tv [untitled] August 11, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT
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amended leases obligations between business tenants and landlords. also disturbing information notices in multiple languages on the local, state, and federal disability access laws. we all know that much of what is at play here involves federal and state laws in addition to our local laws and there probably are their ideas we should move forward that i hope to be able to work with you, colleagues either as a sponsor or is a co-sponsor of future legislation but from my perspective, we need to do everything we can to insure the accessibility of our spaces and ensure that small business tenants and landlords are fully aware and educated and doing what they need to do to bring their properties and their spaces into compliance and with that, i would like to ask for your support. supervisor mar: thank you. i went to thank president chiu
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but also the small business office and the mayor's office of disability and others for their hard work on this legislation. i am proud to be a sponsor. we held a hearing at the land use and economic development committee a couple of weeks ago with many small businesses that came out raising concerns. many people did speak positively that we need to do everything we can to support accessibility in our neighborhood center of the city as one of the city's tuck goals. it is imperative that we make sure our city's businesses especially small businesses can get help to get into compliance with the requirements of the ada act but many of them are slow to do so. the results are impacted by these drive by lawsuits that often put them out of business or jeopardize them. i wanted to acknowledge supervise -- supervisor common to -- carmen chu.
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the legislation is important because it is an important step forward because it addresses a number of concerns of small businesses that we heard at the hearing. it requires commercial landlords to make entrances in bathrooms acceptable prior to leasing or notify the tenant that this has not been done. it also increases the notice that tenants, a commercial tenants of commercial -- potential liability if they're not in compliance and forms a small business tenants about their obligation. it requires the office of small business creates multilingual templates explaining how federal, state, and local disability access laws intersect and the critical part of it -- better education of our small business sector. this has been an important step forward and i am proud to be a co-sponsor and urge your support.
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president chiu: any further discussion? supervisor chu: i wanted to thank president chiu. many of our districts has seen a number of businesses that have suffered hardships from some of the lawsuits that have occurred. if we -- as we look into the issues, there are intersections are rarely with small businesses. the issues are focused around the ability to make the repair. the legal resources to understand how to deal with some of the issues and understanding what the responsibilities are. in terms of capital, the mayor pose a revolving loan fund, something the board has approved will go along waste to helping small businesses in order to make some of the repairs in addition to the opportunity fund which we helped to make sure that provided funding for the
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city. that will help with capital in terms of legal research. i want to thank julie tran, who has worked a program to help small businesses get low-cost legal advice. i think the area where this legislation excels is on the noticing, being able to notice individuals and let people know what their responsibilities or liabilities may be. i want to thank the sponsor for putting this forward and for changing and amending some of the legislation. when the legislation was put forward, there were a number of the small business disability to make repairs or changes to storefronts and other things that might be difficult to do. i know we wanted to confuse that with federal or state laws that already exist by adding another complicated layer on top of it. i want to thank the spencer -- sponsor for making those amendments before it came to the
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board. i want to thank the sponsor for that. president chiu: i should take a moment to thank our deputy city attorney who spent much time going through various drafts of this legislation. any further discussion? can we take this same house, same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed in the first reading. item 40. >> ordinance amending the san francisco planning code to create a new definition of student housing. supervisor wiener: thank you. today we have before us legislation that will help our city and educational institutions create student housing without cannibalizing or -- our housing stock. this has been in the works for several years and has made several trips back and forth between the board and the planning commission as it -- and as a result of a long broadbased
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process, this provides for the first time a definition of student housing that is applicable throughout the planning code. we have a huge need in san francisco to house our students and we need to do it in a way that does not undermine housing opportunities for other san franciscans. there is an estimated shortage of as many as -- student bands in san francisco. student housing is exempt from inclusion in rehousing, fees and requirements. student housing will be exempt from unit mix requirements in specific eastern neighborhoods. and student housing will have reduced open space requirements, similar to those for sro's. so, colleagues, again, this has
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been a long, collaborative process. this legislation will provide the right incentives to create new student housing and will ensure that our already been very tight rental market does not become even more tight through the conversion of general housing to exclude student housing and i ask for your support. supervisor kim: i want to thank supervisor wiener for all his work on this important legislation. this has been an ongoing discussion for years and i have heard from advocates and the privy supervisor, supervisor -- previous supervisor thomas supervisor dufty -- supervisor dufty. we have a number of academic institutions that have concerns about the impact of this legislation clegg's to propose amendments and send it back to planning before i came back to the full board. there are two outstanding
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issues. a discussion around the monitoring of student housing if it does convert back to market rate. how do we ensure that the developers will contributed pinkoson your requirements if they do decide to convert back to market rate? it means this could be introduced as drilling legislation. i am requesting a motion to continue to tuesday, september 4. president chiu: the motion is seconded. is there any discussion? on the motion to continue. president chiu: would like to ask the chair to -- i would like
