tv [untitled] August 13, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm PDT
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>> commissione[calling roll] the first category on calendar, items proposed for continuance. item one is the public out reach and engagement. item two, case number 2012 for one see 4939 stockton streets. this item is proposed for a continuance to december 6, 2012. item three, case number 2,012.0409b proposed for continuance to august 13, 2012. further on your calendar, item number 11, case number 2011 4-20
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octavia boulevard. it's that is proposing this item be continued until september 6, 2012. with that, i am not aware of any other item on calendar being proposed for continuance. >> any public comment on any items proposed for continuance? you can go ahead and step up. >> we actually have to commissionerwo commissioners who
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recuse on item two. >> i would suggest to take a item 1, 3, and 11. then we will take iup item two. >> you asked about 11f. i'm here for the octavia boulevard. my name is janet son dos sander. we are in opposition to the development. you are here for the continuance only. we have no objection to you continuing to september 6. >> thank you.
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>> my name is smith mckee sen. 47-59 octavia. my question about the continuance is when i spoke to staff last week they indicated it would be on the calendar today. does the continuance mean there will be more or different materials regarding this project between now and the september meeting? president fong: if you want to wait and address that in public comment, we will try to address that. thank you. any additional public comment on items one, three, or 11? seeing none, commissioner antonini . commissioner antonini: just a question on project for 8 octavia. >> thank you.
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since your item were distributed, staff has noted a couple of very old -- compliance issues. plan revisions. issues related to act of ground floor and height appear they're not in compliance in your plan pockets. we will be working with the project sponsor in the coming weeks to get this addressed. we have been speaking with the project sponsor this morning, and they said some cover six- foot work for them as well. >> thank you. commissioner antonini: thank you. it is always welcome that things are in compliance, but also that things are caught as early as possible. but sometimes it does not happen. >> there will be a new set of drawings that will be
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distributed? speaker wright. -- >> right. commissioner sugaya: move to continue items 1, 3 and 11. >> second. >> thank you. commissioners, the motion on the floor is for continuance of items one and three as their proposed, and item 11 until september 6, 2012. on the motion -- [calling roll] thank you, commissioners. those items are continued as we have discussed. for item number two. commissioner sugaya: i will have to ask for recusal because we have done work on a certain part of this project. >> i would also like to ask for recusal as my employer has a sub-contract on this project. >> a motion for refusal of
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commissioner -- >> i have a question. only three of us can pass a continuance. i do not think we have enough people to do so. you need four. >> we cannot continue the item? >> commissioners, if you do not mind, the city attorney and i are looking at making sure we can take us to reject action for continuance.
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commissioners, the city attorney and i have discussed, and we would like more time, so we will ask that we just did this item for right now and move on and give us time to research. commissioners, the next category is the consent calendar. item four, five, and six make of the consent calendar. they are considered to be routine and should be acted upon by a single roll-call vote of this commission. there will be no separate discussion of these items, unless a member of this commission, staff, or the public so request.
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and in that case matters would be removed from the consent calendar and considered at a separate hearing. items four, case number 201 2.052.0592c streets 25 01 third street. it is an innovative industry special use district. item number five, 2,011.1 t9201, 626 potreo ave. item six, case number2011.0859b
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460-460 to bring industry to establish 59,475 grow straight -- gross square feet of office used in the muo. commissioners, following public comment, which would automatically remove items from the consent calendar, these matters are before you for your consideration. commissioner sugaya: commissioner antonini: public comment on items 4, 5, or six? seeing none. commissioner moore: moved to approve a item 4, 5, and 6. >> second. >> moved to approve the items as they have been a proposed -- [calling roll] this has been approved.
