tv [untitled] September 8, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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was a lockdown on august 24. pretty much during the first week of school. i applaud the teachers and parents and principal and will be working with merchants and residents to keep our neighborhoods safe. lastly i wanted to also say that i forgot to mention that we just voted upon, on first reading, his an important piece of legislation that would increase solar and energy efficiency improvements in homes and businesses in the city. it was the california rural home mortgage finance authority ordinance that we just passed. but i wanted to say on first reading that this is an effort that's been several years in the making, from the mayor's office, the environment leadership, but also guillermo. i offered with their support sustainable financing sf which would allow homeowners and -- to
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allow improvements in their buildings. in 2010 the federal housing finance agency struck it down and blocked the implementation. so this is one effort kind of we're using to get around the federal government's decision so that we can keep improving the solar improvements in homes but also energy efficiency as well. so i urge kind of support for that too. the rest i'll submit. >> the clerk: thank you, supervisor mar. mr. president, seeing no other names on the roster, that concludes roll call for introductions. >> president chiu: thank you. colleagues, why don't we now go to our 2:30 special orders. madam clerk please call items 14 through 17 around 1100 lombard street. >> the clerk: 14 persons interested in planning department's determination dated february 23, 2012 located at 1100 lombard street is exempt from environmental review under the california environmental quality act. item 15 a motion affirming department's exemption
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determination. item 16 reversing the determination by the planning department and 17 the preparation of findings. >> president chiu: this is a project in district 2. i want to recognize the supervisor representing district 2 supervisor farrell. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. i want to thank the appellants and project sponsor for their hard work. unless you want to talk to the project sponsor, the appellate, offer the planning department as well for any comments or questions. but otherwise i suggest perhaps opening up to a public comment right away. >> president chiu: thank you. as supervisor farrell mentioned there is a resolution to this but we want to open it up to public comment. any members of the public that wish to speak in support or against the appeal, this is the time. >> good afternoon, supervisors. jim reuben, representing the project sponsor in this case. i want to urge you to support the correct decision of the planning department to issue the cad ex in the first place for
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what amounts to a firewall and i want to thank supervisor farrell's office and particularly margaux kelly. we went through three continuousances so the resolution did take a while and i appreciate the help. thank you. >> ♪ and somewhere down the crooked road, our roads are gonea cross again. ♪ and it brings me to dream, remember keep it green ♪ >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> could the clerk please tell us what the cross street is to this location. >> president chiu: supervisor farrell, i think it's -- i know it's in your district. >> supervisor farrell: it is. filbert. >> president chiu: it's
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parallel. lombard and -- >> please put it on the agendas of any other properties. thank you. >> hi. members of the board of supervisors, ray hard -- san francisco open government. i would like to point out to this board of supervisors just as the prior speaker did, that often these things are agendized in a way that nobody who reads it can have any idea what it is. and it's hard to make public comment on an item when you can't do it without doing extensive research. and some of these are added at the very last minute. supporting documents are never subprovided on the website. and so basically you end up having to do research to try to figure out whether this is something that affects you, your community, someone you know, whatever. there is really no attempt by many of the boards and commissions in this city to be open to the citizens and their right to public comment. they will put things on an agenda in a way that you can't even understand what it is, let
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alone what it's supposed to do. i have seen ones that turned out to be something, and i've read it, and i had to go through 60 pages of documents to find out it was a change in zoning, for a particular strange reason. if you're going to have the citizens participate, which i'll be honest with you, i really don't think you want, then you need to given people the information that will help them do that, or at least find their way to the documents and other information they need to do so in a meaningful way. unfortunately, i have come to the opinion that many on this board of supervisors do not view public comment as participation, but interference. you want to do what you want to do and you want to deny people the right to challenge it. the best case i can think of in recent memory is parkmerced where you came in at the last minute, made 14 pages of
