tv [untitled] September 8, 2012 11:00pm-11:30pm PDT
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superintendent for so solid justice, mr. garrido. this is such a special school, i brought two deputy superintendent. the other deputy is in charge of policy and operations. myung lee. he is jumping back there. does anybody here want to be a lawyer? oh, come on, parents. this is so special, we brought the general counsel, the big lawyer in the district. his name is don davis, and he is over there. and then our director of communications is a factor as well. -- back there as well. why do i introduce the people to you? because we are so proud of harvey milk civil-rights academy, we all wanted to be here on the first day of school.
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this is not the last time you will see us. we want to come back to read in the classrooms. i understand you do a school dance. maybe we get invited to do that. we want you to have a great school year. q want to thank all of you parents for all that you do. we cannot do this without you. let's have a great year. yay! [applause] >> thank you. we have traditions here at harvey milk. one of the traditions is a dance that we do. boys and girls, what do you do? tell us what we do. >> the cuban shuffle.
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>> chair kim: good afternoon. and welcome to the rules committee. today for thursday, september 6, 2012. my name is supervisor kim, and i will be chairing today's meeting. i apologize for the late start because i know we have many members. public that are ready to present to the rules committee. i am joined by vice chair supervisor farrell and supervisor david campos. our clerk is linda wong. we would like to acknowledge the staff at sfg-tv who records each of the meetings and makes the transcripts available on line. we would like to recognize jesse. are there any announcements?
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>> linda wong: please make sure all electronic devices and copies of any documents to be included as part of the file shall be submitted to the clerk. items acted upon today will appear on the september 1 board of supervisors agenda unless others with stated. item 1, repointing malia joint powers board. >> chair kim: this is a roiment to supervisor malia cohen. is there any comments from colleagues? seeing none, we will open it up for public comment. if you'd like to speak on this item, please come up. >> i just want to say i want to see -- ♪ i want to see her in your morning, i want to see her in your board of supervisors
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night ♪ ♪ let her change what city's rong and make it right. ♪ let her wander through the city's wonderland that we all share. ♪ all i ask you is let her be there. ♪ all i ask you is let malia cohen be there, now. >> chair kim: thank you. is there any other public comment on this item? seeing none, public comment is now closed. colleagues, do we have a motion on this item? >> motion to send malia -- ms. cohen forward with full recommendation to the full board. >> chair kim: we do have a motion to move this forward, and we can do that without opposition. madam clerk, could you please call item 2. >> linda wong: item 2 motion to approve -- the president of the board of supervisors, supervisor david chiu's
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nomination to -- to board of supervisors ending july 16. >> chair kim: thank you. this is also a reappointment. we recently heard her speak at rules committee. but because she came on near the end of the previous term, she is already coming back to us for reappointment. and i'm not sure if ms. hurtado is here given she's spoken to the rules committee a couple of months ago. is there any comments from colleagues? if you'd like to speak, his apph the mic. public comment is closed. we have a motion. >> yes. actually i think ms. hurtado just came in. >> chair kim: i see her. >> i don't know if she wants to say a few words. >> chair kim: can we have you come forward. thank you for being here. we know you were with us a couple of months ago and answer the numerous questions from the
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rules committee. of course you came on near the end of a previous term that you were filling, and we appreciate that -- served for a couple of months now and coming back for a reappointment. if you'd like to speak briefly and maybe a couple of comments. >> thank you for inviting me back. hello again, supervisors. i apologize for being a little late. i just wanted to thank you for the opportunity to be here again. we did speak a few months back when i was first appointed to the board of appeals, and i guess just to remind you who i am, and my qualifications for the reappointment, i am speaking reappointment. it's been a very fruitful two months and i very much enjoyed the service and welcome the opportunity to continue serving in this capacity with my colleague from the board of appeals. i have been an attorney for 15 years. i am currently deputy director of the national center for lesbian rights, a national lgbt
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national organization based in san francisco with offices in d.c. as well. i have served numerous roles as an attorney and advocate, and a community service -- a person who really believes in community service. and i believe that my experience and my skills can be brought to bear on the board of appeals. i deeply believe in the process, and that stems really from my work as public defender, serving indigent criminal defendants in san francisco for over 10 years. and so i believe that all of those skills enhance my ability to listen to all sides of an issue, given people due respect, evaluate all sides of whatever issues come before the board of appeals, and really try to come to a fair determination based on the facts and the rules that
