tv [untitled] August 16, 2012 1:30pm-2:00pm PDT
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really look at yourself. you cannot call in this vote. you cannot go upstairs -- you have to go with your conscience on this. this man is a good man. he made a mistake. none of us are perfect job but under no circumstance candies votes be called in. -- canby's votes be called in. i quit my commission because i and another commissioner, we both great, because we saw on our commission votes being called in. he has a right to stay as our sheriff. >> my name is jim. i've had the privilege of knowing ross for over seven years. he was my supervisor and i aggressively supported him in
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his run for sheriff. when i walked into the room, there was a woman speaking very passionately on his behalf. i could say did go on everything that she said. instead, i would like to take a slightly different point of view. i also serve on the district attorney's community board on low-level crimes and getting restored a justice process. we brought in a speaker from oakland who gave a very informative speech about how restorative justice is really what we are after. not only with misdemeanors and infractions, but they should be front and center in our minds with more important crimes. after lunch, i asked the district attorney, isn't this almost a poster child case of -- clearly, something happened
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here, and now we have a wonderful person who loves his wife and child, is well suited to this job. it shouldn't we be seeking restorative justice so we move forward constructively? he said, yes, as soon as ross plead guilty to something, then we can have the restorative process began. [tone] i would look to you to think about where there is restoration. his wife clear they want him to keep his post. the public is very strongly behind him. look to the restorative thing. here we have a fabulous public servant who is very dedicated. we look to you so that this can move forward and be instructive. [tone] >>
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i will speak as an individual and as a member of the san francisco green party. throughout the years, efforts have been becoming more green. on the day that the u.s. decided to invade afghanistan, i've worked on many campaigns, including ross's in 2004. i was in his office in 2004 and in 2005. we eventually became aware -- as the previous gentleman said, restore give justice. it was his hallmark in -- restorative justice. it was his hallmark on a lot of the legislation that he worked on. ever since the incident happened
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between him and his wife, i have seen the party going from a position of doubt -- especially among the female members of our party and those who are advocates for domestic riots. you basically have two separate issues. the issue of domestic violence, which me and most of the doubters now believe that he has taken due course. [tone] but most of all, i believe that in terms of the green party, we would like to see ross reinstated to his position. we believe that is the way their processes unravel. we believe the process is two separate issues. that is, the domestic violence park, which we believe he is dealing with.
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and the fact that -- [tone] [no audio] >> i am a civil engineer practicing in san francisco. i do not know mr. mirkarimi personally, but i have followed what happened. the question is of ethics. i am sure you are all ethical persons. even an unethical person thinks that he or she is an ethical person. the question of ethics is not what you think. you have to be in a position to act as an ethical person. i watched mirkarimi during the whole process. i have seen him be very ethical, very gentlemanly through the whole process. i have not seen anybody even
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coming close to him as his actions being ethical. i hope that you can see him in action. follow what he has done during the whole process. he has seen a lot of injustice, but acted very ethically. ithanks very much. >> good afternoon. my name is barry. i live in san rafael, but i have been following these hearings on line. and at the same time, looking at your background. on the web site you have your biographees. each of you were appointed by a different entity. three of you were appointed by parties that have a very
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important concern in this process. i think it is important, whenever your decision, that you talk about the fact that the person who appointed you may decide that you may not be wanted it to stay on this commission. i have filed a couple of complaints about a former mta board member, who is no longer on the board. who actually helped bring a lawsuit against the city as a result of some of his participation in the process. he was sticking his nose where he should not. and i asked for your help in this, and i got some help from staff, but it should have gone further. my concern is, you're supposed to deal with ethics and not with politics. that is the truth. and if you do, you need to a
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knowledge that is in your opinion. [tone] in the yiddish we have a word. i watched ms. lopez during the trial. she is a beautiful face. she can take care of herself. if you do not believe that, it becomes a political ploy because people were disappointed in the election. [tone] thank you. >> commissioners, my name is debra walker. it i stand here in support of ross mirkarimi, ms. lopez, and theo, the family that has been most affected by this process. i paid attention. i watched as the questions were asked by europe -- by you all.
