tv [untitled] August 31, 2012 11:37am-12:07pm PDT
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angels, the italian heritage parade, north beach fair and the auto moon festival. -- the autumn moon festival. our hot spots for crime are the broadway corridor. the chief has given us a lot of resources to fight crime on a broadway but it can sometimes be challenging. people come from out of town to come to the broadway area and we get a lot of undesirable behavior. we have auto boosting, when people break into cars. a lot of times, tourists leave things in plain view and it only takes a few seconds to break into a car. robberies involving cell phones, that is the number one item in the city. quality of life issues, everywhere i go in committee meetings, everyone complains
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about the quality of life, panhandling and drunkenness. more recently, the asian scam which the chief was talking about. our crime statistics -- aggravated assault for this year is down 16%. homicides -- we have not had a homicide this year. last year, we had three. robberies are up by 3%. rape, we are even -- we at 10 of last year and we have had 10 this year to date. burglaries', we are down 17% for burglary thought cars, but there are still 725 break-ins in the central district.
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auto theft, we have seen a spike plus 30% this year, but the good news is we have a very high recovery rate for stolen vehicles, about 90% are covered within a few days. burglary we are down a 6%, arson down 55% for the year. we have a lot of protest, first amendment right issues in the central -- sari -- we practice constitutional policing. some of the protests this year have been the occupied march, local 87 demos. recently, they just settled their contract disputes, said they are not demonstrating for awhile. that is good news, so occupy and revolt against the rich and labour rallies -- since i have
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been here, we have had president obama here twice, mitt romney, and the president of south korea. the next slide to deal with community policing programs. the central is the gold standard for policing. this is a partial list of some of the things we do. we partner with san francisco safe, where we educate everyone on for crime prevention. we had a baseball program with two sergeants in the central volunteer time to coach. the police fishing program, a lot of our officers have participated in that in the summertime, where we take you out into the bay. there are about 1500 inner-city youths who participate in this fishing program.
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the police advisory board, members from the district, we meet once a month and discuss crime issues. they keep me up to date on what is going on in the district and we have a monthly community meeting at telegraph hill and a program which is prime convention through -- pride -- crime prevention through environmental design. the officer will delay security survey and as a checklist and has a pamphlet on how to prevent burglaries. that is a piece of service we like to provide. there is the step program which started right here. the principal felt many kids didn't trust the police. they did not want to talk to
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them, so we have an officer talk about his job and personal life and would come back several times to meet with the kids. after meeting several times, the kids would come to take a tour of a central station. they would sit in a police car or motorcycle. of course, it is not running. they would interact with the officers so they could get comfortable, and if there is any problems, they would not feel reluctant to approach a police officer. we participated in the special olympics torch run. we had the tip a cop that fear or -- at pier 39 where we raise money for the special olympics. central station is the home to
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the san francisco police department line dance team. they performed a line dancing across the community to senior centers and schools on their own time. we hosted to national night out a couple of weeks ago. we partnered with the academy of art university in north beach place. community policing private partnerships -- week me to with the monthly and have an open dialogue. there is a fisherman's wharf, a chinese chamber, fisherman's wharf, the waterfront advisory group, the port of san
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francisco self-help, union square, a partial list there. the community advisory board is great. they call me at all hours and e- mail me at all times and they let me know what is going on in the district. what they don't know, the advisory board lets me know. robert garcia, a lower not hill, russian hill, and a represent as from a north beach. at the aquatic park, telegraph hill. serving our city, serving our seniors, the partnerships with self-help for the elderly -- everything is giving, the chief
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serves up meals at the center and for those too physically cannot attend, we drive them, we drive the meals to them. this is done on our own time. we partner with self-help walkathon and i started a new program called monthly lunch with the captain. once a month, we visit a senior center and serve food we talk about the issues relating to senior crime and prevention. beets are a big part of central station to to the high traffic ingestion and the population density and support from the community. we have beets in north beach, chinatown, union square and fisherman's wharf. the embarcadero wants it so bad,
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they pay for it. no taxpayer money there. also at central, we speak 40 languages. russian, spanish, swedish and of course english. not only do we practice community policing, but we practice global policing at central station. recently, a cultural exchange with the beijing university public security university. this is a university in china that trains its best police administrators. they offer bachelor's, master's and law degrees in china. so they can be a police commissioner. but we have information sharing regionally.
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that asians them, we were in constant contact with police departments along the peninsula. not only regionally, but we were in contact with police departments in boston, new york, wherever there is a high asian population and even internationally, we were in contact with the hong kong police and china police. i would like to say we celebrate a community at central station. thank you, commissioners for listening to my overview. are there any questions? [applause]
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>> thank you very much, captain tom. it is great to see you are actually born and raised in this neighborhood and a boy's club member. so was i.. it's good to see your part of the community and your senior staff at the station, don't you have the most senior station's staff in this city right now? that is impressive. i'm very impressed. this is the ultimate i have seen in a station that has been connected to its community. that was a great report. anything to add before we have public comment? >> i think i will wait. >> it is now time for public comment.
