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tv   [untitled]    September 8, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT

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household where nobody is working, or someone is not there to show you the ropes, or the decorum in an office or manufacturing facility, that you can come to work and get that given to you through these programs and efforts. it is priceless. you cannot put a price on that. the value that instills in young people is so important. i am sure everyone of you in this room could think about your first job, your first summer job. my first summer job was a recreational and ada. i was 15 years old, 16 years old. i remember thinking, this is going to be a fun job. it is summertime. i get to hang out. not at all. show up to work on time. the responsible. give directions. listen to your supervisor. i got to distribute mills to low
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income families. i also learned how to supervise other people and youngsters, who have a lot of time on their hands, and take them out of our local city to go to activities outside the have never been exposed to. some of the kids where i grew up and never been to the beach, never done any kind of out of such activity. it is very limited. even the small nuances helped to change me and them. but the best part about it was that at the end of my first two weeks there, i got my check. i remember coming home and saying, mom, look at this. i knew i could save that money, put it away, and have helped for school that coming fall. i grew up in a large family, with seven kids. mom and dad were working. but just the value of knowing somebody placed a concern on me, and said you are worthy enough
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to get a job here, but you have to work it out, you have to show up and fall into all the things that require you to be a good employee -- i learned that. just by being exposed to that experience at an early age, meeting new people encouraged me and pushed me to do more. thank goodness, because now i am secretary of labor. i have high school counselors who said i was not college material. just think, if i let that person hold me back. i had other people encouraging me, people that were not even family members. that was a life changer, for me to be exposed to these kind of efforts, which have a very important structured approach to how we can make things better in our communities and our neighborhoods, and help young people, to give them hope and inspiration, and help to give back.
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that is something i think all of us are gaining from this experience. we have taken this whole program, the summer youth initiative, to a new level. we have over 100 corporations. we have mayors across the country that have come on board, even the mayor of los angeles. also in philadelphia, detroit. they are all coming in with their own sense of, "my goal is 5000 jobs." i bet we can still get more mares to jump on board. so we are not done. we still have more to do. the fact that we can set this up through the department of labor, our own internet, and put this up and create a job bank, where we can interchange and work with our partners to make sure that employers can list the jobs and that young people can go on very easily and get more information. the point is that we need to
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have some structure for young people. young people right now and need this. our communities need it. we are able to do it, and we should be doing it. the president is strongly behind this effort. while we know we still need to do more, we need to talk about expanding programs year round for youth, for dislocated workers, and for our veterans. we have a lot of veterans coming home who are between the ages of 18 and 24. the qualify for these programs. some of them will come back with some challenging effects. they are going to need a lot of encouragement. i hope the business community steps up to the plate and allows them the opportunity to serve, and maybe take advantage of the tax credits available to hire veterans and disabled veterans, incentivizing businesses to take advantage of the tax credits the president has put forward, to
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say it is good for us to make those investments here in the u.s., to bring jobs home, to do in-sourcing, and cut the loopholes that have incentivized corporations to go abroad. we know it is a competitive global environment. it is fine. but make sure we take care of our base. our base is around this table and around the country, looking for leadership. we need the mayor, civic leaders, and business leaders to make the investment. that is what it is about. i am here to listen, to hear what exciting things you have been involved with, and hopefully take that back and encourage our leaders across this country, and businesses to get engage. it is about all of us working together, and about equalizing opportunities. i still believe, in my heart of hearts, that this is the best place to grow up and live in
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this great country of ours. it has so many opportunities. our young people need to understand that it is yours for the taking. if you do not move on it, somebody else will. now is our opportunity to build that support, to build a sense of family, that we are all working together, and that we can all lift each other up in that way. i am excited to be here, and want to tell you how deeply appreciative i am of your support. i am delighted to be able to go back and talk to the cabinet members and the president about the successes here in san francisco. thank you very much. [applause] >> i know that the mayor and our superintendent cannot stay the entire time, so i will vary from the script a moment. can you share a moment of your vision as far as trading
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opportunities for young people? >> the highlight of the program is going to be hearing from the young people who are here today. thank you, secretary, for being here. i think it is a strong indication of the strong desire to have everyone to have these experiences. this would not be possible without the visionary leadership of our mayor. mayor earlier -- the mayor walks the talk every day. he always acts to empower the children. what him we do to better partner? we talk about 21st century learning, and what that means for our students, and that a global education is really global. it is beyond the classroom. it is about the experiences that connect the learning to the real world. one of the things we have very quickly learned is this notion
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of 21st century skills and careers. we had, in the past, been a little stymied in how we make those connections. this initiative has been a wonderful catalyst in connecting the students that had previously taken on paid volunteers internship positions in connected them to these jobs. over 200 of those 5002 jobs have been students that are not only getting the rich learning experience in a real-world setting, but also fulfilling some credit as part of their curriculum, with 21st century skills. we all know that students go to school to read and to write, to learn to do arithmetic. these experiences give students something to read about and rightabout. it is something that makes you learning so enriching.
