tv [untitled] August 30, 2012 5:07pm-5:37pm PDT
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for having my back to the commission. it's always fun for me to come back to the central district. i came in about 31 years ago. my first time was in october, i had a some of my best times as a police officer we are a little bigger and a little bolder but we love our time in the central. recent reports in san francisco -- property crime is up a bit, but not a lot. violent crime continues to be down in san francisco, although homicides are up. that is attributable to a spike in gun violence in and of the
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homicides that occurred back in march, where five people were killed in a single residence, otherwise it, gun violence is down by about 5% and violent crime is down from where it was last year. one particular crime of note effecting the asian community are these crimes perpetrated by groups going into asian women suggesting they can get rid of evil spirits in exchange for money. i was speaking with commander be also oversees the downtown stations where the suspects told a woman to take out a certain amount of money and that was to be placed under a mattress until the end of august. this happened a while ago.
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in the amount of time this woman believes germany was under her mattress, is suspect made -- believed her money was under her mattress, the suspect made good her escape. in exchange for you doing something in money, they can get rid of the evil spirits -- please contact the police department immediately so we can take action. it is not a legitimate exercise of evil spirits. cahow recent activities of note -- a big one this weekend was america's cup. we had somewhere in the neighborhood of 150,000 people over four days a visit to the marina. some of the best sailors in the world raced around the bay and the practice round. the next day will be hugely busy weekend here in the central district as it is the second weekend in october which will be america's cup fleet week, the
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blue angels, the italian heritage club parade, the 49ers, the giants, hardly strictly but bluegrass in golden gate park. the san francisco police department will be fully deployed in the second weekend and hopefully it is going to be a great day nationally for the whole country to see it and we can get that many more people wanting to come and visit. today is the 45th anniversary of sgt -- passing of sergeant john d. young. we continue to keep him and his family in our thoughts and prayers. i will do for the rest of my time to captain tom, your brand new and native son capt. here in the district. >> thank you.
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please call line item 1b. >> that will be done by many forts. >> a good evening president and commissioners. my name is manny forts. i'm with the city office of complaints and san francisco. also here is the senior investigator, edward mcmahon who is standing in the rear. i am pleased to be here to speak with you about the function of office of citizen complaints. it is the third largest civilian oversight of law enforcement in the united states. only behind the city of new york and chicago. the office was created by the board of supervisors in 1982.
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it was put into place in 1983. we are nearly 30 years old. we were originally in the san francisco police department, but was later placed under the direct supervision of the police commission and is an independent agency. it is separate from the police department and the police commission is also a civilian body. we conduct investigations to find out what happened. if we follow the evidence by interviewing the person who brought the complaint, the involved police officers, and other civilian witnesses. we have subpoena power to compel testimony and obtain evidence. we obtain additional evidence from the police department in the form of police reports and other documentation generated by the police department. we also visit the site of alleged occurrences and may take photographs of the places and
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persons. our goal is to complete investigations in nine months. it was limited exceptions, we must complete investigations in one year. once we complete an investigation, we make a finding of whether or not the complaint officer violated any police department rules or local, state, or federal laws. the standard of proof is the preponderance of evidence which means the probability of a complaint of conduct occurred is more likely than not. the probability is greater than 50%. if after an investigation, we find an officer violated rules, we for do report to the chief for further action. the chief can impose discipline up to a 10-day suspension. the police commission has jurisdiction over cases where the recommended discipline is greater than 10 days.