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it's your opportunity to come and talk to the commission, tell us your concerns about the district or tell us the things you like about the district and any recommendations you have. have the captain and chief and the commission. we are all ears. >> if everyone could a lineup right here, that would make things a lot easier. >> public comment is approximately three minutes. >> thank you. my name is joe butler, or at as my client knows me -- i'm the director on telegraph hill and i am married and my wife and i have to near 429 and 28 years respectively. we raised our to native san franciscan daughters here and there almost out of college. we are excited to be well treated in this community. i have them pro bono work as an architect and my work is without
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portfolio, so when something comes up, i am able to address it and i would like to speak about barricades' on broadway in the evening hours on fridays and saturdays. many things have been tried, blocking off the roads from all vehicular traffic, but it creates a problem because the parking lots are vacant. without someone in controlling the parking lots, a lot of nefarious activity occurs and was what was ordinarily a police have the area. we tried keeping people from going up the hills and circling around and we had another idea to put a barricade on the middle of the block between broadway so that traffic coming from columbus avenue can't go all the way through. you can go in as far as the
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barricade hist to keep people from trying to get around and the parking lot could stay open so attendants can monitor the activity and club owners can enjoy the parking the need for their patrons and at the end of that evening, there would be less cruising and hopefully last infiltration into the sleeping residential neighborhoods in both directions. i don't know how the forum works in terms of making a suggestion, but i look at 42 working with capt. tom. we have spoken with the neighborhood about hiring security guards for the neighbors to find themselves with plagues -- with people arriving at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. >> i am the president of skill
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mo's restaurant. i got my job the old fashion way. i married the owner's daughter. [laughter] i am a native san franciscan and i enjoy hearing the comments about the sergeant yawned, who is a personal friend of my family's and it is the biggest injustice -- he would never hurt anyone had to be murdered the way he was terrible. it's nice that someone recognized him. i participated with the community the whole time i have been there. i was the president of the merchants association for fishermans wharf for seven years. i am on the board of governors still and the board of governors and share the fisherman's wharf waterfront advisory group. i am closer and touch with the police department than most people. the previous capt.s -- previous
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captains have made great changes and making sure travelers and visitors who come to san francisco are protected. probably some of the finest officers accepted in the street by visitors would be an officer on bicycle. these guys do great pr work in addition to having the flexibility of going through traffic. the captains have always kept open forums with the community and meet regularly. we are very fortunate and i think some of the other places the city gets shorted but we have never been treated better since the time i have been at fisherman's wharf. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> i am from work for the
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elderly. thank you for bringing the police commission meeting to this community so are residents have a chance to talk to you directly. our seniors are very concerned about their safety, so we want to make sure the commission is allocating adequate resources to central station to keep our communities safe. we are especially worried about the recent scams that have targeted chinese seniors and cheated them out of their entire life savings. one of our victims was one of our clients and she lost almost $1,000 and has been so sad since that happened. and we have to thank captain tom and the officers for being our her liaison with the san francisco police department. besides the resources senior centers and resources senior housing, we serve are around 400
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in the chinatown area. we operate the chinatown one- stop career plans. is there a way to help the community to eliminate gambling? the gamblers and homeless have taken over and the seniors do not gamble and are afraid to go there now days. we try to hold exercise class is the gambling keeps many seniors away from a program. please help us. >> i work closely -- we work with 3000 seniors and our event -- we would like to take this
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opportunity to thank the police commission and the chief and the commissioner. we are watching out for our senior safety and making them uncomfortable to report when they get hurt. thank you. >> good evening commissioners. my name is amy chan, i may legislative aide with supervisor david chiu's office. n i also want to say thank you for working so hard to make sure our residents are safe. the supervisor could not be here today but i wanted to recognize
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how important you are to his office and recognize how the captain and his team have been doing a great job staying on top of the cases and working closely with their community to make sure we are coordinating with our residents. i know there are a number of communities in attendance. we hope to express how much we value the community collaboration captain tom and his team continue to have what their district and a hope to continue to see that in the future. i will be available during the rest of that meeting if anyone wants to express concerns to our office and thank everybody. >> i have been a resident for 15 years in north beach. i live above broadway, so i have a nice front door picture view
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of broadway. broadway has been a little bit out of hand lately. last night, i wasn't walking around the neighborhood and it was great and peaceful. people had their windows open and their neighbors were walking around the street. it is a very different story on that thursday, friday and saturday evening. the neighborhood is completely in lock down. the whole group of the people live in the southern telegraph hill area and north beach are all experiencing a chaos and mayhem and the wild west. that's partially due to the club then use that bring in the wrong elements, the party buses that, operating through. i counted over 20 party bosses and i have plenty of video on exactly what happens. they drop them off in the middle of the neighborhood and they just go out and start fights and