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we believe it is possible. it is just too we are in san francisco. it is about having the vision, and making that vision a reality. you will hear from our young scholars just how real that is. to celebrate it means so much to us. there will illegitimizes, for all of our partners, the value of what this means. >> thank you. >> let us turn now and hear from our young people. you first. just briefly. do not worry. your getting a great set of experiences here. one thing, as you think about moving on -- something you think away from that. secondly, what are your career aspirations? what you think you would like to do? >> i would like to take that
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multitasking -- michael, my manager, is here. i just heard a game. what is that? a look over to my e-mail. we are going to be communicating through e-mail. it was just like time management. it was a big thing for me. i am very organized. it really tests my skills. and another thing, as far as my future. i am going to university this coming fall, i believe in a week. i am majoring in business administrative and entertainment culture. i hope to not only graduate with a degree, but to have a job as well. >> thank you.
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>> is an gonzalez, from facebook. and want to follow up that it is great to hear you are pursuing an education in technology, particularly in the bay area. we just launched facebook academy, where we have students working from east palo alto. to expose our youth to technology -- that is the future. i think what is interesting is social media, where we work on a social jobs partnership. how do we leverage the social web? i want to put this on the table as part of the broader conversation. for example, zynga would not exist without facebook. zynga has more employees than
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facebook. if we can bring the youth into all of this and the development of apps, i think we have a wonderful opportunity. >> at jomon, would you take away from that experience? -- at jawbone, what do you take away from that experience? >> to be active and take the initiative in the office. i worked at the front desk, doing office coordination. i make sure all the other employees making this technology are happy, and everything is going seamlessly. i want to better manage my time, to manage my money, because i have to pay my rent. i was so happy i got an inlimning in san francisco is so
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important. my family is from here. i do not want to leave. my family moved here in the 1950's. i still have great-grandparent's here. my family is not wealthy. i do not have anybody in my family. i have to be that person for my family. i have to show what it is like to work hard. that is what i took from it. for my future, i have been going to city college in san francisco. the budget is so bad. it takes a student like me forever to graduate from the school, because they hold back the valuable classes you need, which is english and math. i already have like 60 units. i am right at the foot of having a degree. but i cannot, because my hands
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are tied. it is so expensive to go, after you have gotten to the 60 unit limit. they put some many limitations. having a job is a necessity. i would not be able to survive without it. thank you guys for all the effort. it is working. >> thanks for not only the work you are doing, but the guidance you are providing. what would you take away from your experience at good will? >> reconnecting local pathways. i will take a lot of skills. my most valuable is public speaking. we do a lot of in-class training. my biggest fear was public speaking. from what i learned so far, i am applying it today. [laughter]
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and that has helped me with my speech, because i talk fast, but now i am slowing down. i am getting more comfortable. i did not know what it meant, coming into the program, but now i know the quality of work, punctuation, professionalism. i can apply those to my daily life, my career aspects. my short-term goal is to become and the ministry to manager in a law firm. my long-term goal is to become a scientist. -- is to become a firefighter. >> republics began skills are great. >> i am with the department of transportation. i develop my skills in communication. that is something i can take away from an internship. i can use it anywhere. not just in jobs, but just in my
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daily life, in communicating with everyone. job training is not something you learn in school. you have to get it at a job. it is invaluable. anywhere you are going in your future. that is why it is really important for me. for my future, i plan to go to uc-berkeley and major in business. >> excellent. can you keep telling the media and communications are not not boring? part of the equation of making this a meaningful experience for young people are the managers, the folks working with them. over the season at jawbone, how
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did you approach supported young people as they come into your environment? >> he is playing a critical role, in terms of working the front desk. that is important to us. when you look of the internships, it is not necessarily what we are doing for them, but what he is doing for us. we want to show appreciation to you as well. it is important to us. it is important to our business needs, right? there is a severe need for talent in our industry. there is a 7.3% unemployment rate in the city, but in the stem fields, it is intense and challenging to find the talent we are looking for. to have somebody working our business and understand what we do this very important.
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you have to understand the skills it takes to be successful in our business. that is important to our company and to the community. what is important is getting the talent, and having the best in terms come in is critical to that. i do appreciate all the credit to you are showing, but for us, it is part of our business. it is critical. as we think about how we manage, we treat him like any other employees. for us, in terms of the future, this is our first year of having 10 interns. we have 10 internes and 100 people. it is a lot. and we are getting more work done. it is exciting for the future.
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>> thank you for your leadership. really appreciate it. references made to the opportunities to create access and exposure, and hopefully careers in the tax base, because of the prevalence of attack across all -- prevalence of tech across all industries. you name it. if you do not know some level of technological proficiency, you are going to be challenged. i am going to ask from the to top a moment about 0 -- ask rhonda to talk a moment about tech sf. >> we have a dollars million in grants from the workforce innovation fund. our initiative is a continuation of what we started with our sector, and technology was and national -- a natural extension of what we of been doing.
