tv [untitled] September 13, 2012 5:30am-6:00am PDT
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because from the time that you do get the notice, i have noticed that construction goes fairly quick. and i notice that there is a project on 18th street between market and hady. and from the time that notification came out to the time that the project was done, it went very quick and the neighbors were... i mean that everybody is happy now that 18th street now is... and that section is not like a... a bumpy road any more. but i was very impressed with how quickly the construction and everything and then you guys were in and out, which i am very appreciative because it didn't used to be like that and i noticed the last few projects that you have done in my neighborhood you have been in and out and we appreciate that and we like our new roads. >> generally it takes one or two roads to pave it and some time after that to stripe it just for a paving job.
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>> director? >> just a note, though, i think that jcw is pretty good and sensitive to high commercial times like valentines day or during the holidays, or high shopping times. so, i don't know if in the notification out for the merchants there is a contact, you know? just in case the businesses or the merchants just need to confirm that they may not be doing work or may be delaying work during those times. >> yes. >> so there is in the noticing there are several phone numbers and ways to contact the project managers and public out reach staff like me and also, i am sure that you know about the holiday moratorium that we generally abide by, which it puts a moratorium on construction work between thanksgiving and new year's. and in business areas.
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so. >> i know when you guys are doing the out reach for the castro street widening they are going to do ours in the winter so it does not effect like pride and fulsom, and so they have already done, like in upper market they have already been doing out reach like now for this project that is going to happen next year. so i am really happy with what they are doing with the merchants especially in our neighborhood. >> commissioner rilely? >> i am coming back to the islands, how do you determine where to put them? >> is it based on the request of the property owners? the residents or the record of accidents or something? >> yeah, that would be a question that i would have to get back to you on. >> i know that it would go through a priority process based on the criteria that are used and it probably depends on the roadway and how fast the traffic travels but i am happy
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to take that back and get an answer for you. >> thank you. >> any other questions? >> great. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next item. >> for the record we should take public comment. comment. >> okay. >> do we have any public comment on the pw's road repaving? >> seeing none, public comment on item ten is closed. >> item number one. >> discussion and action to authorize the permitting committee to approve the draft response to the civil grand jury report titled where there there's smoke the need to strengthen the art commission's stewardship of the san francisco cultural legacy and to permit the commission's president to authorize the final version of the response. >> i spoke about the grand jury report and that there are two sections of that report that the office needs to provide an
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official response. and so, we would based the timing of the drafting of that official response with the understanding that we would be having a commission meeting on september 24th. or 25th. i forget which date. that monday. but, now that that meeting is being canceled, because that would have been the only subnative item to discuss, and since this matter would be under the permitting committee, i am asking for this commission's approval to submit the draft to the permitting committee for a review and then with final authorization with the commission president. >> okay. >> i would permit that. >> let me... i would do we have a motion to move it to the permitting committee? >> >> i move. we need to do public comment first. >> okay. >> do we have public comment on
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item number 1 1? >> seeing. none, public comment is closed. now do we a motion? >> i move. >> i second. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> aye. >> item 11 is moved to the permitting committee. >> next item, 12. >> 12 is director's report. update and report on the office of small business and small business assistance center, update on the department programs, update on legislative matters and make announcements regarding small business activity and then at this time we have update and report on the ocean avenue fire that displaced the merchants ocean avenue. >> commissioners, attached actually i will start off with the update on the ocean avenue fire report. attached in your behind the front sheet of the director's report is a memo that was drafted by atano who was
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project managing the full project for the ocean avenue fire, businesses that were affected by the fire. so, you have an update... there is the memo to the mayor providing an update. many of the businesses establishes have not changed yet. but, for one business that was located in the property, that had to be demolished that was red-tagged, they actually have now relocated to irviing street. and are open and the first lady was there last week welcoming them on their opening. and i really want to commend our staff, jane gong who project managed working with the departments to get the business up and running within a month's time. but i also really want to commend the staff of each of
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the departments dbi. the department of public health. and fire department were going above and beyond in terms of, you know, making sure that they came out and did inspections right away and the department of public health was there, the evening before at 7:00 p.m. doing inspections. so, the mayor set out a priority to do what we could to minimize the impact and so now, happy bakery which now has a new name, minkey restaurant is over on in the outer sunset on irving street. so that was a good success story. we are still... the businesses that are located in the business... in the properties that have been damaged, we don't have a status report just yet in terms of the amount of time that it is going to take to do the repairs and get those businesses up and going. but one of the businesses was
