this before. this is the biggest source usage. we went to the [unintelligible] and discovered that people were not following any of the signs and any of the things that cause the mrsa, they're not being followed because they're treating it like it is grass but it is not.
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with the exponential numbers of people playing on the grass, it will -- it is conducive to a lot of hazards including fire. >> we can have it all with the hybrid solution. >> if your child would like to speak, that is fine. >> we can have it all -- i would love to tho se -- to see that we can have it all and
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make the wise decision for all of us. instead of trying to fit every deserving child on the synthetic soccer rectangles and seeing that we are [unintelligible] we -- only rectangles are smaller. we need to look another 100 yards away with [unintelligible] there is more play. there -- it is good for learning to pitch the ball and build body awareness. no one is turned away. president hwang: do you want to
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state your name? >> he plays on the lightning team with me. vice president fung: would like to speak? >> i play on the lightning's team through biking. -- viking. we are -- generally american stinks at soccer. why don't we just train -- the brazilians have hardly anything, they make their soccer balls on cardboard and they play on an even services and they are better than us. we used to have this overall flow of kids. let's move to the beach because
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i've seen the kids playing there and they are really good. that is what i think and also the grass plugs, what they use was in the 2012 olympics. it is just better. it is better than what we have right now. astroturf is -- there is the 3% astroturf and 3% grasso everyone is happy. vice president fung: thank you. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please.
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>> good evening, board members. we're here -- this is my wife susan and my son devon. my children have played on both fields and we have seen the reaction of the natural turf versus the artificial turf and there is a safety factor that is inherent in the artificial turf that protect our children. and better to speak about that is dillon and his experiences. >> my name is dylan. when i was doing that around our soccer course on natural grass, i supplely -- supposedly think there was a gopher hole.
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it has never happened on any type of artificial grass. the artificial grass is better and easier because you do not have to look out for the gopher holes that can throw you down. [unintelligible] >> i have been a soccer mom for the viking soccer team. we are in support. we would like to have our children stay in san francisco and to be able to play sports here and our schools do not have grass. they're mostly covered in concrete and i would very much like my children to be able to
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play and not be concerned whether there is a rainout for the field is to money. thank you. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. i am a speech language pathologist with the bay area schools. i have so much to save in three minutes, we will see how it goes. i am against the plan of the stadium lights and the artificial turf in the golden gate park. i do not know how i came this far that so many rules were broken -- it came so far that some of the rules were broken. so many things have been overlooked by those who should have taken a closer look. i do not know if this is a corporate takeover, buyout, it
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looks that way. the fisher family that wants that name in the golden gate park. i have seen children used to manipulate. the injuries that you can get from astro fields are horrendous also. i find this really upsetting. the speech therapist cannot even talk any more, it is so upsetting. they have been offered an alternative solution in the outer sunset. they can have their astroturf there as well as the hybrid: -- hybrid plan. listening to this side say that the lights will not impact ocean beach, i live there, i live two blocks away from where the soccer field will be. i live in the outer richmond. i grew up there, i am a native san franciscan. that is a pack of lies. i go there for walks every day. the soccer field is across the
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street from ocean beach. many of us enjoy bonfires, evening walks, we look at the moment. that is going to obstruct it. it cannot honestly believe that the 60-foot lights are not going to affect -- the woman from comcast, they were arguing about the view obstruction about 1 blocks from the telephone pole. that is being considered, but what about the presidents of the richmond and sunset district or people who like to go to ocean beach and do not like to see this lipocytes 3 sater 65 days a year until 10:00 p.m. at night? what child plays until 10:00 p.m.? it is nonsense. it is the seat. please stay the appeal. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, commissioners. i am here to support the appeal of the irs and i will break this down into several major -- the eir and i will break this into
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several major concerns. we need to consider the cumulative and that incremental increase to the missions and we know what is happening to the plan. we're responsible. we know we cannot permit this. concerns about lighting and the fact that we are in the pacific flyway for migrating birds of prey, concerns about the synthetic turf, the jury is still out. each one of you before you make a decision on this appeal i think he's one of you needs to go to one of the synthetic turf fields in san francisco and get down on your hands and knees, run your hands through the tire crumsbs, smell it on a hot day and did you think there is no environmental impact, -- if you think there is no environmental impact, someone is paying you.
