tv [untitled] September 13, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
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advertising with one covers all of them. we are actually -- it was a very small additional amount to have the ad translated to all the different languages so we are doing that. >> i would just encourage you to do sing tao and world journal. their penetration in the chinese community is much larger. that is just one. >> okay. >> i wasn't sure if china press was included because it was a trade publication. >> are there any other questions or comments? >> thank you. >> no members of the public indicated they want to address you on the item. roll call. >> motion. >> so moved. >> second. >> we have a motion and second. >> director lloyd. >> aye. >> ruskin. >> aye. >> chair ortiz. >> aye. >> chair kim. >> aye. >> that is four ayes, item ten is approved.
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* >> item 11. approving the operating budget amendments for fiscal year 2012 in 739,134 and fiscal year 2013 in amount of 800,000 to update ac expenditures and operating revenues. >> there is a report on this item. >> directors, we fund the operations budget with a regional measure 2 operating grant so the budget amendments are fully funded by the operations grant. we do not keep any excess from the grant so it is not as if we weren't -- if we didn't spend it on operations it would not be available to us to spend on other aspects of the project. the additional budget for the ac transit support was developed when we were negotiating the use and lease agreement and before the full impacts of the
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official needs were known. once we received the invoice for the final year we were able to amend the budget for the last fiscal year, then use that to see what we were going to need to do to the operations budget for this coming fiscal year. ac transit is also, because we can't use any access of the operations grant for funding that operating reserve, which we agreed we would build up in the lease and use agreement, because we can't use any of the operations to fund that, ac transit is making an annual contribution to the reserve. that is incorporated into the operating budget amendments. >> are there any questions on this item? >> motion to approve. >> motion and second.
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members of the public? lloyd? >> aye. >> ruskin aye. ortiz aye. chair kim, aye. that's four ayes. item 11 is approved. >> can we call 12? >> a presentation on oscar park, proposed open space under the transbay bus ramps and caltrans freeway ramps but the successor agency to san francisco redevelopment agency. >> director mike russo with the successor agency is here to report on this item. >> thank you, director. my name is mike russo, with the successor redevelopment agency. i'm here to talk about the concept plans we have worked on for oscar park. what you see in front of you is a map of the project area, of course. one of the challenges we have had since the formation of this project area has been how to deal
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with the many freeway and bus ramps that crisscross the project area. as you probably know, these are not things conducive to creating a good pedestrian urban environment. they also can be magnets for crime and litter. now fortunately we have a plan to address these. the first part, you are obviously family with is the tgpa has eliminated a lot of the ramps that previously existed, specifically the east loop to the old transbay terminal that, is gone permanently. that frees a lot of land for development, including open space. there are other ramps not going anywhere, they will be with us forever. specifically, the west ramp to the new transbay transit center and the fremont full son street from interstate 80. * >> what we have been working on since 2003 is a way to turn that negative of these ramps into a
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positive to, create an active, vibrant set of open space improvements underneath those that will be an amenity for the neighborhood. not a place that attracts negative uses. this is a map just showing the -- >> sorry, mike. could you tell us who cmga is, the boundary line. >> cmg is the design firm we have hired to work on the plan. we hired a team to develop this. i should mention our principle designer, scott, ones able to be here. that is why i'm here. we have calder gillam, he can answer technical questions. i h be brief in the interest of time. we have a lot of information but not all * is in this presentation. this map shows the various ownership of the area that is oscar park. and oscar park is basically
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the area underneath as i mentioned the new tgpa bus ramp and the existing fremont full some street off ramp from interstate 80. howard fulsom west of first. most is covered * by ramps, as you can see. this maps shows there are a lot of layers of ownership. some of the property, bus ramp obviously is owned by the tgpa. some will be owned by the city. transfered from caltrans. some is a caltrans right of way. we are in conversations with all those entities, including caltrans, to work out the various use agreements and lease agreements and transfer agreements that will need to happen in order to make this park a reality. what we are talking about is the actually design concept we have come up with. what you see are two images, one with the ramps
