tv [untitled] September 13, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm PDT
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include a high school classroom in the basketball arena. it deals with the agenda you have for closed session on the potential financial gains. by creating jobs and career guidance for our students in the future, there are a lot of ways that plenty ofc[c[jfinancial gan can be assessed besides just money in bank accounts. i hope you consider my proposal for a high school classroom. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. any other public comment? hearing none, a motion to move to executive session? >> so moved. >> second. >> ok, we will >> ok. commissioner katz, we are ready to reconvene. >> i move to reconvene in open session and not discuss
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anything disclosed in closed session. >> thank you. all in favor? ok. please said the bullish be advised that the ringing and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound-producing electronic pro -- devices are prohibited. the chair may order the removal from the meeting room any person responsible for the ringing up for use of a cell phone, pager, or similar sound-i electronic device. be advised that a member of the public has up to three minutes to make pertinent public comments on each agenda item unless the port commission adopts a shorter time span on any item. 7a, executive director's report. >> good afternoon, commissioners, members of the public, court staff, and city's deputy white for being here today. we have an exciting agenda. i first wanted to point out that we have a brand-new park commissioner. willie adams joins us as secretary from the iowu. unfortunately, he had a previous vacation schedules so he was not able to be here today, but he
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will be joining us going forward. we're pleased to have them. we will officially welcome him at our next meeting. i have several items to report. the very first is to comment on the grand opening this past friday of the mission rock resort an oyster bar, formerly known as caylee's mission rock. it has been closed for some time in that area of mission bay. this is a really exciting exchange -- a change for the waterfront. that restaurant has been closed for quite awhile. this past friday, the resort reopened. it looks beautiful from both land and water. i got to see it both ways. and it opens to a stunning success this week and, in part probably due to the giants' home game. the restaurant is a full-service restaurant upstairs with a popular oyster bar. downstairs is more of a quick service cafe. the oyster bar and restaurant will be open nightly, and the
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oyster bar will stay open until 11:00 p.m. thursdays through saturday evenings. the quick service area opens this coming monday for breakfast early dinner, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. there are actually 345 seats in the restaurant, 23 of which are at the oyster bar and 110th seats outside. their two decks for outside seating. it is quite amazing. there are windows looking onto the ship repair yard, the pier 66 area, and out to the vista of the bay. one of my favorite things about the restaurant is it is known to bite. and janet osborn, the renowned donors of momo's, pete's tavern, and the canteen across from the at&t ballpark. pete was able to go and scavenge seat covers and other
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items from memorial stadium as it was being taken down. outside the restaurant, there are the old seats from the stadium and some of the bars are made from other seating areas from the stadium. it is quite an interesting place. we look for too overwhelming success there and welcome them officially to the waterfront. because right now they're not quite on port property. that was really terrific. second, i wanted to mention that this coming wednesday, august 15, we will besosoô hosting an opening reception of an art exhibition that is commission. it is an exhibition that is designed to visually storytelling about pier 70, the history, communities, characters, and identity. city commission explore the different areas through photography and different artwork. she will be displaying her art
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august 15 through september 9 at the dog patch wine works. this is a neat way to kick off a committee discussion process on the thing that is being undertaken. 2455 third street in san francisco. 6:00 p.m. wednesday or through september 9. next week begins the first of the two world series regatta's that will be hosted in here in san francisco for the america's cup. we expect to see about 11 vessels racing, two from oracle racing, two, and the others. one from the emirate's new zealand. one from china, one from korea, and one for the energy team. the world series regatta is the first for the ac 2012-2013 season. it will be happening primarily near the golden gate bridge with
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the america's cup village being hosted at marina green. the village will have -- be free to the public. there will be a lot that is going on there. specifically, amenities will include numerous food and beverage points, including the champagne lunch, the napa valley wine land, a beer garden, a big screen tv. there will be opportunities to pretend you are a sailor by participating in a trampoline that simulates working on an ac5 catamaran or doing a rope pull activity that allows you to become a sailor. it is amazing how much upper body strength that takes. there will be in america's cup exhibition and an america's cup healthy option project hosted in part by the bay institute. it will be very exciting. official racing will begin wednesday of next week with the
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finals on sunday, april 26. and we hope to see different folks there up in marine and green and around the waterfront. we're looking forward to that. next, i wanted to mention that the long awaited demolition removal of pier half is scheduled for september 3. it has been red tag for several years now and has long been part of the special area plan to be removed and replaced for the downtown ferry terminal project. it is part of the master permit for the america's cup and the pier 27 cruise terminal. it calls for the removal of pier half within the current coming year. that is proceeding. 6 for a prop k grant from the san francisco county transportation authority, so the $1.3 million project is being paid for with grant funds.
