tv [untitled] September 11, 2012 2:00pm-2:30pm PDT
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gentlemen, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting. madam clerk, could you please call the roll. supervisor avalos, present. supervisor campos, present. president chiu, present. supervisor chu, present. supervisor cohen, present. supervisor elsbernd, present. supervisor farrell, present. supervisor kim, present. supervisor mar, absent. supervisor olague, present. supervisor wiener, present. mr. president, you have a quorum. >> president chiu: thank you. ladies and gentlemen, given that it is september 11, 2012, i'd like to ask that we take a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11.
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>> president chiu: thank you very much. if you could please join me in the pledge of allegiance. >> i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> president chiu: colleagues, we have our july 31 board meeting minutes. motion by supervisor campos, seconded by supervisor farrell. without objection those are approved. madam clerk, any communications? >> angela calvillo: i have no communications. >> president chiu: could you call our 3 pm special order. >> angela calvillo: first item of business is policy discussion between mayor and linley and board of supervisors. this week representing the even districts, specifically district 4. the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes.
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the president will recognize the sproofers who will present her question to the mayor, as long as the entire discussion does not exceed five minutes per supervisor. >> president chiu: mr. mayor, welcome back to the board. >> mayor lee: thank you. good afternoon, supervisors, and to the public, thank you again for inviting me here to present answers to your questions. before i begin, i want to welcome everybody back from the august break. and, also, just to add to the moment of silence, we had earlier for 9/11 victims, if i might just ask you to remember our local heroes, as a part of that, and in addition to the -- some almost 3,000 people who lost their lives for us in san francisco, one of our many connections, is betty yong and mike bingham for saving the people that they did and struggling with that tragedy. thank you, mr. president and the
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board. we're back to work, and appreciate the question. >> president chiu: thank you, mr. mayor. our one and only question for today was provided by our colleague from district 4, supervisor carmen chu. >> supervisor chu: i am pleased to offer the one question. the question is the area you have to support economic growth in our neighborhoods in march we invited you to participate in a merchant walk on taraval street where you saw blocks of vacant storefronts and saw thought of city investment. what specific physical improvements have your departments completed in the naks six months on taraval, and what specific actions has the office of small business or the office of economic workforce development take in in the last six months to reach out to property owners and business between 31st and 33rd avenues. >> mayor lee: thank you for that question. on our merchant walk on taraval
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street, it really did emphasize to me the incredible potential and opportunity for transform in change in neighborhoods. i'm pleased to share with you that as part of the 2011 repavement and street safety bond, that the department of public works is implementing, we prioritized 1.6 million dollars for improvements along taraval, particularly between the streets of 46th and the great highway. these improvements are based on a conceptual plan that was prepared by one of your community members, and was given to me while we were on that walk with you in march. the next steps will be to work closely with your office and certainly to organize a series of meetings so that we can confirm, with feedback from the community, and then refine this conceptual design, and we would be prepared and dpw and the other agencies will be prepared to start construction pursuant to that agreed-upon plan as soon
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as summer of 2013, which is next year. in addition, the office of economic and workforce development has funded the sunset neighborhood beacon center. in fact it's funded, that center, since 2009, in terms of hosting a part time corridor manager that specifically dedicated to assessing and addressing the unique needs of that street and that area. this corridor manager talks to property owners and businesses along the street, encouraging them to upgrade the storefronts, what were they see fit, to be able to utilize effectively the 311 system, fill, and have ideas to fill vacancies, as they occur along that avenue, and participant in the neighborhood cleanups. because i believe we can do more, i also made sure that taraval street was part of our new invest in neighborhoods initiative, which will leverage resources from the various
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departments, and all of the economic development tools that are currently available to us. on public safety, we are also working closely with our police department to increase the number of patrols along taraval, particularly in response to the uptick in criminal activity, especially in front of that seven-eleven store on 31nd and taraval. you know, although it's slightly outside of the few blocks that you've identified in your question, supervisor, i want to mention that we have partnered with the community and your office, to increase visitors to the area, including the promotion of movies in mccapen, a series that had great success this past month of june. in fact it had such success that we intend to provide funding for a second series of movies that will begin every friday night during the month of september. i'm also pleased to report that we're laurening a new ad -- launching a new ada improvement
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program in district 4. for you other supervisors this might be something you would be interested in as well. we're partnering with the the asian neighborhood design and mayor's office of disability to complete free assessments for businesses around ada compliance. some of you have deliberated around what the businesses are facing to ada compliant matters. so providing this free assessment would be helpful and i would be glad to entertain other requests from your supervisors as well to help our small businesses. and then after these assessments are done, supervisor, the businesses will then be encouraged to apply for grant funding through the sf shines program to make these improvements. i would like to invite everyone here to come and continue this conversation at the community coffee, which will be held this saturday, in district 4, saturday, september 15.