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this is a process that never should have happened. and everything after that fact has been created to justify a bad act. initially, there should not have been harshness between people love each other. as people who have families, you probably understand it gets to that point. but this process, especially the removal of an elected official, it should never have begun. i feel for you because it was begun and you have had to go through the process of wading through the mountains of evidence. i understand that you have the lot to look at here. and that is what i suggest you do. the facts from the people who were there, ross and ms. lopez arte all the people whose testimony matters here. what we are seeing now, and what
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we saw from the beginning of this case is the highly on to justify, i think, the responsible act of putting this forward. as a voter in san francisco and someone who voted for ross mirkarimi every time he has run -- [tone] i ask you to honor my vote and a vote of over 85,000 people who asked for this man to be our sheriff. certainly, this process has punished not just ross, but ileana and audio -- theo as well. you have the power to stop it. [tone] thank you. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is michael. i am a city resident and supporter of ross mirkarimi. thank you for letting me speak
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and the work that you're doing on this. it has not been an easy process. i have watched these proceedings from the beginning. just as a side note, i was here during the bomb threat for the mayor. it would have been nice if you could have told some of us about it, just so we did not get blown up, but whenever. what is going on here is that two people had a personal problem that they did not want turn into a personal reality show. the share of mercury me was elected by the people. -- share if mirkarimi was elected by the people. as you can see it today by having to listen to the testimony, you can see as many supporters. i urge you not to uphold the
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charges. thank you very much. >> that afternoon, commissioners. >> you can raise the microphone. it moves. >> i come here for truth and justice for all. and i think i stand for ross mirkarimi on this matter. i want to read something for you here. i think that mr. ross mirkarimi having already pled guilty of the lesser crime of domestic violence. and he met the payments and sanctions. to think that he should be pleading for his position as an elected official, in my opinion, that constitutes double
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jeopardy. no one should be tried -- tried twice for the same crime. if it is a crime. as a reminder, just a few requirements for moving an official, which i learned from the books. gross negligence, [unintelligible] and gross incompetence. i think we should not try the family here. [tone] we should promote family unity. if the wife stands for the has been -- for the husband, then no one should jeopardize that interest for the sake of justice and truth. thank you.
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[applause] >> my name is michael. i live in district 5. i am a 35-year resident of san francisco. i would like to ask the people on the ethics commission weather during their lives they have never done anything that they regret. something that happened out of anger, possibly, or something that happened out of greed, or even out of stupidity. i wonder if there is anybody on the ethics commission that will answer that. i feel this is a political case. i know there are other factors involved, but to me, this boils
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down to a political case. there are people within city -- the city, whether it is the mayor, williexdlp brown, rose p, etc. who have been foreseen this as an issue from the get go. the chronicle editorial every day for the first couple of weeks -- i knew there was something fishy going on and much more than just the case of the share collect -- the sheriff's elect getting into an argument with his wife. [tone] i do not know your background. i do not know the background of the commission and what politics are involved in the commission. i just hope that you make the right decision, because if you do not, i believe there will be
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a very strong movement against the mayor and against the policies that have brought this on. thank you. >> i will be brief. i really like ross mirkarimi and i like the work he did as a supervisor. but in the position of one of the lost law enforcement officials in the city, i wonder as a woman if i said to my husband, if he were an abuser, i'm right to get out. and he said to me, the sheriff, they let him keep his job. do you think anyone will listen to you? you need to think about the position that the ads and the message that sends to our city.