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this is just the natural extension to continue to train folks. we have a lot of students we hope will go through and get a job once they are done, to receive an internship or some other type of employment opportunity. that is why we want to thank you and all the companies that will partner with us. the mayor has been engaged in just about every company, as part of what we are calling tech sf advisory committee. we have a number of community- based organizations that also a partner with us. >> i am pleased that you underscored the things the department of labour does. most folks do not fully understand that we have made, through the leadership of the administration and the president, some investments in
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reforming our program. this is unlike anything we have seen in the past decade. we are challenging, at the ground level, change. it is reflective of the marketplace. it is you telling us these are the factors. here are the market figures, service, and reports. we expect to train people up for these jobs. that is what is driving funding for these new efforts. some of these programs are under fire. we need to make sure that we are successful, accountable, transparent, and that all of our partners are engage. we are not messing around. we mean business. it is a whole way of looking at job training, preparing for the competitive edge we need for the 21st century. i am excited that one of those great awards came here.
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>> mayor, you are doing a great job. it is good to see you, secretary. as the ceo of, there are over 50,000 companies posting almost 80,000 internships. the technology issue, it is important to note that young people want to be notified of their internships via tweeting. we notified young people of part-time jobs, entry-level jobs, and internships. the fastest-growing sector of the internship market is social media. the most number of internships reversing posted, from a growth perspective, a 26% increase from
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last year. internships are now year round. they are no longer just in the summer. as we heard from jawbone, a great product, 10% of their stuff our interns. internships are the new interview. if you want to get a job, get an internship. seven out of 10 people that in turn with a company get a full time offer by a company. that is an amazing statistic, seven out of 10. he going with internships. heat supporting the technology. the only thing i would ask -- the secretary has done so much. the 16 to 24-year-old market has a 20% unemployment, versus the general population. we have to fix that. we are going to have a cultural war, the likes of which we have
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never seen, between our aging workers and our young people. we cannot allow young people to stay at this high level of unemployment. keep up the good work. they are using mobile phones. they want to be notified on twitter and facebook. they want to be emailed. this is how it is happening today. they want to be pushed opportunity. they do not want to come back to the web sites. it is an interesting dynamic. one of the things i would ask the secretary to look at it is -- we have a government platform for municipalities. the funding for social media is almost nonexistent in the workforce development area. there are old-time job boards.
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when i go to see cory booker in the work, who bought a platform from us, they have to find money somewhere else. they wanted a social media solution. that is where everybody is searching for jobs. >> how islington thinking about this? -- how is linkedin, thinking about this? >> we are hiring 174 in terms this summer. thank god i am not looking for a job right now. i would not get a job, competing with you guys. [laughter] we also have a student jobs center, where we allow any corporation to post a summer internship or entry-level job for free. that is a huge place for students to come and find student-friendly jobs.
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we have a veterans initiative as well. our summer unemployment rate is even higher in the bracket you referenced. we offer a subscription for any veteran. we are really proud of that. we also allow our platform for veteran-friendly jobs. i would encourage that. i do not know if the interns in this room have linkedin profiles. i would strongly encourage you to develop one. some students do not come from families where parents have gone to college. they tend to be in different networks. if you ask people who are not in the military, if they know
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anybody in the military, the answer is they do not. it is a huge problem that those sectors are so separate. one of the great things about linkedin is that you will be connected to an extraordinary network. i want to comment on the idea of a skills gap. this is a huge problem. i know you are facing this. there are 3.7 million jobs available in the u.s. right now. whenever we can do to support the efforts -- the idea of investing more into jobs training, or supporting these jobs training programs, we want to be part of that. we have a unique position. we are spending more time looking at that mismatch of
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skills. what did that skills gap look like? how big is the gap? is it just the six week course? or is the gap larger the amount? we are having geographic and job function information. >> the other piece of that equation that we are thinking a lot about in san francisco -- once you have assessed a skills gap, you begin to work with the training components enabling those, whether they are higher ad or the non-profit sector. there are jobs that are current or coming. we are trying to build the continuing, so the gaps are assessed correctly, the training components are appropriate and adequate, and there are opportunities waiting. we have about nine minutes. here is what i am going to try to do. i am going to go to susan, and then to chris. i want to go down to glenn.
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we are going to finish with a young person. so andrew, get ready. >> the social media point -- i think particularly, we need to focus on the underserved communities. if you think about it, social media levels the playing field. everybody has an equal voice. but a lot of our communities are not using the social web for a purpose, such as looking for a job. 93% of recruiters, after the recruiting, are using social networking, whether it is linkedin, facebook, or twitter. we do need to educate the community that that is what they need to be more active on, is social networking. i am told that kids from east palo alto, working at facebook -- they say, "you