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apply to the situation. so with that i'm here to answer any questions you may have. >> chair kim: seeing no questions from colleagues, and i think we're certainly appreciative of your willing to serve on the board of appeals. it's a very important board, as you know. and i know that you spent the last couple of months but we grilled you at our last rules committee meeting and we appreciate you coming back for your reappointment and your service. if there is no other comments, is there a motion? >> madam chair, it is my privilege and honor to move that we forward ms. hurtado's name to the full board with positive recommendation. i think that her stellar qualifications are -- when she came before the rules committee last time, and, you know, i think she's doing a great job, and has already distinguished
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herself in the last two months. and i think that the city will be well-served by her continuing in this position and i'm just grateful that after doing it for two months you still want to do it. so that's a good thing. so i'm very thrilled to see th that. if we could quickly -- i couldn't agree more. thank you for your willingness to serve. i've heard great things. maybe we make it as a committee report. >> yes. >> chair kim: before we do that, we need to amend the motion so that it's a motion to confirm the appointment. >> so i move to confirm the appointment, and to do that as a committee report. >> chair kim: so we have a motion to amend. the motion to be a motion to confirm and we also have a motion to refer this item as a committee report to the full board. and ms. hurtado thank you again. i was impressed with your presentation, of course with your background and skill set that you bring to the board of appeals a couple of months ago and am excited that you're
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willing to continue to serve on behalf of our city. thank you. >> my pleasure. >> chair kim: we have that motion and we can do that without opposition. >> thank you, supervisors. >> chair kim: thank you. madam clerk please call item 3. >> linda wong: item 3 hearing to consider one member term ending april 272013 to the sunshine ordinance task force. >> chair kim: thank you. we have one seat and we have three applicants. i know one of the issues that had come up prior that we had not necessarily discussed at the previous rules committee was whether we do need to appoint a member to the sunshine task force that is a member of the disability community. i just want to confirm that. >> yes. the sunshine ordinance provides that at all times one member must be a person with a physical disability. that physical disability requirement doesn't attach to
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any one particular seat on the task force. but at this time, i understand there are 10 seats that are occupied by people who are not physically disabled, and the one open seat you should appoint to someone who is disabled. >> chair kim: supervisor campos. >> co-chair campos: thank you. we want to welcome mr. givner who is assigned to be the counsel to the general board of supervisors. we appreciate his being here. one thing that will be helpful going forward as these appointments come before the rules committee is to the extent that there's a specific legal requirement that calls for a specific kind of appointment, i think it's helpful for us to know that as we're actually reviewing the applications. because at the time that we discuss -- we were discussing the sunshine task force appointments that issue did not
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come up. and in fact it wasn't until after the fact that we realized that one of the appointments needed to be someone from the disability community. so i think that if we find ourselves in similar situations with respect to other commissions, that i think would be helpful for us to have that information in advance and certainly have that here at the rules committee meeting as the discussion happens. >> absolutely. >> co-chair campos: thank you. >> chair kim: thank you. at this time we will call forward the three applicants that have applied for seat 11 and i'll call you in the order that you are listed on the agenda. first we have bruce wilson, francine simon, so if you could step forward. because we have i believe 44 applicants for our next agenda item, i am asking all applicants to be brief today, and to limit their comments to under two minutes. mr. wolfe, i know you presented
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at our last rules committee meeting but if you could speak to your experience on the sunshine task force and reasons why you would like to continue your priorities during that presentation that would be great. >> i appreciate that. i'll make it brief. my name is bruce wolfe i served on the sunshine task force 2005 with one year hiatus. i became interested in it because of various issues surrounding city college at the time. and just in general, i think it's a great idea that we all, you know, have some oversight and some look-see at transparency and making sure that the public and the city family has their just due in making sure everything is clean, and moves forward smoothly. i have pretty extensive research and background in studying constitutional law, and in construction, and in these areas. and i really enjoy serving on
