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tv   [untitled]    September 4, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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3r, for we have to get back to you, but we found that it was not being taken kéadvantage of. receive record requests over the web. those things are going forward. several of the department's increased their fees during the last budget process. we are doing our regular update of the fee schedule so that we collect the right amount. our cash management:9 system, s is a projectx1u that we are worg on with death treasurer tax collector. they are supposed to start the implementation on september. they received the equipment. this project has been delayed several times. s to get their equipment, get the implementation, training, and then we were going to go second
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so that we can take advantage of what was learned. we are still looking at some time in october. theñr field tablets forg[z the ñrinspectors, the idea was to gt a small group of tablets, test them out, put them on various applications, including a f application, and then putting them out into the field, see how it works, learn! then get a full array of tablets. by the timemyz we have the permt tracking system, it will be able to be used out in the field on these tablets. they have done some preliminary development for those tablets. we are going to have a demonstrationñr for the inspects and then do the beta testing.
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i did hear some oof the results general sessionanaáhat you havet the beginning of any conference. you know, when steve jobs would come up and get everyone excited. they are doing some really exciting things with the technology in the next version. we should be able to get a lot originally thought. we were pretty happy with what kind of functionality we can get in the field. that is exciting. and then the mission corridor ]8serving room equipment proje. hthat is expected to have a kickoff inñim8ñ august. the construction and installation of the
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chller, other things -- chiller, all the things that need to be done to make,tyá functional, wil be done in december. once we get this setup, we will move planning out of the fourth floor, and then we will be able to reuse that room for our best and highestfáy purpose. we can expand some of the thing that records management is doing.  3rñoñv report, have to the realtor community, board of realtors, -- at what level have çkcontacted people? they were probably the most critical of that department and the report. amazing thm n place right now.
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oéña lot of the complaints were all of that. now that it is in=fc hand, you y that they are not taking advantage of it? afternoon with them, so we will reiterate. we will try tomhs gather their concerns and see what we can do to make the rest ofdvq the 3r ñh that -- >> i want to commend the department because we are reacting to theseçó issues. when we do react, -- nobodyñr takes notice. i want to make sure that the people thathnu are affected by s change, that they know about this. how long have they been on line? >> first of all, i meet with
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various teams,ñr the san francio association. ñr promised them that we would try to do it through the mail. ñne didñr not do any request. >> i do not know what the number is now, but it was not a huge outpouring. it takes a while for people to get used to asking for it.seconr that what comes through is not -- what is out here is not what was put in here. some people are much more comfortable with coming here. we need to do morew3 outreach to
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let people know it is available. that is why we bring it up. >> it talks to the point here, stakeholders. where i get stubbornñr about the issue, staff has done a lot of everything to facilitate, and when they do, the stakeholders do not react. it is just a point. if you could make that point, as the acting director. we do put new policies inñr plae and we expect them to be used. if it is therefore only -- almost one month and there are only a couple of p them -- it was a big issue for them. anyways, more to the point. thank you for reacting. q that youe5k had done that. >>w3 again, it is part of our jb oue constituents we represent. some of this is our job, to
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contact the folks that have complained and let themr that we have respondedrñ. >> well, we have, right? >> i am talking about us, commissioners. >> this afternoon we havepa a meeting. on the sixth floor. >>íg- .g÷ a meeting. you are more than welcome to come. /jt &e%ei the debate. >> what time is the meeting? >> 3:30 i have been easy questin about the tablets. i think it is wonderful that we ñrare moving to tablets staff. my basic question is, who is going to be developing the programs÷ñ for the tablets -- r the employees to use?
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will it be our own staff, hiring someone from the purchasing something? >>k the program that already exist, we have to g ;4ñ8í÷fema3mw had a free -- we r taxes, i guess, not really free. they have some programs available. acela has some products that they are developing specialized for us. to the extent that there are uk, we do have some application staff that can write certain things. is a mixture. w i bring that up because i know we are spending a lot of money on technology. lvvp'%3÷ understanding of who will actually be working on developing th%ha)ograms and stufxvuuch. >> initially, in terms of what
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was available for underlying program that would work with -- ua@the operating system that wod work;n÷ with the fema program limited us in terms of what kind of tablet. then you have the operating limits limiting you from other things. we hope that they will be dynamic, the vendor they have extended things so that you can use it on an apple, android. oaxqwhat we are stuck with righw is oracle. we are hoping that this other stuff will be much easier.
