tv [untitled] September 5, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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given it's a new program and we're typickually continually refining. currently the legislation itself is being reevaluated to clarify and change certain aspects to provide more clarity to the code. given that my assumption currently is that it would ask for the same type of closure from 11:00 to 2:00 to operate in the same proximate location. it is highly unlikely that the department would recommend an approval for these types of
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additional food trucks because again, we're starting to run into areas of what we believe to be some saturation, that the intent of the legislation was to, according to the board of supervisors was place these food trucks into so-called food deserts where there is little foodservices in the area. and based upon that logic, we're really looking at what is appropriate and what is not specifically. >> and so this food truck, since the gentleman runs a restaurant on that street already, it's slightly a different situation? >> in this case -- >> there are four restaurants on the street, but the food truck operator is one of those restaurants, correct? >> yes. >> that is correct >> three restaurants have outdoor seating. >> thank you. in that situation i'm happy to support staff's proposal on this one. >> i think we have a little
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technical problem. at least two of us already voted for this. director lee and i had this as k; right? >> yes. >> and we only removed l, m and n. >> when did become such a stickler? >> i'm a lawyer. >> you can vote on it again. that would be fine. it's just doubly endorsed. >> i will move to approve this. >> you are approving l, the commercial street? >> l. >> is there a second for that motion? >> second. >> any furndiscussion? all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> opposed? the ayes have it. l, m and n. jerry, director lee? >> that was the ortega street from 24th to 25th or 27th, where we're going put in speed bumps and pedestrian islands and then do strict parking. i'm familiar with that area because i grew up, around the
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sunset reservoir and into ortega [pw*-ubgts/] don't we run into the same problem with quintaro, reducing the speeds? >> are you asking about certain streets that are similar? >> they are identical. our drafting group is here and i'm going ask him to speak to the issue of other adjacent streets that might be of consider to take a look at. >> okay. >> good afternoon, mike with the livable sections of mta. we responded to this particular request on ortega because an application was submitted and we haven't looked at quintaro, because we haven't received an application. our traffic-calming resolves from input from residents. quintaro is more steep that
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ortega but because there were no specific requests for quintaro, we haven't looked tat. >> you are talking about speed bumps and pedestrian islands? >> speed humps are meant to control the speeding on the street and pedestrian islands are meant to improve crossing of the ortega to lead to the sunset reservoir. >> okay. what about the rationale of the restricted parking. >> the restricted parking is at the corners, to improve the sight lines of motorists and pedestrians i should add these elements were developed in conjunction with neighbors along that street. >> thank you. >> with that, director lee? >> i move to approve that. >> l, m and n? >> yes. >> their list, not ours. [ laughter ] >> i will second. >> we will have a tiny little break here. okay. can we hang on to that and come back to this one? >> okay.
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>> on advoice of my co-counsel. so let's go to 12. >> all right, so it's my understanding that the board is not taking action at this point on the ortega street items? >> that is right. >> moving on to item 12, hold on, let me get down there. i hope daze it's really 12, authorizing the directors to executive a contract new flier industries, et cetera. directors no members of public have signed up. >> any questions on this one? >> i would like to clarify -- and this actually came up. it's a question i should have asked when state of good repair
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grant for l15 million. this is this grant what is buying these buses or is that a separate purchase? >> hi, good afternoon, monique webster. the state of good repair grant we received was towards the purchase of replacement vehicles. we would like to expand the number of [sthra-ebgz/] we're going to be able to purchase, but at this point we don't know how many additional vehicles that will be. >> okay. so i think the last time we talked about new vehicles and i asked mr. haly, we would be receiving our first batch of new vehicles in spring? >> mr. haly and his staff with
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u.s. city attorney's office and finance folks has done a trespass job to accelerate this to the greatest extent possible negotiating very hard with new flyer to [tkhr-efr/] and i believe under this purchase, which i would say that we're very excited about, we would have the first ones coming in in the spring. and we have been able to get from them a very aggressive schedule and following right behind, which i think kind of relates to the question of the other grant funds is what we're also beginning to process on some of the electric trolley buses as well. so they will be following behind this purchase. but it's a much shorter turnaround time than we would normally have in part because you authorized us to enter into the purchasing consortium and in part because we emphasized to the contractor that we would like the most aggressive schedule possible for delivery. >> and these will be replacing some of our buses that we have
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been remined in the past we have the oldest fleet around and it's only through the amazing work of our mechanics that they are out there still running. so this will replace our worst? >> between in and the electric trolley procurement that we hope to bring to you soon, we'll be replace [sph-fgt/] oldest in our fleet and our biggest headaches. you will see in the next item, where we're requesting authorization to rehab in additionally some of our older vehicles in this combination of purchase and overhaul and in addition this is what have you approved in the five-year cip. that in addition to what have you done in operating budget in terms of getting -- investing in the maintenance, these two planks toweled significantly improve the reliability of the fleet overall. >> and i'm sorry, one more question.
