tv [untitled] September 9, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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to look at all the -- not only the applications, but also the different comments that we have received from members of the public, not only here, but also e-mail, and also to the extent that there are different comments from other members of the board, or other members of the community, that's sort of what i'm trying to figure out. and my support of a candidate doesn't necessarily reflect, you know, how i would have chosen 15 people, but it's really based on what is it that we're hearing from the community. because at the end of the day, this task force really belongs to the community. and so to the extent that there is consensus around some names, my inclination would be to be supportive of those names. so that's kind of how imtrying to approach it. i don't know, supervisor wiener,
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if you have -- so, you know, i don't know how we want to do this, but we know there are a couple of names that i want to throw out as names that i think, based on what i have seen and based on some of the work that i have experienced firsthand, i think individuals that i think should be added, and maybe you guys can also, you know, list some of the names that you think should be added as well. you know, i've worked with tommi mecca for many years on many different issues, and i do think that, you know, what he said in his presentation about getting things done is true, of how he approaches things. so i would add tommi to the list. we heard a number of people speak on behalf of jazzie collins, and it's not just because of the clever jazzie sí puede, but i think that certainly nailed it for me.
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and you know, we have also -- you know, we heard from marcy edellman and the long history of work around these issues. i think points to the kind of experience that you want to see. so let least to get this rolling. >> chair kim: thank you. i would like to support tommi mecca and jazzie collins. i've worked with both of you and i know your work very well, particularly ms. collins in district 6. ms. edellman who i don't know as well but was impressed by your application. i also love to throw mr. stuart smith on there, someone was also very active and has done a lot of outreach to garner support. and i do actually appreciate that level of enthusiasm in
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wanting to serve as well. so i will also add his name. also would like to add larry saxxon, someone who i don't know, but i've heard a lot about through other individuals, and was very impressed by your presentation today as well. i do want to give opportunity to other committee members, if -- we have 15 slots. >> i do -- will certainly be in agreement with that. michael costa is subpoena tha cd love to see on this committee. do you want to start with a motion? >> it would make sense to get to 15 and then make a motion but i certainly agree with all of the recommendations that were made. i think stu smith, very impressive presentation and the level of support from the community as well as larry
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saxxon, michael costa. i think he probably will play the role of the policy wonk and i think that's something you want to see as well. someone that i've always been very impressed with, because of what she means to the community, is felicia elizondo. i think it's important to have representation from all sides of san francisco. i also want to add jorge rodriguez. supervisor wiener probably has some. >> supervisor wiener: i can crash the party. there are a few i want to mention. one is bill ambrunn was in a lot of ways wasn't the only moving force behind this but he was the one who cracked the whip on all of us from the very beginning and made sure this happened. so i think he would be a
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phenomenal addition. daniel redman, who is just done tremendous work. i think it's also important on the diversity of the committee to acknowledge this is an intergenerational thing and there are young people doing tremendous work on senior issu issues. and ashley mccumber, meals on wheels, i think food and security, and isolation is a very significant issue with a lot of seniors. and then i could list like 10 more but i don't want to hog the microphone. >> chair kim: thank you. so while supervisor wiener cannot make a motion, we certainly would like to take into consideration, as author of this legislation, i certainly support all of the names that
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you have just mentioned, as part of that motion. supervisor campos. >> co-chair campos: so i have a couple of other names. and again, in retrospect, maybe we should have made a committee of 25. i don't know. but i certainly would add to the list kaushik roy of shanti. i would add that name. and also michelle alcedo. >> chair kim: two more names, i think we're actually getting close to 15 and i have to count. but i'd like to add into the consideration scott hits you cana. we don't necessarily appointed this many people at a time. usually we do staggered terms
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but because this is a creation of a new task force that makes it a little more challenging. >> i think i have 15. >> chair kim: yeah. so we do have 15 applicants before us, currently. and i'm comfortable with this group. i think it represents a diversity in the lgbt community. it looks like it can be a consensus motion moving forward. i do want to say, and i'm sure my colleagues would like to speak as well. i think this is an incredibly hard choice and part of the consideration is not just your experience but also the diversity that you will add to the committee because we do want a diversity of perspective, whether it's from the medical field, as a social worker, as a senior, and also from the variety of different members of
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the lgbt communities, as was eloquently put by you think one of the committee members. but i want to thank everyone so much for your application. actually many of you work in the district that i represent, district 6 in the south of market and the tenderloin. i don't know what our communities would do without the services you provide either as a volunteer and staff member. i'm grateful as someone who represents our constituents particularly in the lgbt community, so many organizations to refer, so many of our constituents depend on the services i provide before they come to us. thank you so much for the work that you've done and the tremendous history, and depth that you've brought today. i want to thank the coauthors of this legislation. i think it's really highlighted the unique needs of our aging lgbt community, some of which i was not personally aware of and i'm appreciative of the many issues brought to light, whether it's the isolation and many of the experiences those going back
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in the closet to retain a lot of services that are needed for seniors. it's been educational for me and i hope will shape the services and the policy considerations that we as a board take to really take care of our communities, and particularly our senior community. supervisor campos and supervisor wiener. >> co-chair campos: madam chaish, i don't know if this motion has been made but i'm happy to make a motion to recommend the following individuals, and let me say before i read the names, that i am very, very thrilled by the caliber of the names that are being put forward. the sad thing to be honest is that i do think that we are leaving off the task force pretty impressive people that i actually think would be great to have them, whether it's nikos diaman, veronica fimbres and so many other folks here.