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and one with ramps removed so you can see what the improvements look like. we have had two public workshops. cmg has done a great job of weaving in the public comments to the concept designs. what we have ended up with is a mix of active uses. we've got play areas. you can see there's a children's playground in there. we've got retail opportunities, including a beer garden similar to hay's green and flexible use and access to bike and pedestrian circulation through and along the edges of this park area. soly go through the various sections of the concept plans briefly again. at the end if i do have -- if there is some examples of these type of improvements done other
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places in california underneath freeway ramps as well as other places in the world. this is not a new idea to improve ramps. we have done it in mission bay and also done around california. we have lots of precedence of the types of programs successfully implemented under freeways. so this is a shot of sort of the main part of the park between fullsome and howard. it is under the tgpa ramps. extending to the right is where the freeway ramps go. there's a plaza up on howard street, including some space for seating. there's a bike path along the left hand section of the park, including an opportunity to put some bike retail and activity type areas. one of the things proposed
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and that the public was excited about was sort of bike repair stations. these are places where you have fixed equipment that's tied with chains, ropes and people can ride their bike in, use a little allen key other type and speed on. it is available to the public. we will talk more about that. as we get further south, howard at the top, the next is tahama. you get into a couple of different spaces. right along the north side of clementina is the biergarten. mr*us we put it there for visibility to draw people into the park. you see a blank white area, that is a private area built in conduction with residential called 41tahama. we are working with the develop tore make sure that is integrated with the park. we met with him and they
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are doing a great job to integrate that inour park. though it is private. i will be totally open and connected to the rest of the park. if you go to the right of the biergarten * we have a storm water retention with grass areas and features. we have closup images of all this. south of that on the edge of clementina street we have a children's area, seating areas, exercise route, kind of like a jogging course running along the length of clementina. north of fullsome we have a couple more passive, a grass area, that is the sunniest part. we can put real grass there as well as a more flexible area right just directly south of the biergarten that will have active uses, maybe a climbing wall, something like that, open space for events. you can show movies against walls of buildings, things like that.
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also ai -- adjacent to that space there are additional retail opportunities. we are working with the team to design that and see what could go there. potentially cafes but thinking more activity type uses like an art center, maybe an office for the community benefit district that is going to be in the neighborhood. things like that that will help be a sinner gis tick use. >> * >> where will that be? >> why don't we get to a closup and i will show you but basically north of folsom street. * we have incorporated a basketball court, sports courts on the right there is a hillside, which isn't usable for active recreational uses but at the very northern part of the right side of this
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diagram there is a flat space we are going to develop, we proposed as a dog park. as well as some children's activities. a slide to go along with that. >> is the dog park, is that part of the rincon hill isd? >> no, that is part of the redevelopment area. >> okay. >> will it be part of the community benefit district, which will include rincon hill, which will help pay the maintenance. >> i know the isd is paying for a dog park around lansing street. will they be coordinated? >> i don't think that is coordinated, the one on guy park. i think that is not determined yet what it will be. there is a dog park much further south on the other side of the bridge there is a dog park. >> okay. >> that is pretty far away from this dog park. >> bryant. >> this is at least a mile or so from that other dog park. one thing we have learned
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is there no limit to demand for dog facilities. there isn't a place to talk your dog. >> that has been completed on beale and bryant. there is another part of the rincon hill area. it would be great to coordinate. the there is no shortage of demand for dog parks. >> there is a small park proposed on guy street. we are familiar with that. i didn't know it would be a dog park. i knew it would be a park. i haven't seen concept plans. it is small and would eliminate the need for this. we have renderings to show you different sections of the park. this is the very northern part, so you are above howard street. as you can see, the ramps to -- bus ramps to transit center have been removed so you can see what is under it. most would be shaded. on the right you can see the bike path.