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to go back to the federal grant, again this is something that i meant to ask at the time, but never did. when we got the $15 million state of good repair grant was that something we anticipated and baked into our budget numbers for those buses? >> yes. when we developed the two-year and five-year cip and the two-year capital budget, we anticipate to the best of our abilities the federal grant program and state to the extent its relevant. the various funding sources and build our plan around that. so we did anticipate those funds and i think we actually anticipated more than we received with that $15 million, so we're certainly very grateful for the $15 million. it wasn't a surprise. it was the exact amount we were unsure of. so that was baked into our assumptions, but because we got less, we have to figure out how to close gaps and adjust accordingly. these funds and the procurement
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was in the capital budget. >> g i just wanted to highlight that, because i know when i did a tour of one of the divisions, the age of the buses and the fact that you want your buses -- i understand, to be staggered at different types of year, so they don't start breaking down all at once. so buying 45 new vehicles is a great start. so i'm happy to go ahead and move this. >> is there a second? >> yes. >> further discussion? [phra-ufrp/]? >> aye. >> nays in the ayes have it. no. 13. >> 13 authorizing the director executive contract no. cpt 6 31, rehantation of neo plan buss with complete coach works in an amount not to exceed $19,105,885.60 and for a term not to exceed six years. no public has signed up. >> motion? >> motion. >> second? >> any further discussion? all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> opposed? the ayes have it.
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going back to miss freehlander with the ortega street item. >> directors, just to confirm and clarify for you and the public, the items on the consent calendar are the same on both versions of the agenda. there is only a typo in lettering. so once you act on the commercial street item, you will have acted on the entire consent calendar. >> on the ortega street item? >> the ortega street item. [laughter] >> correct. >> so is there a motion on the l, m and n? >> on the ortega street item. >> motion. >> second. >> any further discussion? all those in favor, say aye? >> aye. >> is that it? >> mr. chairman, that concludes the business before you today. there is no closed session. >> we're adjourning in memory of our colleague that we mentioned earlier in the
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>> welcome to city hall. thank you for joining us. thank you for coming out. i want to thank members of the board of supervisors. i want to thank them for being here in this joint recognition of our commissioners and members of 14 different bodies that will be appointed today to committees and commissions. i want to thank all the friends and family for joining us. let me say how excited i am this past week, i have been watching a certain convention. next week, we will have an even
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more exciting convention to watch. it is of course, in the spirit of the expected national, regional, and state elections we are preparing for. it is also a reminder of the importance of our civic duty and all the different departments we have created. public engagement is extremely important to the way we run government in san francisco. it has always been about public engagement. we need the last bodies come a different viewpoints, different economic classics -- classes, ethnicities, and regions of the city to be well-represented on everything we do because that is what makes our city great. it is that the verse you point coming together to focus -- it
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is that diverse viewpoint coming together to focus and figure out with the public what it is that we should do, that it is time well, well thought out, and what we need to do to show the rest of the country that this city can work itself out of the economic doldrums and into presenting hope and economic opportunity for everybody, no matter their backgrounds. we also reflect our regional values in this city in many different ways. we want to continue selecting people who will make sure government and all of our programs are open to everybody. i want to thank each and every one of the people in front of me today representing the different bodies we are about to make appointments to and thank you for your sacrifice, time,
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and energy. today we get to recognize you. tomorrow, people will start yelling at you. it is part of that process. it is one we cherish no matter what body we're on. i know former mayor willie brown is here. i want to thank him for constantly being a support to all of our commissions and for being here today. i want to recognize each and everyone of you today by asking you to stand and be recognized as i call your commission and name out. for the board of appeals, we have an lazarus. joshua, thank you for being here. for the construction and
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workforce advisory committee, a body i helped to establish as city administrator, this body is going to be important for us because in our economic recovery we need to work better with our construction companies to make sure everybody has a chance to work in our city. bob alvarado, thank you for being here and part of it. ed riskin, thank you for stepping up again. florence, thank you. harland kelly, our general manager to be. thank you. kent, thank you for stepping up.
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yes, i will tell you what you are paid for after. [laughter] james, thank you for being here. coming out of retirement, thank you for stepping up. thank you for all of your great work. joshua, you are appointed to two conditions today. -- two commissions today. thank you very much. mohammad, he always needs help. thank you for stepping up. [applause] oscar delatorre, the northern california carpenters regional council, thank you. laborers council.