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>> i have a few words i wanted to report. you received my he knelt on the starting time on august 97. -- e-mail on the starting time on august 27. we are meeting at 7:30 to help small homeowners and contractors pickup their contracts. then we will open up the whole building, except other departments, as they may not be open at the same time, like planning,xd pucñr. fire may be open but we need to talk with them. second item is regarding the
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code discussion. we haveñr had a problem before. if anything needs to come back to the advism'ñ committee to make any changes in the code for fámay issue an information sheet to the staff. " also, os week, august 7,s avenue, [unintelligible] thatú director, acting deputy director lowry,s
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officer, -kqother inspectors and w [sjthen we have one building tht is severelyblq they have another order. we work with the p¢=i ! them. ñrçókiq10 businesses affected. three of them are back to business. aaithe other5 ones, o help them. what willá7v relocate to irving street. oz?wvthe fire department and te streamlining in department to help them get back to another
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location. the businesst core, have the bakery, on a curving street. ñ1ñanothere ñ building that was damaged, five commercial, one of ñrthem was already open. ó
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inspectorjañ is on two months medical leave. ñrhopefully, when he comes back, we can gather everyone together. llñri wanted a complete semin, instead of piecemeal. khrhe is the only one that is certified. also, training in]aa october, to classes regarding the ada update. we will also try to get training on the inspector and engineer. >> how manyw3 employees will be taking the disability accreditation classes? >> we are trying to train all of them.
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it is about $1,000 to take the exam. >> do we have an idea of getting more people trained for that? we only have one now. >> we have one that took the exam -- two that took the exam. ñrwe're waiting for the results. i believe one of them should be in soon. q requirementuzq? state law requires that we have a certain number of that are certified by a certain date. b í&ñ>> i do not have the exact date, but previously, we mentioned the time frame, how many we need to get. that is why we try to get more training for the exam. ñrright now, we are meeting the requirement. >> i seem to remember that they
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take in in 2013. a significant number. i do not remember what that maybe the city attorney caní zfl us next time what it is. >> john malamut, vñbsince this m is not on the agenda, maybe as part of the next item on future agendas, we could talk about adding this. >>ki newly noted appeared justo seeñr that if we are in compliance. ok. -- duly noted. just to see if we are in compliance. >> is the public comment on items 6a through d? z@simenon, item seven, >> commissioners? >> notwithstanding the fact that
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sometimes people are their own worst advocates when they say crazy thingsg7i have a better understanding as a policy body of what our hiring [eñpractices are and how we;sz y law practices. the city espouses equal opportunity principles and hiring and i would really like to make sure that as a department we are doing that. in the context that this department has been sued recently as an employee who felt, as a woman, was mistreated, and that other departments have been sued recently and settled -- large dollari" amounts for their hirig practices and for not following thew3 law.
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i do not want to be put in that position as a commission. a newoo not want this to be under our what. ÷pi would like to be able to defend our practices in a way that is justifiable, spout off numbers and percentages and 0.2 policies and procedures and dueo2÷ diligence that had been e by the department. i want to be able to say that with a straight face. perhaps, in the next meeting, we can have a presentation about i÷ywhat we're doing, how we are doingq,k it, the role of h.r.lxn guiding us. defend it. >> i would concurowj with that request. just to add, i think it should e5be a joint presentation by h..
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i know a lot of the process, we work with them because of civil service. cojust to get a better understanding of how they come up with their list, the testing ñrprocess, and all of that. have akaw more thorough report. recent ylj, maybe promotionsw i guess it is about postings of new hiresñr, even promotions, things like that. >> i would like to be assured that we are not just meeting the u$e law. once folksiare hired in the department, they become part of a culture. we are under no illusion that we live in a perfect world. peopleñrxdr
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with prejudices', things that just happen7b to be in oursnz society. diversity training, are we helping our employees function inctñ a department that is inclusive and welcomingiñw haóa those best practices in a jar that other departments have? i would really like to understand that. that is pertinent to how folks feel about their jobs, but also about)]q>> to weigh in thei=oçre? with h.r. in coming up with a presentation. as you mentioned, commssioner is following civil servicejñv rs
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and therefore dhr is in trouble in these processes. we're looking forward to coming backx in theseo were looking for to coming back in september. thisñr is an internalékp ml with staff, and yes, we are still going around in circles on what time. commissioner walker: i support this conversation. i think it will be helpful to all of us. i would also like to ask the city attorney about what would happen when complaints are presented to us. what do we do? do you take them? that are presented in public comment?