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it. it's not a political position for me. i enjoy being there. i have no aspirations of moving in anywhere else. and really that's about it. i'll be open to any questions. i want to say one last thing. considering what the past issues have been around my appointment, i just want to say that i've -- you know, in hindsight, it would have been probably much better if not just me, but maybe other members of the task force, also we agreed to bring some of these issues forward to you much more ahead of time, so if there were any red flags or anything like that, i think that would have been prudent at the time. thank you. >> chair kim: thank you, mr. wolfe. are there any questions from committee members? thank you. next, we have francine simon. and then we have kai wilson after that. >> hello. my name is francine simon, and i
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was actually informed about this position by the department of rehabilitation, because i am disabled. i actually was born here in san francisco, but moved to the east bay, and recently returned. i've been very active with the barack obama campaign and active with the late matt garcía, who was the city councilman in fairfield. i worked closely with united way to do fundraising for the homeless, and for the needy. i also pass out brown bags, and bread for the senior citizens in the east bay, as well as here in san francisco. i've worked for bank of america for 25 years, where i was
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advisory assistant engineer. and because of a car accident, i have to take -- had to take early retirement. and after five years of physical therapy, i'm now back on my feet and ready to start working somewhere, and would enjoy working for this rules committee f sunshine ordinance task force. government is something that i've always had a very high interest in, and i think that this would be a good starting point for me. my family has been certainly very active here in san francisco. one with my cousin, timothy simon who is a public utilities commissioner, my late betty simon, who has done so much for the city of san francisco, as well as lat i lati'vea who hasd
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with civil rights. i'm very well versed on government and the local part of san francisco and what needs to be done. >> chair kim: thank you very much. have you attended a sunshine task force meeting before, prior to today? >> no. this is my very first one. >> chair kim: okay. just for clarification, today is the rules committee meeting. the sunshine task force is a committee of citizens that the rules committee gets to make a recommendation to, who do appoint, which then goes to the full board. but this is not a sunshine task force. >> right. yes. i was reading that, the sunshine ordinance task force is what you're looking for someone for. >> chair kim: yes. and i'm very appreciative to hear of your interest in serving. we have numerous commissions and task force. i was interested specifically -- i know that your interest in applying was in an interest to serve. but was there a specific interest around sunshine that yuyud like to pursue going
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forward? >> i've been interested in working with the public and being fair. and when i see things that someone needs to say something about, i'm usually a person who does. so that would be a good place for me to start, since that's what they do, correct? >> chair kim: yes. my last question, only because this is -- we do need to appoint a member to the task force that has a physical disability. do you have a physical disability? >> yes. i have two herniated disks. also my rotator cuffs are all from the 1998 car accident. >> chair kim: thank you. are there any questions from colleagues? seeing none, thank you very much, ms. simon. >> thank you. i actually worked with la latifa simon. thank you next we have kai
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wilson forsley. >> i'm kai wilson forsley and i'm a little excited to be here to serve on this particular task force. i'm sure you guys reviewed my information because, i guess have to. in terms of citizen access, i organize event in which individuals can engage with their public servants, as well as work with those individuals. i put on a yearly event in the tenderloin, and i work with the police and the schools, and things like that, in terms of public access. i'm also on a library committee that's sponsoring a series of voter education events. i'm a leader on that committee. and i've been appointed as one of 12 people by the city librarian, to make policy recommendations for the public library. and as we know, the public library is the largest public
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accessible learning institution in the country so that definitely speaks to public access and civic access qualifications. in terms of participation in local government, me being here with my ample qualifications for local government, people always say they want -- underrepresented as well as youth voice. i'm here, trying to be active. in addition my case set a precedent with the sunshine ordinance in terms of accountability. so no matter how close various ties were, my proof was there. i'm also a committee member with -- excuse me, a board member with the san francisco black young democrats. so that has to do with my participation in local government. i'm the volunteer coordinator for the entire san francisco system, in terms of the public library system. i did disclose to the clerk of the board, employee wong, regarding my disability.