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you are now on item number 7, consideration of adoption of draft meetings of the regular meeting of july 26, 2012, the special joint meeting and the regular meeting of july 19, 2012, and the regular meeting of the light well, 2012. following public comment and any modifications or corrections you might have, i would ask that you address the draft minutes. i would know that commissioner wu has informed me of corrections for the meetings of july 12. we've made the changes. the first under commissioner comments where the first time commissioner wu's name appears it should have been commissioner antonini. the second time her name appeared, we corrected this statement that she read. you were appointed when i was appointed to this commissioner was your guidance that helped
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me through the basics and new ones of this commission, so i very much want to thank you for that and look forward to seeing you on the other side and your leadership and the city. i do have those corrections already noted. any other corrections? commissioner antonini: any public comment on minutes? commissioner antonini: i think i might have been the author on some of these comments. certainly i did make comments congratulating commissioner miguel on his service. i am not sure it was the comments of commissioner borden that is in the minutes. perhaps we should look at the tape and revise those and bring them back in another week to make them accurate. and >> i will --
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commissioner antonini: i think she is already recognized -- >> the one where commissioner wu's comments were first shown were actually your comments, so that is on page 3. commissioner antonini: i see that. >> i recall the hearing, and you did make comments about commissioner miguel towards the end of that category, and i thought there were reflected, but i do not have the set of minutes in front of me. commissioner antonini: it seems to me there should of been other comments. i probably have my notes at home. it might be well to bring those back. >> if you would like to not take action on july 12? commissioner antonini: let's just take that away and pass the others if they are accurate and have this check and brought back next week or whenever possible to take a look at it.
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i do not think it is anything that is that the earth shuddering, but we want the minutes to be accurate. >> i would note that is fine and can continue them, but because i am here it will not be able to make those corrections, your package will come out while i am here, so you will get them electronically. just so you know there will not be in your packet. commissioner antonini: so continue that to a specific date? >> to next week. in your actions the commissions will be to take that action. along with the other minutes. commissioner antonini: i am moving approval of the joint minutes of july 19, july 26 and
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june 28 and a joint session on july 19 for approval. take only minutes before you are the regular meeting of july 26. >> thank you. the motion on the floor is for approval of the regular minute meeting minutes of july 26, the minutes for the joint meeting of historic preservation for july 19 and the regular meeting of july 19, and continuance of the regular meeting of july 12 for one week. on that motion -- [calling roll] thank you, commissioners.
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that motion pastern venomously. are there any other commission matters? -- that motion passed unanimously. commissioner moore: a few weeks ago i asked in public comment whether or not the director would set up for another update on the america's cup. i was very fortunate on tuesday night to hear the presentation by the vice president of the golden gate yacht club who were the sponsors of the event to hear an update, which i fell to contain that so many interesting aspects of how the america's cup has changed, relative to the race this year and a big one next year, which i think this commission would be really interested to hear. i think the planning department themselves would be thrilled to see much of the discussions we had have all turned the event
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into something i think addressing a lot of very positive aspects. i sent an e-mail to mr. martin would believe are responsible to attend to the subjects. if this could happen, probably not in preparation for the october, but the october -- problem did not for theoctober e august meeting, but for the october meeting. commissioner antonini: we had an excellent meeting of the commission secretary meeting that consists of manning -- members of planning and hsbc yesterday, and among the things handled at that meeting included an addition of some other sources or venues to announce the position opening, and we added some of those.