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and i know supervisor, your concern about your constituents as the others are, and so am i. i look forward to productive working relationship, both this community coffee, as well as the community clean team effort that's scheduled for this saturday for both district 4 and district 7. thank you very much. >> president chiu: thank you, mr. mayor. i think that conclude today's question time. >> mayor lee: and i want to especially acknowledge and thank the other supervisors for their questions as well. thank you. >> president chiu: with that, madam clerk, why don't we go to our consent agenda. >> angela calvillo: items 2 through 5 compromise the consent agenda, and will be ablthd upon by a single roll call vote. if a member would like to discuss a matter it shall be removed and considered separately. >> president chiu: colleagues, anyone want to sever any of these items? roll call vote on 2-5. >> angela calvillo: supervisor farrell, aye. supervisor kim, aye. supervisor mar, aye.
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supervisor olague, aye. supervisor wiener, aye. supervisor avalos, aye. supervisor campos, aye. president chiu, aye. supervisor chu, aye. supervisor cohen, aye. supervisor elsbernd, aye. there are 11 ayes. >> president chiu: those ordinances are passed. items 6. >> angela calvillo: an ordinance amending the police code to eliminate certain requirements for secondhand and antique dealers, modify permit requirements, and to set the secondhand dealer permit application fee at 200. >> president chiu. >> president chiu: thank you. first, i want to thank the sponsor of this legislation, supervisor wiener, for his work in moving this through and i think he's dealt with a lot of the issues that were raised, both from the public safety community as well as from the secondhand community. there was one question and i have an amendment to address the situation. i want to appreciate the fact
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that this legislation really does help to minimize bureaucratic hassles for secondhand dealers interacting with city government and to focus on goods that are more often than not the subject of criminal activity. one of those goods that was emoom rated in supervisor wiener's legislation vosms jewelry. i was approached by several small business folks within my district, who asked to ask that we exempt out jewelry that involved minimal amounts that typically would not be involved in criminal activity. so i have circulated a brief amendment that states that jewelry and watches would be encompassed by this legislation unless they have a fair market value as a secondhand good of $40 or less. this was a number arrived at after conversations with the police department, looking at these activities, as well as by secondhand dealers dealing in
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jewelry and watches. i want to thank supervisor wiener for his engagement in this conversation and ask for your support. >> we have a motion by presidet chiu. supervisor eastern. >> supervisor wiener: i wanted to note i support the amendment. >> president chiu: can we take that without objection? without objection. can we take this item, same house, same call? same house, same call. this ordinance is finally passed. madam clerk, can you call item 7. >> angela calvillo: an ordinance amending the administrative code to authorize the airport commission to enter into leases with entities providing aviation support services without competitive bidding for a term not to exceed 10 years. >> president chiu: colleagues, same house, same call. this ordinance is passed on first read. item 8. >> angela calvillo: and ordinance waiving the fee in the public works code for temporary street space occupancy as part of the ocean avenue arts and cult festival october 15, 2012. >> president chiu: same house,
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same call, passed on the first reading. >> angela calvillo: item 9, an ordinance setting san francisco's property tax rate and establishing pass-through rate for tenants 2012-2013. >> president chiu: same house, same call. this ordinance is passed on first read. >> angela calvillo: item 10, resolution approval a port lease commission with ammunition llc for office space located at 10 lombard street, roundhouse 2 in the northern waterfront with a 52 month term. >> president chiu: same house same call. this resolution is adopted. >> angela calvillo: item 11 a a resolution authorizing the exercise of a 10 year option to extend the master lease at 124 turk street with department of health. >> president chiu: same house, same call. this resolution is adopted. >> angela calvillo: item 12 resolution authorizing a contract amendment increase with alliant insurance services for an amount not to exceed 15.1 million. >> president chiu: same house, same call, this resolution is
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adopted. madam clerk, could we call a number of items related to treasure island that came out of the budget committee without recommendation. >> the clerk: item 13 a resolution the amendment to treasure island master lease to extend the term to november 30, 2012. item 14 resolution approving the 37th amendment to the treasure island master lease. item 15 resolution approving the 16th amendment to the treasure island master lease. item 16 resolution approving the eighth amendment to childcare master lease. item 17 amoving the 24th amendment to treasure island event master lease. item 18 resolution approving and authorizing the treasure island development authority to enter into a modification of the cooperative agreement with united states navy to extend the agreement from october 1, 2012 to september 30, 2013. >> president chiu: i understand the director of treasure island is here to make a presentation but i'd like to acknowledge the district
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supervisor, supervisor kim, to make some opening comments. >> supervisor chuopening. >> supervisor kim: thank you. given the new concerns regarding tida no longer as a redevelopment agency and the city attorney's memo regarding potential increased liability on the city's general fund, we did bring this item to the board of supervisors without recommendation so that colleagues could take additional time to read through the items and to feel comfortable with supporting these items which we actually have been routinely bringing before the board over the last 15 years, i believe. we did also request hearing just because there has been new news potentially radiologically impacted sites on treasure island. of course there have been concerns amongst residents and we want the board to have opportunity to learn more about these reports and also ask any questions as necessary.