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however, regarding how it coalesces with federal law, i'm not sure. yeah. >> chair kim: thank you, ms. forsley. i know you've been here to present before the rules committee in the past. any questions for ms. forsley? seeing none, thank you very much. so are there any comments or questions, additional comments or questions from colleagues? seeing none, at this time, we'll open it up for public comment. if you would like to speak on item no. 3, please do step up. i don't have any speaker cards for this item, so just -- you can line up on this side of the room. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i'm richard nee. i've been on the task force for 10 years, and the interest that ms. simon and ms. wilson have shown is certainly admirable. however i think in addition to the disability factor, i think there is one other thing that gives an edge to mr. wolfe, and
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that is, as you know, at this time, the committee on information technology and the department of technology are attempting to consolidate and upgrade the city's electronic record system with respect to storage backup and retrievable. and this is an area where the task force is -- as you can imagine, very interested. and mr. wolfe has long experience in information technology. that is a matter of fact -- as a matter of fact, what he does professionally. so i think that that should merit strong consideration as you go forward. again, i think, you know, mr. wolfe has served on the task force. he's done so in an admirable fashion. thank you. >> chair kim: thank you.
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>> good afternoon. my name is diana d. matthews, a small business othe owner. i'm here to speak on behalf of my colleague and friend, kai wilson forsley. every day, kai works for public access, the citizens of san francisco, the underrepresented, and usually the undersupported for public access to key cultural, financial, and political information. she mentioned voter registration. this is what she does every day for the 99%. and if the one shows up, them too. one of the great critiques that the average person has about government is that government isn't working and we don't know why. so we need greater public access to critical government information and that's one of the things the sunshine ordinance task force is very good at. i know that if kai wilson forsley is appointed nothing will get in the public's way of getting this information because she's breaking down critical information for us every single day, through the san francisco
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public library, and the many nonprofit areas that she's responsible for. so i give her my highest recommendation. thank you. >> chair kim: thank you. >> ♪ the appointments have begun, before the rising sun-shine will fly, so many city roads to choose. ♪ they'll start out walking and for office they will run. ♪ and, yes, we've just begun. ♪ and thus we've just begun -- pick some appointments, pick many, won't you. ♪ little city, big city, i feel the ice is slowly melting. ♪ little city, i feel that you're gonna pick some good ones
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here. ♪ here comes the city sunshine. ♪ here comes the sun. ♪ here comes the sun. ♪ and i say pick some appointments, pick some good some this time. ♪ little city, big city, i feel the city. ♪ ice is slowly melting. ♪ you're going to pick some good ones here. ♪ here comes the sunshine ordinance appointments. ♪ and i know you'll pick one good one ♪ >> chair kim: thank you, mr. paulson. >> members of the rules committee, ray hartz, san francisco open government. for a body whose membership has many law degrees board of supervisors seems to be lacking in the rule of law. the sunshine ordinance task force has been unable to meet for months, denying due process
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to the san francisco citizens. this was done in retaliation for task force decisions against certain members of the board of supervisors. the full board changed the recommendation of this rules committee and failed to take public comment before removing the only representative of the disabled community from the task force. despite what was said by supervisor campos if you followed the sunshine ordinance there were several in the audience who could have told you that what you were doing was something that was going to shut down the task force. supervisor wiener substituted a personally drafted candidate with no interest or knowledge of government matters. for the experienced representative of the disabled community. this retaliatory action denied the disabled community representation on the task force, opportunity to be chair or vice chair of the task force or its committees and violated rights under the americans with
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disabilities act. for you to go back and pretend like nobody knew what was happening is really, really outrageous. very frankly, you have a responsibility to fill the seats of any committee with qualified candidates, and that includes knowing what the qualifications are. and to come back after denying people the right to appear as i have three cases before the task force, and have now been delayed for months, and to come before the public and tell them oh, we didn't realize what we were doing was wrong, is really, really egregious. and i think you really must think we're a bunch of dumb bunnies to be polite, to fall for that kind of garbage. and here's 150 word summary included to be included in the minutes. >> good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and hello, san fr
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