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interested in being a key loan recipient. renaissance so i will send you a link for a $5,000 loan. and then the friends of the commission of the status of women are interested in doing it for the women that were affected by the fire. so that is a nice community coming together for that. >> then, moving on, any questions about that? or any other updates that you would like for me to provide? >> oh, and i actually do want to make one other comment, the fire department has been i also want to commend the fire department there was a situation up on polk street where a delivery truck backed into a fire hydrant and created water damage to a couple of businesses. and they have been responsive
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in turning over the incident reports so that the businesses can immediately fire for insurance so this is, i want to really commend them for that so it really minimizes the number of days that the businesses, you know, dealing with the process and working to get their insurance coverage and the money that they need to make the repairs. next i would like to move on to sunday streets and i talked about the mission sunday streets last on months in in regards to doing joint inspections, there is a interest in the sunday streets with an organization to increase the number of weekends in the mission. but there are concerns with the merchants with the number of times that the street is being closed so that it is now, you know, if it is once, or twice, during the year and then there
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is a economic boone, but for businesses there were businesses with the fourth sunday street or the ones with the sunday street that was in august. they did not actually see an uptick in actually have it or a decrease in revenues for that day. our office will be meeting with other departments to see if there are things that can be done. but the one thing that i did observe when i was there that the businesses have had park lifts or sidewalk tables and chairs and they need to be much more active and busy than let's say the restaurants or food establishments that did not. >> and you know, i think that for, let's say eating, i think that that has to do with people
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on their bicycles or they are walking and they don't necessarily want to go into a place and sit down. and then, there are issues of sunday streets doesn't have permits to allow for food, or for retailers to even sell their products on the sidewalk. so, i think that my... what i am interested in seeing is their way, like what we do for small business week to see about doing fee waivers. >> i just have a question for the sunday streets, because yesterday they had the sunday streets over in the fillmore. and how... was it busy? >> yeah. it is getting better every year. >> yeah. i noticed that they have like four of them in the mission. but then they only have like one in the fillmore and one in north beach china town. >> and then they have the one which i went to the one down in the bay view which was packed.
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>> yeah. but i think that it would be interested if they spread it out like the other parts of the city like they used to have it done on the great highway and i don't see one this year and out on the neighborhoods. >> did they? >> they did that years ago. >> not this year. >> because i know that the next one is out in the... which i think that it is the first. >> this weekend it was out in... >> fillmore. >> this weekend and then the next one is the first weekend in october which is going to be in the excelcer district and we wanted one in the castro and we were told no. and if they can spread them out. >> and i will bring that up and to mention that. so i do think that, you know, i think that there needs to be a question with the number, you know, in terms of the return for businesses, because, while they are highly popular but at some point, if it is the fourth
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or the fifth one, you know, people may go... if there is only one or two, more people are definitely going to come out. but if it is spread out. then you may be spreading out the numbers, who are coming. >> right. >> so, but i just wanted to give you a heads up that that discussion is happening. you know, i am willing to have our office to sponsor any legislation as we do with small business week regarding the fee waivers. although, in regards to food, there will be some... there is definite special considerations because technically, you cannot sell your food on a table in front of your business. no matter what. >> so the city does not have a permit for that. >> then, in regards to legislation just wanted to let you know now that the board of subpoena supervisors is back in
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session, supervisor ferrill will be meeting with the tax and treasurer's office and city attorney to work out what needs to be done with the small business payroll tax exclusion, in preparation for the gross receipts that is on the ballot and just how the gross... the language in the supervisor ferill's language what that means on the passage of the ballot measure. >> and then, supervisor wiener's secondhand dealer permit, and the other items, allowing dogs to be fastened to, you know, lamp posts and fire hydrants and repealing some of those out dated provisions in the police code. both of those items passed on the first reading last tuesday.
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with the commission's recommendation for the secondhand dealers setting some kind of criteria around those that might... that pay cash out right for certain items, but he did... he did make sure that the permits for those types, for businesses that will handle their secondhand items in that manner, that it is a reasonable permit fee and does not require some of the other owner things that regular businesses do not need to provide. and then supervisor david hughes disability access and legislation requiring the land lords to notify a current tenant at the time of lease renewal or a new perspective tenant about ada requirements. that has passed and pending signing by the mayor.