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to ask the chair on the motion to consider -- continue. i would like to understand exactly what we're hoping to achieve. i know that there have been some discussions with the academy of the art university and our director from the planning department is here can give us a sense of where those are growing. so we can understand what we hope to achieve. >> thank you. if i may, i would like to first reiterate what supervisor wiener's point that the intent of the legislation was to encourage the production of new student housing. it has been nearly two years since that came to the planning commission for consideration. as you know, there has been a lot of discussion about the conversion issue and whether or under what circumstances
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conversion of existing housing to student housing should be allowed. the planning commission felt strongly that should not be allowed and voted not to do that. with respect to the academy of art or any institution, this legislation is somewhat separate from the notion of what might happen with the ongoing discussions. we're in ongoing discussions with the academy for a more global resolution that may be some kind of resolution that comes to the board for your approval at some point. i can i give you an exact timeframe but we have been in discussions with them on that issue. we have been talking about ways of coming to resolution on the existing housing. that is an issue with the academy and other facilities. president chiu: there has been
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some discussion about whether aau ought to somehow be exempted from some of the rules that we have and i am wondering, where is the department on some of these questions. >> if there is a settlement agreement, that could be handled on its own process absent a separate piece of legislation that the board would approve separately. president chiu: and if we could understand what we're hoping to achieve during a continuance. supervisor campos: thank you. i have just gone a request for additional time in terms of ongoing conversations to resolve the issues you have brought up. there are two in particular. one is the consideration of the
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grandfathering and i think there is a issue with the fact that these institutions exist. some of what has occurred, that conversation needs to be ongoing. the second is the issue i had brought up which is around how we monitor when student housing new construction converts back to market rate. and how we allow monitoring to occur to ensure these developers contribute to our inclusion are housing fee if and when they do. this legislation allows them to convert its four by four and it can make it challenging for the city to monitor whether the developers are contriving to inclusion rehousing. for those issues i am proposing a continuance. we have been hearing this issue for a while. i want to [inaudible] supervisor wiener. i agree with the intent of the
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resolution. we should be encouraging the construction of student housing, we should not be cannibalizing our existing rental housing stock. i support those -- the spirit of the legislation. president chiu: from my perspective and i appreciate the much ring and one way to address this, i am not sure if you have language we might want to consider today. supervisor kim: i do. i do have a motion that would amend the planning code, that would put in an annual monitoring report that will allow the city to monitor this issue. i have not had time to speak to the author of the legislation on it. i do have 11 copies for colleagues to look at. it does send this item back to
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the planning commission and for that reason, i thought it might be better to continue this issue rather than send it back to planning. supervisor wiener: i have not seen any proposed amendment. i have been hearing rumors of amendment. i have not seen any. this has been back and forth to planning several times. i do not support sending this back to the planning commission again. if anyone wants to do drilling legislation around monitoring, that is appropriate. in terms of the monitoring, i do not agree that is something that needs to happen so quickly that it needs to go back to the planning commission i think for the third time. i do have a concern about sending it back. to planning. supervisor farrell: my question
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is to the maker of the motion. is there reason why we could not vote on this now? it has been back and forth to planning and then do this later. we have to bundle it together. supervisor kim: this feedback came to our office late and i do not normally like to bring amendments to the full board. we got a drafting of it literally an hour ago. i wanted additional time to [inaudible] the author of this legislation and maybe we can agree to have trilling legislation. i could have did -- continued it to next week. a motion to continue would be far less time than potentially
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referring it back to planning and having a discussion with the sponsor. supervisor wiener has not seen this and i was not right to a motion to amend until i have this discussion with him. it is possible we could find multiple drafts but i want to ensure we have support for this amendment. i am happy to distribute copies to you can look at it now but i am not proposing to amend at this moment. supervisor avalos: -- campos: i supported the motion to continue. it is important to address the concerns that supervisor kim has raised. i am not a fan of grandfathering to the extent we're proposing a different set of rules for certain institutions. i would have a concern with that. the other reason why i supported the motion to continue is my understanding is if there is a substantive amendment that the
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entire thing would be sent back to planning which i think we should try to avoid. that is why for me, continuing it for some time to allow my colleagues and the different people that are involved to have an opportunity to speak was the preferred option. supervisor mar: thank you. i was pleased when the efficiency and that legislation, we were going to have more time on that one. this item, supervisor wiener has done a tremendous amount of work on this. kansas feel like there should have been some effort to speak with him about these amendments before bringing it to the board. my hope is that it could be addressed in trilling legislation so i will be supportive of not continuing this item. i feel like it is too last
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minute. president chiu: any further discussion? >> supervisor avalos, aye, supervisor campos, aye. president chiu: no, supervisor chu, no. supervisor cohen, no,. supervisor elsbernd, no. supervisor farrell, no. supervisor ow levy, no -- olague, no. supervisor mar, no. supervisor wiener, no. president chiu: a roll call vote on the motion to continue.
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supervisor cohen, aye, supervisor elsbernd, aye. supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye -- no. supervisor kim, no. supervisor mar, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. president chiu: it is 2:50 p.m. i would like to go to the 2:30 p.m. special orders. could you call the first hearing? >> items 45 through 46 for public hearing to consider amendments to the initiative ordinance amending the business and tax regulations code.