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just next to that you can see the bike repair area that we are proposing. to the left you can see a seating area, some grass. one of the exciting things that this whole redevelopment program creates is as these retail spaces get filled with new tenants there will be an opportunity for them to open up underneath. we are creating that on both sides that at some future date a new retail tenant could move into those buildings on either side of the park and could actually have outdoor seating or an entrance connecting to oscar park. moving further down, this is above the -- again, above the tgpa bus ramp looking to the east toward first street. basically above the biergarten *. this is the ramps and this
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is without. you can see the proposed biergarten. if you haven't been to the hayes street area it serves food and drinks and welcomes children. great. a use for this area is we are creating in transbay created in rincon hill. you can see the plaza developed on the left and there is a concept plan for that building that's already been designed. we are working with them on the plaza. if you look further up on the picture past the biergarten you can see the children's play area. this doesn't show the latest thinking for the clemtina. you can see that in the middle right. this is an existing street where we are proposing to do this oscar park. we are working on ways to
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create some speed tables there, some level area where cars would be raised up to sidewalk level to create kind of a seamless transition between the two parks. obviously when you do that you have to have a lot of treatment. those yellow domes and things like that to make it safe. we think it is porn to signal to cars to slow down. this is an area where there will be people. the biergarten to the left, children's playground not too far away. we have a more recent design with the speed table and traffic calming measures to calm down traffic on that. like i say it is existing. to the right you see -- i think we have a better image of this. that is the children's playground so we will get to that in a minute but to the right of the picture you can see the proposal for sort of a climbing structure. then to the right that is off the screen is the open flexible event space, which i will get to in a minute.
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this is the children's play structure. we are having a slide in there for this concept but really could be anything. there's a lot of slides in these. we are trying to use the topography and take advantage with a lot of slights and changes. there's a lot of elevation changes. folsom street is higher and goes down as you go north. here is just another image with 41 tahama on the left and a cross section down to clementina. another shot of the children's park and storm water treatment on the left. there will be paths crossing that. we are trying to have a mix of both storm water treatment facilities as well as active use areas with harder surfaces. past that there would be seating for parents. this is sort of looking
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from just outside of the biergarten. another shot of the rain garden. this is a shot looking from tahama across the plaza down toward the biergarten. here is another shot from looking south down toward essex with the ramps and without the ramps. here you can see again that climbing structure, the yellow structure there, as well as a flexible space just to the right of it, which could be rearranged for seating events, concerts, any kind of use you would want to do in daytime or early evening. probably not late evening because there are a lot of residential buildings. just past and behind the climbing structure you can see a better image of retail spaces i was talking about earlier. they are sort of built into
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the hillside. there is an elevation from fulsom to clementina. they have opportunity to be tucked away. they would still be visible from the biergarten but we think this could activate the spaces in the park. you could rent equipment, have a management office. you could put a cafe in there. one of the reasons i seem hesitant is we are trying to develop a really great retail neighborhood on fulsom, u which will have a lot of cafes. we were thinking of thesers uses. it is flexible. you can have art programs, things that would have a natural fit with this area. i'm thinking of the art studios, next to the children's playground. something like that would be better use than cafe, which we will have in other parts. here is a cross section. you can see the space on
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the left, the flexible space on the right. this gives you a good shot of the climbing wall. retail spaces. above that is one patch of grass i mentioned where we have the sunniest part of the park. that is an opportunity to make a passive, relaxing space. you will be able to look down and it would be a nice vantage point as well as a nice, sunny people for people to relax. another shot of that flexible space, you can see with ramps it creates an interesting room feel. one of the things that we have an opportunity to do in this park in general, we have a budget for art programs. we are working with the art commission to come up with better ideas of how to integrate art. the roofs of those ramps create an opportunity for lighting, for art. we have precedent images of park in san diego, chicano park which has murals for
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the freeways there: there are lots of different ways to use the ramps. we want to use them rather than sort of build around them. this is looking down on essex street so now we are sort of above the -- north of folsom, on essex, looking down. you can see the building is under construction now, the housing and redevelopment project. that is the supportive housing. the rene casanave apartments and to the right on the street is essex, which is one of the primary onramps to the bay bridge. we have an opportunity as you can see on the left side to do a lot of landscaping. there's a lot of land there. some of it is on hillside. on the right side you can see the basketball court shown there. that is a perfect size space for a sports court
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underneath that ramp. we would like at opportunities with seating. maybe some small, you know, temporary vending programs. you can do all kinds of things. >> mike, i was wondering if maybe the directors had any questions, otherwise we can move through to the end. >> sure, of course. no problem. >> i know you have examples of theser -- >> why don't we go through those. there's the graph, the dog park. these are some of the images i was talking about. on the top there are mission bay parks underneath the freeways. on the bottom there is a portland oregon skate park and proposed skate park south of market. on the right is a dog park. here are other examples from new york, portland, oregon. uses under ramps. there is a park which has a playground under the ramps. as i said, we -- i will
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close the saying that we are working closely with all the various agencies. especially with a focus on how we will maintain the park in the future. we have a couple different options we are working on, all which would work, including a community benefit district that we are on the steering committee for, that would include rincon hill and the area around transit center that would generate revenue. there is a melaruse communities district that would generate revenue. the park would be funded by tax increment from redevelopment agency but most is on tgpa property so we are working with the tgpa to coordinate that as well. that concludes the presentation. >> thank you. we have a question from director ortiz. >> i assumed this project was started while the redevelopment agency was still in existence, correct? yeah, the redevelopment project started when redevelopment agency was in existence. >> has the department of finance recognized this obligation?