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the occ provides a mediation. this represents 7% of the cases we closed last year. our mediation program allows complainants to resolve issues with the accused officer in person in a dispute resolution format. the goal is to bring involved parties together to achieve mutual understanding. through our partnership with community boards and the bar association of san francisco, we are able to provide a neutral mediators. our mediations can be conducted in languages other than english and participation is voluntary. both the complaint in and
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complained on officer must agree for the mediation to go forward. i am proud to report that eligible police officer participation in our mediation program is nearly 90% and the occ is the winner of practice adr awards. i would like to share a few statistics about the complaints we have received in 2011 and how they complaints were resolved. in 2011, we received 784 complaints. this represents an 8% reduction in the complaints we received over 2009 when we received 854 complaints. last year, we sustained allegations in 7% of the cases week and closed and found proper conduct in 25% and found a 4% or
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unfounded and not true. the largest% of allegations we received were from unwarranted actions followed by discredit and allegations of unnecessary force comprised 10% of allegations. in 2011, approximately 20% of complaints were african- americans. caucasians in were 30%. asian-americans comprise 5%, native americans were 1% and of the rest for others. complacency declined to state their ethnicity or 17% in 2011. the office of citizen complaints is located on the seventh floor
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of 25 van ness ave close to it than s and a market street. we are easily accessible by public transportation. we receive walked in complaints regarding police conduct from the public from 8:00 until 5:00 monday through friday. we also received complaints by telephone, mail, e-mail and fax. you can also file a complaint at your district police station and station personnel will forward it to us. our staff speaks several languages, including cantonese, mandarin, burmese, catalog and spanish. two of our investigators are bilingual in spanish, which is important because the largest number of non-english interviews we conduct our in spanish. four languages other than the ones i previously mentioned, we will obtain the interpretation
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services. last year, we conducted 28 case intakes in spanish. five in cantonese and one in mandarin. if any of you would like more information this evening, a senior investigator is here in the back to answer any of your questions. it we also have brochures on the table in the back. that concludes my remarks. >> any questions? thank you very much. let's call line item #one c -- commission reports. commission president report and commissioner reports. >> similar to what the chief said, it was a successful america's cup. i don't know much about sailing, but i can tell you the police did an excellent job and things were well organized. a credit to the police department. you handled by large clout -- and a large crowd and did it right.
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let's call line item 1d ^ >> commission announcements and scheduling of announcements for consideration. >> is there anything to add to the upcoming agenda? >> hearing none, we are ready to move -- we ordinarily have a public comment after these line items, but i would like to move that over for the main event. >> we might want to make the announcement that we are dark next week. >> there will be no meeting on september 5. on september 12, we will return to city hall at 5:30. >> thank you. ordinarily, we have public comment, but i would like to say that for after our main event i don't hear any objection from my fellow commissioners, i ask that the call out line item #2.
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>> capt. garrett, the commanding officer of central station to address the commission on police activities in the central district. >> president, commissioners and chief, acting director and members of the community, welcome to the central district. it is a distinct honor to host the police commission tonight. my name is capt. garrett tom,
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the new captain of central station, but i am not new to central. this is my fourth tour of duty at the central district. i started out here over 40 years ago as the new guy. i remember the chief as one of the more senior veterans when we're eating at 3:00 in the morning, but this, right after in 1982, i was stationed here for my training and i came back and made it as a sergeant in 1993 and put the next several years that central station with the assignment of gang sergeant in chinatown. i had a great time and when i was promoted to inspector, i came back in 2000 and hopefully i can and my career here at central station. thank you for a signing here i
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was born in chinese hospital just a couple of blocks down. i grew up in north beach, had a paper route at the old north point apartments that dean martin known. i went fishing at fisherman's wharf all the time and i would go deep sea fishing with the police use fishing program. i was a member of the boys' club and chinatown is really in my heart. i would like to introduce a few officers who are assigned to central station. these officers are very special to me. they're going to retire soon. the first one is our chinatown beat man. he has been in the police department for 35 years and he is going to retire in february. he spent 33 years at a central station and i remember walking
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to junior high, used to see him because his family had a grocery store and he would coach baseball. the second guy on the chinatown beat -- everyone in chinatown knows him as the tall one. he has been in the police department 40 years and will be retiring soon. he is more chinese than i am because he teaches asian studies at the police academy and the only eat chinese food. he grew up with a bunch of chinese kids and he is much more chinese than i am. our next beat man is a true ambassador of san francisco, he was a cable car driver for 25 years. he was the cable car bell ringing champion for 30 years and he finally saw a light and wanted to join the san francisco
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police department. he has been in it are city serving for 50 years. he used to climb halfway to the stars in that cable cars and now he's doing it in black and white. he is full of energy. i would also like to introduce our new lieutenant, valerie matthews. she is the night lieutenant and she comes from homicide. she brings a lot of investigative experience to central station. i really enjoy her. thank you. steve that my fis is on my staff. he takes care of all of the alcohol, beverage and restaurant permits and is arguably one of the best permit men in the city. thank you. helping me with the power point
today is amanda dunn. without her, i could not get this correct. an overview of the central district. the central district comprises four sectors. in the theater district and has boundaries at that tenderloin. the two car is mainly union square and chinatown. the three car covers russian hill, not hill, and parts of fisherman's wharf. for car has the embarcadero and north beach. the central district is a truly a center of business, commerce, and tourism. we are home to 20,000 hotel rooms in our district and have 24 schools and 24 parks and or playgrounds in the district. this is in a very small
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swells to about 350,000 people because of all the people coming to work in the financial district. the demographics in the central district -- female is about 50%, males 49.8%. it's almost even. age 17 and under is 17.56% which equates to about 5300 people under 17. our senior population is twice that much or approximately 11,500. caucasian -- 46%. african-american, 2%. latino, 4%. other is a 1.3%. less than 1% our native
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american. our organizational chart is headed by yours truly. i have the captain's staff which consists of one sergeant and six officers. the captain's staff is in charge of the demonstrations, protests and special events. he has to assistance. his round off by a subpoena officer who handles postings for no parking, a permit officer and a facilities officer. we have a street crimes unit that wears plain clothes and concentrates on robberies and stolen vehicles and car break- ins. they do a great job and make a lot of arrests. the day watch patrol is headed by two lieutenants, four sergeants and 46 patrol officers and two police service aids.