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>> i would like to say that i appreciate the comments of the public. it is the public's right to participate in this process. it is an important and integral part of the process. the comments, of course, are not evidence. and i have noticed that some of the comments have become fairly repetitive. of course, we are not in any way going to limit your right to participate. but i would urge, if there are some who feel that their comments have already been made through the voice of others, you would help us in our efforts to hopefully bring an end to this process today, if some of you would consider forgoing the opportunity to speak. again, ii want to be crystal clear that i'm not limiting your right to participate here. just in light of the link the --
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the link the -- lengthy proceeding that we have today, please consider your participation. and please be brief. >> i came here today on behalf of a grass-roots organization here in the city of immigrants. i will not take any more of your time repeating what you know already. i'm here today to appeal to the sense of justice that you might have been cited you. you are here today because you were rightfully elected for us, the citizens of the city. it is the same as we did with our sheriff. we need him back to work. we need you and to start working
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for us. -- we need him to start working for us. i want you to consider that. because next time, it might be one of you and we will have to stand here for you, too. we are going to come and say, this is unfair. please, do not do this. i'm here to support ross mirkarimi because we need him right there. at his post. i hope you do something about that. as a latino immigrant, i feel highly this respected by all of these people, all of these different organizations here in san francisco supporting families. [tone] this is not a case of domestic violence. we need all of this to be done in a right and just way. thank you for your attention and consideration today.
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[applause] >> criss evening. my name is michelle. i'm here to stand for not only ross mirkarimi, but for the family and any of you that may go into a situation like this. i think he has done incredible work. i really appeal for you to consider his career, his thoughts, and a benefit for the community that he would bring, and that he has brought all through his career. thank you. >> hon. commissioners come eileen hansen, a former ethics commissioners. i want to thank you for your service. i know the kind of time and energy it takes. i am understand there are tremendous pressures on you. thank you for your
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professionalism and your fairness. i had not intended to speak today, but i was struck by something i earlier. which is that both parties canker -- concur that relation of duties is key to whether official misconduct occurred. we know that with regard to ms. contact -- with regard to misconduct, there have to be a relations. the conduct unbecoming was maybe not so clear. both prongs of official misconduct have to be related to the duties of office. i do not believe this case arises to the level of official misconduct because i do not believe this is elevated to the
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level of official misconduct. i do not believe this is about whether domestic violence occurred. we do not need to charge again this case. [tone] the sheriff pleaded guilty to a related charge. that has concluded in my mind. i do not believe this is about whether you are minimizing domestic violence. i believe this is about official misconduct and i do not believe it occurred. >> nice to see you, ms. hanson. >> good afternoon. my name is ernestine whites -- weiss. this was not official misconduct. ihe was not an official yet, so it has nothing to do with his job. i can tell you about domestic violence.
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when i had an infant in my arms and my husband shoved me. not a little tug of the yard. let's be reasonable. if willie brown can father a child in office at 68 years old and did not get a slap on the rest, gavin newsom had an affair in the office and to drugs and alcohol and not a slap on the rest. how can you call this misconduct by comparison? how can you sit there and judge this man? this is wrong, from beginning to end. [applause] please, use your good judgment and weigh the facts. this is not official misconduct. it is not violence. because i have a little bruise on my arm from something else, that is no proof. you were not there. you did not see how hard it was or how little it wise. some people breeze very easily. that is no proof of violence.
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this is not justice. if willie brown and gavin newsom, the mayor, could get away with that -- [tone] and here you are trying to make -- lay this mantle on him, and reasonable. think of your conscience. but what if you were in that position? it is not fair. you have to legalize the justice scales, right? i'm not a lawyer, but i know a lot about the law. so do your job and tell this man he is to report for work as soon as possible. [tone] [applause] >> before we move on, i appreciate that members of the public are going to have reactions to things that are said. this is public comment.
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this is not evidence. i feel like we can have a little bit of -- more reaction than we can add other parts. but please respect of speaker and please respect this process. let's not the way things are having a link the outburst, please. thank you. >> lpmy name is francisco. i am standing here on behalf of -- >> please, speaking to the microphone. i'm having trouble hearing you. >> use the microphone, sir. >> oh, sorry. i'm here on behalf of ross mirkarimi and his wife and little boy. i am understand human rights. like the lady that talk about injustice.
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the city in our communities. not a lot of people do these days. i hope you keep that in mind. >> i am glad to see ross back with his wife and his family. i am the executive director of a youth program called united players. personally, i don't know what happened. but don't nobody know what happened except him and his wife and god. i do not that we should put judgment on anybody. it's as in the bible that if i tell you about the splintered in your eye, what about the log in your eye? i'm not here to speak about the issues. i'm here to tell you what i know about him personally. about him personally. i have been here 17 years now
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