tv [untitled] August 22, 2012 10:00pm-10:30pm PDT
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to import neck-and-neck to the is for the city and the region's economic vitality. just in the half mile radius are on the new transit center, there are over 180,000 jobs compared with the half mile radius are on the current terminus of about 19,000 jobs, about a tenfold difference. that's why it's important to bring cal train and high-speed rail into the heart of downtown. with that, we will turn to the video and then josh will give a presentation on the details and i will come back a little bit later to talk about the 5.4 acre roof top park. ♪
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[inaudible] on the street level, buses will be incomplete the weather protected areas. primary entry to the transit center -- on the street level at the west and of the terminal, there is additional circulation as well as retail and other service functions. the mezzanine level will have more retail, office spaces and intercity bus operations. the bus back level provides an area for passengers with a dedicated connection to the bay bridge. the station itself is about a
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million gross square feet, four city blocks long, and the capping of this is a new 5.4 acre park. the park, designed by peter walker and partners, will feature a children's playground as well as art, culture and educational activities. there is also a music amphitheater. the park will feature a water fountain and the vision is for the part to accommodate the people who live in the neighborhood and work in the area and come to san francisco as transit riders connecting to various parts of the bay area and eventually the entire state of california. today, the street is one of the most blighted areas of the trans bay area. yet in the not too distant future, it will be a true destination for residents and visitors of san francisco alike. there'll be retail, coffeeshops,
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and other commercial activities similar to what we see at grand central terminal in new york city. mission plaza will be shared by the transit tower and the new station. the current design features redwood trees, california's: state tree, reaching upward toward the plaza's canopy above. an exciting feature proposed by the architect is a funicular as one of the ways to access the rooftop parking. the mission plaza leads into the grand hall on the ground level of the new transit center. it is a very light and open space which welcomes the public to the regional and state wide transit system. it features a floor designed by a san francisco artist and incorporates a comic images of california poppies. it serves as an ascetic feature
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and element of the building's structure. from the bus back levels, passengers will be greeted by permanent sine installation. buses and amtrak shuttle buses will operate in this light and modern facility. the vision is a safe, efficient, convenient, seamless station surrounded by the densest and a most beautiful urban neighborhood in the bay area. this vibrant new neighborhood will include seven residential towers within the trans bay redevelopment area. this redevelopment not only helps fund the new transit center, it brings a new neighborhood south of market street to life. once that temporary terminal closes, the site will be transformed into a 1 acre park and 762 new residential units by
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the resident -- by the redevelopment agency. this park will be an open community space for the new trends bay neighborhood. people can play frisbee and walk their dog. this visionary transportation and housing project will transform a downtown area opened up by the removal of the embarcadero trade route and return the san francisco bay area and the state of california to a culture of mass commuting. the new transit center is five levels.
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>> the morning, commissioners. i'm with e transit center district plan. i will take you through an overview of the plan itself. you've just seen a beautiful video and i will start with a brief background on how we got to where we are today. the planning director remarked a little bit on history with the downtown plan. the plan was adopted in 1985 and is a renowned milestone for shaping the downtown tselinograd today. it was promised on a compact, walkable, transit-oriented downtown, a sustainable economic vision for the city's growth. at the time, market street was at the southern edge of
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downtown and through that effort, policies were made to shift the balance of growth to relieve pressure on historic resources as well as the neighborhood's surrounding historic financial district. the vision for 30 years has been to increase the density and the concentration of growth around the trends bay terminal. there was not yet a vision for this modern facility that we are investing in today. at the time, the highest heights in the city were zoned for any leak adjacent to the terminal. a whole series of programs were created to shift growth to this area. the demolition of the freeway is something that has reshaped the landscape since the plant opened up the southern edge of the financial district to a creation
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of a new neighborhood which was not envisioned in the '80s when the freeway hurdled the southern side of downtown. you saw the new residential neighborhood which has been planned for in the former embarcadero freeway land and a neighborhood of about 10,000 housing units. it will be a high density neighborhood. those plans were adopted in 2005. as a result of this planning, the next step is to revisit the core of the transit district itself, largely made up of private property which formerly housed the embarcadero freeway. within a transit center, investments are being realized and entering construction.
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this is the pride of this city, to revisit the development control and growth immediately around the transit center to see what more we could do to enhance this area to absorb growth. scott spoke about the various components of the transit center projects. you can see the rail extension which is the next phase of the project which has a substantial funding program which this plan is helping to achieve. the plant area is bounded by market street, the waterfront and the east and hawthorne street on the west, about the eastern edge of the year but when a district.