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so we have the director of the treasure island development authority here to present on both items before us and to answer any connective questions that we might have regarding the navy which is the party we are contracting with, as well as questions about liability. so i did wan want to introduce merriam from the treasure island development authority. >> president chiu: supervisor avalos. >> supervisor avalos: thank you. and, yes, that's exactly how we had our discussion last week, colleagues, that we had some concerns about the recent reportings of potential radiological contamination that still remains or may still remain on treasure island. actually, it does remain. we're trying to figure out what level it is. and i have concerns -- there were different reports that have come out over the years and most recently from california department of health that there
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are some known unknowns about what exists there on treasure island. and what i wanted to make sure is that we could get a report back from what is the latest discussion from the california department of public health which seems the last entity that's really involved in looking at review of potential radiological contamination that's there. last week as well, there was an article that came out in the east bay express, probably the third or fourth article that came out, that expressed a lot of concerns as well and i would like that to be touched upon by ms. sons of the treasure island development authority. and if you want to go on with your presentation, be able to touch upon those concerns, and i'll probably ask follow-up questions as we proceed. >> president chiu: supervisor kim, last comment you want to make. >> supervisor kim: i wanted to clarify what is before us today. we have two separate issues before us. one is the items that we actually are voting on today, items 13 through 18 which tida
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will walk us through the master lease amendments along with the cooperative agreement. one of the concerns that has come up through that process is with the aging infrastructure on that site, owned by the navy, who is then responsible for improving that infrastructure, whether it is the navy, the future developer, or the city and the puc. so i think that is one of the issues that i think members of this board will have questions on because that directly relates to the agreements that are before us today. but tagging along with that, because the navy is one of the parties to which these -- the master lease and the cooperative agreement are with, we certainly have concerns now that there is news that there is additional sites with potential radiological impact. what is the city going to do to ensure that we are doing the proper cleanup and the safeguards that need to take place to protect our residents and of course our workers on that island. i wanted to separate those two
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issues out. >> president chiu: why don't we go to the authority, madam director. >> mereian sighas, director of operations at treasure island, president chiu and members of the board. i just want to first just make some remarks with regards to the items before you today, and then quickly get into the issue at hand with regards to the recent media report. so with that, 15 years ago, tida -- the board of supervisors approved the resolution establishing tida as a single entity focused on planning, the redevelopment, the reuse, and the conversion of treasure island for development. concurrent with the base closure the city and county entered into a co-op agreement with the navy for services including operation of maintenance and utilities, police and fire, grounds and street maintenance, property management, and care take services. then tida entered into master leases with the navy to sublease
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properties and buildings for commercial use, maritime use and special event use, specifically those are the master leases before you today, the southern waterfront master lease, the childcare development center, events venue, land and structures, and maritime leases. tida, in turn, subleases these properties and -- to generate revenue to offset costs associated with the property management and municipal service obligations of the co-op agreement including leases for housing, commercial, and special event. some subleases are for public service and do not generate income like to our nonprofits, little league, boys and girls club, were to open spaces. housing and commercial leases generate millions of dollars each year for tida's operations to pay for the day-to-day spending. both the co-op agreement and master lease expire annually and indeed they have been before you for 15 years.
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but as the supervisor avalos and supervisor kim said last week during the committee meeting, there is a request for tida to present on the most recent media account of the navy remediation. so for that today, we have amy brownwell from the san francisco department of public health who will speak to the regulatory process associated with remediation, and then bob burns, who is tida independent expert on radiology with over 15 years of experience. >> may i ask a question to director sykes. >> president chiu: supervisor kim. >> supervisor kim: before we move on to the radiological issues which there are a lot of questions concerning i wanted to put to rest some of the issues around the cooperative agreement. so some of the concerns that have come up -- now that tida's no longer a legally separate
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entity, i think there are some questions that have come up around some of the aging infrastructure. and i was hoping that maybe you could touch a little bit about what the discussions are currently today around the aging infrastructure, what discussions are headed towards in terms of who may be able to invest and fund for some of this work to ensure we aren't having electrical outages and some of the aging we're seeing in the wastewater treatment. if you can address some of those concerns and move on to the radiological issue. >> it is true that the infrastructure is old and that it continues to be repaired, and we've had some recent outages. but i must say the puc has been very responsive in their attention to not only getting the repair done, but proactively inspecting all components of the infrastructure so as to prevent repairs in the future. the infrastructure is part --
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