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changes, and then denied people the right to petition government for redress of grievances by saying oh,, we don't consider those substantive changes so we know what u going to say and we don't like what it is. we're going to deny you your right to petition for redress. >> president chiu: are there any other members of the public that wish to speak with regards to this appeal of 1100 lombard street which is at hyde? seeing none this hearing has been heard and filed. supervisor farrell. >> supervisor farrell: thank you, president chiu. and colleagues i want to reiterate my thanks to the project sponsor, to the appellants, and planning staff. what i'm going to do is move to affirm the cad ex and table items 16 and 17. >> president chiu: supervisor farrell's made a motion to affirm the exemption determination and that has been
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seconded by supervisor chu. colleagues, can we take that motion without objection? without objection, that shall be the case. motion is approved. madam clerk, why don't we move to our second 2:30 item, items 18 to 21, related to 2853, 2857 broderick. >> the clerk: item 18 public hearing of persons interested in the planning department's determination dated july 3, 2011, that a project located at 2853 through 2857 broderick street is exempt from environmental review under california environmental quality act. item 19 determining the motion. item 20 reversing. and item 21 is a motion directing preparation of findings. >> president chiu: colleagues, this is also an item out of district 2. supervisor farrell. >> supervisor farrell: thank you, president chiu. seems we're going to be 2-2 today. at 1:00 today we had an agreement between the parties. similarly i would offer planning
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department, the project sponsor. if you have any questions -- i don't know if you want to come up, irving, district 2 residents is the appellate here. again come to an agreement, worked very hard. i want to thank irving and everyone else from reuben jewel yas as well as my staff who worked very hard on this one. >> members of the board, i'm pleased to announce that we have a settlement. all the parties are very pleased with it, and we are ready to go forward, and we wish the project sponsor much luck in the execution of the project. >> president chiu: thank you. as we did with the previous item, let's open it up for public comment. if there are any members of the public that wish to speak on this broderick street item. >> ♪ it's gone, you gotta learn how to face broad street. ♪ it's gone. ♪ don't leave me this broderick way. ♪ i can't survive, can't stay alive, and we need it now. ♪ don't leave broad street way,
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no. >> president chiu: any other members of the public wish to speak? seeing none, public comment on this item is now closed. supervisor farrell. >> supervisor farrell: thank you. once again thank you to everyone, project sponsor appellate and my staff, attorneys involved who did a lot of work on this. i'd like to make a motion affirming 19 and tabling 20 and 21. >> president chiu: motion to affirm the exemption determination. is there a second? seconded by supervisor chu. colleagues can we take that motion without objection? without objection, that shall be the case. and given that it is still a quarter of 3:00 we will skip over the 3:00 special order and now go to general public comment. >> the clerk: next item on the agenda is opportunity for the public to comment generally for up to two minutes on items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the board including those items on the adoption without reference to committee calendar.
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please note that public comment is not allowed on those items which have already been subject to public comment by a board committee. if members of the public would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector please state such and remove the document when the screen should return to live coverage of the meeting 3-6r7b89sd why don't we hear from members of the public. they shall have up to two minutes unless you are translating your comments into a second language. first speaker please. >> ms. angela calvillo, our supervisor, my name is abdul um gay. i am here to tell to each one of my family, welcome back. i hope you have enough time, one month, at least you can study -- what my county, what my city needs on the future time. the only thing has been
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strong action like me, to return each penny, each dollar that our former president mubarak -- thieves back. my country need to building many thing by the money he steal it and he hide it in america, and many other country bank. today, i have reading that egypt have lost one of our leader. his name is mohammed -- he used to teach the people in jordan how to play great, great, great football. he died. he give my sympathy to his family and to egyptian people, for him and for -- too. both of them, they are leader, and both of them, they have loved people. i am one of them, lu loved them,
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and enjoyed -- to our country. i exhibit yesterday request that -- shorter need six teen turkey to feed the people next thanksgiving. don't -- i know you like to support me. you going to be with us not only to support us, or give us turkey, but you're going to serve the people with our great supervisor kim, and our great sister i have, fiona ma. three are going to feed the homeless and we are going to put a smile for the poor people. i am glad to do that for the poor people, and i am glad to help me for each one of you, i need one turkey, beside our lovely lady here.