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generating $28.50 million in estimated additional revenue. president chiu: this is a hearing to consider men -- amendments that were made last week to the gross receipts tax that is being proposed for the november ballot. i would like to ask if there are members of the public that wish to speak to these amendments, if you could please step up to the microphone. >> i wanted to quickly thank supervisor avalos, supervisor chui, members of the budget committee, and the mayor's office and the comptroller's office for yeoman's work the last six or seven months in developing alternatives and going through a process of dozens of meetings with hundreds of taxpayers. sometimes you should not wish for something that happens and we talked about getting rid of the payroll tax for decades and we're on the verge of we think you for the work and look forward to this measure going on the november ballot. president chiu: next speaker.
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>> steve adams, san francisco small business commission. since we first -- our first hearing in april, the commission has been supportive of abolishing the payroll tax and implementing proceeds -- gross receipts. we held five hearings on this and at the time, the commission strongly urged the mayor to modify the initial proposal to recognize that business is making over $1 million are more likely to be profitable and are in better position to pay the tax rather than smaller businesses. the commission is pleased that you took this into consideration. we're also very pleased that you took our business -- the registration fee to be also proposed and you took those into consideration as well and we
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thank you for that. on behalf of the commission, we want to thank the mayor, president chiu, supervisor avalos for coming to a consensus on this. this is very good for the city. we also want to think controller been rosenfeld, -- ben rosenfeld and ted egan. thank you for coming together and doing good for the city and county of san francisco. president chiu: next speaker. >> good afternoon. as you well know, there have been numerous attempts over the course of the last decade or so to reform the city's business tax. the payroll tax has been viewed as a disincentive to job creation. we believe that this is a well crafted solution. it is amazing. i have to give a lot of kudos to the controller and the staff and chief economist as well as
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supervisor chiu and the mayor's office and supervisor avalos. coming in this -- together in this way is a way to make comprehensive public policy and this is a great way to chart a path for the city moving forward. i forward, so i encourage your support. president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> my name is eugene gordon, jr., and from the position of colonialism, now and imperialists nation, the u.s. a, articles are needed to begin the capital currency class, which 2012 now surrounds planet earth, sovereign nations with military bases, protecting its interests where government, federal, state, local, financial issues, which now consumes time and it
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natures planet earth -- and nature's planet earth. this has not ended this beautified education of finance capital into a major's materials science, a means of production costs, basic needs. witness the radiation of fascism, to come together, capital currency, class rank divide, speculation, gaining. supervisor mar: thank you.
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next speaker, please. >> ♪ you are the tax man yeah, you are the tax man and you are looking, watching you, relax, man, because you are the tax man yeah, you are the tax man, and we are going to phase out you ♪ supervisor mar: thank you. next speaker. >> i became a business owner when i was 16 years old. i applied for my business license, and i feel like this is a huge step forward for san francisco because, i mean, as it
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is, we are the only city in america that charges in please come i mean employees -- employers per employee on their taxes, and i feel it definitely needs to change because it hinders businesses as well as african americans from being employed because i would not have a job if it were not for african american businesses, my mother, specifically, and i just want to congratulate you all. supervisor campos: is there any other member of the public who would like to speak? seeing none, we will go ahead and close this. items 45 and 46. if not, the hearing has been closed.
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supervisor avalos: >> i just want to congratulate the mayor and the controller for their great work, reaching out to the business community and really crafting a measure that i think is fair. it will hold up to the test of time. i am very excited that we have a measure that is actually going to be exempting small businesses that have gross receipts below $1 million. to me, that is significant. it is about how we will be creating the kind of tax structure that we have made here and there with exemptions we have made to small businesses. this is something we can make wholesale at the same time bringing revenue in at the high- end in a progressive way. i think it meets the values of
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san francisco, and i am eager for this measure. i also want to talk to you about the consensus to come to get around this measure. we had the dissolution of the redevelopment agency earlier this year, and we have as a response the housing trust fund moving forward that is related to this new business tax measure, the gross receipts tax, and if we did not have, if it was business as usual here in san francisco, we perhaps would have gridlock that would not be able to get to the next step in terms of how we are able to meet our obligations and looking at our obligations about supporting communities and supporting small businesses, and we move that aside. i think it is significant to talk about today, and i am excited that we are on the verge of creating a new system for our business tax. that was made through a great deal of dialogue.
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the consensus around here, i work with a coalition, a group of community and labor organizations, on the other side that the mayor has worked with and president david chiu has warred with. they have had a great deal of consensus building on this measure as well. i just want to urge you, colleagues, to have your support to move this forward to the ballot. lastly, i wanted to mention the press conference. yesterday, we went to veritable vegetables. it is a woman-owned company that is wholesalers for organic produce in the bay area, and they have been around for quite a long time, hiring local residents. what the owners said yesterday is that we are happy to pay our taxes, and we get somethg
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