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and then leading into that, very quickly senate bill 1186 came up and passed out of the state legislature at the close of session at the end of august. this bill is sitting on the governor's desk. and was sent to the governor's desk on friday. waiting its signature. once it is signed, it is immediately enacted into law. i apologized, i said that i would have a detailed list. you have a fairly good summary in your director's report that i provide the out reach committee but there are still other details. but i need to get clarification on so i don't want to misreport it but i should have that in the next couple of days. but this is the significant improvement. there will still be... there still are some... it has not
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closed all of the loop holes or the gaps. but it is... it has made some significant strides. >> and then, a reminder that for october, since we won't have another commission meeting october one is when the check out bag ordinance is in place. i do want to report that as of today, as of today, i have not seen a consumer out reach campaign other than what they have provided for businesses to put on their registers. >> right. and i am seeing more and more of those all of a sudden, i noticed like over the weekend, i am noticing it like everybody has got them and they have got the stickers on the window when you come in as of october first. >> so, i think as the commission did express initially when it passed that the commission wanted an out reach campaign and while that is up as a businesses, but, the
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intent was not for the business to be doing the education and information. and i know many people... people that i know, if they don't... they are not aware at all about the new regulations. >> so i am a bit concerned about the fact that come october one, the kinds of conversations businesses, are going to be having with their customers and the amount of time that they are going to be spending having that conversation. >> so, we are drafting a letter to the department of environment. you know, because they did say that they would be working on a consumer out reach campaign and i have not seen bus car cards or anything of that sort. so, we will be asking, or we will be drafting a letter and asking them about that. >> and then just you have met christian murdock our new staff member and then our city hall fellow. and just a reminder of our amended schedules for the next,
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for september, october, and november, due to holidays, and so, just chris has provided you with the changes of those meeting dates and so please, and you have updated the meeting invite,; is that correct?? >> so your meeting invites and your schedules should be corrected. and that concludes my report, unless you have some questions. >> no questions. >> next item? >> item 15. >> commissioners, item 13. legislation and policy committee report. >> legislation and policy committee did meet this month, and we heard supervisor olague's legislation which we continued so that is it to report. >> commissioners item 14, out
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reach committee report. >> we met this month and some of the topics that we discussed were the idea of following through with teaming up with private groups, business groups, on joint ventures we brought up, for example, a number of years ago, did an economic study on the impact of change scores verses independently-owned businesses. so we are going to be actively looking for someone, perhaps, loma to team up with us to do an update. so that is going to be our first project to see if we can get something together on that. we have been kind of looking at possible ways to go about a long term vacancy legislation which would be to have long
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term vacancies be required to file some sort of information with the city, it is still pretty much up in the air and we will be continuing forward with bouncing around ideas for that. >> we discussed small business week and decided that we would like to bring some of the full commission the idea that the chair of the small business week would traditionally be the president and that person would have the chance to decide whether or not they wanted to that i can that position or not. and after that, if they decline then it will be open to the entire commission, to elect someone to be the chair of that small business week. >> that is our report. >> okay. >> thank you. >> permitting committee report. >> item 15. permitting committee?
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>> yes. we met also this month. and we had some discussion about updates on the antique shops, secondhand permitting process. we will be coming back and reviewing that further. and we will... as we go forward on it, we will report back to the commission. we have also in the as one of our goals is to examine the permitting process and particular trying to stream line it and make it more business-friendly and part of the goal there is we have decided is prioritizing the following permits for the year 2012-2013, towing, commercial parking, licensing, tour guide, pedaling permit. the committee will look at close-out sales and public out
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cry and permits put on a lower priority. we also reviewed some of the penalties imposed by the police permits and we think that in some of the cases the penalties might be a little bit over-kill. we are thinking of making recommendations to stream line the penalty and share that most of all permits have an infraction option. one of the things that came out of the discussion today is that it says, some permit penalties are at a misdemeanor level and we are trying to look into having non-criminal administrative fees or fines instead. we also disclosed as mentioned earlier by the director, the arch commission civil grand jury report. and as you may recall, we have delegated that back to the permitting committee. i did want to just give you a bullet item that i think that
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you will find interesting. it is a grand jury report which is very detailed, and they made recommendations. and they have... itemized or titled agencis that should respond to recommendations or responses that they have made. we have been asked to respond to two particular recommendations. and i just want to it is very abbreviated but i think that you will find it interesting. recommendations 17 was to move the street artist program to the office of small businesses. and we have been asked to respond to that. so that is one of the items that we are going to be discussing as we prepare a report and recommendation back to the full commission. the other one is, a point, a current or former street artist to whichever commission over sees it and asked to weigh in as well and comment on it which we will be doing.
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that is the arts commission grand jury report which we will, as i said get back to you on. >> we also discussed impact fees regarding in particular, school impact fees and how they may be effecting small businesses. we are going to have the focus work on that and see if there is anything that can be done there to make it a better for small businesses and minimizing the impact if there is negative impacts from those fees. and that concludes my report. >> great. next item? >> commissioners, 16 president's report. >> i don't have anything to report at this time other than there is a fund-raiser for the renaissance entrepreneural center. and it is october 2nd at the bently reserve at 5:30. i have been involved with renaissance now, oh, my god, going on over ten years. and it is an awesome organization and a lot of small
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businesses got their start to going to the renaissance programs. and if everybody can try to attend that, that would be great. because it would just be showing support to small businesses, especially ones that are just starting out. >> october 2? >> october 2. bently reserve. >> and if i can send an e-mail to all commissioners. do we have a copy of the invitation? >> i would appreciate getting that. >> i think that... if there is... >> if there is not one i would track one down. >> it will be on the website. >> yeah. >> you will send an e-mail. >> i will send an e-mail. >> that will be good. >> next item. >> commissioners, item 17 vice president's report. >> nothing to report. >> commissioners, 18, commissioner reports. >> do we have any commissioner reports?
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>> seeing done, next item. >> commissioners, item 19 is general public comment. >> do we have any members of the public that would like to make comment on any future considerations for this commission? >> seeing none, public comment is closed. item 20? >> commissioners, item 20 is new business. >> any new business? >> seeing none, next item. >> commissioners, item 21, is adjournment, is there a motion to adjourn? >> i will motion. >> second. >> all in favor. >> aye. >> aye. >> meeting concluded. >> thank you everyone, >> commissioners, the meeting is adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
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