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tv   [untitled]    August 25, 2012 6:00am-6:30am PDT

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example of how proud we should be of the school district. we seem to be taking the lead in the nation on this. the center for disease control works with us and understands we are the model in a lot of school districts in promoting this. i think we should applaud our staff for this. [applause] e c''stg9y#+ ++ie
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to write this information last night from the meeting. if you would like to have more cutting edge information, please follow me on twitter. sfusd_supe. you'll correct -- debt great information. >> hot off the presses. i learn stuff all the time. >> i also wanted to add that every year, i sponsor at the california school boards association in conjunction with the gay-straight alliance, a workshop for other some members how they can have leadership and also all about the education act. i think we are the model for the nation. president yee: commissioner morosity. -- murase.
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commissioner murase: there will be meeting at 6:00 p.m. the agenda will go up in a couple of days. there will be a hearing on a local hires as a policy. i invite my colleagues to be there. i am not sure whether this was in the calendar, but i wanted to congratulate the 91% of teachers who were recalled from layoffs. i think it is a tremendous achievement. i want to sink -- thank the human-resources department. not knowing whether they were going to be hired. i want to thank the superintendent in being able to recall 96%. >> thank you very much.
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let's move on to item t. >> i want to ask, and it turns out, it is shocking to me but i have to bang appointments to make to the public education fund committee, which is unexpected. one of my appointees is actually turned out so i was expecting to have to do that but by other appointee told me she has to resign from the committee because of the time constraints. i was wondering if i could be provided with a list of all of the appointees on the committee and who appointed them and where they are in their terms so i could be able to make a judgment about what communities we should get representation for.
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if i could have talked with that i would appreciate it. president yee: item t, report of a closed session action. >> we are supposed to recess right now. president yee: my mistake. at this point, unless you want to come back, we are going to recess for closed session and we will come back after closed session and do a readout of the closed session to finish up the evening. although, you know something, can i take a second?
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we are going to change a little bit of the order right now. we have, generally at the end of the meeting we have adjournment and sometimes we will take that opportunity to have that in memory of somebody. rather than wait for us to come back when nobody is here, we thought we would change the order so that at least people could hear, whoever is watching tv or listening to the radio could hear this. i'm going to turn this over to vice president norton. vice president norton: i am going to read the acknowledgment for and milton who passed away on august 9 at the age of 52 after a fight with brain cancer.
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he was the son of the late milton marks who was involved in politics. his father was a judge and state senator and his mother served on a commission. his career was dedicated to public service organizations and he served on the urban creek council and he was first elected to city college in 2000 and he was reelected in 2004 and two thousand eight where he received the most votes ever in any election. he will always be remembered as a person devoted to his sense of justice. while he was part of a group set resign from his fraternity, he was passion about issues about informant and access to health care and education. he was loving and playful and the father to three boys.
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he had a special gift of being a friend to so many and a protector of those with less of a voice. he is survived by his loving and wife and his three young boys, nathan, will, and theo. he will be missed. commissioner wynns: we also want to remember today mary ramirez, an employee of the school district sure yet she started in 1974 and retired in 1977. -- 1997. she worked with many superintendents. for any of you that were around then, she was the person who greeted you when you came into the office. then she went to labor relations. she was well known in the district and had many friends.
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she will be missed by many, especially her friends in labor relations and human resources. president yee: thank you very much. i think we are going to miss these individuals. all of us knew him. we know what he gave to the community and we will miss him. right now i want to recess our meeting. thank you very much. you are more than welcome to come back after the closed session. [laughter] president yee: excuse me, we are going to continue. [laughter] people have to get out of here.
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we are adjourning -- we are resuming the regular meeting. i will have two read out tonight. -- read outs tonight. the board approved a contract for one supervisor. the board approved a contract for one assistant superintendent. existing litigation in the matter of bw vs. sfusd, 2012030, the board approves a settlement of $5,000. for the closed session of august
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14, 2012, there was one item, public employment. the board approved the contract of one assistant principal. so that concludes the read out of the closed session. meeting adjourned. go giants.
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>> welcome to the meeting. the time is 5:35 p.m. the meeting is being called to order. if you could please turn off cellphone and pagers. please sign up if you would like to be added to our mailing list. speaker cards are available at the front table. and we would like to thank sfgtv for support of our meetings. item number one is roll-call. commissioner items is excused. good -- commissioner adams is excused. [roll-call]
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mr. vice president, we have a quorum. >> next item. goodbye 5 and no. 2 is presentation of the small business commission cert -- >> item #2 is a presentation of the small business commission certificate of honor. goo[applause] >> it is my honor to give this award to the most deserving fellow, joseph fink, owner of the cafe. i do not know if you have been there, but it is a wonderful old school cafe, a great place to have a tuna sandwich and ice
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cream. it is a neighborhood institution, and you should definitely make it out there. good >> we just celebrated our 30th anniversary. >> let me read the presentation. on this monday, august 13, 2012, the small business conditions is proud to acknowledge the contribution the cafe has made to the city of san francisco. over the past 30 years, the company has provided an exciting cafe with desserts. ++p
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culture, making it one of the most enjoyable eating establishments in town. the proprietor is recognized for championing the value of small businesses and for impacting policies citywide. goothe commission thinks him for his tireless efforts and wishes him a annd toy boat success for many years to come. >> thank you. i will say a few words. i should they my wife, who is also my partner, and my wife, who is my daughter. my son is not here, but he is my son, and i am glad you showed up for this wonderful meeting. i have been doing this for 30 years, and it has been a blast. i have enjoyed it. it is nice to get a pat on the back and feel the small business
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commission is helping small businesses as much as they can, so thank you. the you have something to say? >> i think it is very nice there is a face the increase of nicely everyday commo, and he has beena positive active member, and he is very deserving of the support. >> thank you very much. thank you.
