tv [untitled] September 10, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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>> the clerk: please make sure all submitted to the clerk. items will appear!inhg the board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated tngeddle thank/qíxm you. we have six items on the agenda. i should introduce our cityd6! attorney john givner who is with us today. please call item 1új ç4p&c"x >> alisa miller: resolution authorizing acceptance of a grant from the san park alliance for play area at lafayette park. >> chair mar: thishna sponsored by supervisor mark farrell. i believe we havex$r] from> good afternoon, supervisors. thank you for having me hear today. i workf/ç4u on the san francisco
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recreation and park department's partnership team. i-w often work with the park alliance with various friends group. the friends ofsuf3o lafayette park playground have worked incredibly hard to raise additional'' play area at lafayette park. the playground will be by bond money as well as the private money, andp pay for special bolders that are part of the design construction documents, and cash gift, to pay theh contractor to complete0j enhancements of the playground. >> chair mar: thank3ísg if there are no questions colleagues, let's open this up for public comment. is there4÷m that would like to speak? seeing none, public comment8ów is closed. colleagues, can we move this forward with a positive recommendation? withoutmçmk ms. miller please call item 2. >> alisa miller: item 2 resolutiong+w,ñ authorizing a
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retroactive acceptance of a grant from san francisco park alliance for windmill project phase 3. >> chair mar: thank you. tm( grant that i'm the sponsor of. and we have dan mauer?ç÷;j from the recreation and parks department. this is windmills, one of two, that are at the west side of golden park. mr. mauer. >> good afternoon, board members,&rj department. the yft is an accept and expend resolution ñcq the amount ofvd'r $513,000 375 come from[?kcñ the gordon moorelñ foundation. these funds will be]o< coupled with open space funds toj complete the phase of three phase project. it is open.a.0p and operational now.
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these funds will be used to improve landscape area in and(@&c"x around the windmill add a pumping station to the windmill and other interpretivepe educational exhibits which will complete"f for the south murphy windmill. l i know there is tremendous support from the dutch -- whensy[et the huge crane came and putw< that -- is it a copper dome on the south i know there is tremendous community support for this as z@rñ well. colleagues if there are no questions, let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the÷c that would like to speak in seeing none, public comment is8a)f closed. colleagues, can we similarly move this forward with a positive recommendation without thank you. ms. miller, we're movingß-a along. item?l 3. >> alisa miller: item 3 ordinance amending the planning codewl
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policies and goals. >> supervisor mar: this one is sponsoredfp christina ol!$ david campos and myself. we're hoping to have someone from?u?.u supervisor olague's office.wi5é let's see. so yeah i do see this. well ! i see -- okay. well on this item i would like tovss move that we continue itr september 24th. >> the clerk: mr. chair, we have to open#l1÷jv it up for public comment. >> chair mar: thank you. so let's open this up for publiclv comment. oh, supervisor olague is here. okay. so we just introducede no. 3, the housing preservation and production item, thejv dashboard -- >> supervisor olague: be requepu item because we need to talk to some of the organizations1sj'$ that
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have been working with us closely, and also with the planning department, to try toc+é3 reach more consensus among some of those items that are still a littleíh controversia >> chair mar: okay. thank you supervisor. >> supervisor olague: uh-huh. >> chair mar:p[cpz let's open this up for public comment. is there anyone from the public comment that would lieb torgm speak? public comment is closed. colleagues, without objection. we're moving this to september %zk[9ñ thank you. thank you supervisorx3?cx olague and chris durazo from her officec1 c @&c"x as well. please call item 4. >> alisa miller: ordinance amending planning code to permit existing gasoline stations cx on 19th avenue to provide a mechanical car wash >> chair mar: so it looks like supervisor olague has left. so we have to presentmu planning department> aaron staffer from the
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on july 12, 2012 the planning commission votedj-ws 6-0 to recommend approval of the ordinance with modifications. the 86k;+red ordinance would allow existingc service stations of a certain size located on 19th avenue from lincoln avenuerr& to -- boulevard to provide mechanical automotive wash onk with conditional use authorization. >> supervisor mar: we have supervisor olague ere. i was going to ask if she has any introductoryd(:,>p)ks. >> i'm sure you will cover a lot of what i will mention but i'll be very brief,%kç it is appropriate to allow the intensification of useqm-yá certain sites, that are of a certain square footage, and already serve this legislation wouldn't allow new stations to pop up but% instead works within the confines of existing stations on 19th?cgñf a
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and proposes very specific metrics that the projects must meet in terms of noise traffic and waste mitigation. we have included a s number of conditions that require the stations to demonstrate that they have ! considerations of the impacts on the envirqs$? including limiting it to stations on lots of at least 12,000 square> performance of a traffic study a no water and employ the bes$f yr environmental practices. again, this is an as of rightmzrt? situation. it will be subject to a lot of scrutiny and a lot of public input and so i also have the cosponsorship of7 initially, there were some challenges to it i think based
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on thew impression that it was as of right, which it isn't. 8t) move forward, and there enough, you know areas where people do have the ability to weigh÷ so i think it's a good piece of legislation. >> chair mar: thank you,xg ç supervisor. mr. starr. >> again the commission votedjc 6-0 to approve. with aa&lcñ modification from -- this could happen so long$?)oí(j a lot merger assembly was not in the project. it's our understanding it was not included in the ordinance before you of the 12 automobile service stations located on 19th avenue[&[1v from lincoln avenue to -- only four meet the requirements identified in the proposed legislation. one is located on the corner of lincoln way in]1 d an rm2 zoning
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district, one located on the7çn@ corner of irving street within the inner sunset commercialp district, one on the corner of 19th andaz÷ taraval, and m2 zoning district and one is located at the intersection of 19th heavy and -- withino zoning. that concludes my presentation and i am here forc úa questions. thank you. >> chair mar: i see no questions. let's open this up for public- comment. is there anyone from the public that would like to speak?ç katy tang. >> i'm here to offer our office's support of tñ cñ legislation currently in this form. again as planning mentioned it wouldu&b stations on 19th avenue, two of which now-vk fall in ourg district after redistricting. we believe that this legislation
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