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continue into the wee hours of evening. it is a constant this respect for the residents in that community that live there. we are very excited about captain tom and working closely with him and it the chief, to really get our hands around this mess on broadway and what is happening. i have been in the neighborhood taking my dog out for a late- night party and noticed guys trying to break into a car. they were armed. i called in, have a fast dial to the police department and they were armed. they were erected down the street and they came back later to take my statement. that was a couple of weeks ago. there are always crimes and activities that stem from the broadway area that bleed happen
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to our neighborhood. give us back our neighborhood. we want to be able to come out and enjoy your speech and the businesses and venues on broadway -- broadway is not an experience for san franciscans anymore. we can't enjoy yet, we cannot live a quality life. i appreciate your time and look forward to the support in getting our arms around the major issues on broadway and putting an end to the party bosses and allowing them to have a free-for-all on broadway. we look forward to working with the captain to improve the quality of life for everybody. >> my name is mickey jones. i am the co-chair of the police advisory board and president of that northeast neighbors. we have told you what the
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problems on broadway and we concur. we are interested in what many people call the homeless problem in washington square. i don't like to refer it to it as the homeless problem because some of the biggest troublemakers have housing. this is about behavior on the streets and of vagrancy. one of the biggest miscreants and our neighborhoods does things like -- i will give you one example. he will step into an empty parking place and will leave. then when a car pulls up, they're not allowed to park their unless they pay him. if they refuse to pay him, he does something nasty to their car, usually urinates on it. we have a lot of public intoxication. it is pretty consistent. the same people all the time. the labor's tend to want to not use the park.
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i realize this is not really a police department problem they are doing the best job they can. in many cases, the issue citations. from what we have learned, and we have a number of statistics, the district attorney's office does not prosecute them. they don't prosecute any of them. the have a bunch of police officers who would be very demoralized because they spend a lot of time trying to address complaints from neighbors and the issue citations and nothing happens. it is a waste of paper and a waste of energy. what we would like for you to do is please talk to the district attorney's office and find out do they prosecute these cases -- these cases. we have requested public records and we hope to get those this week where they will give us the disposition of the citations
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issued. we're also talking about these civil sidewalks and there have lately been thousands of citations issued. i have up to 2011 and we are hoping you can make some progress in that direction. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> hello. i am stefanie greenberg and i also serve on the police advisory board. i'm also a member of north beach neighbors and we have formed a whole new neighborhood association focusing on the geographical area of southern telegraph hill and southern north beach. he will probably be hearing from us because we have a lot to do. we form this group for many reasons, but primarily to address crime and nuisance from the broadway corridor.
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it is completely out of hand. i've lived in the neighborhood for almost 20 years now and i can't tell you how many times i have been told that's just broadway and that's the way it is. that is not the case. it is horrible right now. it's a war zone and it's not fair to those of us who live there. it is not safe. we are afraid. we on property and we don't know what to do. i know the police are trying to do the best they can and thank you. i know the chief has allocated more resources to the corridor and that is helping. we have a lot of work to do they're getting the guns off the street and dealing with problem clubs and those who stay in the neighborhood after closing areas and work their ways into the residential areas and urinate on residential doors and people are found with guns right outside on the garden steps. it's very scary.
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one thing i would like to address tonight, and i know this was brought up is the problem with party buses. this is just one aspect of the many problems that plague at broadway, but it seems like a problem that can be addressed. i have been doing some digging around and we have officers with specialized training in dealing with the party bosses. i know it is not many, but what i am hoping is that we will be meeting with the captain to discuss this. i am hoping to have your support in allocating those resources so we can get it under control. dozens and dozens of party bosses are coming in with hundreds of severely inebriated patrons on to our streets. either they don't drink because they're already drunk and going to the residential areas or they continue to drink in the clubs and their part of the problem when the clubs close and they
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are out fighting in the streets. it's that out of control situation. we can address this several ways. the buses are parking illegally. muni is starting to crack down and they have now started a parking in front of businesses. a couple of weekends ago, i took a video of no less than 10 party buses, some as large as a muni bus, some smaller, pull up in front of koi restaurant, which is very expensive, and dumping loads of drunk patrons on to the sidewalk. i inquired with the restaurant and asked them if they gave permission and they said absolutely not, but they don't know what to do. i have also learned that russian hill has been able to ban party bosses all together and they also have an entertaien
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