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she always -- working with mr. to tom tom ammiano. >> president chiu: thank you very much. next speaker. >> good afternoon. stop the corporate rape of our public library, don't give money to the friends, don't accept money from the friends of the library. we know that man evolved as a social species by developing a sense of social obligation and community loyalty. we have a society because man has developed a conscience and a sense of shame for socially irresponsible actions. as you know the president of the library commission violated someone's right to make public comment and the sunshine task force found it so egregious it constituted misconduct. ethics more than a year ago found a finding of official misconduct and recommended to the mayor of san francisco that she be removed from the library
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commission. to date the mayor has made no response of any kind and taken no action against his employee found guilty of official misconduct. this is the legendary recording of the president of the library commission. >> (playing tape. ). >> as far as the mayor's concerned his appointee is a member of his gang. and so official misconduct has no meaning. if the mayor is not ashamed to have a president of the library commission guilty of official misconduct, we have no society. the mayor's values of just gang values and official misconduct has no meaning until he can use it as a political tool.
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this is complete absence of moralityity or ethics ofny kind and in its absence that serves the interest of the thieves ripping off our society. and that is in fact just one more reason why the lies cost more than the money. thank you. >> president chiu: thanks. next speaker. >> i have graphics. here's a picture of me and phyllis diller. she just died. that's too bad. i was sorry to hear she died. ♪ don't let the sun go down on me. ♪ don't let the phyllis sun search for funny -- lose in everything, just like the city's sun going down on me ♪
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♪ blue moon, you saw me standing alone, with a dream in my heart, and with a loss of neil armstrong. ♪ blue moon, you knew why he was here for, and he went to the moon, and therefore, and we said a prayer for ♪ memory moonlight, i can smile at the moon now, it is smiling alone in the lamp light, and the moon is smiling back at me. ♪ let the moon memory live aga again, once again, once again, back then. ♪ blue moon, you saw me standing alone, with a dream in my heart, and we miss you now ♪
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♪ and there's a bad moon on the rise ♪ ♪ under the moonlight, the serious moonlight, we want a better city, let city ♪ ♪ under the moonlight we want a better city ♪ and if you say city better, i'll agree with you ♪ and if you want it now... >> president chiu: thank you very much. >> board of supervisors and the members of the public who elect them, ray harts, director of san francisco open government. i will be submitting 150 word summary for inclusion in the minutes which is any citizen's right under the sunshine ordinance. even though they know and understand the law, both the letter and intent, this board of supervisors will ignore your
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rights to free speech, to petition government for redress of grievance, and to due process if it suits their purpose. an example is the sunshine ordinance. if you point out the law, they will ignore you. and if you file a complaint, they will evade you. if you win your case, they will ignore the decision. if it is referred to the ethics this is commission, they will see it dismissed without a hearing. if you win a case they really don't like they will replace the entire sunshine ordinance task force who took your side. if really upset they will do what they need to do to shut down the process, which is what they did with the sunshine ordinance task force for several months now, denying citizens of this city their right to due process under the law. this is not conjecture. this is all a matter of public record. the bottom line is members of
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this board of supervisors have no respect for the rule of law, or your constitutional rights. i mentioned before i served in the navy for 12 years, served in the submarine service, took a oath to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic and i took the oath seriously. i would not shut down a process where citizens of this city were doing nothing more than trying to exercise their right. and when that body decided to take their side, they were removed in retribution. and shut down because you didn't like what they had to say. don't take the side of a citizen if you're on a board or commission. they'll screw you. >> president chiu: next speaker please. >> my name is eugene gordon jr.