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we're grateful for that. the new terminal is expected to be built by the transit authority's project which is currently being studied and hopefully will eventually serve commuters from richmond and berkeley via the bay. the downtown ferry terminal america's cup and the cmz+b$/m link electronics, inc. model number: pdr-885
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software version: 3.0c ++ will e undertaken from the water side, so there should be little impact to the pedestrian walkway or the viewing areas there, although the motorcycle parking area will need to be closed. the area will be protected on the waterside with a debris boom, so there should be no impact to fairies are other vessels that tried to traverse the bay during the project -- or other ferries. next is the announcement that i think everybody knows, the san francisco giants will host the semifinal and the final of the 2013 world baseball classic at at&t park on march of 2013. that will be a big kick off to a big year for us. the giants will be hosting this event. following that, we will celebrate the port's 150th anniversary. it will roll into the america's cup defense. bay bridge will be open. fleak week. on and on. starting in march, we will host the world is our classic at at&t park. the world baseball classic is the premier international base what -- baseball tournament, sponsored by the international baseball federation, and it features the best players in the world competing for their home countries and terror of tories. more than 1.5 million fans have attended the two tournament even today. the first was in march of 2006.
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this again was in to douse a nine. the first was hosted by petco park in 2006. the sec and was hosted by dodgers stadium in los angeles in 2009 -- the second one was hosted by dodger stadium. team japan is the reigning world baseball classic champion, having won both the 2006 and 2009 titles. we're hoping at&t park brings better luck to the u.s. team. i wanted to close with a little bit of sad news. as many of you know, earlier last week, kathy lakari -- bakari passed away. longtime member of the san francisco waterfront. leaving a legacy, not the least of which is strong storage chip on behalf of the fishermen's memorial chapel. also, their huge support of the port, having a magnificent fish
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processing center at pier 45. kathy is well-loved and respected, and she will be missed. if it is ok to the commission, led to adjourn in her name that is ok. that concludes my report. >> thank you. any public comment on the executive director's report? hearing none, we will move to the next item. >> 7b, request approval to clarify the policy related to contracting authority delegated to executive director chapter 6, section 6.60 and the san francisco administrative code with respect to emergency work, including the required approval to execute emergency contracts. >> good afternoon, commissioners. deputy director of finance and administration. the purpose of this request to approve the company resolution is to clarify that the port commission's policy for contacting authority delegation
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to the executive director is consistent with chapter 6 of the administrative code with respect to emergency work, including the required approvals to execute emergency contracts. the administrative code provides procedures for expedited contract and procedures for department heads. they are addressing declared emergencies. this action raises the competitive bidding process and raised other contacting requirements to allow for an immediate response to an emergency. the administrative code section provides that the port of supervisors declare an emergency and direct the department head to perform work in a manner that the board determines is in the best interest of the city. the approvals are as follows. of the estimated cost of the emergency work is less are equal can proceed without additional approvals. if the cost of the work exceeds that amount, the department head must first secure approval from the mayor in writing or a
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designee or the commission president. in all cases, when the cost of the emergency work exceeds $250,000, a department head has to seek board of supervisors' approval retroactively. if the port commission delegated authority policy, established under resolution 8099, but it does not address emergency work at all. so this resolution would clarify that the executive director may execute contracts for emergency work consistent with the administrative code chapter 6, and it would ratify the contract actions taken to date to address the pier 29 fire. as is our policy, we will report on any delegated authority in our contracting reports, which we are moving back to a quarterly basis. i am here to answer questions. thank you. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment? any comments from commissioners?
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all in favor? resolution north 1259 has been passed. thank you. >> thank you. -- resolution number 1259 has been passed. thank you. >> any comments from commissioners? resolution 1259 has been passed. thank you. >> request of the recession to execute an amendment for an engineering services contract for the pier 43 link project, increasing the contract for a total contract amount not to exceed $900,000. >> we have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> any public comment? >> second. opopvç>> all in favor?
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l northas been approved. >> request an exclusive negotiation agreement with gsw arena llc for the lease and development of piers 30-32 and the sale or lease and development of the lots back on the by the embarcadero. >> commissioners, planning and development director. i am representing the core team of staff. brad and patricia. also representing the office of economic and workforce development under the direction of jennifer.