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we are primarily focused on the privately owned lands as well as a couple of properties immediately around the transit center. in terms of the timeline, this plan has been under development. we have had made public workshops attended by hundreds of individuals that carried us through 2009. we published a draft plan and that took us through the spring and the planning commission certified and approve the plan and that went to the full board which unanimously approved it about a month ago and the mayor signed all the new zoning into law and the administrative package just about a week ago. the key goals the director
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emphasized was a transit oriented, environmentally responsible land use, enhancing -- downtown is bereft and amenities and the things need to support growth. a very important goal is to generate additional revenue for the transit center. overall environmental sustainability. in terms of the key components of the plan -- this has been a major focus of analysis. the plan will reshape the skyline. the skyline as we know it today has developed into a relatively flat, monotonous skyline punctuated by the transamerica pyramid which is well outside the downtown core and that prompted the plan to stop the
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growth on the edge of downtown and then be bracketed by rhee, hill. going back to the height, the focus is to reach center downtown on the skyline at the heart of the city's major transit networks. this is the heart of the 20th century downtown. the adopted plan includes rezoning for several new building sites immediately around the trends date terminal. the most notable is the transit tower on mission street between first and fremont. the zoning for a high of 1,000 feet -- this is owned by the transit a joint powers authority and is being sold to develop the landmark transit
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tower building which could be the tallest building in the city and help to anchor the skyline and shape the vision of the city as focused on the center of the downtown and transit network. here are some visual simulations for the public as to what the skyline might look like in the future. here is a simulation from alamo square -- these are not necessarily building proposals. this is a view of the bay and an iconic of view of the city. in terms of square footage, we're talking about 6 million square feet of office space. this plan at the potential for another 1300 housing units, and number of hotel rooms and clark -- ground-floor retail to help enliven the area. in terms of affordable housing, the program, including the
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redevelopment program, will be building over 1400 affordable housing units in this mixed income neighborhood. it is a very important part of the program and has been integrated into the program. in terms of the ground plan and pedestrian environment, this area is very congested already and has a meager pedestrian environment. the sidewalks are relatively narrow and is not set up well to accommodate the growth in this area deserves and is slated for. this is a really world-class downtown environment. that includes a program of expanding and widening sidewalks throughout that district. the sidewalks would be a long lines of 20 feet and that will accommodate the people we are
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expecting in this area. expanding and improving transit lanes and looking at converting some of the one-way streets to enhance local circulation and make it a more enjoyable environment. here is an artist rendering of what mission street might look like in the future with dedicated transit lanes. there is an ambitious resources program including the expansion of protection for historic buildings. the plan included a forward- looking program for looking beyond a land use program -- how
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can we ensure this very dense district exceeds expectations for ecological sustainability? this has spurred a series of dialogue with the utilities commission in terms of how we can take advantage and do something with locally generated a efficient and shared utility systems as well as recycled water programs to build on the concentration of growth in this area. that is something we are continuing to work on with other city agencies and private partners moving forward. that brings us to the open space program which is a major focus of the plan. this area currently, this 150 acre corridor has a zero publicly owned open space, no
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open spaces and by any public agencies. what is there today is a smattering of privately-owned plazas built by office complexes. this plan working with partner agencies has crafted a really robust open space system to support not just the new residents of the area, but the visitors to shop in that area and traverse downtown and for the city at large as a major destination point. i will briefly go through all of the different open spaces and highlight their attributes. in total, this plan creates the opportunity for 12 acres of publicly owned and open space. in addition to the space that would be funded in this area,
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the plan creates a spinoff of several millions of dollars over $18 million of net new revenue that would be available for open space improvements. the first thing you saw in the video is the city park. i will ask scott to come up and speak for a couple of minutes on the details and then i will come up and talk about the other open spaces. >> one of the points we really want to emphasize in terms of the park is the magnitude of new open space it's going to provide. this is equivalent to union square, you're balbuena, and south park combined. currently, there is a very little open space, a 0.26 acres, the least amount of open space of any district in the city. here we have an image of the
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park and how it is situated in the midst of downtown bordered by beal street and approaching second street and in a coma on the north and south. it gives you a sense of the lighting and you can see that will attract the walking and jogging path around the perimeter. this is an important amenity. there are very few opportunities to walk without being impeded by traffic. we have about 20% of the city's residents but over 50% of traffic-related injuries so this is an important amenity. i wanted to show the various access points that traverse the park. this is a question we get quite often because it's an elevated park with an average height of 70 feet in the air, some people want to know how they will get