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on planet earth is -- evolution is qualified givens animals plants feed upon each other psychologically, reference physical chemical interaction stimuli, food -- and proceed create this specie to maintain their existence, experiencing for their own average lifetime the phenomena the evolution to planet earth's organisms, understand alone not including atmospheric and other means of matter to smallist parcels noan to life of our universe in which we are born, where will we lead in an organism to maintain life of another dough manned psychological resolution. hysterically racist chauvinist capital currency class rank, imperialism, as social cultural
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unrest movement and opposition to materialism advance picturesque beautified language and fascism. witness and social culture organize obsession for the lie, defraud and super national birth right or irresponsibility of its gaming society. monopoly capitalism, imperialism, hunger concern, market sovereign hunger, racism, chauvinism, confidence, inflections, fascist fragrance of hailing populations. >> good afternoon, president chiu and members of the board of supervisors, jim salinas sr.,
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born and raised in the mission district, also a proud member of carpenters local 22, a 130-year-old labor organization here in san francisco. and as far as the eye can see, generations of carpenters have built this city. i'm here proudly displaying this hat because we don't wear other gear. we don't -- certainly don't wear black hats with acronyms that have negative connotations and in some cases our members refer to them as the carpetbaggers in alameda referring to the union officials that don't have san franciscans best interest in mind. we are the taxpayers, members of the board, we help generate the local economic engine, we live here, raise our children, as an opportunity i had in 1967 i got to raise four kids in the mission district and the last two went to two prestigious universities. i attribute that to the fact i
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got to learn a trade and applied it here. i never got to go to oakland or san josé. i provided a decent standard of living. we not only provide structures. we don't just build -- we help to build communities. and i hope that you can all join us when we put san franciscans to work because there's a lot of young brothers and sisters in the black and brown community that have no hope. as a result of the fact that the economy is not bad, but in general, contractors don't like to put them to work because they don't look like them. so i hope that you will join me in putting san franciscans to work. it has been and always will be my opinion that 50% of those good-paying construction jobs should go to san franciscans. there's no reason why it can't. we have billions of dollars of work going on right here, private and public. there is no work in the north bay, south bay, east bay so the carpetbaggers are here to take that work. thank you, supervisors.
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>> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, supervisors and president. i am deborah benedict, i am here with senior disability action as well as with walk san francisco. i am here to make a complaint at this moment about the bicycles on the city sidewalks, and the fact that there really is no enforcement by the police department, nor any signage like there is in berkeley on the sidewalks, telling people it's against the law to ride their bicycles on the sidewalk. i happen to live in south of market area, where the streets are fairly flat. and because of that, even though there's designated lanes, there are people on sidewalks, riding their bicycles, and riding their skateboards on a regular basis. this past saturday, i was on howard street, between 9th and 8th, and i counted nine bicycles on the sidewalk. this street is one-way.
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there are designated lanes. every time i tell someone on a bicycle that there is a law against riding a bicycle on the sidewalks, they usually use expletives that i can't bring to this board of supervisors. however, i do say that it is really important, with the number of seniors, families, and i walk my animal, in that area, on a regular basis. and there are bicycles constantly threatening, as well as skateboarders. this is a problem that i know is going to be difficult to fix because it's now become a habit and there's no enforcement, and no consequences for people who ride their bicycles on the sidewalk. and to punctuate how impossible this situation is, just as i was on my way here today i ended up passing a civic center ambassador team, and one of the team was on a tricycle on the
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sidewalk. so i had to negotiate my service animal against their bicycle coming down on the sidewalk. i would... >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> good afternoon, everyone. my name is ernestine weiss. i spent many good years trying to make this city better and have succeeded in many ways. however there is one thing that irks me that is the "occupy" people spreading out in front of the federal reserve bank like never before. nobody has the guts to do anything about it. we have -- bylaws. they're not enforced. i go by there every day and my blood pressure just goes way up, to see that. why aren't you doing something about this? the america's cup is coming up. do you think that's a nice thing
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for visitors to see? i don't think so. take a trip down there, and look at what's going on. it is unbelievable for a city like san francisco to allow this to go on. filthy, dirty, homeless people, joining them, stringing up banners on the trees, which i've tried to get the police to tell them not to do. it is awful. you have to do something about it. district 3 deserves more than that. thank you. >> president chiu: thank you. next speaker. >> supervisors, you all have come back from your vacation, and soon you're going to be add jude cating a case where we, the citizens, have shared some light. prior to that, i want to address a situation about a sunshine
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task force. it's four months now that we, the people, cannot shed light on cases that are important. and not a wimper, not a wimper from the board of supervisors. you represent the 12 -- 11 districts in san francisco. and one among you all -- because you do not allow, you know, to mention the board of supervisors name during public comment -- one among you all was instrumental in shutting down the sunshine task force because of a candidate who was physically
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