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we'n to be able to partner with the golden state warriors on this project, and they are operating through the entity of gsw arena llc. they're being represented today by jesse from the strata investment group. i have a brief powerpoint presentation to take you through this project. we're asking for authorization to enter into exclusive negotiations with gsw for the purpose of developing piers 30, 32, and 330. in particular, gsw would be taking on the development of a
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multi-purpose facility that would be the home of the warriors, and their home games would be played there. but also conventions and other activities, as well as recreation and water-oriented facilities that would be developed as well. the exclusive negotiating agreement would be for a two- year time span, which would take it up to june 2014. and it would have the possibility of a one-year extension. so the slide you're seeing relates to the project milestones. you will see that along the top, it focuses on at the major milestones and the high level milestones. environmental impact report, certification, and the approval of the ldda. you also notice that there are, and as you know from your experience, there are a number of key tasks that will need to
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be accomplished during that time. fiscal feasibility, which will kick off the environmental impact report process. the term sheet will begin the negotiations of transaction documents, and in this two-year time span, there will be a lot of work that will need to be accomplished. due diligence on the part of the developer that will feed into the negotiations and agreements and the eventual approval consideration by you. of the lease disposition and development agreement and the lease itself. you also see there is a number of other related work. just to mention a few of them, you see the economic impact report, multi-modal transportation study, and good neighbor policies. just highlighting these, this
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project will have major economic impact on san francisco and the region. one of the first things that will need to be done is to study that and provide them permission to you as the tools you can use in making your decisions regarding this project. we also understand that a project like this, to make it successful, one of the things that is going to be most important is that we address the transportation impacts and the transportation concern's for this area. so that process will start with the multi-modal transportation study that will lead to, we believe, a successful transportation plan that will address community concerns and concerns of others about how this project would ultimately fit into the neighborhood. we believe we will be building on the success of the giants'
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ballpark and the kinds of transportation planning that they have done to manage moving around the area. lastly, on this slide, a good neighbor policy. we believe that with the development, we will have many, many positive benefits for this neighborhood, for the city, and acknowledge that they're going to be back to the neighborhood as part of this. again, building on the work that the giants did. we believe that we will develop policies that will address these kinds of attacks and minimize them for the community as this project moves forward. as it relates to the ena financial terms, the mainly focused in two areas. fees that are traditionallye+ílr negotiations as well as cost
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recovery that is customary in projects like this as well. so we are charging $25,000 per =, so $100,000 a year and $200,000 for the two-year negotiating period. the first year, the developer will be paying those fees up to $100,000. but for the second year, those fees will be deferred until the entitlement process is completed. this is a very aggressive ú÷ very optimistic that we can rise to this challenge, and we're encouraged by the process we went through at the america's cup to be able to completed on time and be done before the expiration of the exclusive negotiating period.
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nevertheless, there is an extension potential built into this exclusive negotiating agreement, and there is a $25,000 charge for that one-year extension. lastly, a cost recovery. you can see that there is approximately a 127 million- dollar cap for cost recovery. these costs are related to primarily the city's costs, both staff and third-party consultant costs. you can see from the slide how they divided it into two years. lastly, just wanted to touch on some key points as we begin this process and remind you, as you already know, and the public as well that the ena is not an approval of the project. it starts the process. we will be working closely with you all, with the community,
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with various stakeholders. we will be speaking about the outreach program on the next item. but the actual approvals will not come until the environmental impact report, the eir, has been completed and certified and then we come back to you with a lease disposition and development agreement for your consideration, as well as the lease itself, assuming that you did approve that. then that these would go to the board of supervisors. we really believe that there will be a robust outreach program that will give both you and community members many opportunities to participate in
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customarily part of the environmental impact report process. lastly, i just want to reiterate that we are requesting your authorization to be able to enter into exclusive negotiating agreement with gsw for the purpose of developing both piers 30, 32, and lot 330 for a multipurpose development that would include a home for the golden state warriors convention facilities and other activities. with that, i will end my presentation. i am is available to answer any questions. thank you. >> so moved. >> second. >> any public comment? i think we had one 9a.
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dennis? >> thank you, commissioners. my private practice is consulting and education. i provided the proposal for the warriors to include a career path away academy class from inside this arena. i am asking that this board and mayor lee, the board of supervisors, and the chamber of commerce, public and private individuals and leaders support this approval for a classroom that can be open year round and provide our kids with tremendous incentives for their high school and college careers. for the public, my proposal is on my website. i wish you very well. i hope you support this arena. thank you. >> thank you. any further public comment? we do have a resolution in front of us, 1261, which i already had
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a motion to pass. any other comment on the resolution? all in favor? >> 9b, establishing a citizens advisory committee for the proposed project on piers 30,32, and sea wall what 330. >> good afternoon, commissioners could a special projects manager representing the same team that was enumerated. i am here to introduce our special projects analyst who is going to be working with the oewd team. working on the community outreach program. specifically, we will be staffing the proposed cac should you approve the formation of that cac today.
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>> that afternoon, commissioners. special projects analyst. please excuse my nerves. it was mentioned that the item before you requests approval to establish a citizens advisory committee for the proposed project on piers 30, 32, and seawall lot 330. on july 31, the board of supervisors adopted a resolution urging the port commission to form a citizens advisory committee. supervisor kim carried that resolution and is interested to see what we do. excuse me, to see that we do a thorough job obtaining feedback from the local community, and so this item today requests that the former ceo with up to 16
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members and up to eight alternates. establishing a forum for community input which is exactly what is envisioned in the waterfront land use plan gender 5, which discusses implementation of the waterfront plan envisions the projects of this scope will go through a cac process to make sure that we're getting robust feedback from the community as we develop projects of this type. and that there is a good community consensus before staff comes back to the commission to seek your approval on a project. we have always found that projects improved as a result of this project, as you know. >> you mentioned 16 verbally, but the slide says 15. >> i apologize, it is 16. >> ok, so 16 is the operative word? >> correct. i apologize. it was supervisor kim's vision that we add the staff level
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