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there. you see a series of 12 different access points, including ridges that will be adjacent to neighboring buildings. there will be a bridge to the transit tower that will be at first and mission streets. another bridge will be adjacent to the high rises planned at 101 fremont. this is an image of the most prominent access point which you saw on the video, mission square, that will be adjacent to the tower and this is where the funicular will take visitors up to the park. hear, we have a close-up of the main are rival area. what you see up there is escalator and elevator access down to the street and the main entryway into the transit center. we will have a children's playground and a number of
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different open areas where people can relax and play frisbee. a couple of images of how that area is going to look. an image of the cafe. at a couple of slides where i want to show you where various amenities are situated relative to the whole. you see the fountain that was and live video designed by california artists. it is an interactive fountain. you can run into it if you choose and it has a series of jets that will follow the buses as they enter the transit center. on the far west and, we have the amphitheater with seating of up to 1500 visitors, open grassy areas, similar to what you would see at stern grove that this would be your in the middle of downtown. across the expanse of the park,
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a series of open, grassy areas where people can congregate and play with their dog and so on and so forth. a couple of slides to give you a sense of the variety of vegetation we will have throughout the park. we have the california garden with a species obviously native to california. we specifically selected the trees in that area for their ability to resist when the. there will be a barrier that provides some wind resistance coming onto the park. then we have a series of gardens at highlight vegetation from various parts of the globe. on the far west end, we have a dry garden with succulence and on the far east and, a wetland garden. a couple of slides to show how the vegetation will mature over
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time -- this is a view of the walking and jogging path as they will appear when the transit center first opens and how they will mature over time. similarly, a view over first street, you will see how it appears when the transit center first opens and how the trees will mature over time. with that, i will turn it back over to josh. >> we have provided some basic information on each of the open spaces, their size and information on the ownership of the open spaces and any plans in terms of who will be constructing, maintaining, operating the parks over time as well as their completion. the city park is -- will be owned and operated in the future
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by the tgpa. it will be a privately owned open space and it is the front door of the transit center on mission street. so they will maintain an easement over that property to ensure permanent public access forever. the plaza is designed by peter walker partners and will be approved by the planning commission when the tower is approved, hopefully in the fall. it will hopefully be complete when the transit center opened in 2017. moving around the transit center, a small alley that is a very important part of the pedestrian network.
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it will be more important in the future and will be closed to automobiles and be turned into a pedestrian plaza. has yet to be designed. it will be designed and built either by the city or an adjacent private developer who owns the parcel depending on the timing over the next couple of years. this is a public city right of way that will be closed to automobiles and turned into a very active public plaza. will be a major circulation point for people coming to and from the transit center and function like the very building does. that will be billed. second is howard plaza.
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there is a typo there -- it is 0.6 acres. this is a unique opportunity on property that will be owned by the tjpa. these properties have to be acquired and buildings for moved to allow construction to proceed. this is an opportunity for a significant public plaza immediately adjacent to the transit center. this is yet to be designed. it will happen at some point in the future once the property is acquired. but, there are a lot of open questions regarding the future of the park but there are plans to proceed with this open space. you saw the successor to the redevelopment agency developing
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this park on the site of the current temporary trans bay terminal. once the new center is complete, the temporary terminal is no longer needed in this park will be built. the concept plant was adopted by the redevelopment commission a number of years ago. there will be a public process in the future led by the successor agency to the redevelopment agency to design this park. there are possibilities to form partnerships, possibly with recreation and parks regarding maintenance of the park in the future. living streets -- these are important. we call them a linear parks. these streets have major tracks chip -- major traffic functions for only a couple of hours a day. most of the time, they're fairly vacant that traffic use and
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starting with the redevelopment plan for the residential neighborhoods, we saw the opportunity to take a significant portion of the rights of way and convert them into parks that connect from market street to the residential neighborhoods and offer various amenities. this street was built just a few years ago by an adjacent developer. it is a beautiful addition to the downtown environment and augments the more formal parks system and offers green connections between the various open spaces and residences. lastly, oscar park -- these are adjacent spaces being designed right now, being led by the successor agency to the redevelopment agency.
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combined, it is about 4 acres. most of this space is owned by caltrans and the redevelopment agency ender the existing free e ramps that connect the transit center to the bay bridge. but there are some challenges to making it a desirable part but there is an excellent design team and robust process that has created a comprehensive vision that features many active and passive the amenities. that includes children's play areas and cafes. you can see an image up there. the southern of leg south of folsom street will feature a dog run and and other landscaped areas to really link the residential neighborhoods to the transit center. >>
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