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i feel horrible about that but i hope you understand we're trying to make -- choose from a pretty amazing group of people. so the folks that would be a part of the motion to move their names forward with a positive recommendation would be ashley mccumber, daniel redman, felicia elizondo, jazzie collins, jorge rodriguez, kaushik roy, larry saxxon, lawrence michael costa, marcy adeleman, michelle alcedo, larry lange, scott haitsuka, tommi, and william ambrunn. do i have all of the 15? >> chair kim: so we have a motion to move forward these 15 names with positive recommendation. >> second that. >> chair kim: we have a second to that.
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supervisor wiene. >> supervisor wiener: this is a strong list and there are additional people who i think were disappointed on there. but to reiterate we said at the beginning i assume there will be an advisory committee so other people can be involved. in addition to -- we have various ways of measuring diversity but i think one of the important ways of measuring diversity here is political diversity. this town, and city hall, you know, it's a very diverse place in terms of people's politics. and as we saw with the housing trust fund, when we get a broad spectrum together and come up with a product, maybe not everyone's thrilled with everything, but everyone can get behind, we have a lot of strength. so i think on this task force when i look at the different people and different perspectives i think will make this task force incredibly strong. and have a product that will
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come out that -- as many people as possible, i can get behind. one thing that i -- in terms of -- and i'll say this to mr. nolan who will be staffing the task force, that the one thing that is missing from -- i think we only had one person who applied and she wasn't here. i was looking forward to advocating fer hear adele agostino. i don't believe there are people on the task force with a ton of background of housing issues. i was very much wanting to have someone on who actually -- someone who with an affordable housing developer, someone who had done the nuts and bolts of building, and creating physical affordable housing, because things like eitherura architectl barriers, is extremely important. the fact ms. agostino wasn't
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here and that's the way the cookie crumbles. i request the task force engine folks from that world -- engage folks from that world to be intimately involved because i think that's a very critical thing. thank you. >> chair kim: supervisor campos. >> co-chair campos: i don't want to belabor this point because we've been here long enough but i want to add two points that i'd like to direct to the task force. one is to encourage the members of the task force to maximize the use of the people who applied but who did not make it to the task force. i think that you will be well-served, if you have a very strong advisory committee that has some of these amazing people. i see ms. fimbres. everyone has something to offer. so i encourage you to do that. that's one thing. the seconds point, which i think is a very important one, at
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least for me, we're focusing on issues facing the elder seniors within the lgbt community. i think it's important to think about seniors generally but also within the lgbt community there might be opportunities or solutions that allow for inclusion of other segments of the lgbt community. i'm looking at tommi mecca, earlier today we were having a meeting talking about the issue of homelessness within the lgbt community and how the fact that 40% of all homeless youth in san francisco are queer or lgbt. so to the extent that you're talking about solutions that address specific problems or needs that seniors within the lgbt community have, there might be opportunities to do things that also address the needs of other age groups like our young people. so i hope that as the work continues that those opportunities are being considered. but i'm very excited and look
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forward to assisting the task force in any way possible. >> chair kim: thank you, supervisors campos and wiener. i'm also interested in how we address homelessness in our lgbt community as well, having spent time in many of our shelters. there are a number of lgbt homeless individuals in our shelter system and it's difficult to get them the services they need and of course other residents in our shelter. i would be interested in the work and recommendation in that arena as well. so we have a motion before us. we have 15 candidates to move forward to the full board with recommendation. and we can do that without objection. thank you so much to all the members of the public that are here and all th applicants. we look forward to working with you. we have several more items on our agenda so if you can take your conversation outside. i don't want to lose quorum -- i just lost quorum. we will recess for five minutes.
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