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>> they have. we have an overarching obligation for infrastructure in project area. not just this park but there's a lot of thesering infrastructure improvements. folsom street improvements, realignment of on ramp at fremont and fulsom. those are all in the props. >> we have three area plans approved by department of finance. that includes the transbay redevelopment area plan. director ruskin. >> i know you have thought this out, renderings look nice. * light colors like nice especially that ramps are not there. recognized -- but given the ramps are not there i would assume and encourage that considerations of design principles along the lines of crime prevention through
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environmental design or something. lighting, sight lines, graffiti resistance. because those things will have a pretty different feel with ramps there, with the shading. i think the use of art on the undersides of structure also be helpful. depending on ownership it can take negotiation to get permits to fix art and lighting. we have been through other parts of that. i think the -- it will be important to make sure this really works and the a safe place to be. inviting place to be 24 hours a day. >> we are definitely doing that, but thank you. that is an excellent comment. in fact, we are working with a tgpa security consultant too. obviously it is a consideration with any park. one of the things we found is the best solution is creating active uses that will keep people in there. even if you have that you've still got to pay attention to sight lines, not put a big row of hedges
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where someone could hide and create a safety issue. it is definitely an issue we are taking a close look at. >> thank you. >> i'm a big fan of making public uses out of -- under freeway ramps. mission creek is a great example. the ramps are higher. you can get sunlight and there is a density of residential buildings that helps generate that active use. one of my questions was, you had mentioned some of these were currently owned by caltrans. i was curious where we are in procurement. a lease, ownership or land swap. i know we are trying to do that with the soma skate park under the octavia off ramp. that's been challenging as well. i'm curious where we are, what the process may be moving forward. i know director sartipi is not here. would be great to get his
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feedback. >> we are starting a process and wanted a concept plan before we proposed it to caltrans. they are aware of it. they are expecting and anticipating we would lease their right of way. they control it under the fremont. the rest is city or tgpa-owned. there would be a sliver sort of down the middle of the park we would have to lease from caltrans. >> do they currently generate revenue? >> not at the moment but they were before construction. they were having it for parking. that is where i'm sure they will start the negotiations. >> that will be the base of what we may expect from a monthly lease. how would we expect to pay for that? what are the sources of funding? >> cdb? >> know know tax revenue and melaruse db. >> is there a way to wrap that up with the soma skate park? >> i don't know why we can't talk about them at
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the same time. they are both similar situations. approximate >> thank you. are there any other questions on this item? thank you for your very detailed presentation. >> thank you, mike. >> okay. at this time you are scheduled to go into closed session pursuant to government code 54956.8. we have not received indication a member of the public wants to address you. we can clear the room. >> great. >> is there public comment on the closed okay the tgpa board of directors of september 13th, 2012 is back in open session. counsel will report. >> there is nothing to disclose a report from closed session. >> thank you. that does include your agenda for today. >> seeing no other items, meeting is adjourned.
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