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we did discuss the future calendar. we set up a possible meeting dates in september and october, with a possible emergency meeting on august 22, which i will tell a little bit more. that is in relation to the fact we have yet to hear a response from the department of human resources to whom we had sent a letter above the signatures of president fong and chase asking for clarification of the position relating to salary level and other issues relating to the classification. we have not received any response, and we are concerned because we cannot move further on this process without a response from dhr, because the
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position of this cannot go out until the issue has been answered. we hope that will happen soon, and one of the reasons why we may have an emergency meeting in august of that has not been approved and have to revise it or somehow makes other changes because that is the beginning of the process. also yesterday we discussed the fact that there has been funding obtained for the managerial position in planning a planner 3 position. we were told it would serve as an addition to the commission secretary team. currently there are three members, and this will be a fourth member of that would serve under the secretary of and the secretary would be involved in this election of this
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individual, and it was expressed by the subcommittee and is the feeling that this position should be exclusively for the secretary team. certainly the job description speaks to the very importance of this, and it is extremely important, because nothing can move forward and the commission could not folks that -- could not focus without the secretary during the myriad of things she does each week, so very important. final bang, there was a closed session that dealt with interview sessions, but we cannot talk about that because that was a closed session. the meeting was very good. we're making progress of looking forward to moving forward on this. president fong: thank you for
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the update. commissioner sugaya: i have one question, the position in the department's to assist the secretary, has that been posted yet or is that often the future some time? >> it has not been posted. the idea is the new secretary would help in the process. just a you know, there is a posting -- we have to do an annual exam process for all positions at a certain classification, so we have to do the annual process. that process is just a pool of candidates to be considered. >> i would just like to report that i had a meeting earlier today with the request on 4334
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geary boulevard, and they are at the owners of the property next door. i did suggest that they should prevent us with photographs of the interior of the building. she may be you mailing goes to commissioners. -- emailing you those. >> i did have a meeting last night. the project is 434 if i am not mistaken. i have also been in touch with project sponsor, so i think this is an interesting project that hopefully we can work out something on it. it is scheduled on the calendar for next weekend. i also did want to comment on an
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article by john king of, and his concern that it seems like all office and residential buildings of any height are in glass or almost glass facades. i am a little concerned about this, too. they can be very attractive, but they can also be not very attractive. i think most people have been very favorable to the mission, which is one of the best examples of the class. i certainly hope that we have careful design guidelines as we move these things forward and go to staff for finalization that there looked at very carefully, not that you cannot have free-
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cast buildings and a very unattractive, too, but i think he makes a good point. certainly richness is important. i certainly would like to -- it would be great if someone proposed a building of the first part of the century, such as the shell or rest building for maps and the southern pacific. i think maybe the cross for construction is expensive and one of the reasons why we see some much glass, because it is much quicker to build and probably cheaper. i hope we can still maintain quality even with that. a very interesting article that raises some good points. i cacommissioner moore: i can
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let go. >> if there are no further comments, if we could go back to continuance. the item we are concerned about is item two. two commissioners have to be recused. that would render the commission without a quorum. the commission that cannot take action without a quorum. there is a solution. because the president has the authority to direct that something be calendared or moved, with the refusal, the president should direct eye of the move to which every day. the proposed date is for september 6. let's take the action.
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we will take action to recuse commissioner steve vugaya and w. the motion was made by commissioner moore. on a motion to recuse -- [calling roll] thank you. mr. president. president fong: i will propose we move this to september 6. i will direct remove this item to september 6. >> this is moved to september 6 at the direction of president fong. to move forward we are now at the directors' report. president fong: the only item i
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wanted to bring to your attention was the memo from kong tom desanto giving you an outline of the proposed budget. it was essentially the mayor's budget was somewhat minor reductions that were approved by the board related to temporary salaries and professional services contracts. the budget proposed by the mayor, which was somewhat larger than what you look that originally was largely approved by the board of supervisors. the only other thing is because the board is on presort -- recess there was no board of directors report this week. thank you. >> no board of appeals report this week either. with that, we can move on to general public comment.
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at this time, members of the public may address you on any item that is under your jurisdiction for three minutes each, keeping in mind they may not address you on items on the calendar and all comments need to be concluded within 15 minutes. president fong: is there any general public comment? mr. flores, come on up. >> manny flores, just a quick note to extend my congratulations to commissioner antonini to the board. thank you very much. well deserved. >> thank you. my name is smith mckean. i am here to talk about the octavia boulevard development.
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i would request -- procedurally you have to help me with this, but i request that you request the staff to get clarification before the september meeting. most of the concern relates to the height of the building. there seemed to be inconsistent reputations -- representation in the packet that we saw. specifically in the sponsors of metal it states that of the objectives, both section 1.2 0.4, and objective 6.1 insuring new buildings of comparable hike with the testing buildings. the particular language in 6.1 states that the new building is carefully integrated in the area
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by matching the line of the first baptist church. and apartment buildings across the octavia boulevard. we're one of the apartment buildings across octavia boulevard. what i have not seen the is the exact height which the proposed building is going to be in relationship to that. if the proposed building is at or below the line at the baptist church, then we can stand across the street, look at the line and extended out, and we will see how high it is in relationship to hours. then we can frame our projects about the questions accordingly at this of timber meeting. it would be very helpful to the public to have the package
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