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i hope that is not the case. the jury's still out on the toxicity of this environmental synthetic turf. the jury is still up. do not forget the precautionary principle. we are guided by that. thank you so much. president hwang: thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening, thanks for your patience. i live on 48 ave. -- 48th ave. i have lived in the city quite a long time. i am preparing, maintaining the existing fields where even adding one or two. they are there, they have been there for a long time but they're very low-key, they're very low key. i am focusing on the light side because i have real concerns about the fact that they will rest adequately in the eir.
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it is just a few hundred feet from the beach. that just seems out of place. the issues of reflection, there are not adequately dealt with. i would point out that since you have seen yet, a submission by this gentleman that is a dutch scientist and lighting expert, he discusses in the lighting issues. he says the light always travels in a straight line. the suggestion here is that it will go straight down and that will be that. it will be in the atmosphere and
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from the turf. it will spread out and 20 to 30 times more light than a full moon. i don't understand why that is an important part of this project. not playing after dark would be a modest concession for maintaining the field of the atmosphere out there. i think it should be reconsidered. >> i live in the outer richmond. soccer, he plays 365 yeardays ar if you let him and he'll go to midnight if you have lights.
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i don't see a problem because of the fog. i would rather than saying he would rather go down to the soccer field rather than going to hang out in downtown. we started this a few years ago. coleco on and on and on and i wish it would stop. we go to the golden gate park on the way home every day and i noticed a by clay appeared. -- bike lane apepeared.
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it was fast and easy and everybody needs to tolerate what is best. having more soccer fields for our kids is best. >> i am a 33-year resident of the city. i have raised three natives into ardent soccer players. i'm glad that people are here to preserve it and defend it. their efforts are misguided and at times, disingenuous. we are not converting a woodland medco. this has been a playing field since 1938. what this debate is about is about hours of play vs. how much tax dollars are available for recreation. grass is great.
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when the money vote comes and and the city has too much money, let's go back to grass. the turf has been a terrific success. several other fields, it has brought more people in there in the evening in people to play soccer in the evening. they tend to be older than 16. there are many adult soccer teams in the city. they play on the turf fields and they have been a terrific success. half the have not threaten the health and safety of those players. it will not threaten anyone at golden gate either. please trust this appeal. this has been examined by the wreck department. unhear>> my name is richard crod
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i have lived in san francisco for 50 years. i have been a soccer coach for 35 years. i would like to address something that doesn't seem to be an issue here, but i think it is. the field the golden gate park take hundreds of thousands of gallons of water every year for irrigation. with the turf fields, it would be a fraction of that. i came by the reservoir and two- thirds of it is gone. how are we going the irrigate these fields and feel good about? i think it is a big issue. had it won't take that much with the turf field.
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>> i have lived here and coached here for 25 years. i am also of day. and guess what? there is stuff going on in the woods out there. i have a hard time to get my girls to go get the balls that are run over the fence because they don't want to run into the height of their meals and use condoms. once they cleaned up the amazon, that ended. there was a knife fight. we have the talks, and make my 12-year-old said in the middle of the field while they rounded up a man with a handgun hiding in the woods. if you fix up and put the lights in, that will go away. children use the field during the earlier hours and teenagers
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hughes the field after school. they need the lights. then there are those that have the unlimited to an hour of play we theory of how that is likely to avert leader practice of because we can't practice in the city. the premier women's team in the city, we have the drive over the bridge to practice over there. please light of these fields. we are inadequate in terms of how many fields we have. we need 154 to be adequate and we have less than 30. if you do this, it will help us greatly get more hours and. adults pay taxes and they play soccer.
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handoff when ingrains if -- keit>> if it rains, i can play soccer. the fields are too crowded the plate because there are no other fields of play on because they are all closed. like three months ago, i got hurt their and the slick and a gopher hole. if i think that you should the support -- i think you should change the valleyfield to turf. >> our children need places to play in the city so that families will stay in the city. where my kids go, we are