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those are the civilians that help us take reports so we can put police officers out on the streets. the day watch patrol, we have three shifts. the other starts at 8:00 and 11:00. the night watch, we have to lieutenants. 10 sergeants, 46 patrol officers and two police service aids. the night watch starts at 4:00 and the midnight watch starts at 9:00 until 7:00 in the morning. we have inspectors at the station called the station investigative team headed by six investigators. last year, there responsible for catching the guy who stole the picasso, but they do all the follow-up on all our crime. at central station, f-16's
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female officers, for asian, three african-american, seven caucasians, and to latina. male officers, 110 -- 27 are asian, five are african- american, 74 are caucasian. central district, seven of the top in a san francisco are in the central district, that includes fisherman's wharf and alcatraz island, lombard street, the cable cars and chinatown. if we could get golden gate park and the palace of fine arts, we will have all 10. it there are a lot of special events in the central. we have over 100 events planned and unplanned. many of these events require crowd control over several hundred thousand people.
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here are few of them. next year possible america cup, the new year's eve celebration along the embarcadero, the chinese new year parade, the fourth of july celebrations and fireworks fleet week, the blue angels, the italian heritage parade, north beach fair and the auto moon festival. -- the autumn moon festival. our hot spots for crime are the broadway corridor. the chief has given us a lot of resources to fight crime on a broadway but it can sometimes be challenging. people come from out of town to come to the broadway area and we get a lot of undesirable behavior. we have auto boosting, when people break into cars. a lot of times, tourists leave things in plain view and it only
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takes a few seconds to break into a car. robberies involving cell phones, that is the number one item in the city. quality of life issues, everywhere i go in committee meetings, everyone complains about the quality of life, panhandling and drunkenness. more recently, the asian scam which the chief was talking about. our crime statistics -- aggravated assault for this year is down 16%. homicides -- we have not had a homicide this year. last year, we had three. robberies are up by 3%. rape, we are even -- we at 10 of last year and we have had 10 this year to date.
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burglaries', we are down 17% for burglary thought cars, but there are still 725 break-ins in the central district. auto theft, we have seen a spike plus 30% this year, but the good news is we have a very high recovery rate for stolen vehicles, about 90% are covered within a few days. burglary we are down a 6%, arson down 55% for the year. we have a lot of protest, first amendment right issues in the central -- sari -- we practice constitutional policing. some of the protests this year have been the occupied march, local 87 demos.
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recently, they just settled their contract disputes, said they are not demonstrating for awhile. that is good news, so occupy and revolt against the rich and labour rallies -- since i have been here, we have had president obama here twice, mitt romney, and the president of south korea. the next slide to deal with community policing programs. the central is the gold standard for policing. this is a partial list of some of the things we do. we partner with san francisco safe, where we educate everyone on for crime prevention. we had a baseball program with two sergeants in the central volunteer time to coach. the police fishing program, a lot of our officers have
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participated in that in the summertime, where we take you out into the bay. there are about 1500 inner-city youths who participate in this fishing program. the police advisory board, members from the district, we meet once a month and discuss crime issues. they keep me up to date on what is going on in the district and we have a monthly community meeting at telegraph hill and a program which is prime convention through -- pride -- crime prevention through environmental design. the officer will delay security survey and as a checklist and has a pamphlet on how to prevent burglaries. that is a piece of service we like to provide. there is the step program which
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started right here. the principal felt many kids didn't trust the police. they did not want to talk to them, so we have an officer talk about his job and personal life and would come back several times to meet with the kids. after meeting several times, the kids would come to take a tour of a central station. they would sit in a police car or motorcycle. of course, it is not running. they would interact with the officers so they could get comfortable, and if there is any problems, they would not feel reluctant to approach a police officer. we participated in the special olympics torch run.
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