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>> congratulations. thank you very much. >> i want to thank you all very much.
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>> next item please. commissioners, item number three, approval of the july 9, 2012 minutes, explanatory documents. do you need a couple minutes to read this, or do i have a proposal to approve? >> thank you again. >> i moved to approve the minutes. >> do we have a second? >> second. >> so approved. >> next item. >> item #4, the general public comment.
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it allows members of the public to comment generally on matters with the commissioners and suggest new items. >> do we have anyone who wishes to make a public comment? seeing none, next item. >> discussion of possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors, permitting of five-foot ground floor height increase for active ground-floor uses in the castro street and 24th street noe valley neighborhood commercial districts. in the package is the criteria for legislation. also the committee met and voted for approval.
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>> thank you. i am with supervisors got wiener's office. i will be here talking very briefly on this legislation, because i know similar items have come before you in the past. this is the height code change for the castro district and also for the noe valley district of would allow for a five-foot height increase for active ground-floor uses only, so retail, all the types of uses and we like in our commercial districts the provide vitality commo, so this does not allow fr increased development potential. it only allows for an increase ground floor, which we know
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businesses want to make the space more agreeable, more keeping with the historic pattern of these commercial districts, and so i open up to any comments from commissioners. commissioner dooley: this is pretty much the same as supervisor mars? >> yes. >> it looks good to me. >> this has been part of market, some of the district's but are not part of a large and rezoning -- some of the districts that are not part of the large rezoning. good ultimately, i think it would be great for the planning department to take on a comprehensive look of the neighborhood commercial district to see where the height increase is appropriate, but for now it is left of to the discussion of the supervisor's office. >> any other questions,
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commissioner emm? commissioner riley: chris mentioned we have heard it at the committee meeting and recommended approval. taiex i am trying to remember -- >> i am trying to remember how we dealt with that. does it just result in the taking of so did, or does it result in potentially raising it? >> the entire building depends on the amount. the floors above do not become smaller, or they would become uninhabitable, because of tight
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controls -- because height controls for levels. the entire building can be pushed up by that height, so the ground floor is 12 feet and building height can be 2 feet higher. if it is 12 feet, it can be 2 feet higher. >> it will literally with a whole building tops -- lift the whole building up? >> correct. >> i do not know what they are for commercial versus residential, but i know it is- that is standard for parts of the city, so if it was -- is a height that is standard. it would trompe. >> it would not trump, but it allows it to go up 5 feet.
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if there is a garage or something not considered in active use, they cannot access height increase. >> let's say it was 45 height already. would they be allowed to go up? >> they would. >> thank you. any other questions? i think we all agreed to approve this before fairly unanimously. >> first we need to call for public comment before the commission makes the motion. >> i have not been president for a while. we are still in commission comments. as i understand, commissioner or teas has some comments. >> i was going to make a comment. we should probably take public
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comment. >> any public comment on this matter? seeing none, a public comment is closed. >> i have some notes on specific references. the majority of the commercial districts are rezoned, leading to typically a ground level commercial space underneath three or four residential spaces. with the financial pressure and ceiling heights, they are between eight or 9 feet, and there are some other comments i referenced, but do i have to mention to make a recommendation? >> it would be great if you'r ne key points.
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>> noting that commercial spaces feel cramped, it varies from various neighborhood commercial districts. gooi think in order to encourage ground floor ceiling heights, perhaps no more than five additional feet should be used, because i think in certain neighborhoods this could be a problem. considering these recommendations, i motion this be amended, too, for the staff work to address future legislation to address the five does foyt increase in all commercial district. good -- thought would also increase and all -- in all commercial districts.
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there may be an instance where a commercial district wants to opt out. gooit would apply to a great nur of areas in the city. that is my first motion. am i doing ok? >> do we need to take a roll call? without objection, the motion is approved. next item. >> commissioner, that motion passes, 5-0. >> next item. >> item #6, and who discussion
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and possible action to make recommendations to the board of supervisors permitting of five- foot -- for public works construction contracts. we have a presentation by the department of public works. >> i am the deputy director for public works. last year they approved who stayed bill 293, which calls for retention on construction projects from 10% to 5%. san francisco is a charter city. at the recommendation of a bully and in order to support small
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businesses -- who recommendation and in order to support small businesses commowe anticipate t. currently, we are allowed to retain 10% of invoices submitted. up to 50% of the amount of the contract commo, which means we e and which from 10% to -- we reduced from 10% to 5%. we are hoping this will provide more cash flow, including performance.
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i will be happy to answer any questions you may have. but i think it is a good idea. reducing this will really help contractors reduce cash flow. >> any other commissioner questions or comments? i cannot see anyone on the small business commission having a problem with thie.