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because there is an allegation hanging out their. and i do not want to do nothing with it. >> john malamut, city attorney's office. áthe city attorney's office represents the city through the appointed boards and commissions and elected officialsxlj city departments. so, we don't respond affirmatively to allegations that are made at public meetings jj of the public. if, on the other hand, the dbi director approached our office to discuss a matter likezu thar a commissioner did, then we would go to the director or the commissioner in that way. we are also involved to some extent with complaints, and these are the ways the public --
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éqfif it were largely a complete about the city, our office would get involved -- a complaint about the city, our office would get involved. but generally not from public comment. commissioner walker: generally, i think this deserves looking into. i am not saying whether it is valid or not. but any allegations like that r by somebody. we dosy not have the capacity to doñ] it as a commission. so, i am not certain how to proceed. ñrcommssioner mar:ñrcj and thiss ñianother point i wanted to raie about this issue. department is represented by variousv. unions, i feel likeqa way they are partners with us, or should be partners with us in
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resolving these problems. so, i alsom -- and maybe, aga, we need the city attorney's advice on it. what is inappropriate -- what is appropriate -- how should the commission in call them? these allegations come at us, but it is not ju /union at bing. it should be our work force is represented by various unions. i think the unions have to be involved. s acknowledgment@yy on theirkn pat that they also want to deal with it. because they cross over, you who they represent affects our workers. so, i do not see these problems
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as just worker management problems. i feel a little comfortableo3z t having h.r. involved. they should helpicñ us resolve these problems. commissioner mccarthy: ok. is there any more questions or comments? >> any commissioner -- >> surry. t(i wanted to say one more thin. i would appreciate an understanding of our process for hiring of permanent director. i am puzzled that no one said anything. i would appreciate if somebody --ñr part of what we are doing,o make sure we have a thorough search of. i know it isñr the ñrmayor's hi-
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commissioner walker: it is our higher. fá>> yes. i would like some idea of what we are doing. commissioner walker: how about an agenda item at the meeting? >> at this time,xd the commissin may discuss to take action on the state of the official ut on the agenda of the next meeting for future meetings of the building commission. the next bic +qnmeeting is on december 19. it seemsñr like there have already been a couple of agenda itemsñr proposed. i would support those. i want to make sure we also legendize -- agendize this ability accessxd on the insertin of additional paths inspectors.
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also, just to that members of the board of supervisors know who weighed in on this issue. if we --ñr agendize those llpitems, to ameliorate some of the problems that small business may be facing. so, we are going to agendize it. çkdcommissioner lee: i want to d on the matter that commssioner mar just mentioned, i would like to know what the roles are of these past inspectors? exs from these inspectorsñi? u"zmeaning, can the public apprh them to ask questions?
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from this? -- what can the general public get from this? commissioner mccarthy: we did have a meeting about this. we had testimony here. just a clarification. commssioner mar, are you talking about the programñr or small businesses as a rule and the frustration they have doing business here, or -- commssioner mar: i think it is a continuation of the same agenda we should also clarify the roles of the inspectors. kwbecause we're in compliance . we may not be very soon. we need more inspectors, but i
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think commissioner lee also raised a good point. members of the public do not know what toñrxd expect from the inspectors. we have one now. if we get two more, 3, how can small business people use them? they don't know. commissioner mccarthy: correct me if i am wrong. director, maybe you can talk about this, but what the commissioners are asking is how long before we are up to full speed withñr the inspectors? what is the game plan with regard to letting the public knowñr about the inspectors? what kind of access have we? ñrcan we have a counter that a couple times a week is dedicated to these kinds of questions? that kind of thing. that kind of thing. along with all the,qr'gs