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tim, thank you for being here. the film commission, patrick johnson, thank you for stepping up. an invaluable planning council that i will be working closely with as we move into the new health care challenges for our city and state and country, that is our hiv services planning council. gabriel ortega, thank you for stepping up. mark, thank you for being here. [applause] a very important commission, our immigrant rights commission, who is constantly challenged by the need to reform our immigration policies, but to make sure that
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when people try to vote this year that they will not be intimidated. we've got to work harder for the rest of the country. we can show the way here. i know the leadership will come from sonia. thank you for stepping up. our state has presented, and our country has presented, a challenge to us for our seniors and the need for long-term care. we're going to be working closely with the long term care coordinating council. thank you, tracy. [applause] thank you for stepping up. and for teaching me how to pronounce your name. our mta newest member to the board of directors and one that i know will be of great value to us as we are challenged with
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everybody being able to enjoy all the services our mta has. thank you, christina, for stepping up. [applause] as we move into the times when we want more people to come in, we want development to create jobs, we need to make sure we appropriately plan all areas of the city. i want to thank these two gentlemen for stepping up to come and spend hours of their personal time helping us with the planning of the city. michael, thank you for returning and stepping forward for the planning commission. richard, thank you very much for stepping up as well. some say the most voluble land we have -- valuable land we have
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for people to live and enjoy is the waterfront. i want to thank our newest commissioner to the port commission, william adams. thank you, william, for stepping up. [applause] we have a very important task in front of us for this november. we have a very important bond i think most people in the city know will be invaluable to us for our kids and families. that is the open spaces part bond proposition b for this year. we also have a cherished commission and department that is charged with maintaining all of the open space in the city from the parklets to the vast
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golden gate park, to the shared responsibilities we have with ocean beach and open spaces throughout the city. i want to thank phil for being here today. we have our returning commission. you have done a wonderful job so well. in my decision, it was appropriate to reappoint youtube this important commission, -- to reappoint you to this important commission, and keep the good work out. gloria, megan, thank you. tom harrison, thank you very much for your wonderful work there. we have challenges at our state level in the way we handle our incarcerated population. we will be working closely with the realignment committee, with all of our public safety
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departments, many of them are represented here today. we will be working with the sentencing commission. stephen, thank you for stepping up and helping us with our sentencing commission. [applause] it is no surprise to you that i have been working with the board of supervisors on this very thema, and i am not afraid to keep repeating it. it is jobs, jobs, jobs for everybody. we can only do it if we have a more enlightened workforce investment board the works with us on all the policies we need to have, all the outrage, all of the communities need to be represented on our investment board. i want to thank everyone who is stepping forward today to be on the board to help us with the 21st century policies we need to make sure people have every
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chance and opportunity to work in jobs in the city. andrew, thank you for joining. barbara morrissette, thank you for joining us. brenda barnes, thank you very much. diane easterwood from kaiser, thank you for stepping up and helping. kevin carroll, thank you for stepping up and being with us. niki callahan, -- mickey callahan, they keep for your help and stepping up. ontario from pg&e, thank you. rebecca miller, thank you very
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much for being here. [applause] rudy bagsby, thank you for stepping up and being part of this. sylvia kwan, thank you very much. ted eagan, thank you very much for stepping up on this workforce. tiffany, thank you very much. keep us focused on central market, too. tom from riverbed technology, thank you. trent, thank you very much for all of your great work. jimena from bank of america, thank you very much for stepping up. [applause] finally, the largest body we have today, but one of the most
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important ones, one that today we have shared appointments with the board of supervisors is our youth commission. [applause] yes. i assure you that people from this body, as well as all the other bodies, will one day see somebody standing in my place or in the place of the people standing by the side of meat and their respective offices. our youth are important. whether it is public safety, education, free muni, all the things we deem important to make this city healthy. you are charged with helping us with the best inclusion and policies we can have to keep families vibrant, keep our youth a safe, keep them motivated, and keep all of us paying attention to our next generation of people
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who will inherit everything we do and will inherit the good things as well as the bad things. with your help, there will be less bad things to inherit. with that, angel carion, thank you for being here and stepping up. ariel, thank you for stepping forward and being part of our youth commission. brian chu, thank you for being here. christine, thank you for stepping forward. eric wu, they give for stepping forward. -- thank you for stepping forward. iris, thank you for being here. kyren, thank you for being here and being part of the effort. lily, thank you for stepping
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forward. mia, thank you for being part of this. mia, thank you. nicholas persky, a key for being part of this and stepping forward. -- thank you for being part of this and stepping forward. paul rodriguez, thank you for stepping forward. rachel broadwyn, thank you. sarah armstrong, thank you for stepping forward. vanessa, thank you for being part of this. vee, thank you. that is
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